‘Your Own Cells Become The Virus’, Top Immunologist ‘Won’t Take’ Pfizer or Moderna mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines which ‘Could Injure You For Life’ – Sat14Nov ‘Unlawful’ Stand Up Bristol Demonstration – 1999 Clydach Murders, David Morris Wrongly Jailed For Twenty Years? Fitted up by South Wales Police Murderers Sgt Steven Lewis and his Twin Brother Inspector Stuart? – The Siege of Heaven Reader – extracts on secret societies’ diabolical steering of humanity over the last 500 years, by Tony Gosling – Engineering Internet Free Speech With Hive Blockchain – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Friday 20th November 2020
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Repeats 2100 & 0900 BST daily on the stream https://www.internet-radio.com/station/PRSC
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers has been forced off FM, now online only, being ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity boss Pat Hart. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-19:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart has replaced us with a less analytical show called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to request our reinstatement you can contact the BCfm board and manager here.
We have been ready to go live on BCfm’s FM server remotely, awaiting the go-ahead from Pat Hart since 16th March. Initially we were told ‘In the light of government and Ofcom guidance’ Pat Hart’s team decided ‘not to broadcast discussion or political shows’ that ‘might put the FM licence at risk’, because they ‘don’t want the burden of dealing with potential Ofcom complaints’. As it turns out ‘bad health and medical advice’ came from official government decisions and announcements which we were’t able to criticise on FM and thousands are dead unnecessarily. Now we’ve been told a wider ‘reorganisation’ is underway and this show may be allowed to return to FM in November 2020.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
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Part One – Covid-19 Scamdemic Casedemic Latest and Investigations: Tony and Martin joined by Dr. David Halpin, former orthopaedic and trauma surgeon. Suspicious death of Dr. David Kelly and Iraq’s non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction . Anomalies about Covid 19 and testing, and what Dr. Halpin’s doctor friends think of the government reaction to Covid 19.
Dr. Mike Yeadon calls for ‘disastrous’ SAGE committee to be sacked for failures and conflicts of interest. Mike Yeadon ‘Unlocked’ video [above] that was censored from You Tube immediately – how 60% of the population are probably now immune to Covid 19, not the 7% the government has claimed – and the vested interests of scientists in SAGE. SAGE conflicts of interest – Examination of the 20 key influencers on SAGE reveals the following: 1) 11 out of 20 work for the government (some hold government roles in addition to other roles). 2) 12 out of 20 work for/have received funding from organisations involved in the Covid-19 vaccine. Those 12 don’t include Vallance with personal pharmaceutical conflicts or Whitty with historical funding from the Gates foundation. Three work for Imperial College and two work for Oxford University – the two forerunners in the Covid-19 vaccine race in the UK – each receiving millions of pounds from government(s) (Ref xiii). Three more work for the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine with its own vaccine centre (working on Covid-19 among other vaccines). One works for UCL, which is working with Imperial on its vaccine. Two work for Wellcome/the Wellcome Sanger Institute and one has received funding from the latter. Two members have double conflicts – Peter Horby with Oxford University and Wellcome and Wendy Barclay with Imperial College and Wellcome. 3) Taking the major role only (to keep this totalling 20), 5 are Chief Scientific Advisors in government (2 of these are modellers/statisticians); 4 more are modellers/statisticians, 2 are experts in how to manipulate human behaviour, 3 are medical officers/directors, 3 hold senior roles in the 2 universities leading the vaccine race, and 3 work for/have been funded by Wellcome (as above, 2 of the university members also have conflicts with Wellcome.) 4) There are no immunologists among the key influencers on the SAGE committee. There are two virologists. Wendy Barclay has particular expertise in flu and works for Imperial College and her laboratory is funded by Wellcome. The other, Maria Zambon, also works for Imperial and has “specific interest in RNA viruses, antivirals and vaccines.” Zambon and Ferguson were named in a 2010 article exposing the fact that: “A third of the experts advising the World Health Organisation about the swine flu pandemic had ties to drugs firms, it has emerged.” Zambon and Ferguson are not the only SAGE members to have history of working together. As another example, Whitty, Ferguson, Farrar, and Edmunds collaborated on an Ebola paper entitled “Infectious disease: Tough choices to reduce Ebola transmission” (Ref xiv). The two behaviour experts among the key influencers have also collaborated on this controversial paper (Ref xv). The following extract from the paper has been widely cited as evidence to show how fear has been used to coerce UK citizens: “A substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened… The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard hitting emotional messaging based on accurate information about risk.” The paper has sections on coercion, compulsion and how to harness “social disapproval” to coerce people into doing what government wants them to do.
