Bristol mayor Marvin Rees invoking ‘childcare’ as excuse to escape questioning? – George Ferguson on Temple Island: ‘The lousiest deal that any local authority has ever done’ – Hanau terror attack: US National Intelligence Director now based in Berlin doubling as ambassador to Germany – HIV-AIDS purposely inoculated to Africans through vaccines

Friday 21st Febuary 2020

At six – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After seven – straight talking and investigative reports

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

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First hour news review: with former mayor of Bristol George Ferguson. Western Harbour development – hasn’t been thought through; Mayor Marvin won’t discuss issues; developers just interested in making money and how much influence the Mayor has over them; Architects Journal article: Building tall in Bristol poses real threats to the character of the city, 14 Feb 2020 by George Ferguson. The city’s current administration seems gripped by an extraordinary desire to turn it into something more like Birmingham, writes George Ferguson

Collapse of The Cut river walls Cumberland Road, which runs a;long the North side of The Cut, to remain shut after river wall collapse – Marvin did nothing; flood problems – and how to defend Bristol from flooding; – Beeching closures of railways. Beeching Rail: Government Promises £500m Fund To Reverse Cuts: Cash Is Enough For 25 Of The 5,000 Miles Closed Under The Beeching Cuts – pressure of the oil industry; diesel ban in Bristol – Marvin to pedestrianise whole of city centre: The exciting retail, leisure and road plans set to transform the city centre and turn it into a top attraction. There will be some changes to the Bearpit roundabout, Castle Park, the Galleries, Broadmead and Cabot Circus;

Will Marvin get in as mayor again in May 2020? Mayoral system deeply flawed; First Bus making lots of money – how to make buses better; Land Justice Network conference in Bristol 15 February 2020: The historic root of inequality in Britain is the uneven distribution of land, the rights given to those who own it, and the rights taken from those who don’t.: ‘financialisation of land’, the cause of the housing crisis explained by Joe Beswick from New Economics Foundation (NEF);

Opposition councillors launch bid to block planned Temple Island development – dodgy deal with no agreement to build any homes: ‘The lousiest deal that any local authority has ever done’ says George Ferguson; Marvin on BBC Emma Britton show being questioned about the Temple Island development;

PMQs medical cannabis is legalised – but patients aren’t being prescribed it; legalisation of drugs – Pablo Escobar working for the CIA.
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Second hour Investigative reports: Far right attack in Germany: his propaganda videos let out; secret services manipulating terror attacks; New Zealand attack; MK Ultra type attacks; Manchester attack; Gladio and Allan Francovich films –The 1992 BBC Timewatch film entitled simply Operation Gladio was produced by Allan Francovich and broadcast on BBC 2 in 1992 ; the Nazi Werewolves: Nazi Werewolves? The Secret Nazi Guerrilla Organization; Wilson – slur that he was a Russian spy. New US Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, is is also US Director of National Intelligence:  –  Trump named US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell as acting director of national intelligence.

Tulsi Gabbard on Fox News. Michael Hudson on the US election process and on how people make money without any useful work now. BBC World Service – Oxitech firm and GM moths: Genetically engineered moths can knock down crop pests, but will they take off?.

Thailand political party with alleged Illuminati connections – not allowed because of dodgy funding. Macron and his party donors. Netanyahu in dock in March. Syria attacks on Idlib – terrorists backed by Turks. MUSIC Moccasin by Laika (2000) Documentary from 2011: ‘AIDS – The Greatest Medical Fraud in History: the pain, profits and politics of AIDS’ documentary. Pentagon funding of biological warfare – biological warfare against Korea and Cuba.

Cold Case Hammarskjolddocumentary about the assassination of UN Secretary General in 1961the CIA and the private military company SAIMR in South Africa also involved in giving black Africans AIDS. Interview with the producer Andreas Rocksen discussing the mining companies interests in South Africa. LINK to CCH clip 1: Hammarskjold, the flaming idealistclip 2: the thrill of the caseclip 3: How through vaccines HIV-AIDS was purposely inoculated to Africans and Complete Audio Soundtrack of Cold Case Hammarskjold (2019) documentary.  
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2 Comments on “Bristol mayor Marvin Rees invoking ‘childcare’ as excuse to escape questioning? – George Ferguson on Temple Island: ‘The lousiest deal that any local authority has ever done’ – Hanau terror attack: US National Intelligence Director now based in Berlin doubling as ambassador to Germany – HIV-AIDS purposely inoculated to Africans through vaccines

  1. Dear Tony , Perhaps I overreacted but when you said you won’t be back till April “God Willing” , I feel shocked ! depressed . Are you ok ? I hope you are not ill . I will pray, in my Christian Socialist way, you will overcome anything which may prevent your coming back again on the air on the Politics show . If you are coming back will there be guest hosts on the Politics Show when you are away till April ? please reply ! give my best to Martin …

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