Death of ‘Ajax’, Illegal Drinking, Drug and Mugging Den Owner Gilbert Watson – Covid Censorship Special – Robin Campbell: NHS Management Disaster as Bristol Hospitals are Emptied Causing Lockdown ‘Death Wave’ FOUR TIMES Covid Mortality – Bilderberg Tech Giants Censor American Frontline Doctors for Big Pharma – Pentagon’s Secret Biowarfare Programme Exposed in 2018 by Bulgarian Investigative Journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva – Psychological Warfare and Censorship Used to Suppress Evidence of Intelligent Design for Decades? – The BCfm online Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Friday 31st July 2020
Listen live online each week 17:00 to 19:00 BST, 10:00-12:00 EST, 09:00-11:00 PST. Repeats 2100 & 0900 BST daily
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers continues online after being ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm managing editor Pat Hart. The Internet only BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-19:00 live Drivetime Fridays.
We are ready to go live on BCfm’s FM server remotely, awaiting the go-ahead from the managing editor. Initially we were told ‘In the light of government and Ofcom guidance’ his team have decided not to broadcast discussion or political shows that ‘might put the FM licence at risk, and don’t want the burden of dealing with potential Ofcom complaints. Now we’ve been told a wider ‘reorganisation’ is underway and this show may be allowed to return to FM in November 2020.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
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First hour News Review:
Bristol Waste – ‘Racism and neglect’ blamed for St Pauls rubbish blight – Residents in St Pauls have accused the council and waste contractor of dismissing their concerns simply because of where they live “Institutionalised neglect” and racism have left streets in parts of Bristol filled with rubbish and fly-tipping reports ignored, residents have said. One homeowner from the St Pauls suburb alleged a waste contractor call handler told her the area was “never going to be great” because it has “lots of ethnic minorities”. Bristol Waste said it did not recognise the claims “on any level”. It said it responded to all reports with “the same level of service”. But people living in the area have accused Bristol City Council and Bristol Waste of dismissing concerns simply because of where they live. They said streets were filled with “vermin”, litter and overflowing bins and suffered frequent fly-tipping…
Gilbert Watson ‘Ajax’, dies. ‘Bristol has lost a legend’ – tributes paid to owner of late-night blues bar – but not mentioned are the muggings that took place in Ajax’ place on Ashley Road which allegedly focused on white men, with muggers knowing victims would be unlikely to report crimes to the police because it was an illegal late drinking and weed smoking den. Celebrations took place earlier this year to remember nights they’d had at the shebeen. The man who ran the “last shebeen” in the south west who was described as a “cornerstone” of the St Pauls community has died. Gilbert Watson – known as Ajax – died on Sunday, July 19 after being diagnosed with cancer. Mr Watson was described as the “life and soul of the party”, having become well-known for opening the Shady Grove Café in 1970, creating a safe haven for the African-Caribbean community in St Pauls to dance, drink and socialise. It quickly became the heart of the area, and so did he. In the 1990s St Pauls had several after-hours “blues” clubs and it also became a centre of the free party scene. Earlier this year, many of Mr Watson’s loved-ones got together in celebration of him and paid tribute to his shebeen being the last one in the south west. One of his family members – Kelly Meekerz – shared the news of Mr Watson’s death, saying: “Our family is deeply saddened to inform you that ‘Ajax’ Gilbert Watson passed away in his sleep on Sunday morning. “As many of you know, he has been suffering from cancer for some time now. We are relieved that his passing was peaceful and painless…
Robin Campbell interviewed by Anna Breeze – excess deaths from lockdown – influence from Big Pharma – interviews with doctors who have subsequently been stopped from practising –email – Robin Campbell (52), IT Consultant, Bristol. 28 July 2020 – Robin is the 16th person to contact us: waiting list, empty hospitals, empty surgeries, NHS not doing its job, timing of lockdowns, Neil Ferguson predicting over half a million dead, ‘NHS saved’, interviewed two UK doctors, virus was not isolated and inaccurate testing with 80% false positives etc. This is a time for a new media that you own, please let us know how you feel – share your experiences via video to WhatsApp or WeTransfer to 07512 665059. You must be happy for this to be shared to all social media platforms – please state your name, location and occupation.
