NHS Negligence? Oxbridge Universities Call For Enquiry Into 13,000 EXTRA non-Covid Deaths – ‘Money Down The Toilet’ Labour Mayor Marvin Rees Trying To ‘Keep A Lid On’ His £45m+ Bristol Energy Disaster – Marti Burgess: First West Indian Heritage Member Tapped Up By Bristol’s Slave Trading Merchant Venturers – Bring On The Bill Gates vs. Andrew Wakefield Vaccines Live TV Debate – Sir Robert Cohen’s Covi-Pass ‘Mark Of The Beast’, And It’s BRITISH! The BCfm Politics Show Online presented by Tony Gosling
Friday 29th May 2020
At six – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After seven – straight talking and investigative reports
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers continues online after being ‘rested’ mid-March 2020 by BCfm managing editor Pat Hart. internet only BCfm Politics Show now available 17:00-19:00 live Friday Drivetime. We are ready to go live on the FM server remotely, awaiting the go-ahead from managing editor Pat Hart and his team. In the light of government and Ofcom guidance they decided not to broadcast discussion or political shows that ‘might put the FM licence at risk’ and don’t want the burden of dealing with potential Ofcom complaints.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
Listen live online each week now between 17:00 and 19:00 BST, 10:00-12:00 EST, 09:00-11:00 PST https://www.internet-radio.com/station/prsc/
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First hour News Review With former communities minister and LibDem MP for Bristol West, Stephen Williams: Steven’s experience as Communities Minister; Grenfell Tower Inquiry;
Labour Mayor Marvin Rees was hoping the disastrous Bristol Energy report would come out after the May 2020 election that never happened, so now he has to ‘keep a lid on it’. £35m upwards of public money wasted on Bristol Energy; Call for independent inquiry into Bristol Energy voted down – Opposition groups united to support the motion, but were “bitterly disappointed” when it was voted down by Labour members -‘A bombshell about to explode in this city’s finances’ – Conservative group leader Mark Weston described the company as “haemorrhaging money” as he brought his motion to the extraordinary full council meeting. Cllr Weston said it was time for the administration to accept Bristol Energy was a “dead weight” on council finances that should be “released”. “What we want is an inquiry,” he said. “Let us investigate exactly what happened, when it happened, the funding that goes with it, because I fear we have a bombshell about to explode in this city’s finances that is going to cost us millions.” Seconding the motion, Lib Dem group leader Gary Hopkins said it was obvious more than two years ago that Bristol Energy was in trouble and accused the mayor of a “cover up” once he realised the company was beyond rescue. Speaking on behalf of the Green group in support of the motion, councillor Jerome Thomas said the council had acted with “inappropriate secrecy” in relation to Bristol Energy and the public knew more about the finances of British Gas and Scottish Power than they did about the energy company their council tax had paid for. “Greater openness would have meant that problems with Bristol Energy would have been identified and communicated earlier and suitable corrective action could have been taken,” he said. Labour member Estella Tinknell called for the opposition councillors to withdraw their “completely counterproductive” motion and instead work together to ensure Bristol Energy has a “positive and constructive future”…
Lakota nightclub proprietor Marti Burgess agrees to become the first black Merchant Venturer, a notorious former slave trading group. Does she stand any chance of opening its accounts to public scrutiny? Marti Burgess appointed first black member of Bristol’s Society of Merchant Venturers. The secretive society known locally as ‘The Bristol Mafia’ was founded in 1552. The Merchant Venturers have been the dominant force in Bristol civic life since at least the 16th century. The organisation effectively ran the city for hundreds of years, its members set up the Bristol part of the transatlantic slave trade and the forced transportation of hundreds of thousands of the poor from Britain, while it represented the interests of businessmen and the rich merchants. Now, the organisation runs many of the city’s state-funded primary and secondary schools, as well as fee-paying schools, and also has many of the city’s nursing homes as part of the St Monica Trust charity and the Cote Charity, as well as having a role in things like the Downs Committee. Its members include multi-millionaires and business leaders from across the city and wider region, and is largely now a charitable organisation with a behind-the-scenes role in funding numerous major third sector organisations in Bristol. Marti Burgess’ appointment is the first of 2020, and is the first time the organisation has ever included a black person in its ranks…
