Shirley Oaks group names child sex abusers, challenge police to prosecute or paedophiles to sue – Economist editor Edward Lucas: “Putin hacked Hillary and Trump knows it”

Friday 16th December 2016

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: News review with Green councillor for Redland Martin Fodor: Riots today as prisoners take over G4S run Winson Green open prison in Birmingham run by G4S, riot police have just been sent in; Marvin Rees says Bristol has been lumbered with social care bill after Tory cuts; PMQs Corbyn – cuts in social care and raising council tax to pay for care; PMQs: social care and raising council tax – private sector care; a third of Bristol’s care homes need to improve the care they offer to elderly patients – care in Bristol average of £1045 a week; Tony Crofts from AEOB House People discusses their first social housing project that has opened this week, website 0117 926 9331; angry protesters halt Bristol Council meetingSisters Uncut and  ‘guardians’ who look after Council buildings; The report by the Shirley Oaks Survivors Association (SOSA), which interviewed 400 former residents of the children’s home, identifies 27 suspected paedophiles by name, and gives details of 60 who have had multiple allegations of abuse made against them. Lambeth council to pay tens of millions to child abuse survivors after Shirley Oaks survivors brought out a report naming 60 abusers and challenging police to question and charge those still alive;  National Action becomes first UK far-right organisation to be banned under terrorism law, Blood and Honour gathering in October was allowed by police; PMQs far-right groups and racial hatred;  PMQs rail strikes – privatisation;  PMQs anonymity for rich criminals.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Syria: Aleppo battle continues; Ban Ki-moon standing down as head of UN and former Prime Minister of Portugal António Guterres is taking his place on 1st January; barrage of mainstream media ‘fake news’, or propaganda, about what is happening in Syria; Eva Bartlett, Canadian journalist, says Syrian child war victims are being ‘recycled’ and Al Quds Hospital was never bombed; UN and it’s problems; anti Russian propaganda – taking World cup off of Russia – Russia and sports doping;  PMQs evacuation of Aleppo;  Trump and US having a new position on Syria;  PMQs Angus Robertson – UK selling weapons to Saudi Arabia. CIA says Russia behind hacking of Democrat e-mails – but sources involved say it was someone in the Democrat Party because Hillary Clinton had stolen nomination from Bernie Sanders – Craig Murray’s article ‘CIAs Absence of Conviction’; Obama discussing email leaks; Five top Russian banks subjected to severe cyber attack in November, predicted by the Russian FSB;  BBC 5 Live Emma Barnett show – former British ambassador to Russia Sir Andrew Wood says Trump in cahoots with Putin over leaks – Edward Lucas, editor of The Economist, on Russian money laundering, Russia interfering with elections and possible impeaching of Donald Trump. Mr Justice Baker ruled that MI5 running him could not be told to the jury. Convicted terrorist says MI5 ‘pumped and dumped’ him – Zakaria Boufassil was recruited by MI5 who gave him £3,000 cash, he then gave £3,000 to the ‘man in the hat’ of the March 2016 Brussels bombing but was it MI5 cash? MI5 not just watching terrorists but orchestrating terror groups. France prolongs state of emergency despite rights concerns. Donald Trump to nominate David Friedman as Ambassador for Israel – he is pro-illegal Jewish settlements on Palestinian land.  Trump appoints Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State – Exxon Mobil chief. US and Britain refine their ability to tap into airline passenger’s mobile phones while they are in the air.
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4 Comments on “Shirley Oaks group names child sex abusers, challenge police to prosecute or paedophiles to sue – Economist editor Edward Lucas: “Putin hacked Hillary and Trump knows it”

  1. Tony whether Former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas was an acting or former Minister when contacted by MI6 to get involved in Syria is besides the point. According to Dumas he was contacted about the aforementioned. And if it was after he served Dumas still could have had much clout and influence on the French “deep state”. But he didn’t and outed it to a French Magazine and later television station.

    We don’ know how much atrocities are by the Syrian take back of Aleppo. But you can put in your favorite search engine atrocities committed by rebels in Syria you will find many results.

    Here is just one result when the rebels occupied Aleppo and Idlib this past summer(preface: while the Qatar is implicated in arming the rebels, Aljazeera still does some independent journalism and opioin pieces which clashes with Qatar domestic and foreign policy)

    from same article there is a link to an opinion article title of which is Syrian Civil War: US should not arm the rebels : The use of proxies must be treated with the scrutiny for the potential ill-effects it may hold.

  2. I was backing up Martin with the link to the global research article. Yet I understand that part of your job Tony as host is to get as close to the facts as much as possible. Although if memory serves me Martin has at times referred to Dumas as Former French minister when he was contacted by the UK “deep state”. In any case, both of you are one of the best radio or tv duos I have heard or watched. cheers to Tony and Martin.

  3. Here in the US the private prison industry actually lobbies congress for more laws and longer time in prison for the convicted and often succeed with payoffs to law makers supposedly as a campaign contribution . The majority in our prisons are low level offenders like drug users and non violent, street drug dealers. The problem is that private prisons are out to make profits and thus less guards and space and activities for prisoners. the vast amount of drugs that are demonized and thus illetgal : the drugs don’t cause violence in and of themselves., its the fact that they are relegated to the illegal market. In a market without rules or laws the most effective way to gain market share is to literally kill off competing drug gangs and cartels. The war on drugs benefits the cartels, money laundering banksters, private prison industry, slush funds for US military black ops(e.g. Iran Contra factual conspiracy), the fear pandering politicians, and other slithery in the power structure. those who suffer from the war on drugs are the poor, users and those with dependecy or addiction.

    Now this cabal will benefit even more. Just because Americans use more opioids(e.g. hydrocodone–Vicodin(r), oxycodone–Oxycontin(r), et al) than any other country in the world now there is a ham fisted rules and laws hanging like the sword of Damocles over pain doctors heads to stop prescribing. A significant number of doctors have lost their licenses and even put in prison just because they had a heart and prescribed narcotics for people in pain, And while these drugs are in the narcotic category they give people in pain a liveable and more active life Already there is an increase in suicide for pain relief(especially our elders) after being cut off, and also pushing those who suffer painful conditions out into the illegal market buying heroin, and other dodgy regarding contents, drugs.

  4. I know the great 19th century Bristish civil engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel’s Atmospheric Railway was a failure. However I just thought it might be something to comment upon. And whether or not it could be made feasible with today’s materials and technology. Or why it is not feasible, or not energy efficient.

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