Maoist/McCarthyite purge: Jeremy Corbyn suspended from Labour party over fake antisemitism smears – Ex Supreme Court Judge Lord Sumption on Illegal Lockdowns and UK’s New Police State – #FilmYourTestCentre records non-existent pandemic – Black History Month: President Gaddafi Demands seat for African Union on UN Security Council, Compensation for Colonisation of Africa (2009) – Malcolm X exposes secret links between black and white separatist movements six days before he’s assassinated – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Friday 30th October 2020
Listen live online each week 17:00 to c. 20:00 BST, 10:00-13:00 EST, 09:00-12:00 PST.
Repeats 2100 & 0900 BST daily on the stream
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers has been forced off FM, now online only, being ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity boss Pat Hart. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-19:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart has replaced us with a less analytical show called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to request our reinstatement you can contact the BCfm board and manager here.
We have been ready to go live on BCfm’s FM server remotely, awaiting the go-ahead from Pat Hart since 16th March. Initially we were told ‘In the light of government and Ofcom guidance’ Pat Hart’s team decided ‘not to broadcast discussion or political shows’ that ‘might put the FM licence at risk’, because they ‘don’t want the burden of dealing with potential Ofcom complaints’. As it turns out ‘bad health and medical advice’ came from official government decisions and announcements which we were’t able to criticise on FM and thousands are dead unnecessarily. Now we’ve been told a wider ‘reorganisation’ is underway and this show may be allowed to return to FM in November 2020.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
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First hour News Review:
EHRC Report on anti Semitism in the Labour Party: Kier Starmer on the results; Reality Check – THAT Mural is Not Antisemitic – It’s time to put this lie to bed – the mural is not antisemitic. Not at all. ‘anti Semitic’ cartoon – The media say the cartoon displays “antisemitic tropes”, that it “caricatures Jews”. None of that is true. It is not antisemitic, it is not intended to be so, and anybody saying otherwise is either knowingly lying, or hasn’t done their research. The defense of the mural is simple: the artist said it wasn’t about Jews. There are six people in the picture, two of them are Jewish, but four of them are not. They are all very rich and powerful men. If your argument is “they must be Jewish, because they’re rich and they’ve got big noses and they’re exploiting people”….well then YOU are the antisemite, not the artist. That’s a simple summary, now let’s get more detailed. Mear One, the mural artist who painted it, released a statement when it press furore started. It never got much attention in the mainstream media because it didn’t fit their narrative: It was also [the media’s] interpretation, and never mine, to point out “hook noses” “crooked noses” and other vile Nazi, Third Reich anti-Semitic propaganda, even concocting cuckoo ideas like how the naked figures under the monopoly board depicted “starving holocaust victims” when they actually represent the multi-races of humanity! As a thinking feeling human being to hear such stuff makes me sick to my stomach. According to artist, the mural was about billionaires oppressing the poor. That holds up, given the names of the people in the picture: I chose to depict the likenesses of such early turn of the century Robber Barons, specifically Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Carnegie, Warburg, as well Aleister Crowley who was a kind of philosophical guru to the ruling elite of that time and a well-known Satanist. 1. “ROTHSCHILD”The Rothschilds are one of the richest and most powerful families to ever exist. The own and operate central banks in dozens of nations, hold title in both English and Austrian nobility, and serve as financial advisors to the Queen of England. Which ever one the artist meant, yes, they are one of only 2 people in the picture who were actually Jewish. 2. JOHN D. ROCKEFELLERThe original Rockefeller, possibly the richest man to ever exist, he founded the Standard Oil Company in 1870 and ended his life with a fortune worth 400 billion in adjusted dollars. Easily identifiable by his side-swiped hair and small moustache, he was an Evangelical Protestant. He was not Jewish. 3. JP MORGANOne of the richest and most powerful men of the modern era, JP Morgan had a storied career in finace, steel, railways, and many others (not to mention spots of war profiteering). He was also a driving force behind the setting up of the Federal Reserve. The most easily identified thanks to the huge nose, the bigger moustache and the tiny spectacles, JP Morgan was a lifelong Episcopal Christian, he was not Jewish. 4. ANDREW CARNEGIEAndrew Carnegie was one of the richest Americans to ever exist, making billions in the steel and railway industries. His later charity work notwithstanding, he was a premium example of a robber baron. His legacy lives on in the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a US-backed NGO and integral part of the Deep State. He was born in Scotland to Presbyterian parents. He was not Jewish. 5. PAUL WARBURGPaul Warburg was a member of German-Jewish banking dynasty who moved to the US in 1902. He was director of the Wells-Fargo bank and then chairman of the Federal Reserve. He is considered the major driving force behind the founding of the Fed, and was a vocal supporter of central banking. Marked by the receding hair and big moustache, Warburg – unlike almost everyone else in the picture – was actually Jewish. 6. ALEISTER CROWLEYAleister Crowley is the only subject not associated with high-finance. He was an occult figure, an author and (his biographers allege) a sometimes intelligence agent for His Majesty’s Government. Standing out for being the only entirely hairless subject, Crowley was born to wealthy Christian parents, and then founded his own religion. He was not Jewish. (As a “prolific Satanist”, he’s actually the only person included in the picture based on their religion, so you could argue it’s an anti-Satanic mural.) In conclusion: The majority of the people in the mural are not jews. None of them were included for being jews. Judaism or Jewish symbols do not appear and are not in anyway referenced in the painting. It is not antisemitic.