Covid 19 – Boris explaining up to six people can now meet outside; Boris Johnson announces new lockdown rules allowing six people to gather from Monday. FAMILIES and friends will be allowed to reunite following months apart after Boris Johnson eased lockdown rules. The Prime Minister announced that outdoor gatherings of up to six people will be permitted from Monday as long as social distancing rules are still observed. Barbecues and garden parties got the green light, as well as get-togethers in parks, beaches and other outdoor venues. And grandparents will finally be able to see their grandchildren again, although shielding advice for the most vulnerable to coronavirus remains in force. The PM said: “I know that for many this will be a long-awaited and joyful moment.” Mr Johnson also confirmed that primary schools and nurseries will start some classes for the children of non-key workers from Monday. Secondaries will follow a fortnight later. NHS dentists will be encouraged to reopen from June 8. Outdoor markets and car showrooms have been permitted to start trading on Monday with other non-essential shops reopening from the middle of the month…
Ex-Ambassador Craig Murray suggests Dominic Cummings may have gone to Durham to see GSK who are bidding for vaccine production; Why Barnard Castle? – Dominic Cummings specifically stated now in the press briefing that he had been eager to “get back to work to get vaccine deals through, move regulations aside” and that is why he drove to Barnard Castle to test his driving ability. Now it may be entirely a coincidence that the place to which he chose to drive for his eyesight test happened to be the site of the major factory of GlaxoSmithKline. It may be an entire coincidence that two days later, on the very day Cummings actually started work back in Downing Street he has stated was “to get vaccine deals through”, GlaxoSmithKline announced an agreement to develop the vaccine. It is however plainly not crazy to ask the question…
Emily Maitliss taken off Newsnight for breaking impartiality guidelines – she said Cummings broke the lockdown rules; Emily Maitlis replaced for Newsnight episode after Cummings remarks. Katie Razzall stepped in after BBC reprimanded host over ‘breach of impartiality rules’
SAGE ‘we will use the media to increase the sense of personal threat’; but this is terrifying some of the most vulnerable and sensitive people in society – Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) said ‘Use media to increase sense of personal threat’ in their ‘Options for increasing adherence to social distancing measures 22nd March 2020′
The final Thursday ‘clapping for the NHS’ <<BUT>> 13,000 unexplained deaths due to lack of NHS treatment; Almost 13,000 unexplained deaths in England and Wales since coronavirus crisis began, figures show – Fears grow that thousands died of non-virus causes at home or in care homes because they could not access medical treatment – Nearly 13,000 more people than expected have died in England and Wales since mid-March from causes other than coronavirus amid fears that a lack of medical care is responsible. Data compiled by The Telegraph shows that there have been more than 23,000 excess deaths in care homes or at home, not linked to Covid-19, since March 13. During that time, hospital deaths fell by more than 10,000 as many dying patients were sent back into the community to free up beds ahead of the pandemic building to a peak. But even after allowing for the numbers who would ordinarily have died in hospital, some 12,818 deaths are left unaccounted for…
George Floyd – black man killed by police in US; Federal Agents sex with enslaved prostitutes; Federal agents engaged in sex acts with victims – PHOENIX — The women were forced to live and work in filth and near darkness, the federal agent said, surviving on only the tips they received from performing massages and sexual favors. – Lon Weigand, deputy special agent in charge of Homeland Security Investigations in Arizona, described them as “Asian females” who may be sex-trafficking victims. He praised the joint operation between federal agents and local police in western Arizona that led to their rescue and credited “investigative techniques” with helping to crack a “transnational criminal organization.” What Weigand didn’t say at that September 2018 press conference – although HSI documents show some supervisors knew – was that federal undercover agents repeatedly paid for and engaged in sex acts with suspected victims…
Protests against the lockdown in US; Hundreds demand justice in Minneapolis after police killing of George Floyd Protesters clash with police, who deploy teargas and stun grenades, following death of black man at hands of white officer Shocking moment effigy of Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear is hanged from a tree outside his mansion by Second Amendment supporters during Covid-19 lockdown protest –A group of people first gathered outside the Kentucky Capitol building – They were said to be celebrating their Second Amendment rights in Frankfort The gathering soon turned into a protest against Kentucky’s Covid-19 measures – Organizers led the group to the governor’s mansion where the hanging took place as a crowd of people, including children, watched on.. Anti-lockdown demonstrators trade guns for scissors at Michigan ‘haircut’ protest – Demonstrators in Michigan gathered for “Operation Haircut,” the latest in a string of protests against the state’s stay-at-home order. Husband of ‘Reopen North Carolina’ leader says he is ‘willing to kill’ in fight against lockdown Adam Smith says America must stand up to ‘new world order’ – The husband of a leading protester campaigning to “reopen” North Carolina has said he and his fellow protesters are “willing to kill people” as they fight to overturn their state’s lockdown order. Coronavirus: Madrid Anti-lockdown car protest draws thousands