StandUpX anti-lockdown demo in Bristol: BBC Points West coverage of march; Robin Campbell on his experience of being arrested; description of fascism; Marjorie Tobin on how lockdown may have killed her son because she couldn’t travel to help him; Covid-19 an engineered virus to cover over further banking collapse in Sep 2019? ‘Be Informed Glastonbury’ on 5G; Politics student from UWE on terrible restrictions on students. The Stand Up Bristol covid education group has staged a lockdown protest in College Green despite warnings from Avon and Somerset Police will face fines for breaking coronavirus laws. Supporters gathered from noon before marching through the city. Piers Corbyn, the brother of former Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn, also spoke at the event and was reportedly arrested.Addressing the crowd, he stressed: “We still have a long way to go but we are moving forward. “And I will say that whatever happens, we’re going to have Christmas on our terms.” ” He also chanted with the crowd: “Break lockdowns, save lives”. Another protester said: “ We will not be slaves to the system. “People who have underlying health issues or people who are sick, obviously we would never approach them. “But people who are healthy, we can do our thing. “And shutting down the local businesses, yes, is an absolute disgrace and it’s abominable deep down. “We don’t have it, we’re all here together to say that’s it. “ However, Avon and Somerset Police tweeted: ‘We continue to urge people protesting in Bristol city center to return home. “Although we have well-prepared plans in place to handle this event, it is illegal. We remain in a health crisis and law enforcement measures have been and will continue to be taken. ” The rally comes despite Priti Patel’s ban on protests during England’s second national lockout through December 2. Government guidelines state that you may only meet one other person outdoors in a public setting. Anyone who breaks the rules can be fined up to £ 200. Aron Walton of Stand Up for Bristol, who hosted the event, refused to close his Gloucester Road lounge during the second lockdown and was fined by council yesterday.
Salisbury Bishop says churches can open safely – Adam Curtis’s documentaries including ‘The Century of the Self’. ‘The Power Of Nightmares’. “Coming out of ‘Lockdown’ is more complex than going into it. The House of Bishops has agreed to a staged process which is likely to follow a similar path to the country as a whole following what the Prime Minister outlines on Sunday evening. “As a Diocese we will continue to use the Guidance of the Church of England which is regularly reviewed and updated. “The decision of the House of Bishops means that there is no longer any inhibition on clergy praying in their own churches, either privately or to stream a service. This is a very limited provision.” He added that clergy, LLMs and churchwardens would want to pay attention to other elements of the guidance about safety, cleaning, and social distancing. Also that those who are vulnerable because of health issues or age may understandably decide to continue to stay at home. He said the decision was with immediate effect, but in reality many ministry teams and churchwardens were likely to have already made plans and even pre-recorded for Sunday and the special services to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day, and so the Bishop suggested: “It might be best to plan for clergy to be able to pray in church again starting next week.”
‘Your Own Cells Become The Virus’, Top Immunologist ‘Will Not Take’ Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid Vaccines ‘Could Injure You For Life’ – The new vaccines and big Pharma. Swine Flu vaccine of 1976 damaging lots of people. Interview with Stanley,Laham, Immunologist Stanley Laham from Florida… Discusses mRNA vaccines being developed by Moderna and Pfizer could permanently damage your health Both Pfizer and Moderna have developed vaccines that deliver mRNA an intermediary between DNA and a protein to the cells in the body. Once in the cells, the mRNA is converted to a protein that is part of the coronavirus. This doesn’t cause disease, but primes the immune system to recognize and attack the virus. This type of vaccine has never been approved before for any disease.
BBC World Service – Science programme about California Covid 19 immunity study…. Tests on patients for up to 8 months following their infection with SARS- CoV-2 suggests an immune response can persist. Alessandro Sette and Daniela Weiskopf at the La Jolla Institute in California are optimistic this could mean vaccines would also confer long lasting immunity.