Pandemic Is Over Graph: Lockdown kills 200,000, four times that of Covid-19: Lockdown may cost 200,000 lives, government report shows – Research shines a light on the reasons why the Government has been keen to lift lockdown, in spite of experts claiming it happened too soon. More than 200,000 people could die from the impact of lockdown and protecting the NHS, an official government report shows.
Is virus a bioweapon? Boris speech on halting easing of lockdown.
Mandatory vaccination – vaccines very different nowadays.
Sit Down Covid Comedian Dr. Vernon Coleman on on arbitrary social distancing, ‘should be thirty feet; or ten metres.
Labour Party in Brighton – Greens take over. How Labour lost Brighton and Hove City Council this week. How did Labour lose Brighton and Hove City Council in two days? IN JUST two days, Councillor Nancy Platts’s Labour administration collapsed. On Monday the party was rocked by resignations from councillors Kate Knight and Nichole Brennan, both of who have been accused of anti-Semitism. The Greens became the largest party on Brighton and Hove City Council with 19 seats to Labour’s 18. Not even 24 hours later, on Tuesday night, Cllr Platts announced her party would hand over control of the city council to the Greens, citing failed power-sharing negotiations…
Corbyn court case. Pro-Corbyn group Jewish Voice for Labour being sued for libel. EXCLUSIVE: Journalist John Ware is taking action over comments made in relation to BBC Panorama programme ‘Is Labour Antisemitic?’ Local lockdowns – Muslim lockdowns – Bristol Coronavirus updates: Spike in Bristol cases and partial local lockdowns in England. 48 new cases have been recorded in Bristol since last Friday, while in parts of northern England home visits have been banned. The government has made the announcement that separate households in northern England can no longer meet up. A total of 12 more people living in the West of England have tested positive for coronavirus in the last 24 hours, latest Government figures have revealed. The new cases have been added to the Government statistics in the last 24 hours, to 4pm on Thursday (July 30) although they advise that the tests themselves may have taken place in the last few days. For Bristol, the seven new cases recorded on Monday brings the total number of cases to 1,335. There are no new cases in Bath and North East Somerset meaning the total there remains at 348. There have been three new cases in South Gloucestershire, with the total there standing at 759 since the pandemic began. There were two new cases recorded in North Somerset, so the total there is now 912. Meanwhile, separate households have been banned from meeting each other indoors in Greater Manchester and parts of east Lancashire and West Yorkshire following a local spike in cases. The Health Secretary Matt Hancock announced that the increase in transmission was largely due to people not obeying social distancing guidelines. However, Labour have criticised the government for the lack of clarity and for announcing the new measures late last night. Lockdown easing reversed and mask rules extended in England Prime Minister Boris Johnson has ‘squeezed the brake’ on lockdown easing, reversing planned measures which were due to come into force tomorrow, August 1.Casinos, bowling alleys, theatres and ice rinks will not be allowed to reopen and wedding receptions of up to 30 people will not now be allowed from Saturday…
Pandemic just a cover for bailing out the banking system?
