Unrepentant Wife Murderer Prince Charles Flexes Orwellian BBC Mind-Control Muscles, Eyes Global ‘Great Reset’ and Palestine Peace ‘Antichrist’ Roles – Belarus ‘Journalist’ Roman Protasevich Injured Fighting For Ukraine’s Pro-Nazi Azov Battalion – Ex-Syrian Ambassador Peter Ford on Belarus, Palestine and WEF Takeover Of UN – The Covid Treatment Taboo: Dr Peter McCullough On Fox News Tucker Carlson – Oxford Don Caroll Quigley Reveals Rhodes, Milner New World Order In His ‘Tragedy And Hope’ Exposé – Prince Charles, King Of The World? – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

Friday 28th May 2021 mp3 [right click to download]

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BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. ‘Rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Pat Hart who is a longtime personal friend of the right-wing ‘Labour’ Bristol mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 20:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart has replaced us with a dumbed-down student show repeating msm stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on such editorial behaviour you can contact the BCfm board chair and manager here

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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports

Roy Pumphrey, from Stop Hinkley, on the increasing cost of Hinkley Nuclear Power Station, form £8bn to £25bn and a massive accident that happened there in 2020 – suggesting safety standards are very low.  Stop Hinkley is dedicated to the decommissioning of all the nuclear reactors on the Bristol Channel and the Severn Estuary and is committed to the introduction of greener technologies more appropriate to this millennium. The costs of nuclear power, which will be paid by us all – now and in the future – are too great to justify the profit made by a few. Every other month we produce an informative newsletter which is sent out to all our members, keeping them up to date with relevant news and the latest information. We hold regular committee and social meetings and anyone is very welcome to attend as we are always pleased to discuss issues and comments on our campaign, though only SH members have voting rights. We also organise public meetings with speakers.

Shooting in the head of BLM activist Sasha Johnson at a gangland party in South London – she had had death threats.  Funding of protest groups.  Victoria Derbyshire reporting on the shooting of Sasha Johnson.  Sasha Johnson: Black Lives Matter activist shot by gang of black men Ms Johnson, who works in community activism and community support and got a first in social care from Ruskin College in Oxford, has been a leading figure in the Black Lives Matter movement in the UK and is a member of the TTIP’s leadership committee. In a statement on Monday evening, the TTIP questioned how police could conclude it had not been a targeted attacked “without being able to speak with Sasha regarding the death threats”. However Charles Gordon, one of TTIP’s founding members, added: “I would like to say that we need to stay cautious and aware – the truth is that we don’t know what has happened here.” Imarn Ayton, a friend of Ms Johnson’s, previously told the BBC she understood “the incident is more related to rival gangs as opposed to her activism”. On Monday afternoon a vigil was held in Ruskin Park, close to King’s College Hospital, where Ms Johnson is being treated. During the event well-wishers played African drums and prayed for the 27-year-old to pull through.

Eurovision Song Contest – Luciferian and Satanic imagery? Tony Facebook post ‘X Factor Winner Altiyan Childs Reveals Worlds Secret Religion – documentary.  BBC changing over the years. X-Factor winner Altiyan Childs reveals worlds secret religion. We are in a war; a war between good and evil. We must choose between good and evil. All the big important people have been bought, compromised, sworn to Lucifer through a secret society, Freemasonry, which is actually Satan worship. They have sworn to destroy most of mankind in a bloodbath, which is a blood sacrifice to their god, Lucifer. Altijan Juric, best known by his stage name Altiyan Childs, is an Australian singer-songwriter. He was the winner of the second season of The X Factor Australia in 2010, and subsequently signed with Sony Music Australia.

Martin Bashir’s interview with Lady Diana – overblown criticism from main stream media? ‘Diana – Revenge of a Princess’ documentary about the Martin Bashir interview.  Esther Ranson on Lady Diana and the Martin Bashir interview.  Destruction of the BBC by the Tories.  Being blacklisted by the BBC.  BBC on a war footing.  Brigade 77 Documentary examining the impact of the Princess of Wales’ Panorama interview with Martin Bashir in 1995, when she revealed a royal marriage in crisis with infidelities on both sides. Friends of the princess describe how the public image of the couple’s marital happiness was a mirage from the start and how a decade of betrayal was to inspire in her an anger and desire for public recognition of her private pain..