Chumocracy first in line as ministers splash Covid cash – London’s number one big pharma lobbyist George Pascoe-Watson given secret access to Covid meetings ‘Chumocracy’ fixing policy at the heart of government Gabriel Pogrund, Whitehall Correspondent Sunday November 15 2020, 12.01am, The Sunday Times George Pascoe-Watson was appointed as as an adviser to a health minister during the the pandemic’s first wave DANIEL KENNEDY One of Britain’s most influential lobbyists secretly served as an adviser to a health minister for six months before (or while) sending sensitive information on lockdown policy to paying clients. George Pascoe-Watson is chairman of Portland Communications, a lobbying firm that represents pharmaceutical companies, weapons manufacturers and banks. The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) appointed Pascoe-Watson, 55, a former journalist, as an adviser during the pandemic’s first wave on April 9 without announcing the move. He participated in daily strategic discussions chaired by Lord Bethell, a hereditary peer and former lobbyist who serves as test and trace minister, for six months. Bethell, 53, was a surprise appointment in March having chaired Matt Hancock’s leadership campaign in 2019 and giving a £5,000 donation. Hancock,
Piers Corbyn’s speech at Bristol’s StandUpX lockdown demo [video clip] – Anti-lockdown protesters clash with police as dozens arrested Saturday 14 Nov 2020 – Hundreds gathered for anti-lockdown protests in Bristol and Liverpool this weekend (Picture: LNP/ PA) Dozens of anti-lockdown and anti-vaxxer protesters have been arrested after gathering in Somerset and Liverpool as England enters its second week of lockdown. Crowds flouting social distancing restrictions were pictured scuffling with police after warnings to cancel demonstrations were ignored on Saturday. It comes as a SAGE scientist warns the next two weeks are ‘crucial’ in ensuring England comes out of lockdown on December 2 as planned. Fourteen people were arrested in Bristol today after around 400 people met on College Green and marched through the city centre in a protest organised by Stand Up Bristol. – Avon and Somerset Police – which previously warned against the event going ahead – said they had arrested one man for assaulting a police officer. Several others were taken into custody after being identified as leaders. Jeremy Corbyn’s brother Piers Corbyn, who has attended numerous other anti-lockdown protests, was one of the people who addressed the crowd during the day. Chief Inspector Mark Runacres said: ‘While we understand the right to freedom of expression is an important part of our democracy, protests aren’t currently allowed under coronavirus regulations. Jeremy Corbyn’s brother was pictured speaking to police A man is led away by officers in Bristol (Picture: Getty Images) Fourteen people were arrested in Bristol after protesters marched through the city centre Bristol protesters hold a sign that reads: ‘I do not live through your fear’ ‘And so unlike previous protests which have taken place during the pandemic, we couldn’t legally or morally facilitate today’s event. ‘We warned the organisers repeatedly of the consequences should they press ahead with their plans, both in terms of the enforcement action we would take and the risk it presented in spreading Covid-19, but sadly they chose to ignore these. ‘Knowing there was a possibility of the protest going ahead, a comprehensive policing plan was put in place and while officers initially looked to encourage people to leave the area it became clear enforcement action was necessary.’
Interim Head of PHE, Michael Brodie, also shareholder and director of Porton BioPharma. David Halpin’s website: http://dhalpin.infoaction.org.uk
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BCfm audio file – [right click to download]
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Complete 240 minute show – [right click to download]
Full interview with Dr Stanley Laham retired immunologist
Full interview Dr Mike Yeadon Unlocked (censored)
Full interview with Robin Campbell (arrested)
Part Two – News Review and Investigative Reports: 1980’s and Thatcher as the beginning of our problems now – The Winter of Discontent. Trump claiming election fraud – CIA Dominion software for stealing elections used. Centcom threatening Iran IAEA Chief Warns Against US Attack on Iranian Nuclear Sites Comments come after NYT report said Trump was mulling attack Dave DeCamp Posted on November 19, 2020 Categories News Tags IAEA, Iran The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the global watchdog that inspects Iran’s nuclear program, warned the US against military attacks on Iran’s nuclear sites. The comments came after a report from The New York Times that said President Trump reviewed options to strike Iran’s main enrichment facility. “I would hope there would never be a time for a military attack,” Rafael Grossi, the IAEA director, told NBC News on Wednesday. “A military attack would be detrimental to any inspection activity, let alone the safety of my inspectors, which is the first thing I have to think about if somebody is planning to do something like that.” President Trump reportedly reviewed options for a strike after the IAEA released a report last week that said Iran’s low-enriched uranium stockpile increased. Under the 2015 nuclear deal, Iran’s uranium stockpile is not to exceed 202.8kg. The IAEA’s report said the stockpile is now at 2,442.9 kg or 12 times the limit allowed under the deal.