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BCfm audio file – [right click to download]
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Complete 195 minute show – [right click to download]
Second hour International News Followed By Investigative reports:
Censorship. Just a Glitch – Google – Just a glitch? Google hides conservative & alt-media websites from search results for hours – Just a glitch? Google hides conservative & alt-media websites from search results for hours. Google excluded major conservative and alt-media outlets from its search results for hours, hiding hits for sites like Breitbart and RedState even in searches for the outlets’ names – only to mysteriously revert to normal later. Conservative sites were in a panic Tuesday morning, reporting they seemed to have been blacklisted from Google. Articles and pages published by PJ Media, Daily Caller, The Blaze, and many other sites were absent even from searches for the publication name, replaced by links to Wikipedia and other sites talking about the outlet in question – usually negatively. Just noticed Google has removed several conservative websites from search results (at least on my end, in the UK). RedState, Breitbart, Daily Caller, Human Events, and more – all like this for pages of results – I can no longer find @Breitbart or @TheNatPulse on Google, either in news results or regular search. Where did they go? While most of the affected sites hailed from the right side of the political spectrum, leftist sites whose views don’t conform to prevailing orthodoxy also appeared to fall victim to the purge. Mediaite’s Charlie Nash posted a screenshot of a Google search for “MintPress News” that included no hits from the left-leaning antiwar outlet, while another commenter noted Occupy Democrats was MIA. Websites providing a left-wing perspective are also affected. MintPress News has a small link in the Wiki info bubble, but no links to the website (or any of its articles) in 8 pages of search results…
Websites providing a left-wing perspective are also affected. MintPress News has a small link in the Wiki info bubble, but no links to the website (or any of its articles) in 8 pages of search results
— Charlie Nash (@CharlieNash) July 21, 2020
Facebook, Google/YouTube, Twitter Censor Viral Video of Doctors’ Capitol Hill Coronavirus Press Conference – Facebook has removed a video posted by Breitbart News earlier today, which was the top-performing Facebook post in the world Monday afternoon, of a press conference in D.C. held by the group America’s Frontline Doctors and organized and sponsored by the Tea Party Patriots. [WATCH VIDEO HERE] – [NEW NON_HACKED AMERICAN FRONTLINE DOCTORS WEBSITE HERE] American Frontline Doctors’ have been banned from the internet for their opinions on Covid 19: kids don’t spread Covid-19; hydroxychloroquine works against Covid-19; health impacts of lockdown The press conference featured Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) and frontline doctors sharing their views and opinions on coronavirus and the medical response to the pandemic. YouTube (which is owned by Google) and Twitter subsequently removed footage of the press conference as well. The video accumulated over 17 million views during the eight hours it was hosted on Facebook, with over 185,000 concurrent viewers. The livestream had accumulated over 17 million views by the time of its censorship by Facebook. In terms of viral velocity, the post was beating content from many other prominent accounts on Facebook today, including Hillary Clinton, Rev. Franklin Graham, and Kim Kardashian. Over 185,000 viewers were concurrently watching the stream when it aired live Monday afternoon. The event, hosted by the organization America’s Frontline Doctors, a group founded by Dr. Simone Gold, a board-certified physician and attorney, and made up of medical doctors, came together to address what the group calls a “massive disinformation campaign” about the coronavirus. Norman also spoke at the event. “If Americans continue to let so-called experts and media personalities make their decisions, the great American experiment of a Constitutional Republic with Representative Democracy, will cease,” reads the event’s information page…
Interview with Syed Mohsin Abbas from Saha TV who was suspended from Facebook for criticising Israeli Army Attacking A Disabled Palestinian Man: video of Israeli soldiers attacking a disabled Palestinian in a wheelchair, has been taken down from internet. Discussion of the Talpiot Social Media/Propaganda Programme – Facebook appoints Israeli censor to oversight board. Facebook habitually censors Palestinian journalists and news organizations on its platform. Facebook has hired the former director-general of Israel’s justice ministry as a member of its new oversight board. This body will effectively determine what content to censor or permit on the social media platform. Emi Palmor headed the justice ministry from 2014 until she was dismissed from her post last year. Under her direction, the Israeli justice ministry “petitioned Facebook to censor legitimate speech of human rights defenders and journalists because it was deemed politically undesirable,” Palestinian civil society groups stated this month. The groups condemned Facebook’s