Theresa May forgets her Tory MP child sex abuse enquiries in conference speech. We remind her.

Friday 3rd October 2014

BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

Listen live


First hour: News review with MP for Bristol East Kerry McCarthy. Tories plans for a benefit freeze – tax cuts to rich, house building, living wage, QE; clips of Cameron’s speech at Tory Conference – new house building policy and Tory Party being a Trade Union (including Cameron slip-up saying ‘resent’ instead of ‘represent’ poor people) Kerry’s political surgery – people in tears, disability benefit; education; IMF oppose EU policy on capping bankers bonuses; Theresa May and the ‘Snoopers Charter’ – will affect left-wing demonstrators? Operation Cyclone, 15 yr old girl ‘gone to Syria’ from Bristol, ‘Prevent Programme’; German national journalist Udo Ulfkotte, author of best-seller ‘Bought Journalism’, about the CIA having a ‘deniable’ paid spy in every German newsroom to plant and spin stories – co-ordinated geo-political strategy, British Special Forces training extremists in Syria, lack of money for investigative journalism, Seymore Hersh; 100s of GPs surgeries will be forced to close;  remote hacking of modern cars – Michael Hastings, Global Hawk Technology; co-op schools.


Second hour: Investigative reports: Tens of thousands join week long peaceful democracy protests in Hong Kong. Interview with Sam Wild who made film ‘Out of the Shadows’ about Hong Kong in 2010. He discusses the ongoing democracy protests in Hong Kong and explains how the political system works at present in Hong Kong – how representatives of businesses have nearly half the seats in parliament. – functional constituencies, the role of Britain, Lord Patten.  Interview with David Powell from South West FoE – he discusses planned Hinkley III nuclear Power Station, fracking, and TTIP (unifying EU and US rules for big business). Bristol Friends of the Earth meeting on TTIP and financial reform WILLS MEMORIAL BUILDING Saturday 8th November TICKETS
All three heads of Theresa May’s ‘enquiries’ into Tory party, Whitehall and Westminster child sexual abuse Lady Butler-Sloss, Peter Wanless & Fiona Woolf are linked to the suspects.
Two on-air warnings: those of a sensitive disposition and those with children should consider switching off the radio.

Home Secretary Theresa May’s big Conservative party conference speech this week attacking civil liberties and arguing for more surveillance powers…  but no mention of her abortive child abuse enquiries which were triggered by Sir Norman Tebbit’s admission that child sexual abuse by Tory MPs ‘may well have been’ covered up. Home Secretary Theresa May’s three ‘still born’ Westminster & Whitehall child sexual abuse enquiries. But will the failure to deal with these alleged crimes mean proven US generational cult, ritual child abuse practices could be growing in to the UK? David Shurter describes the horrors of multigenerational satanic ritual abuse in San Francisco and Omaha in the US.

David Shurter – Satanic Ritual Abuse and MK Ultra Survivor

FranklinScandal       FranklinCoverUp

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