West Midlands police racism in terrorist murder case – Bishop Mike’s secret sermon: Bristol’s Merchant Venturers initiate a new master, Tim Ross
Friday 13th November 2015
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
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Apologies – sporadic problems with the BCfm website ‘listen again’ facility with some shows failing to appear since before Christmas 2014. BCfm audio files usually available 12 hours after TX. Any probs mp3s should be on alternative links below by about 9 pm on tx date.
First hour: News review: with Green party candidate for Bristol Mayor Tony Dyer – Economic crash, shares, Green Party economics, dirivatives, banking system; what would Tony do as Mayor? He is Green Party candidate; Metrobus; austerity bad economics – welfare bill gone up, bedroom tax; Bristol Arena – public transport; Bristol Carnival has not been given funding again; shake up of Bristol wards – electoral register not accurate, poor excluded, gerrymandering, postal vote fraud; Theresa May on BBC Today Programme discussing Extremism Orders – how define extremism?, Prevent Strategy, secret services and islamist terrorism; clip of interview with Maz Saleem, daughter of Muslim man who was murdered by neo-Nazi Pavlo Lapshin, who arrived in UK five days earlier – police wouldn’t take CCTV footage from locals; care home sector in meltdown 2013 murder of Mohammed Saleem in Birmingham by Ukrainian neo-Nazi Pavlo Lapshyn discussed by his daughter Maz Saleem who is worried that West Midlands police initially investigated the Asian community, even her own family as being behind the murder and refused to treat it as a racist or terrorist crime. Also failing to admit that more than one person was involved in her father’s killing and dismissing the presence of a large black SUV from which the murder seemed to be being organised.
Timeline: Mohammed Saleem 2013 murder and mosque attacks
24 April – Pavlo Lapshyn moves to Birmingham from Ukraine, after securing a work placement at software firm Delcam PLC.
29 April – Mohammed Saleem, 82, is killed by Lapshyn as he makes his way home from Birmingham’s Green Lane Mosque after evening prayers.
30 April – Mr Saleem’s daughter, Shazia Khan, tells ITV News the attack on her father was ‘shocking, disgusting and deplorable’.
1 May – Police appeal for community’s help in finding Mr Saleem’s killer.
10 May – Crimestoppers offers a £10,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of Mr Saleem’s killer.
21 June – A device placed inside a children’s lunchbox explodes at a mosque in Walsall. 150 homes are evacuated following the blast but nobody is hurt.
27 June – A man from Walsall is arrested in connection with the explosion but is later released without charge.
28 June – Explosion near a Wolverhampton mosque. Police discover traces of an explosion and debris on 18 July, the day of Lapshyn’s arrest. He confesses to planting the device, leading officers to the scene.
12 July – Most powerful device explodes outside a mosque in Tipton. The nail bomb explodes at 1pm, an hour before Ramadan worshippers begin prayers at the mosque. Police say the bomber getting the wrong time probably saved lives.
18 July – Two men, aged 25 and 22, arrested in connection with the mosque attacks across the West Midlands. A search of Lapshyn’s flat reveals bomb-making equipment along with incriminating literature and data on his computer.
20 July – Lapshyn, already in custody, is arrested for the murder of Mr Saleem after police uncover incriminating evidence on the computer seized from his flat.
22 July – 22-year-old man arrested in connection with the mosque attacks is released without charge. Lapshyn, 25, is charged with the ‘terrorist-related’ murder of Mohammed Saleem. Police also confirm a link between Mr Saleem’s murder and explosions at mosques across the West Midlands.
23 July – Pavlo appears in court charged with ‘terrorist-related’ murder of Mr Saleem and bomb blasts targetting mosques in the Midlands.
21 October – Pavlo Lapshyn admits murdering Mr Saleem, causing an explosion near a Tipton mosque and engaging in conduct in preparation of terrorist acts between April 24 and July 18 this year. This included planting bombs near mosques in Walsall and Wolverhampton, researching locations to plant bombs and buying chemicals on the internet to make explosives.
Four Seasons Health Care, like Southern Cross care homes, to slash budget to fend off attack by US vulture fund – not enough government funding; inquiry into police spying on Labour MPs – Corbyn included – Green Party also spied on – GCHQ, how free is our society now?
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Second hour: investigative reports: new Master of Bristol’s former slave trading Merchant Venturers, Tim Ross, installed at banquet after annual Charter Day service in Bristol Cathedral. Corporate City of London lawyer Tim Ross’ connection with Bristol City Council doomed waste contractor and blacklisting explained by ‘The Bristolian’ scandal sheet. Christine Townsend discusses The Merchant Venturers and local schools: Colston Girls School Commemoration Day at Bristol Cathedral; Radical History Group; slavery; fairness in allocating places at schools; Merchant Venturers Charter Day at Bristol Cathedral – Tim Ross new Master – jobs he’s had including Corporate Lawyer in City of London, part of Dolphin Society and Quartet Foundation – not enough transparency. British paratroopers will lose their anonymity if they are charged with murder of civil rights campaigners on Bloody Sunday – planned by secret services, Lord Peter Carrington was Defence Secretary in charge of the Parachute Regiment during Bloody Sunday massacre of Irish Nationalists in 1972 but in September 1944 during WW2 Operation Market Garden he took a 17 hour break rather than driving his tanks to reinforce the Paratroopers down a clear road to Arnhem. Sir John Scarlett, former head of MI6, cashing in – on many boards including Morgan Stanley and Times Newspapers – VIP criminals – other spy chiefs who have cashed in too – Qatar – regime change hypocrisy. Death of Princess Diana: Annie Machon, former MI5 officer, discusses how Al Fayed was possibly set up with a ‘straw man operation’ and Diana was assassinated; John Morgan, author of ‘The Paris London Connection’, discusses how the British royal family behaves like a cult. Israel/Palestine: organs of dead Palestinians being taken; Israel strong hold over US. Lufthansa longest ever strike but hardly mentioned in London press. Russian doping crisis – geo-political warfare.Twenty years to the day since BBC Panorama’s interview with Princess Diana about her relationship with Prince Charles. What does former MI5 officer Annie Machon make of her death, was it murder? Australian author John Morgan explains why hew believes the British Royal Family has all the hallmarks of a cult.
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