‘Big Four’ accountancy firms and the total failure of UK banking regulation

Friday 14th March 2014

BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world 
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

First hour: News review with Afzal Shah, Labour councillor for Easton. Police not investigating theft of gold jewellery within the Bristol Asian community; what is socialism; Bob Crow speech last year at the Jim Connell festival in Ireland, by General Secretary of Rail Maritime and Transport Union (RMT) Bob Crow who died on Monday aged 52 – Tory privatisation and big business in control of the EU; The Media and the Political Process 2006 speech in Bristol by Tony Benn who died today aged 88; PMQs: Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and Deputy Leader of the Labour Party Harriet Harman this week, Harriet asks question about privatisation of the NHS – NHS better under Labour; PMQs – the mess the three main parties have made over a public referendum on the EU, none of them are democrats; PMQs – Labour councillor voted in, in Clifton North, Nottingham – Liberals thrashed by the Elvis Bus Pass Party candidate; bombshell from the Bank of England – they shredded documents from time of financial crash around 2008.

Second hour: Interview with financial journalist Nicholas Dunbar, author of 2011 book ‘The Devil’s Derivatives’, about the banking industry. Derivatives explained, and how money is made out of them – ‘the tail that wags the dog’; the four big accountancy firms and total failures of regulation of the banking system; the City of London and politics; despite causing the 2008 crisis the derivatives market has GROWN since 2008; financial crash; QE causing nervousness; and how to fix the system it. Marina Morris has just returned from her native Kharkov in Ukraine, gives a moving pro-EU view of what is happening to her city and her country. The crisis in Ukraine and the referendum in Crimea on Sunday – US secretary of state John Kerry – are Blackwater mercenaries in Eastern Ukraine? Were some snipers in Kiev right wing extremists backed by NATO? Interview with barrister Michael Shrimpton, who is going on trial next week for telling police about a nuclear bomb hoax at the London Olympics. David Powell, from South West Friends of the Earth looks at Somerset flooding, dredging, climate change – most of the highest rainfalls ever recorded have been since year 2000. Ideas about the missing Boeing 777 Malaysian Airlines MH370 that left Kuala Lumpur for Beijing. Rolls Royce explain that aircraft continued for 2,200 miles after it lost contact. Researcher hacks aircraft controls with Android smartphone in 2013.

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