Will PM Theresa May resign when she deliberately loses next week’s Brexit vote? David Davis on Norway + and Canada ++ Mervyn King: May’s Brexit Deal Is a Betrayal of Britain. If the U.K. parliament supports her plan, it will never be forgiven. – ‘Nick’ VIPaedophile survivor on trial case likely to dissuade survivors from coming forward to police

Friday 7th December 2018

At six – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After seven –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

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First hour news review: with author and musician Gilad Atzmon also Easton man who runs Back2Action responds to Council statement forcing him out of Ashton Court “The statement is untrue and lies. This decision could put me out of business.” Rayan Wilson from charity Back to Action: Rayan Wilson, who started Back To Action company, that trains athletes to reach their peak and also is a charity to help young people, discusses how Mayor Marvin Rees has told him to move premises, even though he was promised by the Council he could would be there for a while thus he invested his own funds in the building – if you would like to help him or back him he is on Facebook – or email rayonwilson@back.2.action.co.uk – Gilad Atzmon, musician and author, was born in Israel to a secular Jewish family, but has decided not to call himself Jewish: he believes Zionism is an anti Jewish project and that some campaigns against antisemitism are also anti-Jewish, some people, he believes, just run such campaigns for the money; socialism and Judaism not a match – because of Judaic racial supremacy; Labour party, Tory Party and anti-Semitism; differences between left and right politics; identity politics; court hearing of Gilad for alleged antisemitism. Brexit – PMQs – 100 million in destitution, people want change says John McDonnell, implying, not Brexit – fatigue of economies leading to populism; clip from ‘Brexit – a love story’ on PM Programme, BBC Radio 4 – Bilderberg steering committee member Ken Clarke saying referendum was just an opinion poll; what kind of Brexit will we see? David Davis discussing different preferred types of possible Brexit deals: the Norway + and Canada ++ deals; Canada+++ deal would be best for Britain. Why total silence about it on the BBC? David Davis MP speaks in the debate on the Brexit Draft Withdrawal AgreementMervyn King says present Brexit deal is like Nazi appeasement:This deal will not end the divisiveness of the debate about Britain’s relationship with the EU. The Remain camp will continue to argue, correctly, that to align the country indefinitely with laws over which it has no influence is madness, and a second referendum is vital to escape from this continuing nightmare. And the Leave camp will argue, also correctly, that it is intolerable for the fifth largest economy in the world to continue indefinitely as a fiefdom‘.
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Second hour Investigative reports: Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State is in Brussels, explaining US is still in charge in a new liberal order for peace: Iran, Russia and China in US’s sights; banks as weapons of war; WW3 is already here – civil war between Nationalism and Identity politics; French protests –  French army in Paris – if protests carry on this weekend the ‘Yellow Jackets’ will be arrested: MACRON CRISIS: President may be replaced by ARMY GENERAL – ‘right-wing is REAL WINNER’ EMMANUEL Macron could be replaced by a French Army General as tensions between the French President and the so-called “yellow vests” fail to subside, claimed former MEP Daniel Cohn-Bendit; Daughter of man who founded Huawei, Chinese communications company, is arrested in Canada for breaking US sanctions on Iran: Huawei Responds To CFO’s Arrest In Canada For Extradition To The U.S.; battle between Athens (debate and discussion) and Jerusalem (all set in stone, scripted). Russian fake news TV versus British army fake news psychological brigade? Russian TV spies are caught at top secret UK army base: How Fake News team tried to infiltrate British psychological warfare unit . Persecuted Sussex University professor Kees van der Pijl on the Richie Allen show journalists, academics and self-censorship nowadays to keep their jobs, the military academic industrial complex, specific problems with people that question Israel, Saudis and Israelis and the 9/11 attacks, Israeli agents placed bombs in the twin towers on 9/11 under cover of ‘art students’Police recommend bribery charges against Netanyahu in telecom-media Case 4000. Cops urge indictments in Bezeq corruption probe for PM and his wife, Bezeq owner and his wife; Netanyahu downplays bombshell, says timing ‘transparent’ on police chief’s last day MANDELA’S GRANDSON MANDLA MANDELA VISITS ISRAEL: ‘ISRAEL IS THE WORL’DS WORST APARTHEID REGIME’ – Police recommend bribery charges against Netanyahu in telecom-media Case 4000. – This Day in Jewish History 1948: N.Y. Times Publishes Letter by Einstein, Other Jews Accusing Menachem Begin of Fascism – Einstein’s God letter versus his letter saying Israel state behaving like Nazis. UN Chief Suggests Deploying Armed Forces to Protect Palestinians from Israel “The combination of prolonged military occupation, constant security threats, weak political institutions, and a deadlocked peace process provides for a protection challenge that is highly complex politically, legally and practically.” by Middle East MonitorThird Temple in Jerusalem and Zionist plans. Israel and nuclear weapons. END OF THE WORLD: Jerusalem third temple ‘fulfils Biblical prophecy’ of the end times – FEARS of the approaching end times were fuelled by calls to build a third Jewish Holy Temple in Jerusalem, which some believe will happen before the end of the world.  Death of George HW Bush – state sponsored terrorism story. ’The Unauthorised Biography’ – book. VIP paedophile witness or accuser ‘Nick’ to stand trial HIMSELF accused of perverting the course of justice, and fraud. Case likely to dissuade survivors from coming forward to police: The man known as Nick, whose allegations of VIP child abuse sparked Scotland Yard’s vast Operation Midland inquiry, will stand trial in March next year. The 50-year-old, whose real identity cannot be revealed for legal reasons, is charged with 12 counts of perverting the course of justice and one count of fraud relating to a compensation claim. During a brief hearing at Newcastle Crown Court at which Nick appeared via videolink, the judge, Paul Sloan QC, set a trial date of March 5 next yearI am a retired Police Detective with over 25 years service in the investigation into child abuse. I was threatened and bullied out of my job for exposing the high-level cover-up of child prostitution. For the past eight years, I have been working with anti-child abuse campaigner Bill Maloney in raising awareness of the true extent of the scale of this heinous crime. I, now with other whistleblowing cops as well as victims and survivors of abuse, am campaigning for a change in the Law to give brave whistleblowers the protection they truly deserve. In the words of Edmund Burke: “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. VIPaedophiles in the clear – John Wedger, ex Policeman, discusses this.
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