Stuxnet virus leading to Fukishima disaster? Pompeo visited West Bank Syria condemns Pompeo’s visit to ‘occupied’ Golan Heights AMMAN (Reuters) – Syria condemned U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s visit to the “occupied” Golan Heights on Thursday in the “strongest language” and said it was a provocative act before U.S. President Donald Trump leaves his post, state media said. Pompeo became the first U.S. secretary of state to visit an Israeli West Bank settlement and the Golan Heights. Palestinians and Arab states said the move would help cement Israeli control over occupied territory. Syria called on the international community and the U.N to condemn the “provocative” visit, which it said violated international resolutions, a government source was quoted on state media as saying. “The visit is a provocative move before the end of Trump’s administration and a flagrant violation of our sovereignty,” the statement said. Trump delighted Israel in 2019 by recognising Israel’s claim to sovereignty over the Golan Heights. The Heights were part of Syria until 1967, when Israel captured most of the area in the Six Day War, occupying it and annexing it in 1981. That unilateral annexation was not recognized internationally, and Syria demands the return of the territory. Syria tried to regain the Heights in the 1973 Middle East war, but was thwarted. Israel and Syria signed an armistice in 1974 and the Golan had been relatively quiet since.
Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie, commander of U.S. Central Command says his own ISIS proxy army is still a threat to Middle East peace so unfortunately the US forces cannot yet leave the region. Top US general in the Mideast says ISIS in Iraq and Syria still long-term threat WASHINGTON Although the Islamic State extremist group is battered and scattered, it cannot be fully defeated until the world finds a way to reconcile and resettle the thousands of people displaced by years of war in Iraq and Syria, the general overseeing American military operations in the Mideast said Thursday. Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie, commander of U.S. Central Command, said there is no military means of solving the problem of Mideast refugees and internally displaced persons, or IDPs, who await repatriation or resettlement and represent what he called an unfortunate byproduct of armed conflicts. “Today, across vast swaths of Syria and Iraq, the systemic indoctrination of IDP and refugee camp populations who are hostage to the receipt of ISIS ideology is an alarming development with potentially generational implications,” McKenzie said in remarks to the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations.
Russian’s show US Missile Defence system in Eastern Europe is actually an offensive force aimed at Russia – Russia To Establish Naval Base Capable Of Supporting Nuclear-Powered Ships In Sudan The future base will expand Russia’s ability to support naval operations south of the Suez Canal from the Red Sea out into the Indian Ocean – Russia to build naval base in Sudan, ushering in new foothold in Africa Port Sudan facility will be Moscow’s first substantial military presence on the continent since the fall of the Soviet Union Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a decree on Monday approving his government’s proposal to create the country’s first naval facility in Sudan. Moscow, a major arms supplied to Khartoum, is seeking a stronger foothold in the African continent, where the former Soviet Union used to have significant influence. The new facility, earmarked to be built in the vicinity of Port Sudan, will be capable of accommodating up to 300 military and civilian personnel. The state-controlled TASS news agency predicted that the new facility will make it easier for the Russian navy to operate in the Indian Ocean by being able to fly in replacement crews for its long-range ships. It also forecast that Russia will fortify its new African outpost with advanced surface-to-air missile systems, allowing it to create a no-fly zone for miles around. “Our base in Sudan will be another argument for others to hear us and take heed,” said the opinion piece in TASS, as quoted by Reuters.