selection of Palmor, warning of her potential role in muzzling freedom of expression and censoring human rights defenders, particularly Palestinian, Arab and Muslim voices on the platform. The Palestine Digital Rights Coalition, the Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council and the Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network are urging Facebook to “consider the grave consequences that electing Emi Palmor may have particularly on Palestinian human rights defenders and on freedom of expression online in defense of Palestinian rights.” Who is Emi Palmor? Palmor’s time as the top civil servant at the Israeli justice ministry coincided with the term of Ayelet Shaked as the minister. Ironically, Shaked became notorious prior to assuming that role for making a Facebook post inciting the genocide of Palestinians. Under Palmor’s oversight, the ministry formed a cyber unit successfully resulting in the removal of tens of thousands of Palestinian posts from social media platforms…
Q Anon conspiracy theory encircling the globe: Stephan Lewandowsky, from Bristol University, is a big critic of QAnon, Psychologically this only serves to strengthen supporters’ belief in the conspiracy, Professor Stephan Lewandowsky at the University of Bristol LINK to our previous interview with him and awkward questions he couldn’t answer about the 9/11 and Iraq WMD mass media lies; A sprinkling of misleading information to poison the well of hard facts. -> What is QAnon? The bizarre pro-Trump conspiracy theory growing ahead of the US election – It has been described as a right-wing conspiracy theory, an emerging religious movement, and even as a domestic terrorism threat in one FBI bulletin – but what exactly is QAnon? Put simply, QAnon is a surprisingly popular hoax based on the cryptic posts of an individual or group purporting to possess inside knowledge of the Trump administration’s secret fight against an evil global cabal. QAnon’s followers (which include at least one Republican candidate for the US Senate) often disagree about very significant details of the conspiracy which they believe is taking place. What details do they agree about? Generally they all believe that Donald Trump is fighting against a secretive and evil global cabal, members of which include former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and the billionaire liberal philanthropist George Soros, who both have been hate figures for the American political right for many years/ The supporters believe that a person or group inside the administration – the eponymous “Q” – is posting coded messages online to inform Mr Trump’s supporters about this secret war, and preparing them for an imminent event in which the president overthrows the evil cabal and imprisons its members….
Manfred Petritsch from the All Smoke and Mirrors blog on having bank accounts closed and credit cards stopped for supporting 9/11 Truth movement in Switzerland – also censorship: German newspapers being held up by government, and then influence content; propaganda and media. Sinking aircraft carrier – satellite – Russia has unleashed a satellite killer: US officials – According to SPACECOM, Cosmos 2543 released an object into space in proximity to another Russian satellite – According to US space command officials, Russia has tested a satellite killer weapon in space. Space became a scarier place this week, thanks to our Russian friends — it appears a deadly satellite killer, has been unleashed. According to US Space Command, Russia has tested an anti-satellite weapon on orbit, continuing a series of aggressive actions inciting the militarization of space, C4ISR.Net reported. According to a July 23 SPACECOM statement, Russian inspector satellite Cosmos 2543 released an object into space in proximity to another Russian satellite, an action inconsistent with its stated purpose. US officials have suggested in the past that such an object could be used as a high-speed projectile weapon to attack other satellites, the report said. “The Russian satellite system used to conduct this on-orbit weapons test is the same satellite system that we raised concerns about earlier this year, when Russia maneuvered near a US government satellite,” said Gen. John “Jay” Raymond, SPACECOM Commander and US Space Force Chief of Space Operations…
US diplomats involved in trafficking of human blood and pathogens for secret military program
By Dilyana Gaytandzhieva -June 14, 2019 War, Capitalism and economy. Pentagon and secret biowarfare programme … Abkazia, and Georgia……. – Pentagon Biolaboratories – Investigative Documentary – The US Embassy to Tbilisi transports frozen human blood and pathogens as diplomatic cargo for a secret US military program. Internal documents, implicating US diplomats in the transportation of and experimenting on pathogens under diplomatic cover were leaked to me by Georgian insiders. According to these documents, Pentagon scientists have been deployed to the Republic of Georgia and have been given diplomatic immunity to research deadly diseases and biting insects at the Lugar Center – the Pentagon biolaboratory in Georgia’s capital Tbilisi. This military facility is just one of the many Pentagon biolaboratories in 25 countries across the world. They