Covid Marshals axed in South Gloucestershire.  Dan Norris, new Metro Mayor, cautious about Bristol Underground idea.  Only Bristol residents now allowed in Council meetings. The ban excludes all non-residents apart from owners of Bristol businesses from quizzing the mayor and submitting public forum statements, questions and petitions – Liberal Democrat opposition councillor Tim Kent said the outcome could be to deny people their say even if they have genuine interests in the local authority’s decisions, such as cross-border issues like public transport, car parking charges and contentious planning applications a stone’s throw from Bristol’s boundary.

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BCfm audio file – [right click to download]
Complete 240 minute show – [right click to download] 
Full Roy Pomphrey Stop Hinkley accident and cost overruns


Part Two – Covid-19 Scamdemic Casedemic latest and investigations

Ex UK Ambassador to Syria Peter Ford on Belarus ‘journalist EasyJet row. Supposed bomb threat on plane leads to arrest of Roman Protasevich, anti Lukashenko activist.  Moon of Alabama  Hamas threatened to blow plane up?  Who is Roman Protasevich ?  Peter Ford, former British Ambassador to Syria, discussing a plane Snowden was thought to be on being forced to land.  Different theories on why Protasevich was arrested.  Killing of Boris Nemtsov in Moscow. There are more pictures sourced from his friends’ social media accounts. They all show him with Azov in full battle dress, with Azov insignia and guns. There have been claims that Protasevich was only working as a journalist for an Azov paper. That seems to be false. His father confirmed that his son ‘fought’ in Donbass. The Azov leader Andriy Biletsky confirmed that Protasevich fought with them in Donbass and that he was wounded. Neither the NYT nor the Guardian mention Proasevich’s ideological position or his involvement with the neo-nazis of Azov. The London Times had originally reported that Protasevich was involved with Azov but later silently removed that passage from its report. Another point missing from ‘western’ media is that Protasevich has long been on the payroll of various ‘western’ government financed propaganda media: After being arrested for hooliganism, Protasevich would leave for Prague, Czech Republic in December 2017, and begin formally integrating into the imperialist media sphere. Protasevich was a 2017-18 Vaclav Havel Journalism fellow in Prague, for US funded regime change outlet Radio Free Liberty/Europe. Four months after a week long tour of the US State Department, in April 2018, Protasevich began working for USAID funded Belarus Euroradio.fm on August 31, 2018. He left this job in December 2019, and would announce his new job, as Editor-in-Chief of Nexta, a foreign funded Telegram messaging channel covering Belarusian news, located in Poland, beginning in March 2020. Stepan Putila, Protasevich’s partner at Nexta, worked for years at Belsat, which has been funded by the Polish Foreign Ministry since 2007, before engaging closely with Nexta. Nexta played a key role in organizing pro-coup demonstrations in Belarus to protest Western supported candidate Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya who only won 11 per cent of the vote, yet falsely claims that the election was rigged in Lukashenko’s favour,

Assad wins election in Syria.  Peter Ford on Chinafication.  Tommy Robinson at a pro Israel demo. UK far-right leader Tommy Robinson attends London pro-Israel rally The anti-Muslim activist was greeted with a hug at a demonstration outside the Israeli embassy British far-right leader Tommy Robinson was spotted being greeted with a hug as he attended a rally in support of Israel in London on Sunday. Surrounded by a small group of supporters and a film crew, Robinson was seen among the estimated 1,500 people who stepped out onto a wet High Street Kensington, adjacent to the Israeli embassy, chanting Hebrew songs, waving the Israeli flag, and holding placards insisting on what they called Israel’s right to defend itself.  Syria election results: Bashar Assad wins 4th term Assad has won another seven-year term with a vote share of 95.1%. The rather predictable official results are unlikely to quell criticism from the West. The official tally gave Assad 95.1% of the vote Syrian President Bashar Assad won a fourth term in office with 95.1% of votes, the country’s parliament speaker announced in a live conference on Thursday. Hammoud Sabbagh also said voter turnout was 78.66%. The Syrian government’s official Twitter account posted: “The Syrians had their say. Bashar al-Assad wins the presidential elections of the Syrian Arab Republic after obtaining 95.1% of the votes inside and outside Syria.”