Yemen Comes To Ethiopia? Ethiopia Conflict Untangled – AFRICOM Controlled Western Puppet Leader Abiy Ahmed Turns On His People – Nobel Prize License to Kill By Finian Cunningham November 15, 2020 “Information Clearing House” – Civil war and a humanitarian crisis is raging in Ethiopia, but “luckily” for the country’s prime minister, Abiy Ahmed, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize last year. That prize gives him a license to get away with murder. Western media reports on the conflict which has flared up over the past week routinely refer to Abiy as a Nobel laureate. That gives his claims credibility even when he is telling lies. It gives his actions legitimacy even they are crimes against humanity. According to Abiy and his cabinet, the central government in Addis Ababa has launched a “law and order” operation in the northern region of Tigray to bring treasonous opposition leaders to justice. Abiy accuses the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) of “gangsterism” and “corruption”. He ordered federal military forces to attack the region on November 4 in order to “liberate” the Tigrayan people from the “TPLF junta” which is the regional government. Since when is a law and order operation conducted by cutting off all communication, banking, water and electricity to Tigray and its five million population? Abiy’s regime warplanes reportedly knocked out a hydroelectric dam this week in the region, thereby shutting off the power supply. Abiy’s regime denies carrying out airstrikes, but the region is blacked out. There are real fears of mass starvation. What the “peace prize winner” is doing is waging a war on his own people and using siege tactics and collective punishment to force submission. These are crimes against humanity yet the Western media indulge the Ethiopian prime minister as a man of peace and a “reformer”. This week there were reports of a “massacre” in the Tigray region. Abiy accused the TPLF of carrying it out. Rights group Amnesty International did not accuse the TPLF but it did confirm video footage showing a hundred or more men had been killed. Amnesty claimed they were “farm labourers” who were not involved in the fighting between federal troops and TPLF soldiers. Media reports quoted the TPLF of denying responsibility for the slaughter, but the version put out by Abiy was given undue credibility. However, closer video and audio examination by this author showed the victims were from the Amhara region. Now the question is why were hundreds of Amharic men of fighting age sent to Tigray? The answer is Abiy is using federal troops and irregular militia to attack Tigray. Other video footage shows armed militia in civilian clothes being deployed to the Tigray region. I lived in Ethiopia’s Tigray region for eight years. I witnessed the political rise of Abiy Ahmed who became prime minister in early 2018. The violence currently in Tigray is making it into Western media news, but the truth is Ethiopia has been convulsed by internecine violence in all of its regions since he came to power. Abiy has not brought pro-democracy reforms, as the media make out. He has consolidated and centralized power under a one-party regime.
London-based Marxist journalist Heiko Khoo, presenter of Speakers Corner on Resonance FM, arrested at Trafalgar Square lockdown rally – Explains Corbyn ‘antisemitism’ expulsion and ‘readmission’ – also why Corbyn sealed his own fate in September 2016 when he was re-elected leader and failed to deal with right-wing Zionists and Blairites in his own party who had been working against him – End the testing epidemic Flawed testing is to blame for the crisis Examine patients not just lab test results Conduct autopsies to determine the cause of death – Heiko’s Speakers’ Corner show on Resonance FM – The virus and the disease SARS-COV-2 is a virus. When this virus enters the body via the nasal passage or the lungs it can provoke a severe respiratory illness. The disease it can cause is called COVID-19. COVID-19 was first identified by Chinese doctors in Wuhan in December 2019 by examining the lungs of infected patients. They found broken-glass like features in CT-scans. Chinese experts shared data about the virus on a world health databank. This information was picked up by Professor Christian Drosten in Berlin. He developed a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test that detects the presence of the genetic material of the virus by taking a mucus swab at the back of the throat or deep in the nasal passage. How the PCR test works A PCR test multiplies copies of genetic samples of a virus and amplifies them to produce enough material to study. The sample is put in a machine that doubles the presence of the RNA genetic material from the virus with each cycle. The lower the cycle threshold the more likely the test will detect people who are sick and infectious. The higher the cycle threshold the less likely it is that someone is ill or infectious. Autopsies are needed to determine the cause of death and to find cures and treatments for COVID-19 The history of forensic medicine is based on the principle “Mortui vivis docent – the dead teach the living.” Applying this basic scientific principle requires that autopsies must be conducted on representative samples of the daily deaths attributed to COVID-19. Only by examining those classified as deaths “from or with COVID-19” can forensic medicine identify the true cause of death and the actual course of the disease, and this can help to evaluate the effectiveness of their treatment and improve future treatment. Hear Professor Sukharit Bhakdi interviewed for the Speakers Corner show on Resonance Fm 104.4 as he speaks about the PCR test and its impact on our world.