are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 billion military program – Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP), and are located in former Soviet Union countries such as Georgia and Ukraine, the Middle East, South East Asia and Africa. Instead of investing in the health of its own citizens the US government has spent $161 million of US taxpayer money on the Lugar Center in Tbilisi for research on deadly diseases and biting insects abroad. The secret facility is located just 17 km from the US Vaziani military airbase in Georgia’s capital Tbilisi. The Pentagon biolaboratory is heavily guarded. All passers-by within a radius of 100 m are filmed although the military biolaboratory is located within a residential area. The security guards warn me that if I do not comply, show my passport and leave this place, I will be arrested. My official request to the Lugar Center for access to the facility and for interviews has also been rejected. Secret experiments at night. However, I go back at night when the laboratory is seemingly still working. No matter how far the distance the air is laden with the smell of chemicals. This smell coming from the Lugar Center at night is blown by the wind to the residential area. Local residents from the Alexeevka neighbourhood, where the laboratory is located, complain that dangerous chemicals are being secretly burnt at night and that hazardous waste is being emptied into the nearby river through the laboratory’s pipes…
Dr Vernon Coleman: The Satanic Wars Have Started International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, describes the world “They” have created, and analyses the laws which have been invented. He explains why and how we are being terrorised by our governments…
God or no God? Psychological warfare and censorship used to suppress evidence of Intelligent Design? James Perloff: The Elite Don’t Want You To Know: GOD IS REAL – Here’s the Proof: 1) First Cell Would Also Have To Be Able To Reproduce; 2) Mutations Only Destroy, Never Add, Function; 3) No Intermediate Species or Transitional Fossils; 4) Interdependent Functions Such As Eyes Or Blood Clotting Cannot Have Evolved Simultaneously In an easy-to-read text, this book examines the growing scientific evidence that is challenging Darwin’s theory of evolution: lack of transitional forms in the fossil record; the impossibility of mutations (almost universally destructive) serving as evolutionary building blocks; the flawed logic of natural selection theory; the stunning lack of evidence for ape-men; the mathematic impossibility of life beginning by itself; and much more. Also explores the damaging effect societal impact of Darwinism, and examines how Inherit the Wind grossly misled Americans about the Scopes trial. Addresses the ever-vital question: Are we here by chance or are we created by God? Indexed, over 80 illustrations, hundreds of quotes from scientists.ENDORSEMENTSDR. DUANE T. GISH, SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, INSTITUTE FOR CREATION RESEARCH: “Tornado in a Junkyard by James Perloff should be in the library of every one who is interested in the subject of origins. This book is a powerful argument for creation because it is thorough, fully documented, and scientifically accurate. It is easily readable by scientist and layman alike, and is written in a popular style that will make it interesting and entertaining for readers of all ages. I highly recommend this book.”PUBLISHER’S WEEKLY, 8-30-99: “James Perloff’s intriguing Tornado in a Junkyard aims to debunk evolutionary theory in favor of creationism. Perloff, a former contributing editor to the New American, draws upon the work of neo-Darwinists and geneticists to argue that ‘while microevolution does occur–meaning minor adaptations and variations within a species,’ there is no solid evidence for macroevolution, or conversion of one animal type into another.”DR. EMMETT L. WILLIAMS, PRESIDENT, CREATION RESEARCH SOCIETY: “Tornado in a Junkyard is a unique presentation of the scientific case against Darwinism, informally written for laymen. If you are looking for a user-friendly explanation of the facts supporting creation, this book is for you.”CONSERVATIVE BOOK CLUB, 12-99: “James Perloff brings all the data together in a volume readily accessible to nonscientific types. His conclusion, carefully drawn: science contradicts Darwinism. . . . Perloff’s style, unusually lively, makes Tornado in a Junkyard entertaining as well as educational.”ACTOR JACK LEMMON, WHO PLAYED CLARENCE DARROW IN THE 1999 FILM VERSION OF INHERIT THE WIND: “My congratulations to Mr. Perloff for an outstanding piece of work.”HOMESCHOOLING TODAY, JAN/FEB-2000: “Why another ‘anti-evolution’ book? Because Tornado in a Junkyard is different. Author James Perloff, a former fanatical atheist and anti-creationist, understands the other side’s point of view. He presents facts that logically disprove Darwinism and unveils the many frauds and lies perpetrated by Darwinists that the public accepts as unshakeable scientific fact.”ELLEN MYERS, CREATION RESOURCE LIBRARY, WICHITA, KANSAS: “I’ve been heavily involved in the creationist movement for many years and am familiar with most of the facts cited in Tornado. However, the racy style, the many excellent