Lockerbie 30 years on: did CIA carry out UK’s worst terror attack? – Somerset’s Jason Dowel plans 30 Dec Bridgwater ‘Yellow Jackets’ protest – Will Trump succeed this time in pulling US troops out of Syria? – Prof. Steve Keen on ECB ending QE and Brexit – Sammy Wilson, the DUP MP’s amazing Brexit stand-up show
Friday 21st December 2018
At six – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After seven – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
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First hour news review: with Labour councillor for Avonmouth and Lawrence Weston, Donald Alexander and prospective parliamentary candidate (PPC) for Bristol West James Cox. Transport in Bristol; Tim Bowles – Metro Mayor – won’t come on show; social housing; Lib Dems in coalition with Tories – lessened some Tory cuts; Bristol IWW defending whistle blowers and free speech in Bristol City Council;Small-businessman driven into the ground, Jason Dowel, ex-British Army, has arranged a Yellow Jacket protest in Somerset for 10am Sunday 30th December at Bridgwater docks, 30th December protest Facebook page – discusses why; what does Council Tax cover? – care costs; problems with Yellow Jacket movement; 2008 bank bail out and lack of funding from Central Government – QE, writing debt off? PMQs homelessness is a disgrace in UK – house building, cuts in benefits; The number of homeless deaths tops 500 amid empty government promises; Nearly 600 homeless people died last year, figures show – Homeless deaths soar by 24 per cent in five years; PMQs elderly dying of cold in their homes going up; PMQs Brexit – Corbyn – criticism of no vote on deal in parliament – Labour has no actual Brexit plan.
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Second hour Investigative reports: Reports of drones at Gatwick Airport: no footage or photos from plane spotters; previous drone swarm on Russian base in Syria by US; was this an exercise for Brexit?; Russia blamed again? False flag cyber attacks blamed on Russia. 30th anniversary of 1988 Pan-am flight 103 Lockerbie bombing, Britain’s biggest ever terrorist attack which killed 260 passengers and crew: Vital Lockerbie evidence ‘was made AFTER the doomed flight crashed’: Circuit board used to convict Libyan over 1988 bombing wasn’t manufactured until 1991, documentary claims amid calls for a public inquiry; Susan Lindauer, author of ‘Extreme Prejudice’, which is about Lockerbie – ‘Truth Frequency’ is her radio show; The Maltese Double Cross on C4 – film about Lockerbie; the CIA and what really happened with Lockerbie crash; PMQs 30 years since Lockerbie – SNP commons leader Ian Blackford isn’t interested; Scottish Lockerbie story. Did the CIA blow up Lockerbie jet? Bombing’s 30th anniversary ROCKED by shock claims – SHOCK claims the CIA could have been involved in the worst terror attack on UK soil have re-emerged on the 30th anniversary of the Lockerbie disaster. On The Trail Of The Octopus (1993): Coleman had been ordered to spy on the DEA in Cyprus which, along with the CIA, was running a series of “controlled deliveries” of Lebanese heroin through the airports of Frankfurt and London en route to America. Coleman discovered that security of this “sting” operation had been breached and warned the American Embassy that a disaster was waiting to happen. It was ignored. Seven months later, Pan Am Flight 103 exploded over Lockerbie. Rosabel Portela Barrio, from Latin Window on BCFM, interviews Palestinian Ambassador to UK, Dr. Husam Zomlot – illegal occupation of Palestine, two state solution, PLO and PA, what is the future for Palestine? Britain must step up and lead the Middle East peace process because the Trump administration is dismantling it, the Palestinians’ new chief diplomat in the UK has told Sky News. Story – Our friend, and guest earlier this month, saxophonist Gilad Atzmon is banned from playing in London London’s Islington Council, they ban pro-Palestinian musician from performing in response to one Israel flag waver. America Israel Public Affairs Commitee (AIPAC) and Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre (BICOM) – discussed. Trump plans to take troops out of Syria and Afghanistan. US defence secretary James Mattis resigns. Putin praises Trump’s Syria withdrawal plan. Officials: US Will End Air War in Syria After Troops Withdraw Pentagon says strikes will continue so long as US troops are presentPutin: Voters’ choices of Trump and Brexit ‘disrespected’ Putin tells May to ‘fulfil will of people’ on Brexit Russian president also touches on rap crackdown and nuclear weapons during annual presser. Putin saying US in a mess. Former Irish Army Major Edward Horgan discusses Shannon airport and, use by US troop carriers compromising Irish neutrality, and Brexit. Professor Steve Keen, economist author of ‘Debunking Economics’, digs deep into how banking REALLY works, compares the effect on the economy of Brexit vs ECB stopping QE – European Banking collapse starting next crash, THEN Draghi will restart QE. BBC News – ECB ends €2.5tn eurozone QE stimulus programme – Frankfurt based ECB is guaranteeing Euro crash to coincide with #Brexit. Sammy Wilson, from DUP, discusses with humour the discrepancies of Theresa’s Brexit deal.
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A Brief History of U.S. Interventions:
1945 to the Present
by William Blum
Z magazine , June 1999
William Blum’s List of American Foreign Interventions: Part 1
William Blum’s List of American Foreign Interventions: Part 2
William Blum’s List of American Foreign Interventions: Part 1
William Blum’s List of American Foreign Interventions: Part 2
A Brief History of U.S. Interventions:
1945 to the Present
by William Blum
Z magazine , June 1999
An Anarchist FAQ – I.5 What could the social structure of anarchy look like?
I know little about economics . I feel the higher cost of living is for one thing , is extra profits for big business, and these guys are wealth addicts and have no limitations put upon them and they will continue to seek more and more and more because their reason for living is to continue making more and more profits . If you raise wages big business and the banksters will just raise prices . Somehow there must be a limit on profits . Taxes must be raised progressively with those higher on the wealth ladder paying the most . Noblesse Oblige – from this who have much, much is expected towards society . But it seems futile since the wealthiest , the financial sector, and big business can hide their wealth anywhere . their are endless loopholes for them . Perhaps we should just nationalize put these guys in jail and expropriate their wealth and redistribute it . surely there are more ways to have a more equitable distribution of wealth . I would be very grateful for any answers and replies .
” What types of anarchism are there?
One thing that soon becomes clear to any one interested in anarchism is that there is not one single form of anarchism. Rather, there are different schools of anarchist thought, different types of anarchism which have many disagreements with each other on numerous issues. These types are usually distinguished by tactics and/or goals, with the latter (the vision of a free society) being the major division.
This means that anarchists, while all sharing a few key ideas, can be grouped into broad categories, depending on the economic arrangements that they consider to be most suitable to human freedom. However, all types of anarchists share a basic approach. To quote Rudolf Rocker:
“In common with the founders of Socialism, Anarchists demand the abolition of all economic monopolies and the common ownership of the soil and all other means of production, the use of which must be available to all without distinction; for personal and social freedom is conceivable only on the basis of equal economic advantages for everybody. Within the Socialist movement itself the Anarchists represent the viewpoint that the war against capitalism must be at the same time a war against all institutions of political power, for in history economic exploitation has always gone hand in hand with political and social oppression. The exploitation of man by man and the domination of man over man are inseparable, and each is the condition of the other.” [Anarcho-Syndicalism, pp. 62-3]…..”
1971: Swiss women get the vote
Women’s suffrage in Switzerland
” Women in Switzerland gained the right to vote in federal elections after a referendum in February 1971.[1] In 1991 following a decision by the Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland, Appenzell Innerrhoden (AI) became the last Swiss canton to grant women the vote on local issues; AI is the smallest Swiss canton with c. 14,100 inhabitants in 1990.[2]…..”