Zara Saltana MP – maiden speech of Labour MP for Coventry;
Open letter to Campaign Group of Socialist Labour MPs; David Miller suspended; Israel Lobby’s influence in politics: Open Letter to the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs – Reject the New McCarthyism – Reject the Board of Deputies 10 Pledges – … For over four and a half years there was a sustained campaign of vilification and defamation alleging that the Labour Party was overrun by ‘anti-Semitism’. It was a campaign initiated by that well known opponent of racism, the Daily Mail in an article written even before Jeremy Corbyn had even been elected, alleging that he had associated with a holocaust denier. This campaign was fronted by the Jewish Chronicle under far-Right editor and founder of the Henry Jackson Society, Stephen Pollard. In the words of its editorial of 8 November 2019 ‘Throughout his career, he [Corbyn] has allied with and supported antisemites.’ When Israel’s Education Ministry bans a book depicting a teenage romance between a Jew and Arab from the High School syllabus it does it because it undermines students’ understanding of their ‘Jewish identity’. Opposition to sexual relations between the races was fundamental to South Africa, the Deep South and Nazi Germany. We are asking you to: 1. Join us in opposing the continuation of the anti-Semitism witch-hunt. It is aimed at anti-racists and anti-imperialist supporters of the Palestinians not anti-Semites. 2. Oppose the Board of Deputies 10 Pledges whose aim is to close down discussion and debate on Palestine and Zionism. 3. Recognise that Keir Starmer represents the hard-Right in the Labour Party. His attempt to bury the leaked Labour Report with a Whitewash by appointing a panel of Progress supporters confirms that. He has made it clear that he is returning Labour to the austerity-lite politics of Ed Miliband. 4. That we should do what the Right did for the duration of Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership. We should oppose the attempt by Starmer to return us to the era of New Labour. We believe that no member of the Campaign Group should serve in the Shadow Cabinet and provide Starmer with ‘left’ political cover. Starmer is a member of the British Establishment and the Trilateral Commission alongside such luminaries as Henry Kissinger. Starmer is the darling of the Tory press. He has even been endorsed by George Osborne…
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Second hour International News Followed By Investigative reports: Meng Wanzhou, Huawei Chief Financial Officer, is still under arrest in Vancouver; US China boat ….STORY LINK**;
Covid 19 – is it biological warfare?
If Given OK, US Could Conduct a Nuclear Test in a Matter of Months, Pentagon Official Says – This comes as senior national security officials are reportedly discussing whether to conduct a test. The United States could conduct an underground nuclear weapons test within months of being given an order to do so, a senior Pentagon official said Tuesday. But there has been no change in the U.S. policy to not test nuclear weapons, said Drew Walter, who is performing the duties of deputy assistant defense secretary for nuclear matters. He spoke four days after the Washington Post reported that “senior officials representing the top national security agencies” discussed conducting a nuclear test during a May 15 meeting. “[I]f the president directed, because of a technical issue or a geopolitical issue, the system to go test, I think it would happen relatively rapidly,” Walter said Tuesday at a Mitchell Institute event. Walter said the Energy Department’s National Nuclear Security Administration, which oversees the maintenance of U.S. nuclear weapons, “has a requirement to retain the ability to resume testing on particular timelines. Reviewing those timelines for the readiness posture regularly is always prudent.” NNSA officials “maintain the capability to do all of that underground work,” Walter said, meaning they have a location suitable for an underground nuclear test. A nuclear test could be conducted “with limited diagnostics…within months, probably not years,” he said. But he added that the time to prepare for “a fully diagnostic” test that generates “lots of data, all the bells and whistles, so to speak, might be measured in years.”…
US nuclear test in months Trump Administration Discussing New Nuclear Test, First Since 1992 Officials believe test would push Russia, China in negotiations How does the US get Russia and China to the negotiating table? Senior administration officials came up with the idea of carrying out the first US nuclear test explosion since 1992, and this conversation is still ongoing. Carrying out nuclear tests is a hugely provocative move on the global scale, and yet the Trump Administration thought it could “prove useful” in trying to get Russia and China into trilateral nuclear talks. This probably was also informing the administration in accusing, without evidence, both Russia and China of conducting nuclear tests in secret. Global monitoring makes secret tests all but impossible, but alleging such tests would be cover for the US to do it too…