DIGITAL AUTHORITARIANISM, CHINA AND COVID The coronavirus has showcased China’s cyber-powered social control capabilities, with implications for human rights worldwide.by LYDIA KHALIL – The COVID-19 pandemic has emboldened Beijing to expand its use of digital technologies in the name of public health and safety. From mass surveillance, tracking intelligence, and internet censorship to the use of social credit systems, augmented data-collection capabilities, and big data, China’s new normal exposes and expands encroachments on civil liberties. The pandemic has provided a ‘proof of concept’, but China’s actions in the new digital landscape extend beyond managing its own pandemic response and controlling its own citizens. China is aggressively pursuing global technological dominance by investing in its indigenous tech sector and exporting technological surveillance tools. The reach of Chinese-engineered and monitored social control systems has wide-ranging implications, with current pandemic conditions serving as the justification for a significant increase in state surveillance, the adoption of digital authoritarian tools, and the deterioration of privacy and civil liberties.
BBC Wales Investigates South Wales Police Corruption – 22 October 2020 – The Clydach Murders: Beyond Reasonable Doubt – It was a brutal mass murder which shocked a close-knit Welsh community to the core. Three generations of one family were beaten to death in their home in Clydach, near Swansea, in June 1999, leading to South Wales Police’s largest ever murder hunt. BBC Wales Investigates reveals new evidence and questions the safety of the conviction of David Morris
1999 Clydach murders – David Morris jailed for twenty years – fitted up by South Wales Police murderer Sgt Steven Lewis? Miscarriage of justice – Deborah Thomas, sister of wrongfully imprisoned David Thomas – and former Greater Manchester Police Officer Helen Hignett author of ‘The Truth Behind the Uniform’ book and her foundation. Campaigners rally for man convicted of killing four members of the same family Clydach killer David Morris is serving a whole life sentence but supporters believe he is innocent By Christie Bannon – Campaigners rallied in Swansea city centre calling for a man convicted of multiple murders to be freed. David Morris was sentenced to four life sentences in 2002 following the horrific murders of Mandy Power, 34, her daughters Katie, 10, and Emily, eight, and her mother Doris Dawson, 80, who were all beaten to death in Clydach in June, 1999. Morris’ conviction was later quashed in 2005 and retrial was ordered after judges ruled that a conflict of interest involving a member of his legal team meant he had not received a fair trial. However, in 2006, he was again convicted on four counts of murder. Although failing in his attempts to get the verdicts overturned, Morris has always protested his innocence. On Sunday morning, scores backing the campaign staged a protest in Swansea City Centre. Gathered in Castle Square carrying green and yellow balloons and ribbons, they handed out leaflets and chanted “Free Dai Morris”. The notorious Clydach murders The Clydach murders were the most brutal multiple killings in Welsh history. The brutal murder of three generations of a Swansea Valley family shocked the nation back in 1999 and led to one of the biggest murder investigations South Wales Police has ever seen. Mandy Power, aged 34, her daughters Katie, 10, and Emily, eight, (all pictured) and their grandmother Doris Dawson, 80, were killed at their Kelvin Road home in Clydach. First the killer entered his victims’ home, went upstairs and smashed a heavy fibreglass pole repeatedly into the face of 80-year-old invalid grandmother Doris Dawson. When Mandy and her daughters arrived home, he killed them in identical, sadistic fashion. The killer set fire to incinerate all trace of his actions. Three years after the crimes, builder David Morris, now 55, was handed four life sentences for killing Mandy, 34, and her family. Dai Morris pictured with his daughters Laura and Janiene (Image: Morris family) Morris’s daughters Laura Morris-Dobbs and Janiene Marie Morris were at the rally (Image: Jonathan Myers) The group’s ultimate aim is to raise political awareness in the hope of forcing the case back open. Geraint Evans, who helps to run the group, said at Sunday’s rally: “There’s massive support for him, not only in Swansea but across the UK. “We are here to raise awareness in Swansea for the people who are not on social media. “The members just keep growing and at the moment we are getting between 200 and 300 a day.”…
1999 CLYDACH MURDERS: South Wales Police Sergeant Steven Lewis and his twin brother Inspector Stuart Lewis are suspected of framing David Morris for a quadruple murder one of them committed… Did corrupt South Wales police officers conspire to murder married WPC’s lesbian lover? The disturbing question 12 years after man was given four life sentences amid shocking police cover-up South Wales’s biggest ever mass murder was grotesquely savage Killer smashed fibreglass pole into 80-year-old invalid Doris Dawson’s face Then sadistically murdered daughter Mandy Power and her daughters – Katie, ten and Emily, eight Murder shocked the village of Clydach, near Swansea, in June 1999 and made national headlines Emerged that Mandy’s bisexual lover was a woman police sergeant who was married to another male police officer And he was the identical twin brother of a local police inspector who had gone on a mysterious ‘lone patrol’ on the night in question He was also the first senior police officer at the scene the following day Sensationally, all three police officers were arrested and interviewed But none were charged and it was builder David Morris who was handed four life sentences for the killings He will almost certainly never be freed because he protests his innocence Now, The Mail on Sunday can reveal extraordinary evidence that casts grave doubt on his conviction
