Britain votes for Brexit – Alaska University to investigate 9/11 collapse of WTC Building 7
Friday 24th June 2016
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
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First hour: News review: and examination of Brexit referendum results Paul Turner, UKIP, who stood for Mayor in Bristol. Brexit wins 52% to 48%: government wasn’t listening to the people; Wales votes out – Port Talbot steel works in South Wales – hands tied by EU; South West votes leave although Bristol an exception; Midlands mostly votes leave; Scotland and N.Ireland vote in – is United Kingdom going to go; David Cameron resigns – his speech – article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty which begins the process to leave the EU won’t be invoked until after a new Tory PM is elected, calming markets and Britain prospering; what do we want now?; Swiss withdraw from joining EU saying ‘only lunatics’ would join EU now; Nazi’s idea for a European economic community; history of creation of EU; NATO; Deutsche Bank shaky – derivatives market – banks time bomb – maybe better that the banks go down now rather than later; Boris Johnson, most likely new PM – his speech; other EU countries may now want to leave – leading to economic crash; eastern Europeans taking jobs – quality of jobs going down – agencies employ people below our minimum wage; Jeremy Corbyn.
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Second hour: investigative reports: The University of Alaska is sponsoring a full investigation into claims that World Trade Center Building 7 was brought down by a controlled demolition during the 9/11 attacks. looking into terrorism/regime change agendas – The Express – Were 9/11 towers blown up by bombs? Interview with Ian Henshall, author of bestseller ‘9/11: The New Evidence’, which was also serialised by The Mail: he hit a brick wall with most media trying to talk about his book; no transparent investigation into 9/11; paper trail evidence; Saudi ambassador funding alleged 9/11 attackers; 9/11 government report – CIA sheltering 9/11 attackers; University of Alaska investigating how buildings went down; 9/11 fire-fighters reported the fires were ‘almost out’ Battalion Seven Chief 0952 South Tower: “Battalion Seven … Ladder 15, we’ve got two isolated pockets of fire. We should be able to knock it down with two lines. Radio that, 78th floor numerous 10-45 Code Ones.” when the buildings collapsed ‘due to fire’ or ‘controlled demolition’; Operation Northwoods and Cuba was a plan to make it appear Castro’s Cuba had shot down a US airliner where it had really been done by the US military. This plan was signed off by chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and believed to be a Bilderberg attendee in 1957, 1963, 1964 & 1967, Lyman Lemnitzer; NATO false flag attacks; Orlando killings – another Muslim wanting to bomb gay march – he was patsy turning himself in; Jo Cox murder – witness statements that ‘Put Britain First’ was not shouted by Jo Cox’s alleged murderer Tommy Mair; in Britain it’s now official: only Muslims can be terrorists says former ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray; song Free Falling with 9/11 lyrics. Craig also notes that the Chilcot report is due to be released which SHOULD put Tony Blair and others away for life, but won’t – Interview with Genady, who worked for Antonov Design Bureau, a Russian aerospace company, and more recently has worked for Airbus – discussing the Bilderberg conference: West do not dare take on Russian military because they will probably lose; Israeli government uses the USA through AIPAC and the US Zionist lobby; Putin is the main counter-balance to Bilderberg military expansionism. Interview with Marco and Maria from We Are Change Rotterdam – portraits of the Dutch politicians and others attending Bilderberg in Dresden in 2016 and previous years; Bilderberg important network and lobby group; MH17 airliner from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur brought down over Ukraine in 2014 with many Dutch deaths – sanctions on Russia, censored Dutch report into the crash angers victims families, Dutch vote against Ukraine joining EU association agreement; democracy and Bilderberg incompatible; operation Roladex: Joris Demmink, Dutch justice ministry chief, a paedophile. Interview with Volker Reusing from Wuppertal based Unser Politik Blog explains debts of countries are leading to privatisation – future bankruptcy conflicts in the EU between nation states and private banks may now lead to privatisation of police, civil services and armies, but not in Germany.
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What happened to calling for new general elections? I thought that is what parliaments do unlike here in the US empire. a true parliamentary democracy means you can call new elections anytime i thought.
I would be grateful for an answer to why a tory gets to replace another tory i.e. David Cameron as prime minister and the tories get to keep their plush seats.
it does not matter what happens with elections dahszil because our votes count for nothing when the banking establishment of rothschilde and co control all the polititions and political parties . they give us a vote to give us the idea that we live in a democracy and our vote matters when in fact they control all the political parties so it does not matter who we vote for the bankers will still be in control of us .