Extremist Ideology… and… Where our future is really decided: Bohemian Grove 2015 in California with Prof. Peter Phillips

Friday 24th July 2015

Sorry, no 17 July show, due to BCfm harbour festival

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

Listen live http://www.bcfmradio.com/player

First apology – there have been problems with the BCfm website ‘listen again’ facility since before Christmas 2014. Any probs mp3s should be on alternative links below by about 9 pm on tx date
Second apology – Radio 4 all site down Fri so please follow alternative links below


First hour: News review: with shortlisted candidate for Labour mayor of Bristol Marvin Rees: Marvin is standing as a Mayoral candidate for Labour – he discusses the policies he would like to pursue as Mayor including tackling child poverty and more affordable housing; powerful groups outside of political system in Bristol including Merchant Venturers; UK government’s Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission 2014 ‘Elitist Britain’ reportdownload PDF – diversity of thought important, equality and diversity, German workers on boards of companies; voter registration – churches and ‘Operation Black Vote’ campaign; inclusive economic development – ‘The Spirit Level’ book; clip from Cameron’s fighting Islamic extremism speech – conspiracies and extremism – GLADIO and NATO, Ferdinando Imposimato, Northern Ireland, Mossad and white van at scene of 9/11, western intelligence agencies training ISIS; ‘Prevent’ programme or ‘Building the Bridge’ – community cohesion, economic inclusion; 380 deaths in custody in past 10 years – Theresa May orders probe into this – a high number of people from ethnic minorities, mental health, cuts to legal aid and benefits, police never get sent to prison; ‘Tory anti-strike laws are like Nazi Germany’, says Mike Whelan from ASLEF Union – Nazis banned Unions in 1933, trade unions good for economy; Labour votes for Tory welfare bill; government to sell off public land and other assets – property bubble bound to burst.
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Second hour: Bohemian Grove 2015 and Drugs as weapons against us. Interview with Sociology Professor Peter Phillips from Sonoma County University, California, USA – founder of Project Censored & author of dissertation: A Relative Advantage: Sociology of the San Francisco Bohemian Club (1994) – he discusses Bohemian Grove where rich and influential men, including politicians, meet once a year to have fun and network – Historical Development of Men’s Clubs In the United States and The San Francisco Bohemian Club (pdf) – The Cremation of Care Ceremony – where they dress in white robes and worship a huge concrete owl; list of politicians who secretly attend should be public information; policy conversations; earth-shattering initiatives such as The Manhattan Project which developed the first atomic weapons spawned at Bohemian Grove; Peter Phillips’ 2015 article: Global One Percent Celebrate at the Bohemian Grove. Oligarchy; media and stories that aren’t coming out; health and equality; global warming. More clips from Cameron’s fighting Islamic extremism speech: western intelligence agencies recruiting terrorists to fight in Syria; cut off funds from Saudi Arabia to stop ISIS; CIA’s Abdelhakim Belhadj now working for ISIS; bomb attack on Kurdish PKK independence rally in Turkey; Turkish planes bombing ISIS in Syria today for the first time; Operation Cyclone; IRA. This week’s Australian Channel 9’s ’60 Minutes’ documentary ‘Spies, Lords and Predators’ about British elite child abuse scandal – clip of abuse survivor from film, MI6 chief involved, murder of 15 year old Martin Allen, no proper investigation and no prosecutions. Conservative MP for Totnes Zac Goldsmith. VIPaedophile murder? 15-year-old son, Martin Allen, of the chauffer for the Australian High Commissioner vanished in London in 1979 and was last seen boarding a Tube train at Kings Cross station. Interview with John Potash, author of ‘Drugs as Weapons Against Us’, discusses MK Ultra and Co Intel Pro, intelligence projects designed to destabilise and minimise the influence of famous 60s musicians, including Jimmy Hendrix, whose co-manager, Mike Jeffery, worked for MI6, and John Lennon. Clip of US documentary film-maker Allan Frankovich discussing what the CIA is. Clip of Victor Marchetti and Philip Agee, former senior CIA officers, discussing the role of the CIA and how the US intelligence agency covers its bloody tracks – assassinations, covert ops, regime change and black ops ordered by White House with CIA deniability for cover, ‘CIA is like a rotary club version of the Gestapo’. Gangsters in powerful positions across the Western world.
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