Jewish writer and son of Holocaust victims Norman Finkelstein on Israel’s ‘crimes against humanity’ on their ongoing treatment of the Palestinians. Norman Finklestein on Israels May 2021 Gaza massacre – Finkelstein: Gaza assault a disaster for Israel, while Palestine solidarity is revived The Grayzone Pushback with Aaron Maté – Author and scholar Norman Finkelstein discusses the global outrage at Israel’s murderous assault on Gaza and how Palestinian resistance and solidarity, after a dormant period, has been revived. (This interview was recorded before the Hamas-Israel ceasefire took effect.) Guest: Norman Finkelstein. Author and scholar whose books include “Gaza: an Inquest into its Martyrdom.”

Ex UK Ambassador to Syria Peter Ford on Israel.  Peter Ford on how the UN’s ‘unhealthy’ and ‘sinister’ partnership with the Davos-based World Economic Forum (WEF). Hundreds of civil society organisations worldwide denounce World Economic Forum´s takeover of the UN The call, made in an open letter, denounces attempts to ‘delegitimiz[ing] the United Nations and weaken(ing) the role of states in global decision-making. 240 civil society organizations and 40 international networks have called on the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General to end the recently signed UN’s Strategic Partnership Agreement with the World Economic Forum (WEF). The call, made in an open letter, condemned the agreement for ‘delegitimiz[ing] the United Nations and weaken(ing) the role of states in global decision-making. Signed in June, the agreement promises to “accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” by deepening institutional coordination and collaboration between the UN and the WEF. Furthermore, the agreement grants transnational corporations preferential and deferential access to the UN System at the expense of States and public interest actors. This “preferential access,” would undermine the mandate of the UN as well as its independence, impartiality, and effectiveness when holding businesses to account. “This agreement between the UN and WEF formalises a disturbing corporate capture of the UN. It moves the world dangerously towards a privatized and undemocratic global governance” said Gonzalo Berrón of Transnational Institute in presenting the letter.

Dr Peter McCullough, Martin and Tony’s weekly Covid 19 & lockdowns argument. Vaccine Industry and Media Taboo on Covid Treatments! Dr Peter McCullough on the Tucker Carlson show: treatments for Covid 19 held back deliberately;  Court battles in New York for Ivermectin to be used; coercion into being vaccinated; PCR test cannot tell if a person is contagious; can you get  reinfected with Covid 19? T-Cell passport? McCullough: Where Is the Conversation About COVID Treatments? Dr. Peter McCullough, author of the American Journal of Medicine’s most downloaded paper on COVID treatments, estimated 85% of COVID deaths could have been prevented if health officials, politicians and physicians had focused less on vaccines and more on early preventive therapies. McCullough published his first findings on how to stop COVID hospitalizations and deaths in the American Journal of Medicine in August 2020. Today, his work remains the most downloaded and utilized paper during the pandemic from the American Journal of Medicine. McCullough, who has treated many COVID patients, told Carlson there’s “been a global oblivion” to the idea of treating patients with COVID-19. 

