Sunday Times UK Rich List shows staggering inequality of wealth – German police sweep all national barracks’ for cells of Nazi soldiers

“The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting”

Friday 12th May 2017

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

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 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: General Election campaign launch – news review with Mike Campbell from Protect Our NHS and former Sunday Times Rich List journalist Kevin Cahill. The Sunday Times Rich List has just come out: super rich persuading Times to put them up or down list, incl. The Queen; top ten all have assets in tax havens and only one British born; top 100s wealth has increased by 14% this year. The 29th Sunday Times Rich List, which lists the 1,000 wealthiest individuals and families in the UK, revealed that “this year’s 500 richest individuals and families are now wealthier than the entire top 1,000 were in 2016.” – inequality. Protect Our NHS – private health companies have money in tax havens, Pablo Escobar – invisible illegal economy; Bristol Volunteer Centre to close after 51 years; NHS not safe in Tory hands – worsening problems; NHS computers and others hacked – Google’s Deep Mind project; Smart Meters – £11bn to roll out and expensive glitchs in system – GCHQ to look at dangers of hacking system – scientists warned of health effects; £20m cyber security centre in London and PRISM; Data Mining – NHS Digital hacked today where our health records are kept – Peter Thiel, a creator of Palantir Technologies, that can profile a population and help you run your countryMicrosoft donated $100m to NSA; Clinton Rogers report for BBC – an interview with Marine A, who killed an Afghan unlawfully – his lawyer Phil Shiner has been struck off; Theresa May’s campaign launch speech; Jeremy Corbyn’s campaign launch speech; Protect Our NHS meeting this Thursday (18th May) – will discuss how Tories are destroying NHS and how it can be sensibly funded; Prof. Tom Mills – ‘BBC: The Myth of Public Service Broadcasting Tom Mills – The Future of the BBC; Bristol housing charity tops list of of UKs most prosecuted landlords.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Today’s cyberattack on the NHS, just follow the money. Crowdfunding underground hospitals in rebel-held parts of Syria – threats of nuclear war in North Korea sabre rattling? Cyber attack on NHS – mass surveillance, European Courts; German army calls for searches of all barracks after Nazi memorabilia found – plan to do a shooting and blame it on Syrian asylum seeker – WW2, NATO false flag terrorism; Times Rich List – rich getting richer, poor getting poorer – The myth that work always pays is finally exposed; Prof. Kate Pickett from ‘The Equality Trust’ on BBC, she co-wrote ‘The Spirit Level’; clip from trailer of film ‘The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire’ about tax havens; Justin Walker – his uncle Harry Pilkington’s advice; Syrian doctors get crowd funding for hospitals; Yemen war – divide country?; North Korea accuses CIA of trying to assassinate Kim Jong-un with ‘biochemical substances’; China ‘tells citizens to leave North Korea’ as tensions with US escalate; North Korea ‘could destroy world with just three bombs’, regime apologist claims; Ethan Guttman from his film ‘The Slaughter’ – he discusses legal taking of prisoners organs by Chinese state.
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