Former Greater Manchester Police officer Helen Hignett’s ‘tell-all’ book – The Truth Behind The Uniform: The people who are supposed to protect us the most are sometimes the ones we need protecting from (2019) – Ex-police officer hits out at ‘blatant sexism and racism’ in the force and says colleague beat up homeless man – Helen Elizabeth Hignett, 37, says she was bullied out of the job after complaining about misconduct by colleagues, and eventually took legal action When Helen Elizabeth joined the police aged 21 in 2003, she had very personal reasons for wanting to make a difference. At 11-years-old she was pounced on by a stranger who attempted to rape her at a railway bridge in broad daylight as she cycled home from a day out with her friend. While the culprit was never caught, she remembers how comforting it was when she came across two officers shortly afterwards as she sobbed. Then at 18, she was sexually assaulted on a train. Thanks to the police quickly apprehending the man at the station, the perpetrator was arrested and sent to prison for six months. “I had huge respect for the police who had always been there to pick up the pieces,” she told i. “When I joined I felt very blessed that I was in a position to help someone when they need it most, knowing personally what it feels like to be helped to feel safe and secure when you’re vulnerable.” Helen Elizabeth with her family (Photo: Helen Elizabeth)But Helen, now 37, says she soon discovered racism, sexism and homophobia were rife in the force. The mother-of-two says she witnessed black people routinely being stopped and searched without any legal grounds – the very concern that critics of the practice voiced when police were recently given greater powers to use it in an effort to tackle knife crime. She alleges she regularly heard officers calling Asian people “P***s”. Helen also claims to have seen a colleague beat up a homeless man as part of a widespread campaign to antagonise people in order to hit targets for arrests and solve crimes. She also claims one colleague said, “Who the f*** would rape her?” about a sexual assault victim. – The police are often seen by the public and portrayed in the media as a force of integrity and justice, beyond corruption or reproach. However, the reality is that individual officers and the force as an institution are both susceptible to the same vices and shortcomings as the general public. From institutional sexism, personal prejudices and blatant racism affecting professional conduct, bullying and outright criminal behaviour, “The Truth Behind the Uniform” exposes the previously unseen side of a minority of officers in one of the UK’s major police forces. From humble beginnings, and facing seemingly insurmountable obstacles to success, Helen relates her journey from a small council estate in Salford, to serving as a front line police officer, bearing witness to the harsh realities of crime and injustice. This is her story and the truth behind the uniform.
Tony’s new book – the third in three weeks – The Siege of Heaven Reader – extracts and papers which detail networks of spiritual and political power, objectives, diabolical methodology, to control events and public figures. Biblical interpretation: inner light devotional and social justice anthology – and historical timeline – The Siege of Heaven Reader – extracts which detail the occult’s diabolical steering of humanity over the last 500 years – by Tony Gosling – Free watermarked PDF of extracts – which describe how diabolical secret societies have been controlling humanity’s spiritual, economic and political institutions for the last 500 years – Biblical interpretation: inner light devotional and social justice anthology – and historical timeline (Nov 2020) Generally short extracts from longer works – published in the midst of November 2020’s bogus UK ‘lockdown light’. It becomes clear arms, banks, big pharma chum lobbyists Portland Communications boss George Pascoe-Watson with Lord Bethell who funded and managed UK health secretary Matt Hancock’s 2019 Tory leadership campaign were steering Covid ministerial discussions from the start of the plandemic. Since the Anglo-Zionist empire has been defeated militarily in the Middle East by Russia, they’ve turned their attention on subduing their own population, crushing journalism in the person of Julian Assange – NWO bringing the China authoritarian surveillance state to the west, under the guise of a never-ending ‘it is meant to be continuous’ pandemic, modelled on their Orwellian, never ending, war on freedom. Food for thought as all media freedom is being bought up, taken over legally and financially. (please see ‘The Fifth Man’ on Victor Rothschilds secret career) Herewith my companion to The Siege Of Heaven, with their plans/actions and some solutions