Dr. Richard Fleming, on Del Bigtree’s show, says Covid 19 is definitely a bio-weapon. The Highwire with Del Bigtree IS COVID-19 A BIO-WEAPON? The origins of #Covid19 are becoming increasingly clear, and Dr. Richard Fleming, cardiologist and researcher walks Del through a shocking paper trail surrounding the SARS-CoV2 virus and its link to Tony Fauci and US funded gain-of-function research. Its all about depopulation. This agenda has been planned for decades. JFK was shot after he promised to reveal the plans of secret societies to the American people. Since when do we create “vaccines” that introduce a HIGHER viral load than natural exposure? That undermines the entire supposed purpose of a vaccine ­ which raises the important question of what the vaccines’ creators were REALLY after. Are they really that stupid? Or is there a completely different goal? Del, Dr. Warrick III is correct. The World Military Games were staged in Wuhan in early Oct 2019. It was documented and publicized by media that up to 50% of the athletes of many of the competing nations were unable to participate due to some unknown flu like illness, including the US. Consider that the US finished nearly last due to their athletes being sick. NATO couriers were likely involved in distributing this bioweapon around the world. Research the Benassi’s. Who wrote the WHO’s playbook on how to deal with a pandemic? The rabbit hole keeps getting deeper

Professor Angus Dalgliesh – Covid inserts prove it was a man made bio-weapon, not natural.  Covid-19 was ‘made by Chinese scientists who tried to cover it up’, study claims Chinese scientists created Covid-19 in a Wuhan lab and then tried to cover it up, an explosive new study has alleged. British Professor Angus Dalgleish and Norwegian scientist Dr. Birger Sørensen are about to publish their research which claims to have found ‘unique fingerprints’ in virus samples which point to manipulation in a laboratory. The paper says scientists inside the lab were altering naturally-occurring viruses to make them more infectious in order to study their potential effects on humans. They say Covid-19 was created by splicing a natural coronavirus ‘backbone’ found in Chinese cave bats onto it a new ‘spike’ and it escaped via lower-security areas of the institute. Scientists then tried to cover their tracks by reverse-engineering versions of the virus to make it look like it had evolved from bats, the research claims. The study, seen by the Daily Mail, was spurned by mainstream journals and academics but is now set to be published in the Quarterly Review of Biophysics Discovery. It marks the latest sign that the theory that Covid 19 was made in a lab – until now dismissed as outlandish by politicians and scientists alike – is gaining traction. The human fingerprints all over the virus COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers (and their allies in mainstream science and government) have so far failed to acknowledge evidence from adverse event reporting schemes that their products are killing and injuring thousands. 

Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation – The Times – May 24, 2009 – Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation – America’s richest people meet to discuss ways of tackling a ‘disastrous’ environmental, social and industrial threat – John Harlow, Los Angeles – Bill Gates Secret Depopulation Club: Times leak from 2009: SOME of America’s leading billionaires have met secretly to consider how their wealth could be used to slow the growth of the world’s population and speed up improvements in health and education. The philanthropists who attended a summit convened on the initiative of Bill Gates, the Microsoft co-founder, discussed joining forces to overcome political and religious obstacles to change. Described as the Good Club by one insider it included David Rockefeller Jr, the patriarch of America’s wealthiest dynasty, Warren Buffett and George Soros, the financiers, Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York, and the media moguls Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey. These members, along with Gates, have given away more than £45 billion since 1996 to causes ranging from health programmes in developing countries to ghetto schools nearer to home. They gathered at the home of Sir Paul Nurse, a British Nobel prize biochemist and president of the private Rockefeller University, in Manhattan on May 5. The informal afternoon session was so discreet that some of the billionaires’ aides were told they were at “security briefings”. Stacy Palmer, editor of the Chronicle of Philanthropy, said the summit was unprecedented. “We only learnt about it afterwards, by accident. Normally these people are happy to talk good causes, but this is different – maybe because they don’t want to be seen as a global cabal,” he said. Some details were emerging this weekend, however. The billionaires were each given 15 minutes to present their favourite cause. Over dinner they discussed how they might settle on an “umbrella cause” that could harness their interests. The issues debated included reforming the supervision of overseas aid spending to setting up rural schools and water systems in developing countries. Taking their cue from Gates they agreed that overpopulation was a priority. This could result in a challenge to some Third World politicians who believe contraception and female education weaken traditional values. Gates, 53, who is giving away most of his fortune, argued that healthier families, freed from malaria and extreme poverty, would change their habits and have fewer children within half a generation. At a conference in Long Beach, California, last February, he had made similar points. “Official projections say the world’s population will peak at 9.3 billion [up from 6.6 billion today] but with charitable initiatives, such as better reproductive healthcare, we think we can cap that at 8.3 billion,” Gates said then. Patricia Stonesifer, former chief executive of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which gives more than £2 billion a year to good causes, attended the Rockefeller summit. She said the billionaires met to “discuss how to increase giving” and they intended to “continue the dialogue” over the next few months. Another guest said there was “nothing as crude as a vote” but a consensus emerged that they would back a strategy in which population growth would be tackled as a potentially disastrous environmental, social and industrial threat.“This is something so nightmarish that everyone in this group agreed it needs big-brain answers,” said the guest. “They need to be independent of government agencies, which are unable to head off the disaster we all see looming.” Why all the secrecy? “They wanted to speak rich to rich without worrying anything they said would end up in the newspapers, painting them as an alternative world government,” he said.

