Metro mayor results: Tories take Labour cities by expanding them 30 miles into rich stockbroker belts – Michael Fallon: UK may unleash nuclear ‘first strike’ – German soldier planned Vienna airport terror attack to blame on Muslims

Friday 5th May 2017

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: News review and Metro Mayor results show: with community activists Kerry Bailes from Hartcliffe & Avonmouth’s Steve Norman. Do we want a Metro Mayor? Why is turnout for elections in Bristol is only 30%; Conservative Tim Bowles wins – Labour Lesley Mansell about 4000 votes behind, not bad considering 6 out of 9 constituencies Tory; criticism of Mayor Marvin Rees; Theresa May accused of hiding from voters on Bristol visit, Criticism follows similar complaints in Cornwall that reporters were shut in a room and banned from filming the prime minister – nurses using food banks;  what’s it like for people living in Hartcliffe, Bristol? – Universal Credit and difficulty paying rent; Avonmouth Port sell-off by Mayor Ferguson for pittance to two Merchant Venturers who own The Bristol Port Company; St. Nick’s Market money going missing; how has Hartcliffe changed over the years – Universal credit and difficulties;  Day Group putting a plant illegally in Avonmouth where Bottom Ash (residue from burnt rubbish) is processed, which is toxic – and Councillors not stopping it; Metro Mayor results – PR voting system – Tories don’t have 50% majority; membership of political Parties; Conservative party – 120,000 Green party – 53,000; Labour party – 640,000; Lib Dem – 87,000; UKIP – 39,000. Theresa May went to see the Queen and dissolve parliament – May  accuses EU of deliberately getting in the way of June general election; Corbyn discusses Brexit; Michael Barnier, EU negotiator – says Brexit not going to be easy.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: What did Hitler’s deputy Rudolf Hess know that meant he had to be incarcerated in Berlin’s Spandau jail with no visits for 42 years until he died? ISIS fighters APOLOGISED after launching an attack on Israeli soldiers, former defence minister revealsAngry South Koreans Oppose US Missile Defense Deployment – Pentagon Seeks to Link Iran to N Korea Citing ‘Similar Looking’ Missiles – John Pilger’s The Coming War on Chinafilm’s dedicated website; Pentagon to Pitch Afghan War Plan to Trump Next Week – More British troops could be on their way to Afghanistan as NATO considers mission boost; Israeli Air Force bombs Syrian Army in northwest Damascus; Russia: Syria safe zones closed to US coalition planes. De-escalation zones in Syria will be closed for warplanes of US-led international coalition, Russian envoy says; Terror Financiers “Operating Openly” in Qatar and Kuwait; US Boosts Libya Presences With Base in Country’s SouthFormer Lebanese premier Hoss joins Palestinian hunger strike; Nick Ferrari LBC – Michael Fallon, Defence Secretary, discusses Corbyn and Trident as deterrent – he would strike first. Christoph Meili discusses how when he worked at UBS documents were shredded of old accounts held by Jewish people killed in WW2 – also how Swiss Banks and BIS funded wars – Nazis, NATO, and post WW2. Ian Mattison, former senior Freemason, reviews new Sky programme ‘Inside the Freemasons’ – did Nazis ban Freemasons so only their version survived? German soldier arrested, planned False Flag terror attack on Vienna airport so that refugees would take the blame. Hitler’s deputy Rudolf Hess was imprisoned in Spandau Prison for 42 years, the rest of life after WW2 dying in 1987 aged 93 – why? Nazis working closely with Soviet Union dividing up Eastern Europe before WW2 and preparing for war together – Bolshevik = Nazi? Heinrich Muller, head of Gestapo was trained by the Bolshevik Cheka secret police in the Soviet Union.
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1 Comment on “Metro mayor results: Tories take Labour cities by expanding them 30 miles into rich stockbroker belts – Michael Fallon: UK may unleash nuclear ‘first strike’ – German soldier planned Vienna airport terror attack to blame on Muslims

  1. We know the mainstream media does not cover important events(e.g. the liberation of East Aleppo and kicking out Al qaeda or al nusrah, and other terrorist rebels). I ran across several articles about the Propaganda of Omission . imho it might be an interesting topic to discuss on the politics show or Dialect.
    I’ve just skimmed over these linked webpages. Tony, Martin and others might find more precise sources of The Propaganda of Omission

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