Jeremy Corbyn’s response to the report; Corbyn suspended; Zionist control; Ken Livingstone – The Transfer Agreement and Hitler; Rothschild family; Chris Williamson on the report; World Zionist Org. power of lobby. List of Zionist organisations; US aid to Israel. Yes, There Is a World Zionist Congress – and It’s Meeting Now. Some have the impression that ‘world Zionism’ is an antisemitic conspiracy theory… even while the World Zionist Congress is in session, with 720 delegates from over 30 countries. Yesterday, the WZO convened its 38th Congress, with 720 delegates and observers from over 30 countries participating in a three-day conference. Based in Israel as usual, this year’s event is being held online because of the pandemic, and sessions are being synchronized with time zones in Israel, North America, Latin America, Europe, Australia, and South Africa. The World Zionist Congress allocates about a billion dollars a year to various projects and is popularly known as the “parliament of the Jewish people.” The Israeli Jerusalem Post newspaper reports that during the Congress “elections will take place for the leadership positions of the National Institutions – the World Zionist Organization, Keren Kayemeth Le’Israel (Jewish National Fund-JNF), and Keren Hayesod [aka United Israel Appeal: “the preeminent worldwide fundraising organization for Israel, which was established in London in 1920, to serve as the fundraising arm of the Jewish People and the Zionist Movement]. Current issues on the world Jewish agenda will be deliberated…” Among the issues to be deliberated will be how to “allocate nearly $5 billion to Jewish organizations and programs in Israel and around the world.”The event is being live-streamed and can be viewed here.
BBC ‘guidelines’ LINK**. Richard Sharp, possible next chair of BBC, is an ex top banker – why are accountants made heads of BBC? Richard Sharp on banking regulation.
British Intelligence working with terrorists. Stakeknife scandal: Freddie Scappaticci avoids perjury charge. Man accused of being state spy within IRA now unlikely to appear in court over alleged role. The PPS’s decision means there is little prospect of the spy appearing in any criminal trial despite a multimillion-pound police investigation into his role as a state agent inside the IRA. The agent was allegedly implicated in acts of murder and torture while leading the IRA’s mole-hunter teams. Reports have widely named Freddie Scappaticci as Stakeknife. The 73-year-old from Belfast was accused of running the IRA spy-catching unit that interrogated and killed members of the organisation accused of being informers. All the time it is alleged he was an undercover British agent passing high-grade intelligence about the IRA’s inner workings to the state. Scappaticci has denied being Stakeknife. Outlining his reasons for not prosecuting all four individuals, Herron said: “After a thorough analysis of all available evidence and with the benefit of independent advice from highly experienced senior counsel, I have concluded that in each case there is insufficient evidence to provide a reasonable prospect of conviction for any offence. In these circumstances the evidential test for prosecution was not met. The second limb of the test for prosecution, which relates to the public interest in bringing proceedings, did not therefore fall to be applied.” Boutcher told a parliamentary committee in the summer that his investigation into the Stakeknife scandal would be unlikely to result in any criminal prosecutions. The PPS decision could mean the man accused of being the agent described by one senior British army general as “the jewel in the crown” of intelligence assets inside the IRA never appears in court. Further files from Operation Kenova are still under consideration relating to a range of potential offences including murder, false imprisonment and assault. The PPS said decisions on these additional matters would be issued in due course.
‘Ultraviolence’ film by Ken Ferro – interview on RT Going Underground – deaths from police in UK.
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Second hour Covid Plandemic News and Investigative Reports:
Positive tests, admissions and deaths graphs from Christopher Bowyer (28 October) POSTED FRIDAY 30TH OCTOBER 2020 HECTOR DRUMMOND – Hector Drummond Magazine reader and contributor Christopher Bowyer has done some more Covid-19 test result graphs based on the data at Be aware that the positive test data comes from PHE/NHS Track and Trace, and the reliability of that data is questionable, to say the least. So take it with a grain of salt. First up, a graph looks at SARS-CoV-2 positive tests (blue), Covid hospital admissions (green), and Covid deaths (red) for England.
