Twenty politicians opposed to the Bush family who died in suspicious plane crashes
Friday 27th Febuary 2015
BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
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First hour: News review: with Labour councillor for Southmead Jenny Smith The rip-off that is Southmead PFI. Southmead Hospital – parking, bed shortage, £33m in debt after PFI, banks; Joel Benjamin from ‘People vs PFI’ explains PFIs are by far the most expensive way to pay for hospitals and other public institutions – profits at taxpayers expense, public money to insolvent banks again; PMQs – DETAILS OF NORTH BRISTOL NHS TRUST SOUTHMEAD HOSPITAL PFI: – – NBT are £33 million in debt and they failed to account in their financial planning for additional fees for cleaning surgical equipment, storing medical notes and for the Frenchay to Southmead park and ride. They have been referred to the Sec of State who may decide to ask the Trust Development Agency to open up a tender process, but Andrea Young has moved quickly to send the Dept of Health a financial report saying that they have a 2 to 3 year financial turnround policy. ON the PFI: The total debt is £627 million over 30 years. made up of £430 million construction costs and around £170 million in facilities management. The European Investment Bank put up £250 million at the initial stage, but then Lloyds Bank (in partnership with Carillion as the builder but at no cost to them) put up £627 million of senior debt, equity etc which they then had to take out insurance for. Lloyds acted as the main financial partner but thought that the risks associated were very high, so immediately decided to stay as the lead financier but to package a financial package to other financial groups. So the Lloyds part reduced as RBS put up £75 million, NAB (national australia bank) £51 million, Credit Agricole (french) £51 million and Soc Gen £50 million. leaving Lloyds with £150 million. – – Manchester – move health budgets to local control; PMQs Ed Miliband – should MPs have two jobs – unions; PMQs Tony Baldry – long term economic plan – jobs, deficit and debt, cuts; stock market shares soaring – QE, capitalism; Anna Minton who wrote ‘Ground Central: fear and happiness in the 21st century’ – cities public places being privatised, private security; Jenny Allen from ‘Homes for Britain‘ – bus going round country, housing problems, immigration, British boom/bust versus Germany, social housing; rough sleepers up 55% under coalition government – pension funds into housing; Telegraph owes HSBC £250m – won’t publish bad stories about them; local press – Bristol Post, 24/7 takeover: new publisher Mike Bennett contacts founder and editor after an article critical of mayor George Ferguson by text advising him not to bee so critical of the mayor because Bristol 24/7 publishers want to keep him sweet; suicides in prison related to staff cuts – expert told he is not allowed to say this.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Syria, ISIS: MIT, British planes dropping arms to ISIS; PMQs Rushnara Ali – three girls to Syria; Libya; Goutha chemical weapons attack – Carla del Ponti UN, Roland du Mar; Jihadi John – Mohammed Emwazi; compare him to Haroon Aswat, mastermind of the 7/7 London bombings; Charlie Hebdo attack; likely staged ISIS beheading videos which don’t actually show beadings; US & NATO Saudi pay masters to ISIS; nature of modern psychological operations which use the mainstream media to brainwash the people. Ukraine: three Spaniards arrested arrested after fighting with the Donetsk rebels; announcement the British army will be training Kiev’s far right ‘National Guard’; Jim Davis, Kiev based US journalist on BBC5Live – “Putin wants a ‘Berlin Wall’ in Brussels”ridiculous fear-mongering and exaggeration of Putin’s aims. Arms cache of 80 weapons found in river near Grey Lake, Bridgewater, Somerset: IRA, or GLADIO cache? 140 GLADIO caches around Europe for fake terror attacks; 1985 Brabant massacre; perception management; Daniele Ganser explains what GLADIO is. Fran Scott form ‘Reinvestigate 9/11’ discusses the 28 pages redacted from the US Senate Report on 9/11 attacks – points to Saudi involvement, but are they a scapegoat? CIA, FBI involvement too -Whistleblower Lt Col. Anthony Shaffer from ABLE DANGER, looking into Al Quida, says all files shredded; ‘Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth’ – Richard Gage. Clip of talk at Christian Greenbelt festival by Rev. Stephen Sizer, vicar who linked to article about Mossad involvement in 9/11, who is now banned by Anglican church from talking about the Middle East: about Christian Zionists; false parallels being repeatedly drawn by the mainstream media, being clear about the differences between Judaism, Israel, and Zionism – repudiates Zionism and anti-Semitism. Surrey vicar and expert author Reverend Stephen Sizer, banned by the Anglican church, talks about the malign influence of Christian Zionism. Jeb Bush to run in US elections – Kenyon Gibson, US Naval Intelligence veteran, discusses how people who have stood in the way of the Bush family dynasty have mysteriously died in plane crashes: Larry King, Franklin scandal, Enron, John F. Kennedy Junior, Corea organisation, 9/11, CIA, Graham Green, Hugo Chavez refused to fly. US Naval Intelligence veteran Kenyon Gibson on the multiple plane crashes of those that opposed the Bush family over the years: May 29th 1988 – Salem Bin Laden; Oct. 16, 1972 – US politicians Nick Begich & Hale Boggs; April 3rd 1996 – Commerce Secretary, Ron Brown; July 11, 1990 – state investigator, Gary Caradori; Oct. 16, 2000 – democrat nominee Mel Carnahan; Dec 8 1972, politician George W. Collins & Dorothy Hunt; Dec 4 1980 – Portuguese defence minister Amaro Da Costa (Iran Contra); Apr 10th 1989 – whistleblower Jake Horten; Apr 4th 1991 – John Heinz (Iran contra); July 16, 1999, John F. Kennedy, Jr.; his wife, Carolyn Kennedy; Aug. 7, 1989 – Democrat Micky Leland; 3 Aug 1976 – Democrat senator Gerry Litton; 4 Dec 1998 Charles McKee & other US state investigators – Lockerbie; 12 Nov 2001 – Stan Molin AA587 – at ATC on 9/11, doubts about official story – planes had no transponder codes; 24 Mar 2002 – microbiologist Stephen Mostow – anthrax expert; 5th August 1989 – Republican Larkin Smith; 5th April 1991 – John Tower (Iran contra); 31 July 1981 – General Omar Torrijos – Panama; 25 Oct 2002 – Paul Wellstone days before elections.
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To Jim Davis: Ok mr. Davis since you are so fearful of, and want war with the Russia, put down your Solzhenitsyn, or stop watching corporate news, or stop listening to Sean Hannity, get out of your “101st chairborne” privileged easy chair, and Go to Russia and you lead the charge like Pericles or Gustavus Adolphus, against that “evil doer” Putin and his nefarious commies.