1971 attendee Egon Bahr: “Bilderberg decides on peace and war”. Vatican invited participant to inaugural meeting

Friday 17th June 2016

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: News review: Brexit – history of EU and EEC, Britain’s role in EU, World Trade Organisation, TTIP; ‘Prevent’ programme closes Christian Union Bible study at unnamed college – original Sunday Times article: College outlaws Christian prayer meetings under extremism rules – terrorism orchestrated by security services, PMQs Bible reading group and Prevent, Jihadis in Syria, Libyan ‘revolutionary’ Abdelhakim Belhadj was working for MI6/CIA and NATO intelligence services; PMQs Is Cameron going to leave after Brexit vote? – South African nuclear weapons and Cameron, Blackwater; Jon Snow interviews Cameron on EU and election expenses fraud – would EU have stopped WW2?, power of US; anti-Semitism and Ken Livingstone – Zionist’s deal with Hitler before WW2, Hezbollah and Hamas – terrorist groups?, Israel constantly going over borders;  www.middleeasteye.net – outcry from Arab states as Israel is made leader of UN Justice Committee – Israeli ambassador to the UN Danny Danon won the chair of the legal affairs committee of the General Assembly on Monday – Israel and False Flag terrorism, non-Zionist Jews, UK Israel lobby;  Russians excluded from Olympics and Russian football hooliganism – geopolitical manipulation, military training of some masked hooligans, competition cyclist Dan Stevens whistleblower of UK doctor and doping;  PMQs Jack Lopresti – Brexit and cusp of major financial crisis;  PMQs Jeremy Corbyn – employment agencies only advertising UK jobs abroad – modern slavery, Apple and child slave labour, Free Market ideology; Donald Tusk – Brexit and destruction of western political civilisation; PMQs Chris Chope – vindictive emergency budget if vote out EU.
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Second hour: investigative reports: Orlando shooting – false flag? Florida and 9/11 patsies; he was top of FBI watch list; Daniel Hopsicker – Orlando ‘shooter’ Omar Mateen’s father was a long time CIA asset; witnesses saying two guns going off.  Jo Cox MP murder – murderer said ‘Put Britain First’ – false flag?  Bilderberg conference: the bombing of Dresden in WWII – a message to Stalin? – Operation Unthinkable and Churchill;  interview with Manfred Mussbaumer about the history of Dresden and the bombing in WWII;  interview with Lutz Bachmann, leader of Germany’s anti-refugee Pegida Party demo, that happens every Monday – on Israeli treatment of Palestinians: “every country has its pigs”; Dresden policeman Thomas Geithner is asked why he is protecting financial and war criminals, not arresting them? Replies “that’s not my discussion”; Tony corners Bilderberg steering committee members Jacob Wallenberg and James A. Johnson; interview with Rich Nuland, whose family have been close to the  Military Industrial Complex, about his opinion of various crises that might happen to bring in a world government, such as release of biological weapon and catastrophic global financial crash; interview with Klaus Kopf, Hamburg-based Political Scientist, who has studied Bilderberg from 1995 – he wasn’t allowed to do a thesis on Bilderberg and was told by Director of the ‘Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy’ (IFSH) at the University of Hamburg Prof. Dieter Lutz (1994-2003), who had just spoken to his predecessor as institute director and 1971 Bilderberg attendee Egon Bahr (1984-1994): Bahr, through Lutz told Klaus that “Bilderberg decides on peace and war”! ‘You naive, blue-eyed ass-hole. Do you really think U.S. presidents are voted in? Where do you live?’ Klaus replied, “Is that where we are?” Lutz confirmed, “Yes, that’s where we are.” What Kaethe Koch, the private secretary to Frankfurter Allegemeine Zeitung newspaper founder and lawyer Dr. Rudolf Mueller told him about who invited Mueller to the first Bilderberg meeting in late May 1954. It was Catholic Cardinal of Cologne Josef Frings and Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV) internal secret service president, Otto John. Deutsche Bank chairman Alfred Herrhausen advocated forgiving third world debt at Dusseldorf German bankers gathering 1988 and at 1989 Bilderberg meeting then he was ‘assassinated by the Red Army Faction’ (RAF), but one can doubt ‘leftists’ were the real killers. World debt and Brexit, German participants at Bilderberg, ‘The Precariat’, 80-140 attendees at Bilderberg from NATO countries.
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