Covid 19: Piers Corbyn led protest in London ‘Drink Against the Curfew’; psychological and economic warfare on population? #FilmYourTestCentre #film your test centre – Covid 19 test centres empty;
Lord Sumption – police action against Save Our Rights Stand Up X protests disproportionate – police state? Covid measures will be seen as ‘monument of collective hysteria and folly’ says ex-judge
Jonathan Sumption, former British supreme court justice, slams ‘cavalier use of coercive powers’ and ‘loss of freedom’ The government has deliberately stoked fear over coronavirus while behaving like an authoritarian regime relying on police state tactics, according to the former supreme court justice Jonathan Sumption. In his most forceful critique to date of the government’s handling of the pandemic, the outspoken lawyer condemned the way “the British state exercised coercive powers over its citizens on a scale never previously attempted”. Delivering the Cambridge Freshfields annual law lecture, Lord Sumption said: “The ease with which people could be terrorised into surrendering basic freedoms which are fundamental to our existence … came as a shock to me in March 2020.” He is not the only former judge recently to lament the loss of effective parliamentary scrutiny of emergency Covid powers. Last month Lady Hale, former president of the supreme court, alleged that MPs and peers had surrendered their role during the coronavirus pandemic.
Emma Kenny, psychologist, gives an impassioned plea against lockdowns.
Neil Oliver, historian, on Talk Radio, on how Covid policy has become a religion, the vaccine a sacrament, and lockdowns don’t work
Bristol’s Marvin the fake Christian fake Labour mayor and his puppeteers’ proposed confusing Tier 1 Plus with extra Mirth Inspectors (Covid Marshalls).
Chief Constables breaking up gatherings of more than 6 people at Christmas? Fake News?
Interview with Frances Leader about having her Twitter account suspended and then restored. The 5 eyes countries are implementing totalitarianism, rather than fascism. Each appears to have a slightly different agenda but ultimately they will all arrive at the same destination. #GreatReset ala #WEF & #UN stubborn agenda. #Agenda2030 states: No-one left behind>NO ESCAPE.
South Korea – vaccine not safe Singapore halts use of flu vaccines after 48 die in South Korea – Telegraph 26 October 2020 – South Korea [Gates puppets] to carry on with vaccination programme after finding no direct link between deaths and the jabs.
US elections. US intervention in Nagorno-Karabakh. Protests in Thailand. Nigeria – shoot to kill of unarmed protesters. Yemen and Saudi Arabia war.
Interview with Mike Farah, who runs charity World Wide Resistance – Help, supporting the Palestinians, which was raided and closed down by police in Germany. Dear members, supporters and friends! As you surely could see from last week’s national and partly international media reports, our association WWR-Help. WorldWide Resistance-Help e. V. has become the victim of a large-scale investigation campaign within the framework of the so-called „Fight against terrorism“. Initiated by the Federal Ministry of the Interior under the direction of the Federal Minister Mr Seehofer. On Wednesday, April 10 2019, there were numerous raids and house searches throughout Germany. Members of our association were also massively affected by this! The -dubiose!- accusation in the various judicial search decisions is „(suspicion of) support of an (Islamist) terrorist organization“! These investigations and the resulting defamatory – nationwide!- media reports can have far- reaching negative consequences for the association and the members concerned! Now we ask all supporters and friends of the WWR-Help. WorldWide Resistance-Help e.V. urgently for support and SOLIDARITY!! WWR-Help. WorldWide Resistance-Help e.V. has NEVER contacted, supported or promoted “terrorist“; or “extremist“ organizations or persons and vehemently rejects such action! Our only goal was and is – according to our non-profit and neutrality obligation in our statute – to help needy people DIRECTLY with donations in kind and money, independent of nationality, ethnicity, religion, of these needy people. (See also the resolution of the General Assembly WWR-Help of 15 December 2018 published in our medias as an „open letter“ We are victims of a dubiously constructed slander campaign! Please support us now and don’t retreat as a friend and supporter of the WWR-Help because of this slander! Express your solidarity with WWR-Help. WorldWide Resistance-Help e.V. publicly in all media accessible to you! Strongly criticize the unreflected approach of the authorities and media! Only in this way can we manage to neutralize the accusations against WWR-Help. WorldWide Resistance-Help e.V. as irrelevant even outside the legal process to be taken by us! THANK YOU for your help and support – WWR-Help. WorldWide Resistance Help e.V.