photos, and especially the less known details and extensive documentation will now make Tornado my resource of choice in my work.”THE NEW AMERICAN, 9-13-99: “Perloff demonstrates–in this reviewer’s opinion conclusively–that scientific evidence, when examined honestly, does not support modern Darwinism, but actually contradicts it. . . . This is a very important work, written in an informal and attractive style that is a joy to read.”VICKI BRADY, HOST, “HOMESCHOOLING USA”: “With so many books out on the evolution/creation debate it is getting hard to choose from good, better and best. James’ book falls in the best category. I recommend that every homeschool family and church have a copy for their libraries.”CHRISTIAN NEWS, 9-27-99: “Christian News highly recommends Tornado in a Junkyard.” The global elite are now in the process of unveiling that which they have been hiding for centuries. There is a spiritual war taking place on planet earth at this very moment. Would it really surprise any of you who understand this information if you were to find out the Darwin’s theories on the Origins of Species are also nothing more than lies based on deplorably bad “science” in order to get the world’s population to dismiss the notion of a Creator altogether? If the elite could get the whole world to believe this beautiful planet and all who inhabit are nothing more than a random accident, they could get humanity to lower its spiritual shields thereby making it far easier to usher in the global system they seek, helmed by the one they secretly serve, Satan. Spiritual warfare on planet earth is alive and well – and you have been lied to. Author James Perloff joins me to deconstruct Darwin. and share proof that God is real..
Radio4All download pages
BCfm audio file – [right click to download]
Radio4All audio file – [right click to download]
Complete 195 minute show – [right click to download]
Full interview with Syed Mohsin Abbas – [right click to download]
Full interview with Manfred Petritsch – [right click to download]
Being a democratic socialist I don’t like either Trump or Biden . And I am not going to like either any more than i do now, if they say the quinine based antiviral drug works and it does work . What i find interesting is that back in 2005 during a similar virus SARS , Chloroquine purportedly was one of the drugs that was effective against SARS . Here are some links to articles . I leave it up to you to decide .
In my humble opinion , I think it safe to conclude that taking chloroquine is much safer than drinking chlorine bleach , as trump suggested to the american people on tv .
the following is an excerpt from a scientific journal . also included is the link to that article
Virology Journal 2005
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is caused by a newly discovered coronavirus (SARS-CoV). No effective prophylactic or post-exposure therapy is currently available.
We report, however, that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage. In addition to the well-known functions of chloroquine such as elevations of endosomal pH, the drug appears to interfere with terminal glycosylation of the cellular receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. This may negatively influence the virus-receptor binding and abrogate the infection, with further ramifications by the elevation of vesicular pH, resulting in the inhibition of infection and spread of SARS CoV at clinically admissible concentrations.
Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with chloroquine prior to or after SARS CoV infection. In addition, the indirect immunofluorescence assay described herein represents a simple and rapid method for screening SARS-CoV antiviral compounds….
to continue click on link
The following author’s economics and politics I am opposed to . yet his article lead me to the scientific article above .
article excerpt and link
Fauci knew about HCQ in 2005 — nobody needed to die
Monday, April 27, 2020 | Bryan Fischer – Guest Columnist
Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose “expert” advice to President Trump has resulted in the complete shutdown of the greatest economic engine in world history, has known since 2005 that chloroquine is an effective inhibitor of coronaviruses.
How did he know this? Because of research done by the National Institutes of Health, of which he is the director. In connection with the SARS outbreak – caused by a coronavirus dubbed SARS- CoV – the NIH researched chloroquine and concluded that it was effective at stopping the SARS coronavirus in its tracks. The COVID-19 bug is likewise a coronavirus, labeled SARS-CoV-2. While not exactly the same virus as SARS-CoV-1, it is genetically related to it, and shares 79% of its genome, as the name SARS-CoV-2 implies. They both use the same host cell receptor, which is what viruses use to gain entry to the cell and infect the victim.
The Virology Journal – the official publication of Dr. Fauci’s National Institutes of Health – published what is now a blockbuster article on August 22, 2005, under the heading – get ready for this – “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.” (Emphasis mine throughout.) Write the researchers, “We report…that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage.”