Ian Davis, New World Order time line – Cecil Rhodes, Alfred Milner, Round Table Groups, All Souls College Oxford, Council on Foreign Relations, Chatham House, and the Pilgrim Society.  Role of Carroll Quigley in uncovering Rhodes’ secret plans for world government.  Ian Davis – UK Column article – £1.6bn for UK PR firm Omnigov to sell pandemic to the public, subsidiary of US firm Omnicom.  The Origins of the Modern New World Order In 1902 the British business man and empire builder Cecil Rhodes died having amassed a staggering personal fortune by working people to death in the gold and diamond mines of South Africa. He founded De Beers Consolidated Mining in 1888 with the financial backing of the wealthiest bankers in the world, N.M. Rothschild & Sons. Upon his death he bequeathed his own immense fortune to create a number of projects, including both public foundations and a secret society. Rhodes created seven wills in total. His 7th is the most well know as it established the Rhodes scholarship, which supports international postgraduate studies at Oxford University. Rhodes scholars have gone on to become some of the most powerful and influential people in the world of politics, science, medicine, business, the arts, academia, the law and the military. However, the bulk of Rhodes’ fortune was set aside to create a single, one world government, based upon the British model of empire. It would be ruled from its centre by an Anglo-American elite who would exercise their control by covertly collaborating with, and manipulating, the world’s political, economic, scientific and cultural leaders. In order to exert their covert power, the group Rhodes created had to be a secret organisation. As such, it wasn’t given any formal identification. Nor was it some sort of quasi-mystical, funny handshake brigade, though many of its members were also in other secret societies which were, but rather a group by voluntary association, shared interest and a united common purpose. Membership was offered based upon power and influence. Those who joined, agreed to take action in pursuit of the society’s aims. It wasn’t just a talking shop. They meant business. The constituent groups came to be known by many names. ‘Milner’s Kindergarten,’ ‘The Round Table Group,’ ‘the Rhodes Crowd,’ ‘the Times Crowd,’ ‘The Chatham House Crowd,’ ‘All Souls Group’ and ‘the Cliveden set’ have all been names given to various organisations within this secret society over the years. It worked on the basis of ‘rings within rings.’ At the centre was a small group, ‘the Society of the Elect,’ who influenced the development and activities of its larger, working groups. This compartmentalisation meant some society members were fully aware of the centre of power while others less so. However, all members agreed to the key objective. To establish a single global government, which some people today refer to as the ‘New World Order.’

