Syrian jet shot down and US bombing Syria. Are we at war, bypassing the UN Security Council?
Friday 26th Sep 2014
BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
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First hour: News review with Bristol’s first UKIP Councillor Michael Frost from Henbury ward. Ed Miliband and The Labour Party; MPs expenses and salaries; racism and UKIP; immigration; Despite austerity George Osborne’s deficit is RISING, public borrowing rises to £11.6bn – low income jobs; Bristol Arena – spending £83m on Arena but cutting £90m of Bristol budget; Bristol transport; Parliament recalled to vote on joining military strikes against ISIS – clip of Tory MP Sir Edward Leigh saying ‘Is this Iraq War 2?’ – democracy and the Middle East; Alice Gross missing: Latvian police can’t arrest suspect Arnis Zalkains – European Arrest Warrant.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Parliament recalled for today’s Middle East war vote. After Israelis shoot down a Syrian jet and the Pentagon sen US planes to bomb Syria is the ‘coalition of the killing’ already at war with Syria. ISIS: operating in Golan Heights; trained in Jordan; funded by Saudi Arabia; western intelligence services; Islamic Pipe Line – gas; UN and the Security Council; clip of Bashar Al Jaaferi, Syrian Ambassador to UN; ideology of ISIS; clip of Cameron at UNSC about defeating extreme Muslim ideology – mentions dangers of conspiracy theories; clip of Rita Katze about the uploading of terrorists videos on-line – S.I.T.E. on CNN. Regional Secretary Kevin Beazer joins us from the Communication Workers Union (CWU) to discuss latest concerns that, after being looted by Business Secretary Vince Cable for the Tory party Royal Mail may not survive privatisation. One billion pounds of public money wasted while Goldman Sachs and other City of London friends of Bilderberg and the Tory party make millions at the public expense. Kevin Beezer from CWU discusses the problems facing Royal Mail since it’s privatisation – the profitable areas are being sold off to the likes of TNT Post destroying Royal Mail – Business Select Comittee. Louise Somerville-Williams from Frack Free Somerset discusses recent escalations in the fracking fiasco: licence blocks; tax breaks to fracking firms; the economics of fracking; QE in US funding fracking bubble; Louise Somerville-Williams from Frack Free Somerset introduces the 2014 ‘Autumn of Awareness’ in an attempt to burst the Fracking ‘Ponzi Scheme’ bubble. Local groups: Frack Free Somerset, Frack Free Chew Valley, GasfieldFreeMendip, Frack Free Bristol (Facebook page only)
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I don’t know if 911 was an inside job. But it was surely blowback from western meddling and de facto imperialism in the middle east. The US was never bombed by a foreign terrorist group prior to after the first gulf war which Clinton and the filthy House of Saud and other non democratic kingdoms in the Persian gulf area allowed US military bases a stone’s throw from mecca and elsewhere. 911 was an effect, western and especially US imperialism was the cause. David Cameron and President would make good nazi ss officers. They are pathological liars(compartmentalization). Iran could do a much better and quicker and less violent job of defeating ISIS. What it all comes down to is western control of middle east oil. what else is not news. It goes back to the over throw of Iran democracy in 1953 led by the Secular democratically elected prime minister Mohammad Mossadegh and even further back in time. The 1953 Iran regime change was conducted by cia and mi6 for the benefit of British Petroleum.
ok perhaps Iran would not be less violent in fighting Isis. But I think Iran today would not be massively bombing. In the US here we get news like 100 isis terrorists killed by US bombing. And more often than not half of those terrorists are children. I think Iran would be truly doing targeted fighting better than our so called western “smart bombs”. And of course they would have the Syrian government military ally with themn
What Rita Katz said on CNN, that KITE obtained and released the Sotloff video before ISIS, calls for a very serious investigation. The obvious question is HOW could KITE publicize the video before ISIS posted it? Nobody has the ability to obtain a video from an individual or organization who operates a YouTube channel BEFORE that individual or organization posted it on YouTube; in other words, Rita Katz, by stating KITE posted ISIS’ Sotloff video first, told CNN her company KITE pulled off an IMPOSSIBLE feat.