2020 Black History Month 2: President Qaddafi’s speech at the UN in 2009 – Demands for a seat for the African Union on the Security Council and Compensation for the European colonisation of Africa as well as measures to ensure colonisation and parasitism can never happen again. Gaddafi blasts big powers in first U.N. speech Muammar Gaddafi, in his first address to the United Nations in 40 years as Libya’s autocratic ruler, on Wednesday accused major powers on the Security Council of betraying the principles of the U.N. charter. Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi pauses as he speaks in front of Ali Abdussalam Treki of Libya, President of the sixty-fourth session of the United Nations General Assembly, at the United Nations General Assembly at the U.N. headquarters in New York, September 23, 2009. Gaddafi, in his first ever address to the United Nations, on Wednesday accused the veto-wielding powers of the Security Council of betraying the principles of the U.N. charter. REUTERS/Mike Segar “The preamble (of the charter) says all nations are equal whether they are small or big,” Gaddafi said in a long, rambling speech during which he chastised his audience for falling asleep. After reading from a copy of the U.N. charter, Gaddafi condemned the veto power held by five permanent of the council, at one point referring to it as the “terror council.” Speaking through an interpreter, he said: “The veto is against the charter, we do not accept it and we do not acknowledge it.” Clad in a copper-colored robe with an emblem of Africa pinned over his chest, the Libyan leader dropped his paperback copy of the charter on the podium several times before tossing it over his shoulder. Gaddafi, who touched on subjects ranging from the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, the U.S. invasion of Grenada and free medicine for the world’s children, spoke for 1 hour and 35 minutes. It was not a record-breaker — in 1960 Cuba’s Fidel Castro blasted U.S. imperialism for about four hours — but it threw out the U.N.’s scheduling on a day when many leaders were down to speak. TELLS DELEGATES TO WAKE UP A number of delegates left the hall and at one point the Libyan leader complained about the tired appearance of the audience. “Please can I have your attention,” he said. “All of you are tired, having jet lag. … You are tired. All of you are asleep.”
2020 Black History Month 3 – Malcolm X assassinated in 1965 – speaking of plans to kill him and [CIA] links between white and black separatists six days before he was assassinated. Nur uz Zamaan – Malcolm X entertains questions from the press after delivering a lecture called “There’s a Worldwide Revolution Going On” at The Audubon Ballroom – the same place where he would blessed with Shahaadah (martyrdom) 6 days later (this lecture took place on February 15, 1965). Transcripts of the lecture can be found at and
Bill Gates’ Halloween 1998 Memo: Microsoft’s explosive leaked 1998 Halloween Document, describing the necessity of ‘gaming’ the Operating System market and crushing competition to maintain and advance their monopoly into the 21st century – Halloween Document I (Version 1.14) – Open Source Software: A (New?) Development Methodology. Microsoft has publicly acknowledged that this memorandum is authentic. The list of collaborators mentioned at the end includes people who were known to be key players at Microsoft. It is likely that Bill Gates read it, agreed with it and possibly contributed to it too, and the document reads as though the research effort had the cooperation of top management; it may even have been commissioned as a policy white paper for Bill Gates’s attention (the author seems to have expected that Gates would read it). Either way, it provides us with a very valuable look past Microsoft’s dismissive marketing spin about Open Source at what the company is actually thinking — which, as you’ll see, is an odd combination of astuteness and institutional myopia. Despite some speculation that this was an intentional leak, this seems quite unlikely. The document is too damning; portions could be considered evidence of anti-competitive practices for the DOJ lawsuit. Also, the author “refused to confirm or deny” when initially contacted, suggesting that Microsoft didn’t have its story worked out in advance. Since the author quoted my analyses of open-source community dynamics (The Cathedral and the Bazaar and Homesteading the Noosphere) extensively, it seems fair that I should respond on behalf of the community. 🙂 Key Quotes: Here are some notable quotes from the document, with hotlinks to where they are embedded. It’s helpful to know that “OSS” is the author’s abbreviation for “Open Source Software”. FUD, a characteristic Microsoft tactic, is explained here. * OSS poses a direct, short-term revenue and platform threat to Microsoft, particularly in server space. Additionally, the intrinsic parallelism and free idea exchange in OSS has benefits that are not replicable with our current licensing model and therefore present a long term developer mindshare threat. * Recent case studies (the Internet) provide very dramatic evidence … that commercial quality can be achieved / exceeded by OSS projects. * …to understand how to compete against OSS, we must target a process rather than a company. * OSS is long-term credible … FUD tactics can not be used to combat it. * Linux and other OSS advocates are making a progressively more credible argument that OSS software is at least as robust — if not more — than commercial alternatives. The Internet provides an ideal, high-visibility showcase for the OSS world. * Linux has been deployed in mission critical, commercial environments with an excellent pool of public testimonials. … Linux outperforms many other UNIXes … Linux is on track to eventually own the x86 UNIX market … * Linux can win as long as services / protocols are commodities. * OSS projects have been able to gain a foothold in many server applications because of the wide utility of highly commoditized, simple protocols. By extending these protocols and developing new protocols, we can deny OSS projects entry into the market. * The ability of the OSS process to collect and harness the collective IQ of thousands of individuals across the Internet is simply amazing. More importantly, OSS evangelization scales with the size of the Internet much faster than our own evangelization efforts appear to scale.