Conspiracy Classics 8:  Prince Charles’ decades long role in man made climate change movement, now advocating the Great Reset, and Tim Cohen’s book ‘Anti Christ and a Cup of Tea’ suggesting Charles role as Israel’s Messiah/Antichrist.  8. CONSPIRACY CLASSICS 8 Tim Cohen, Is Prince Charles The Antichrist? This is the SECOND EDITION of the definitive and foremost book on the subject of the AntiChrist. (You may place your order now, as this is expected to go to press in the first half of 2021, give or take a few months. (We are working very hrad to get it to the printer in the February to March 2021 time frame.) The image will be updated in the future, and the price will also be increased upon publication due to higher printing and distribution costs, making this a special offer.) In The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea, Tim Cohen provides biblical evidence to demonstrate that all of the prophecies pertaining to the coming AntiChrist — that can be fulfilled before he assumes control over a global government during the Great Tribulation — are already fulfilled in a living prince of Roman lineage; this is true of no one else. This prince, for example, has the lineage: he claims descent simultaneously from Israel’s King David, Islam’s false prophet Mohammed, and, by a false occult lineage, Jesus Christ Himself! This prince has the imagery: his personal heraldic achievement or coat of arms has the symbolism of the first beast of Revelation 13, representing the AntiChrist, and of Daniel 7 (i.e., the little horn having eyes like those of a man — a unicorn with human eyes). This prince’s coat of arms also bears the red dragon described in Revelation 12 and 13, specifically representing Satan, and he was seen globally as he faced this dragon in 1969 to be coronated as “Prince of the Red Dragon” (i.e., Satan). This prince has the name calculation: his title, by which he is globally known, calculates to 666 in both Hebrew and English on the original biblical numbering system — the very system used in the underlying Greek text of Revelation 13:18 to specify six-hundred and sixty-six. This prince has the involvement in the Mideast peace process.

Radio4All download pages
BCfm audio file – [right click to download]
Complete 240 minute show – [right click to download] 
Norman Finklestein on Israels May 2021 Gaza massacre
Full Dr Peter McCulloch – Vaccine Lobby Blocking All Covid Treatment
Full Dr Richard Fleming on Highwire Covid Is Definitely A Bioweapon
Full Prof Angus Dalgliesh says Inserts = Manmade Covid Virus
Full Ian Davis New World Order (NWO) Timeline
CONSPIRACY CLASSICS 8 Tim Cohen, Is Prince Charles The Antichrist

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

4 Comments on “Unrepentant Wife Murderer Prince Charles Flexes Orwellian BBC Mind-Control Muscles, Eyes Global ‘Great Reset’ and Palestine Peace ‘Antichrist’ Roles – Belarus ‘Journalist’ Roman Protasevich Injured Fighting For Ukraine’s Pro-Nazi Azov Battalion – Ex-Syrian Ambassador Peter Ford on Belarus, Palestine and WEF Takeover Of UN – The Covid Treatment Taboo: Dr Peter McCullough On Fox News Tucker Carlson – Oxford Don Caroll Quigley Reveals Rhodes, Milner New World Order In His ‘Tragedy And Hope’ Exposé – Prince Charles, King Of The World? – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

  1. As always grateful for your work Tony , putting the show together, interviews, audio and video audio clips et cetera . Thank you too Martin .

    Something came to mind as things usually do . One of the things about World War One which seems rare are texts, audios and videos which informs how WW1 put a stop to the united European workers movements . WW1 pitted workers and everyday men in trenches and charges to kill each other . If memory serves from past reading, audio or video, In the first year 1914, the whole christmas week from christmas eve to new years day , soldiers from opposing sides decided on a mutual truce. French and British and Germans(they weren’t nazis back then) and Austrians fraternized, exchanged food and drink, danced, “partied” , exchanged names, addresses, played football(soccer in the usa) and so on. On January 1st or 2nd orders from the presidents, prime minisisters, royalty to recommence killing each other. I’ve always thought everyone should read at least chapter 3 of “All Quiet on the Western Front” written by Erich Maria Remarque who fought in and survived ww1. For one thing the conclusion in that chapter in which soldiers on opposite sides had so much more in common with each other than with their generals, leaders, bankers, war profiteers and their ilk. One of the soldiers solutions to all out war may seem comical but makes so much sense and so human, most people who read it are dumbfounded . As if mass killing, destruction and war is just part of human nature which imho it is not.

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