ISIS as Israel/NATO terrorists. Lebanon destabilised, the rehabilitation of Iran
Friday 4th September 2015
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
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First hour: News review: with Labour MP for Bristol South, Karin Smyth. What it’s like being a new MP; Tories dismantling NHS; careers; Gordon Brown bailed out the banks – is he responsible for so many voting for Tories; the Labour leadership – Jeremy Corbyn, Yvette Cooper, PR, New Zealand Labour Party splitting and PR, labour party splitting if Corbyn elected, trade unions, getting votes of middle England; former Avon and Somerset Chief Constable, Nick Gargan, has been ‘unreasonably hounded’ for alleged misconduct, according to two local MPs; Syrian refugee crisis and ISIS – clip of Cameron in 2013 and now discussing Syria, west and affiliates arming and training rebels in Middle East, British responsibility, clip of Merkel, Ukraine and NATO; clip from Australian TV of John Morgan, author of various books about the ‘assassination’ of Diana, discussing the revelation of a SAS sniper saying they were involved; Rebekah Brooks returns as chief of News UK; First Bus to put fares up – privatising of Public Transport, shareholders; Bristol student Lawyers overturn 95% of DWP decisions against 200 people declared ‘fit for work’; Hinckley Point nuclear power station delayed; Assisted Dying Bill.
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Second hour: investigative reports: including stories from The 17000 Iranian Victims of Terrorism Conference in Tehran, Iran, which Tony Gosling attended. Interview with Mehrnaz Shahabi – she discusses Iran: The British Embassy opening in Tehran; US intelligence is saying Iran not making nuclear weapons; resolution of deal with US about lessening sanctions; Israeli Mossad supplied IAEA with falsified information about Iran’s ‘nuclear weapons threat’, false flag operations; differences between Iran and Britain – Iran demonised and isolated; The 17,000 Iranian Victims of Terrorism conference mainly state sponsored US and Israel terrorist attacks; Iran punished since 1979 revolution; Facebook and Twitter banned in Iran – maybe for good reasons. Interview with Andre Vltchek, investigative journalist, philosopher, author, and film maker – he discusses the ‘You Stink’ protests in Beirut, Lebanon, and how infiltration may fuel them to dangerous levels – and also ISIS, manipulation by The West and its allies, and the destruction of the middle east: government not good in Lebanon; young man’s confession he was paid to destabilise protests; Hezbollah could stop ISIS; ISIS armed and trained by west and affiliates – west fighting itself, war games; description of war torn Iraq. US intelligence document outed by Judicial Watch – showing US predicted the rise of ISIS due to western interventions. Clip of interview with Ken O’Keefe, former US Marine, from Press TV – US geo-politics and possible 3rd world war – Assad, Syria, false flag chemical attack in Ghouta. Psychological warfare, media, and controlling the narrative; Ukraine right wing; Yinnon Plan 1982 and the greater Israel project.
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Martin Summers is bang on. proportional representation is a much more democratic electoral process. Our electoral systems in both the US and UK leave many voices and issues out of government. the more parties in parliament or in US congress the better. Coalition governments have to give their minority partner or partners some of their agenda to bring forth. Like the Lib-Dems initiative for a referendum for proportional representation even though it was not voted for(did you ever have that referendum or did Klegg sell out?)