Politics Show with Tony Gosling
BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling
At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.
First hour: news review with Labour Councillor for Lawrence Hill Hibaq Jama; death this week of Nelson Mandela, apartheid in Isreal/Palestine and Sri Lanka. As a Somalian Muslim she describes her family’s work in Somalis, how she got interested in politics and the present problems in Somalia being part of a Western militarised zone around Iran. Nelson Mandela, who died this week, communism, apartheid still growing in Sri Lanka and Israel/Palestine, social apartheid throughout the world and in the West under ‘austerity’, a clip of Mandela’s first interview on ITV in 1961 with Brian Widlake. What was the real role of now Prime Minister David Cameron’s 1989 sanctions busting trip to apartheid South Africa? The secret criminal sale of South African nuclear weapons before black majority rule and the ANC came to power – nuclear arms dealing conspiracy involving Prime Minister David Cameron, Leading Tory fund-raiser Sir Kenneth Warren from Kilmersdown in Somerset, former MI6 officer Stephan Kock, MoD weapons inspector Dr David Kelly, arms dealer and former Rhodesian special forces soldier John Bredenkamp, subsidiary of Astra Fireworks, Astra Holdings and former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Detailed in the four part article by Peter Eyre US and the UK lost 3 nuclear weapons each! Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4. Winter and the energy bill crisis; public sold £2bn short over Royal Mail by LibDem Vince Cable and Goldman Sachs; Conservative Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne’s Autumn statement: student loan book sold off, KPMG, with their dubious track record, trusted again by this government. Is Osborne out of touch with family economics in the real world? Ed Ball’s response; Marina Morris’s voxpop on the Pope calling capitalism the new tyranny. [audio: 201312061700] download [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Q1EN5_9nIk&w=420&h=315] Second hour: investigative reports, Will Stone, from The Avon and Bristol Law Centre, discusses The Court of Appeal agreeing Work Capability Assessments discriminate against the mentally ill. Similar unfairness for the most vulnerable in society from Home Choice Bristol, the City Council’s housing bid and allocation service. Contracted out University workers and UK Student Unions being closed down, Students’ #CopsOffCampus campaign as police arrive to break up student demonstrations and occupations. Your rights as an employee. Europe’s biggest country Ukraine torn since the 2004 ‘Orange Revolution’ between East (Viktor Yanukovych) and West (Yulia Tymoshenko) Marina Morris, who is Ukrainian, reads a small piece about the problems in Ukraine – being pulled between Europe and Russia, and the power politics behind this; sad death of Winston Churchill & Desmond Morton’s private secret agent John Ainsworth Davis and his book, ‘Op JB’ about rescuing Hitler’s treasurer Martin Bormann at the end of the war, 1960s and 1970s UK television host Alan Whicker mentions Hitler’s Nazi treasurer Martin Bormann in Paraguay surviving after World War Two in a 1970 edition of Whicker’s World; Lord Carrington and Moffatt T. Burriss discuss Operation Market Garden, Lord Carrington’s refusal to advance from Nijmegen to Arnhem on the evening of Wednesday 20th September 1944, effectively ‘throwing’ Operation Market Garden, sacrificing the 1st Airborne battalion at Arnhem bridge and allowing the Germans time to arrange to get their looted valuables out of the country for Martin Bormann’s economic ‘Fourth Reich’. Former US Naval Intelligence talk show host William Cooper discusses a secret masonic ‘priesthood’, the Illuminati, operating behind the scenes manipulating world affairs for thousands of years. [audio: 201312061800] download
Charities, nonprofits, public/private partnerships are more self serving than ever. Most have become industries where your donations go first and foremost to those involved in “nonprofit entrepreneurial” endeavors which are ostensibly set up to help those with the those with the least, the elderly, the disabled, et al. “charity” serves itself by exploiting the most vulnerable. In addition the trickle down of “charity” is never evenly spread throughout a city, county or a nation Noblesse Oblige(from those who have much, much is expected…)works best through a government which serves the majority as opposed to the wealthy and undeservedly powerful minority. Wealth disparity can only be put back into balance via government progressive taxation, laws, public programs for: housing, food, medical system, transit, nationalizing essential utilities and infrastructure, etc.