Curo to demolish 100s of Bath council houses in Foxhill ‘redevelopment’ – Anomalies: Barcelona terror driver drops his passport, all prime suspects shot dead by police
Friday 18th August 2017
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
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First hour: News review with LibDem councillor for Brislington West, Jos Clark – Tory MP Zac Goldsmith links Barcelona terror attack to Labour’s Momentum group – Operation Cyclone; Brislington local affairs; interview with Nola Edwards from Save Fox Hill in Bath – No justification for demolition of Foxhill estate – Facebook page – The author says Foxhill has changed enormously over the last 20 years – Curo housing association is thinking of selling off their flats to a private buyer; Ken Loach, filmmaker, gives a speech at Save Fox Hill event – market led vs public housing; ‘We Care and Repair‘ – they help repair properties of old and disabled; Bristol council tax relief cuts could be ‘illegal’ say opponents – Petition: Freeze Council Tax; Bristol City Council consultation: should poorest families in Bristol pay council tax? – Metrobus – costs rising and rising – by £10m – HS2 £111bn increase in cost; Government focuses on lowest unemployment since 1975 as wages fall behind inflation again; ‘Rees-Mogg is your British Trump’ Spanish media say Jacob is a mini-Donald ; Saviour of the Tory party or ‘reactionary poison’? Will Jacob Rees-Mogg run for Tory leader, and what would he do as PM?; alleged letter Jacob Rees Mogg has David Cameron’s Secret Nuclear Weapons Deal Raised £17.8m for Conservative Party Funds – Sets Pretext for War – Moggmentum – poem by Ian Jenkins; – Jos Clark’s reccomended political programmes: 1. Rory Bremner, 2. BBC Radio 4’s Dead Ringers, 3. BBC Radio 4 Westminster Hour, every Sunday evening at 10pm 4. Talking Politics with David Runciman and Catherine Carr every Wednesday – though Jos does, this show DOES NOT recommend either The Economist magazine or their podcasts – Google has quietly implemented a new algorithm which kicks all the true results off the first page of the Google search: Evidence of Google blacklisting of left and progressive sites continues to mount – Google Just Became the Engine of Censorship – Evidence of Google blacklisting of left and progressive sites continues to mount – all except mainstream press off first page – interview with Andre Damon from World Socialist website on RT saying this has affected traffic to their site.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Yesterday’s Barcelona terror attack: context and anomalies. Far-right and far-left clashes in Charlottesville, former Occupy Wall Street organiser Jason Kessler becomes Charlottesville white supremacist march organiser; US: provocateurs – changing sides; What Every Radical Should Know About State Repression: A Guide for Activists, Victor Serge’s exposé of the methods of surveillance and harassment of political activists by the czarist police reads like a spy thriller. But as Dalia Hashad points out in her introduction, this book will have a resonance with political activists today who face a new wave of repression under the Patriot Act and racial profiling in the name of the “war on terror.; should statues be pulled down? – confederate statues – history of US civil war – slavery in US; Slave Trader Edward Colston statue in Bristol but not abolitionist Thomas Clarkson; Nelson’s column in the Irish republic was blown up in 1966 by the IRA. Up Went Nelson: Irish song about blowing up Nelson’s Column in Dublin, Ireland. Barcelona terror attack: NATO intelligence services orchestrating terror attacks; Nice attack; vans hacked and controlled – shoot to kill; Frank Gardner – BBC security correspondence – reported attackers smiling as dying – was he duped with false information? Twitter users urged to post pictures of cats instead of attacks – to reduce independent photographic evidence on attacks? Proposals to begin profiling ‘Arab North Africans’ that hire vans; motives for attacks – West causing many thousands of civilian deaths from wars in Middle East – referendum in Catalonia for independence – BBC publish article about Syrian child terrorist travelling to Spain the day before the Barcelona terror attack: As the flight is called, the Syrian boy runs through the few phrases of Spanish he’s learned. The authorities may ask him questions, and he’s travelling on a fake Spanish passport. It’s cost more than €3000, bought from a chain of people smugglers who helped him escape from Syria, to Turkey and now into Europe – ISIS claims links to attack – SITE run by ex-Mossad Rita Katz; on Amaq news website – is Rita Katz simply an Israeli Mossad agent? Was this Barcelona terror attack simply carried out by fascist cells killing Muslims? All prime suspects dead again, no trials. Operation Gladio explained. Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong jailed for six months ; Hong Kong political activist Howard Lam says Chinese agents drove staples into his legs over message to footballer Lionel Messi . Iran could quit nuclear deal in ‘hours’ if US imposes new sanctions says Rouhani. Interview with Jim Marrs, a 9/11 conspiracy scholar, who died recently: official 9/11 story is a ridiculous and wild conspiracy theory; only ever skyscrapers that collapsed on themselves; Building 7; maintenance engineers said there were multiple explosions in building and basement; Pentagon theory; books he wrote ‘Rule by Secrecy’, ‘Inside Job and ‘The Terror Conspiracy Revisited’
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