Dr. Anthony Fauci, This means, of course, that Dr. Fauci (pictured at right) has known for 15 years that chloroquine and it’s even milder derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) will not only treat a current case of coronavirus (“therapeutic”) but prevent future cases (“prophylactic”). So HCQ functions as both a cure and a vaccine. In other words, it’s a wonder drug for coronavirus. Said Dr. Fauci’s NIH in 2005, “concentrations of 10 μM completely abolished SARS-CoV infection.” Fauci’s researchers add, “chloroquine can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV.”
Dr. Didier Raoult, the Anthony Fauci of France, had such spectacular success using HCQ to treat victims of SARS-CoV-2 that he said way back on February 25 that “it’s game over” for coronavirus.
He and a team of researchers reported that the use of HCQ administered with both azithromycin and zinc cured 79 of 80 patients with only “rare and minor” adverse events. “In conclusion,” these researchers write, “we confirm the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine associated with azithromycin in the treatment of COVID-19 and its potential effectiveness in the early impairment of contagiousness.”…
to continue reading click on link
ATTENTION ! I think it maybe best to read the non technical non science expert article at the bottom first for us non technical and non science persons . The bottom non science expert article also has the link to the science article at the top and also other links
Martin Summers makes an important point about ” political culture ” or politics in general driving science and medicine , among other things . Here in the US most people seem to react and make snap conclusions based on a binary, either you are with us or against us manner . for example , if one is on the left but agrees with a particular thing Trump has suggested, automatically that person is automatically branded a trump lover . The same goes for someone who agrees with a particular thing Biden stands for or has done . I personally am opposed to both Trump and Biden so i get it from both sides of this simplistic political culture which sees things as simply either/or . There seems no cognizance of alternatives, or agreeing and disagreeing with particular policies from both sides, in the recent and current american mindset . When it comes to crises, especially when it comes to public health like epidemics, it is vital to remove politics from the search and realizing remedies for crises .
There is so much information on the internet , and so much of it contradictory, It would not be honest to conclude ” in fact ” . I can only give my feelings, what i remember from using the hard copy (on paper not on a computer or any digital device screen ; journals, research papers, books, magazines,et al) in libraries in the past , and my own experience i strongly believe(not saying i know in fact) there is a link between big pharma and the FDA — Food and Drug Agency — a government agency and funded by the taxpayer . I use to take an over the counter — otc — drug ( no doctor’s prescription needed) i bought at the pharmacy( chemist’s) . That otc drug contained quinine which the drugs being proposed by trump(again, i am opposed to him and Joe biden ) and doctors who are either right wingers or have no choice but to be supported by the right wing , are quinine based , and purportedly for coronavirus . I asked the pharmacist(the chemist)why the quinine was taken out of the over counter drug .(quinine has been effective around the world against malaria .It is also an effective safe drug for leg cramps which is what i took it for. I’ve also heard and read the british in the old days of empire took quinine for malaria . they also found that the quinine aka tonic water was a great mix with gin, hence the gin and tonic) He told me quinine was made illegal in the US (btw, quinine is still used in much of the world to cure malaria) . He said quinine for malaria was replaced in the US and elsewhere by a new drug . this occurred about 20 years ago . At that time and several years after i found articles and in the ear talk from chemists that basically quinine was made illegal for the benefit of a very large pharmaceutical company with its new quinine based drugs . of course the economics of this is bigger profits for big pharma and higher costs to patients who want or need quinine based medications and without rx drugs and supplements (note: search for cinchona bark . that is the raw vegetation which quinine is derived from . cinchona bark is not tree bark but a name given to a dried herbal flower which can be grown anywhere , extremely cheap, etc and im too knackered to look it up. sorry, apologies )
thanks tony,martin and guests
Thanks Tony for the 10 hours of downloads of the Politics This Week/Politics Show on the Radio 4 All website . Still listening to bits now and then when i find the time . Manfred Petritsch is “bang-on” about NATO . I wish someone would do a political cartoon of countries not on or near the North Atlantic . I bet if these countries ( Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland , Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia ,Slovenia , Albania ,Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, etc). were laid out next to each other out over the North Atlantic ocean it would form a land bridge from Bordeaux France to New York City, and further… Enjoyed Vernon Coleman’s wry satire .