Friday Drivetime

BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris

For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.

First hour: News review: LibCon coalition’s police and army cuts mean tens of thousands of job losses, policy on Ketamine and other drugs, care home and day dentre cutbacks, phone hacking and Euro Quantitative Easing with Conservative councillor Chris Windows.
[audio: 201107221700]

Second hour: The suspicious death of News of the World reporter Sean Hoare who is a key witness against David Cameron’s former press secretary Andy Coulson and other suspicious deaths discussed by Westcountry doctor David Halpin. Guardian journalist who originally researched the phone hacking story Nick Davies talks about Rupert Murdoch and his newspaper staff as a Power Elite with the ability to commit crime with impunity. Former Labour and Respect MP George Galloway on Murdoch’s fall from grace. Interview about the state of Britain today with Parliament Square peace campaigner Brian Haw who died last month.
[audio: 201107221800]

3 Comments on “Friday Drivetime

  1. Hi Tony I love your show but it seems very empty without Maf’s Arfermix to follow on the Saturday.Do you know if he will be back?If so could you let the listeners know as both your shows seemed to compliment one another.You so effortlously cover what is important with your quirky and well informed chat where he followed the next day with music the likes of which I’ve never heard on another station.
    Many people are suffering from withdrawals any clues would be gratefully appreciated.
    Keep up the good work and help us in the search for More Arfermix

    Many regards

  2. Hi Tony and Martin. Great show your running, very refreshing to hear real news worthy information reaching the FM airways. As a long time disbeliever of the mainstream 9/11 fairy tale, I was interested to hear from Martin that Rupert Murdoch was a co-investor in the World Trade Center buildings with Larry Silverstein. As mentioned, Christopher Bollyn has done much investigation of the perpetrators of 9/11 and particularly the Zionist connection. Author Jeff Gates has also extensively described the crime syndicate running USA, UK and Israel. According to all these reports Murdoch is a leading operator in the gang of Zionist ‘Masters of War’ who play with our world.
    Hope you all can continue like a ‘Russia Today’ in the West Country – perhaps other areas of the UK will follow suit.

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