As former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is suspended from the Labour party under false ‘antisemitism’ claims we look at the Jewish Kaballah and how it is opposed to the Old Testament, promoting the diabolical idea of wealthy, egotistical ‘Man-Gods’. Author of Ordo Ab Chao David Livingstone on Kabalah – This book represents the culmination of nearly 30 years of research. The so-called history of “Western Civilization” as it is taught is inspired by the Kabbalah, which teaches history as an unfolding divine plan, where God is man who comes to know himself. Supposedly, man’s intellectual development begins in Greece, with the emergence of philosophy, supposedly the first rejection of God, and the first attempt at the independent use of “reason.” In reality, Greek philosphy represented the first important development of the Kabbalistic tradition, which forms the bedrock of the Western occult tradition, which shaped most of the key events of Western history, from the Crusades, to the Renaissance and finally the Enlightenment, which shaped our modern era.
Radio4All download pages
BCfm audio file – [right click to download]
Radio4All audio file – [right click to download]
Complete 210 minute show – [right click to download]
Full 2009 UN speech by President Gaddafi – [right click to download]
Full Lord Sumption lecture – [right click to download]
Full interview with David Livingstone – [right click to download]
Full interview with Mike Farah – [right click to download]
Full interview with Frances Leader – [right click to download]
imho , the following short article says the original Hebrews and Arabs are both of the semitic ethnic and language group . you can decide for yourself. caveat : If you want to do more research on the matter , most stuff on the internet is outrageously politicized and seems to like to separate ethnic Jews(Hebrews) from Arabs .
Who Are the Semitic People?
sorry forgot . Apologies for leaving out of comment that Ethiopians are also of the semitic ethnic and language group , according to web article (imho, i.e. as far as i can make out from article text ) link
Martin’s short comment about there are some benevolent dictators brings to mind Josef Broz Tito of Yugoslavia till his death circa 1980 . Tito is perhaps better described as a benevolent authoritarian ( perhaps a bit analogous to King Joseph II of Austria circa 1780-1790 ) . During WW2 under Nazi German occupation Tito was leader of the socialist partisans against the Nazis and their equally horrible Yugoslavia allies the Ustasha . ( many people wrongly think that the Serbs during the 1990s breakup — outside forces US,Germany, the IMF were principle outside forces who really masterminded the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s — wars were the eternal “bad guys” . During ww2 the muslims and catholics in the Ustasha were doing unspeakable things to the orthodox Serbs on par of the nazi atrocities to the Jews and Russians) .
Tito was a croat who lead the partisans made up of catholics, orthodox and muslims aka Croats, Serbs and Muslim yugoslavs against the nazis and ustasha ( Ustaše ) . Tito a croat agreed and went along with Winston Churchill’s putting the Ustasha on a death march at the end of ww2 .
Josef Broz Tito broke with Stalin in 1948 . It was the only east european country which was not a puppet of the USSR and did not join the Warsaw Pact . Under some 35 years under the authoritarian leadership of Tito , Yugoslavia was a huge socialist success, net exporter, and an attractive summer destination for western tourists . Under Tito when you started your working life you were guaranteed a full months vacation in your first year , Free healthcare for all and many vital social programs . It is interesting to note that Yugoslavia’s international exporter success was based on true cooperative enterprises, aka worker directed enterprises ( workers meaning everyone from janitors to engineers, nurse to doctors to scientists etcetera.) Tito along with Indira Gandhi and others formed what was called the non aligned movement ( neither aligned with the unfettered capitalist west nor with the USSR/China) . btw , Sophia Loren and her husband director Carlo Ponti were good friends with Tito . They would stay with Tito during the summer to enjoy the Yugoslav Adriatic sea coast, etc
In my opinion neoliberal forces outside of Yugoslavia broke it up for IMF and international financial concerns ( i.e. exploitation ) to be 7 or 8 beggar poor, cheap resources to exploit and cheap labor countries . and that’s what it became .