Open Source engineer Matt – on ‘Hive’, anti-censorship blockchain-based distributed system to make censorship difficult, or impossible – WWW.HIVE.IO – This website was originally created by Krzysztof “noisy” Szumny and is currently managed by Bart omiej Górnicki known as @engrave. In most cases, he is the one, who introduce new features, which are so good-looking only thanks to work of Andrej Cibík – lead designer of this project. How can I contribute? This website was prepared in a way, that it could be maintained mostly by the community. This project is open-source, what means that everyone can contribute, by creating a pull request. Even if you are not a programmer, you can still help by adding information about new projects, which should be listed on Hive Projects or you can help by creating Comparision Grids. What are grids? Grids let you compare Hive projects to each other. A grid comes with a number of default items compared, but you can add more features in order to get a more specific comparison. For now, we are trying out Hive Projects without the traditional tagging system, because we think that grids give us a lot more specificity. What are categories? Categories are broad groups of Hive projects into something more granular than Grids. A project can only have one category. Changing then requires backend work, and is not done lightly. This is intentional, done in order to make searching easier. Which source control sites do you support? Github and Bitbucket are supported.
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With all due respect Tony , 20/20 hindsight is all we have when our governments don’t tell us or do anything for a crisis like coronavirus until the disease has infected thousands and tens of thousands because they started to act or wishy washy go back in forth on doing a token something and telling people in effect “its ok now, go out and lick every stranger’s face you see” . The research i have been doing is that at least here in the US we should have started much earlier in late 2019 or at the very latest my january 2020 . imho Quarantines(lockdowns) did work in china and new zealand and other countries . At the very least by the end of 2019 or Jan 2019 New York City should have been guaranteed . New York like London and other major cities have millions of people going in and out lets say every month , of these densely populated cities and spreading the virus in NYC and London, et al , and then americans and british were allowed to travel elsewhere nationally and internationally spreading it .
” Report: Americans At World Health Organization Told Trump Administration About Coronavirus ‘Late Last Year’[ 2019 ]
Intelligence report warned of coronavirus crisis as early as November: Sources
“Analysts concluded it could be a cataclysmic event,” a source said.
ByJosh Margolin andJames Gordon Meek
April 8, 2020, 9:55 PM
article title Asked if Trump and others knew how serious COVID-19 was in late January, Dr. Fauci replies ‘you bet’
“Dr. Anthony Fauci has been allowed to speak with reporters the past few days. So far, Dr. Anthony Fauci—arguably the only person with an IQ above craven—has been able to keep his job as the country’s leading expert in infectious diseases. Dr. Fauci spoke to Al Sharpton on MSNBC earlier and was asked to clear up some of the timeline of when people like Fauci realized that the United States was going to feel the brunt of the 2019 novel coronavirus. Fauci explained that it “became clear that we were in real trouble” sometime “towards the middle or the end of January.”
Sharpton then asked if this was when the White House was made aware that COVID-19 was a different type of threat than what we have seen in recent years, to which Dr. Fauci responded “You bet.”… ” click on link to read more :
And foreigners were allowed to come and go to New York and London, et al , in the thousands and millions before march and be vectors spreaders of the covid 19 before US, UK et al before governments applied lockdowns . But i must say that citizens should have been allowed to take quinine based antiviral drugs and other antivirals when it was too late starting around march 2020 . while at the same time having lockdowns (quarentines) and stopped travel especially in and out of regions of countries which have large dense populations. Wuhan China was put on lockdown and from what I have read it was a relative success in stopping covid or coronavirus from spreading
Secret City – A film about the City of London, the Corporation that runs it.
392,174 views•Apr 28, 2014 youtube
The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire (Money Documentary) | Full Documentary | Reel Truth
9,258 views•Jul 23, 2019 – youtube
Whether we feel the covid pandemic is serious , is just another type of illness and death among others that have been around which are even more morbid and have higher death counts , or somewhere in the middle, It has been a distraction from what many of us are fighting to defeat . That is ever increasing wealth increased in the hands of a few and the rest of us in ever increasing poverty and misery . The two preceding videos are a bit of a refresher on what we are fighting against : the ever increasing wealth disparity