Home Secretary Theresa May sowing seeds of Gestapo-like police state in Britain

Friday 6th November 2015

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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Apologies – sporadic problems with the BCfm website ‘listen again’ facility – with some shows failing to appear since before Christmas 2014. BCfm audio files usually available 12 hours after TX. Any probs mp3s should be on alternative links below by about 9 pm on tx date.

First hour: News review: with Anthony Negus. Merchant Venturers Charter Day 2015 next Tuesday 10th November at Bristol Cathedral and Merchants Hall in Clifton, but what will be in Bishop Mike’s sermon? Bristol has 8000 homes with permission waiting to be built but thousands of already completed homes are not selling. One of the biggest housing bubbles in history about to burst? Referendum for Mayoral system or not? – democracy? Bristol Post consistently pro Mayor Ferguson who’s one of the city business elite, Merchant Venturers; Anthony Chair of Scrutiny – what it involves – leaves not being swept up from roads, park byelaws due to evict homeless in tents; October’s Housing Inquiry Day which Anthony co-chaired – delivery of affordable housing – social housing not happening, austerity agenda, ;clever debt; for building social housing; Britain heading for another 2008 style crisis but this time no bailout, it’ll all crash – article by Graeber – bank bail outs good or not?, growth GDP, economics, housing; 100,000 children homeless this Christmas says Shelter – emergency accommodation, social housing; PMQs Corbyn – veterans not enough money because of tax credit cuts – cuts to 3 million lowest paid in country, living wage not enough, universal credit, universal income; PMQs Ron Marsden – police cuts; Nick Gargan ex Avon and Somerset Police Chief Constable – stitch up – remains unchallenged; PMQs John Nicholson – plans to privatise Channel 4 – Murdoch.
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Second hour: investigative reports: Russian airliner down in Sinai, Home Secretary Theresa May sowing seeds of Gestapo-like police state in Britain, Latest from Kevin Boylan on the ‘German Commandos’ (see links below). The downing of the Russian A321 airliner in the Sinai desert: possibly a bomb in the baggage hold; if ISIS did it blame the West who is behind ISIS; Rita Katz from SITE releasing ISIS beheading videos and CIA; Al Qaeda; PMQs Newport MP Paul Flynn – Armistice Day, or Remembrance Sunday, should not commemorate unjust wars – Syria may be another one; Mossad, CIA, MI6 connected to ISIS; rumours workers in Sharm-el-Sheikh airport took £20 bribes to skip bag checks; Gouta chemical weapons attack involved MIT and NATO.  Theresa May’s speech about the Snooper’s Charter: necessary and law changed to make legal; Snowden, Liberty against it; Imposimato; out of control security services; all powers will be available for bulk data collection; MI5 admits bugging everyone in last 10 years anyway; The Database = Al Qaeda according to former foreign secretary Robin Cook who died in mysterious circumstances; Nazis used IBM computers and Hollerith punch cards to catalogue population ready for persecution; are the police keeping eye on security services, Martin hopes so; MI5 sprung him from Kenya jail then brought crazed killer back to UK to commit 2014 Lee Rigby murder in Woolwich – suspects called clean skins but weren’t. Kevin Boylan discusses reports he’s compiled of masked balaclava’s and armed ‘German Commandos’ attacking refugees in boats crossing the Mediterranean to Greece – possibly EU border security Frontex, or special forces, also known as ‘Rabbits’, an armed wing of Frontex. Portugal voted in a new socialist government but the President and international finance won’t allow it – private sector debts of banks, Bilderberg in control of Portuguese government.  Likely venue and date for next Bilderberg meeting 2016 – 19 to 22 May at Westfield Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia – Bilderberg are the terrorists, elite above the law. Ex-deputy Director General of MI6, George Kennedy-Young, is at centre of Whitehall VIP paedophile ring according to Geoffery Dickens Dossier which ‘disappeared’ John Mann MP has an original copy of it – political blackmailing. Richard Cottrell, ex MEP on how ‘modern journalism is dead’.
Kevin Boylan’s military attacks on refugees the Frontex ‘German Commandos’ story this week:
RT article on attacks that took place on October 6-7 – leading to Eva Cosse’s Human Rights Watch (HRW) report on the commandos – live footage of a commando attack in broad daylight captured by a CBS film crew that happened to be on hand as it occurred – Then a detailed account of commando activity in the Huffington Post from August that supports Kevin’s hypothesis of it being a) officially sanctioned at the highest level of European government, and b) conducted by mercenaries – Refugees claim rogue Greek coastguard are ROBBING them at gunpoint and puncturing their dinghies in the Mediterranean – then a report today by German NGO ‘Pro Asyl’ that Greek special forces are pushing back Syrian refugees – Migrants trying to sail from Turkey to Greece are increasingly reporting being attacked by gunmen trying to prevent them from reaching Europe, according to multiple sources – Finally unreported news about a mutiny by radicalised Greek soldiers from 38 army units who are refusing to collaborate with any more repression of the refugees
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