Friday Drivetime

BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris

For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.

First hour: news review with Conservative councillor for Westbury-on-Trym Alastair Watson. Introduction from the councillor. Prospect of elected mayor of Bristol and police commissioner. Are Conservatives in the cabinet thuggish Bullingdon Club toffs who steal from the poor to give to the rich? News stories discussed: terror gang that allegedly plotted to blow up Houses of Parliament and London stock exchange plead guilty under ‘plea bargain’, terrorism laws and plea bargaining; water prices going up, benefits of water nationalisation considered; at Institute of Directors (IoD) meeting bankers ‘desperate’ to lend to small businesses; speaker tells David Cameron to withdraw ‘hypocrisy’ comment and disclosure of who get bankers’ top pay awards at Prime Ministers Question Time; Marina Morris presents the latest research on causes of coronary heart disease and we ask why UK has high CHD as a cause of death; Gloucestershire police federation in unprecedented protest agains cuts and Chief Constable says force is on a “cliff edge”; resignation of Energy Secretary Chris Huhne & implicaions for the UK nuclear energy peogramme; student loan chief exposed by BBC Newsnight as avoiding paying income tax; Google & Twitter begin national jurisdiction-based censorship; Nazi funded car makers BMW sponsor killer cold weather front.
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Second hour: Discussion with Martin Summers about the Middle East: Israel’s new ‘Depth Corps’ commando unit tasked with bombing and assassination attacks, war crimes within Iran – Also Iran and Syria. Mike Birkin from SW Friends Of The Earth discussing ‘A Living Heart for Bristol’ group, and the ‘Marine Park for South West England’, where new marine energy technologies could be based, and also discusses nuclear energy. Will Stone from Avon & Bristol Law Centre discussing the Bristol Big Issue seller from Romania, the benefits cap, and the geology graduate who had to do work experience at Pound Land. Interview with Ruth Brunt, outgoing Chief Executive of the North Bristol NHS Trust, including discussions on Foundation Trusts, PFIs, NHS reforms in the Health and Social Care bill, and what she would do to improve the NHS. Martin and Tony discuss PFI s and the NHS, The Beveridge report, economics, cuts, and who’s making all the money.
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Friday Drivetime – 27th Jan 2012

News review with Cllr Glenise Morgan (LibDem) & Political Economist Polly Winch, followed by focus on Iran with Iranian born Bristolian Mehrnaz Shahabi

First hour: Discussing the economy & possibility of simply refusing to pay bank debts; Bishops object to £26,000 Benefit Cap in the Lords; Cameron’s trip to World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland; discussion about rights and wrongs of having a Bristol mayor elected on 3rd May 2012 – text of the referendum question; Avon & Somerset briefing the press off-the-record that retired schoolteacher Christopher Jefferies was responsible for Joanne Yeates’ murder … with political economist Polly Winch and Henleaze councillor Glenise Morgan (LibDem)
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Second hour: Iceland’s success in taking back control of their economy and throwing off the political controls of the international banking cartel. “In this battle, I will tell you who my real enemy is: it doesn’t have a name, a face, or a party, it will never be a candidate, it will therefore never be elected. This enemy is the finance world. Under your eyes, in 20 years, the finance took control of the economy, society and even our lives.” French presidential candidate Francois Hollande paints picture of bankers as sinister unelected rulers. Iranian special with Bristolian Mehrnaz Shahabi: Iran hits back at EU with own oil embargo threat. Iran as a model for women’s rights in parliament and higher education. Breaking International Law White House allocates $400m to pay mercenaries and PMCs to start covert war inside Iran. Impossibility of the use of a nuclear weapon even if Iran were to aquire one. Manipulation of the International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA) to replace Mohamed ElBaradei and put US/Israeli stooge Yukiya Amano in place to condemn Iran. Occupy Bristol tats down and moves into ‘Phase 2′, with Occupy spokesman Tony Cripps and Bristol City Centre’s Arc Bar proprietor Eddie James. What, if anything, has Occupy Bristol achieved? Transport hub & stadium at Temple Meads? Alternatives to Business West/Merchant Venturer Grand Master & Chairman of UHB NHS Trust John Savage’s (and his tax exile friends’) vision for the city.
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Audio files for this show: CLICK HERE VOXPOP, Maryna Morris asks Bristolians if we agree with the benefit cap that, according to The Children’s Society, means 80,000 children could be made homeless for savings of £51m – of David Cameron lectures rich and powerful on solutions to the Euro crisis at Davos World Economic Forum 2012 in Switzerland – Labour leader Ed Milliband questions David Cameron at Prime Ministers’ question time – Foreign Secretary William Hague announces sanctions against Iran set to commence on 1st July 2012 – Labour Peer Lord Gilbert on supposed Iranian nuclear ambitions – Unelected EU Negotiator & High Representative for Foreign Affairs Baroness Ashton is leading sanctions negotiation with Iran – Cross Bench Peer Lady Afshar who was born in Iran – Spiritual implications of all this warmongering madness with Bishop Sean Manchester and WWII Deception Planner Dennis Wheatley. CLICK HERE

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