Covid preps military for war …. US Military Using New Data Collection System Designed For War in Pandemic Response – Pentagon sees new JADC2 system as vital for beating China, Russia in military confrontations – US Northern Command is using a new data collection system to track the spread of Covid-19. The Joint-All Domain Command & Control, or JADC2, is a project in its infancy designed to collect information on all aspects of military operations using artificial intelligence, data to be shared between all branches. The idea is to connect every piece of military hardware to the network. Another aim of JADC2 is to give commanders the ability to swap out weapons in the middle of a war. Meaning, commanders will be able to simultaneously control every tool on the battlefield, making it harder for enemies to prioritize defense. For example, if a target sets up a defense for an incoming fleet of bombers, the Pentagon could see that and quickly change the plan of attack. According to Defense One, Northcom received a briefing on April 14th that said Stamford, Connecticut was about to become a Covid-19 hotspot. The briefing used data and predictions collected by a sub-system of the JADC2, which Northcom developed with Apple, Google, Palantir, and the intelligence company ESIR. The system uses AI to make predictions based on analyzed data…
Former ANC MP Andrew Feinstein discusses Julian Assange and the shocking injustice of him being in Belmarsh Prison. Trump Aid, Roger Stone, had exchanged messages with Assange, about Democrats rigging the nomination in favour of Hillary Clinton to fight Trump.
India and China put more troops into border regions – ‘All-out combat’ feared as India, China engage in border standoff – Indian media says thousands of Chinese troops are believed to be inside the Indian territory along the de facto border. On May 5, a scuffle broke out between Indian and Chinese troops at the Pangong Tso lake, located 14,000 feet (4,270 metres) above the sea level in the Himalayan region of Ladakh. A video shot by an Indian soldier and shared on social media showed soldiers from both nations engaged in fistfights and stone-pelting at the de facto border, known as Line of Actual Control (LAC). The incident, which continued until the next day, resulted in 11 soldiers being injured on both sides…
Who is behind the ‘Covi-Pass’? Sir Ronald Cohen – HIS POLITICS – In 1974 Cohen stood as the parliamentary candidate for the Liberal Party in Kensington North, and in 1979 he stood as its European candidate in London West. In 1996 he switched allegiance to the Labour Party, becoming a supporter of Tony Blair. In 2004, Cohen was the Labour Party’s fourth largest financial supporter, after Lord Sainsbury, Sir Christopher Ondaatje and Lord Hamlyn.
It’s been nicknamed the ‘Mark of the Beast’, and its been launched by a British venture capitalist. Blairite Venture Capitalists Sir Ronald Cohen’s ‘Covi-Pass’ A passport linked to health status is discriminatory & should be illegal. “This is how they will get everyone on the planet onto a digital ID blockchain registry. Where they can tag you, track you, tax you, sanction you, quarantine you and even punish you if you do not comply with global standards or metrics. This is part of the 4th Industrial Revolution that is being rolled into place; our economic reboot. You will not leave, eat or sleep anywhere without state approval. Are you beginning to see the pattern?” ~ Joseph Gonzalez
It may be the Mark of the Beast, but at least its British! SIR ROBERT COHEN’S OWN WEBSITE Sir Robert Cohen, the Blairite investment fund donor behind the Covi-Chip ID2020 ‘way out of lockdown‘ Covi Pass – the new proposed ID card – Biometrics website – funded by Sir Ronald Cohen – he discusses his ethical investments.
New documentary series out ‘The Truth About Vaccines’: but with some inaccuracies – kids taken away; fake news footage on C4;
Andrew Wakefield warns against mandatory vaccines, saying it is similar to the Nazi approach.
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Police Are More Dangerous To The Public Than Are Criminals — Paul Craig Roberts
‘Why is the man who killed George Floyd not it jail?,’ Mayor calls for arresting cop to be charged .
Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey called on prosecutors to file criminal charges against a white police officer caught on a bystander’s video pressing his knee into the neck of African-American man who later died at a hospital.
Mayor Jacob Frey calls on county attorney to charge officer involved in George Floyd’s death
Group protesting George Floyd death shuts down California freeway — WATCH LIVE
George Floyd death: Protests erupt in Atlanta, New York, and cities across the U.S. | FULL
Minneapolis Police Station On Fire Amid Protest Of George Floyd’s Killing | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
can you start posting all your shows on youtube easier to find and listen to thanks
youtube would ban them