Politics Show with Tony Gosling

Fri04Oct13 – BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris

For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page


First hour: News review with Mark Wright, Lib Dem councillor for Cabot. Cameron’s speech, Osborne’s speech and critique of their ability to control borrowing; the shutdown of large parts of the US government; UK defence cuts and two former Royal Fusiliers interrupt defence Secretary Philip Hammond’s speech at the Tory party conference; Daily Mail attacks Labour leader Ed Miliband’s father for ‘hating Britain’ and calling him ‘evil’;  50-60,000 people attend last Sunday’s NHS march and rally in Manchester, not covered by BBC so we hear a clip of UNITE General Secretary Len McClusky’s speech; Glenn Greenwald explains why the Edward Snowden revelations are no threat to national security – Mark Wright believes people should be more angry about GCHQ and NSA revelations and the intrusion into our privacy they represent; Newcastle Labour councillor David Stockdale in charge of closing the city’s libraries is investigated for failing to declare his Freemason membership; Legal Aid cuts hit Michael Mansfield’s practice “now only the rich have access to justice”. Michael Mansfield: ‘Nowadays there’s one rule for the rich, and another for the poor’ He has represented everyone from the Lawrence family to the Hillsborough victims. But cuts to legal aid mean he can now only exist as a ‘virtual lawyer’.
[audio: 201310041700]

Second hour: Avon & Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Sue Mountstevens @AandSPCC, how is she spending her £280m annual budget? New £16m Black Rock firing range burned down, police investigate a claim on Bristol Indymedia it was done by anarchists but was it agents provocateurs? Decriminalisation of drugs. 63 year old blind man Colin Farmer who was Tasered then hospitalised for several months. Eighth person, Jordan Begley from Manchester, to be killed by a police Taser in July 2013. The horrors of the 50,000 volt taser. The privatisation of the police, and Marina Morris’s voxpop on policing and privatisation. Joanne Baker from Child Victims of War on Afghanistan, former Afghan MP who’s been sold out by NATO Malali Joya and how women are affected by increasing violence and oppression in the last 12 years of war. Martin Summers discusses Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s view of Iranian presidents old and new: ”a wolf in wolf’s clothing followed by a wolf in sheep’s clothing’; Gambia has decided to leave the Commonwealth in protest because Britain is still a colonial nation.
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Link to previous Friday Drivetime shows http://www.bcfmradio.com/category/shows/drivetime/friday-drivetime

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