Triple Jabbed THREE times more likely to die than everyone else say UK Govt statistics – Extreme Shanghai Covid measures include placing electronic door alarms to prevent those infected from leaving and evacuating people to disinfect their homes – Macron/Le Pen debate: As Al Capone said: “Capitalism is the racketeering legitimately organized by the ruling class” – Netflix reveal how David Icke Met Jimmy Savile on the set of Breakfast Time – Ex-USMC Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter on sinking of the Moscova and Russia’s Ukraine Operation Phase II – Watergate burglar Frank Sturgis claims the CIA used the break-in at Democratic Headquarters to “get rid” of Richard Nixon because Nixon demanded to see CIA files about the assassination of John F. Kennedy – Unique Collection of Top Secret Operation Market Garden Battle Orders Up For Sale for £35-40k- NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
MP3 of Friday 22nd April 2022 Show [right click to download]…
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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
Mark Steyn on GB News on figures that show those who have had the Covid booster jab are three times more likely to die from the Covid jabs – or is it just that this group is more likely to be older or more vulnerable? On the Thursday edition of The Mark Steyn Show we started with …well, let’s leave it to a Steyn Clubber from the East Midlands, Gareth Wigmore: Just watched Thursday’s show. WOW. The first 20 minutes were jaw-dropping. What did Mark do that was so jaw-dropping? Nothing much: he simply read out various numbers from the UK Health Security Agency’s April vaccine surveillance reports. Which apparently is not something that happens on other TV networks.
China Covid lockdowns continuing. Piers Corbyn on a Tory MP Bob Blackman, mowing them down in his car, when they were protesting against the Online Harms Bill in London. Authorities in Shanghai have said they will tighten the enforcement of lockdown measures, as a ‘Covid surge’ continues in China’s financial capital. New measures include placing electronic door alarms to prevent those infected from leaving, as well as evacuating people to disinfect their homes. Earlier this week, hundreds were forcibly evacuated from their homes to allow for buildings to be disinfected. The restrictions will take Shanghai’s lockdown into its fifth week. Shanghai city officials said all infected patients and close contacts will be transferred to government-run centralised quarantine. In addition, disinfection measures will be escalated in some of the city’s worst-hit areas. This will likely mean some residents will be forced to move out temporarily – including those who have tested negative. The move comes days after people in two other Shanghai communities – Beicai and Pingwang – were ordered to leave their residences for temporary accommodations. In Beicai, an official notice issued to residents told them to pack their belongings and leave their wardrobe doors open. They were also told to leave open the front door of their home and their pets behind. Images on social media of people queuing with packed suitcases at night-time showed the scale of the operation.
Referendum on the Mayoral system in Bristol in May – peoples opinions on College Green Mayor vs committee: What do Bristolians think? Bristolians will be heading to the polls in two weeks. The mayoral referendum on May 5 offers the city a choice of keeping an elected mayor or returning to the committee system of governance. It comes after Bristol councillors passed a motion by 41 votes to 24 to hold a referendum on whether to abolish the mayoral system in December 2021. Since then, fervent political campaigns have launched promoting both ballot tick-boxes. Debate around democracy, scrutiny, accountability, visibility and stability are being voiced by councillors and political figures in the city, but what do the citizens of Bristol think, and how do they plan on voting? With the referendum just around the corner, Bristol24/7 spoke to the people with the power to decide whether to retain the mayoral model or return to a committee system. Smith said the role of a city mayor is “redundant” Marcus Smith, a 35-year-old creative, said: “I was really up for the mayor initially in the first referendum. I thought it would stop all the drama and infighting in the council, and among councillors and get some decisions made. “But over the last 10 years, things have changed. We now have a regional mayor, Dan Norris, for the West of England … so I feel like the Bristol mayor has become redundant.” He added: “Processes may have happened slower than the old system, but more people felt involved and had input in decisions. Whereas now, what do councillors do? What are they there for?” Manassieva is 35 and a receptionist Gergana Manassieva echoed these concerns, arguing a committee system would be better because “two heads are better than one”. She added: “The more viewpoints and insights and opinions you get, the wiser I think. We should live collectively, together.
BBC report by Lucy Williamson on the Macron – Le Pen debate. Eric Simon, who lives in France and has been one of the Yellow Vest protestors, on how the left wing will vote for Macron, and how he noticed Antifa always turned up at protests and were left alone by the police – agent provocateurs? MACRON IS A GANGSTER! Article written by Brigitte Bouzonnie Macron is a jerk. Macron is an impostor. Macron is a gangster, for whom human life has no importance. mass death too Macron is a gangster. A man without faith or law participating in this criminal capitalism, described and denounced by Jean-Francois Gayrot, police commissioner, in his book: “The new criminal capitalism”, prefaced by the appalled economist Paul Jorion. As Al Capone said: “Capitalism is the racketeering legitimately organized by the ruling class” (sic)) With him, all minimal morality disappeared. Make way for racketeering published in the Official Journal. Make way for the social and psychological killing of the French people. 1.1)– Macron seized power with a hussar. While he was a bad candidate, unable to debate enough with his opponents: seeing his first meeting on TV seen by 10 million people, where he lowered his head, he was so bad. Not filling meeting rooms. Obliged to organize a slap of paid fans to applaud him. And while the first figures gave him between 6 and 9% of the vote at 7 p.m. (see Eric Montana article of November 24, 2020: “Scytl: the software that votes for you”). Alain Badiou denounced the democratic coup fomented by Macron in his book: “Praise of politics”, Cafe Voltaire / Flammarion edition, 2017. The promotion of his book was brutally interrupted by the henchmen of the little powder. However, he was credited with 23% of the votes on the evening of the first round of the Presidential, siphoning off all the other lists: Fillon, FI, RN, PS, UPR, NPA, Dupont-Aignan list, animalist party, etc. . As Al Capone said: “capitalism is the racketeering legitimately organized by the ruling class” (sic)). And all means are good for criminal capitalism, to reach the Elysee: in particular, by abyssal cheats made possible, thanks to the Dominion servers (CIA farm in Nice) and SCYTL. 1.2)- With him, the yellow vests were treated like cattle . As the metropolises treated colonized peoples before 1914. The caregivers were surprised at the severity and violence of the beatings received by the demonstrators, on Macron’s orders. Many have been in prison, where the common rights called them: “the politicians”. Many have lost their jobs and their wives. On the count: 11 dead, 26 blinded, 5,000 injured, 5 hands torn off. 315 injured in the head. 1.3)-Macron did not manage the Covid-19 well or badly, he laughed at us, nuance . Thus, the rumor circulates that Macron would have received a billion euros, to prevent the French from wearing a mask (read on Alain Benajam’s Facebook wall). Similarly, in Germany, the Minister of Health is accused of having had a superb villa built, of not having treated German patients (see Courier des strateges of March 10, 2021). Everything has been done not to treat the French..This pandemic has been used by Macron to produce fear: therefore the fearful obedience of millions of women and men to his dictatorial power. 1.4)-If Macron had been an honest man, he would never have blackmailed Professor Raoult , threatening to cut the public funds of the IFU, if he continued to defend Chloroquine. He would never have had this fake article published in The Lancet magazine, sold by a prostitute, “showing” the ineffectiveness of Chloroquine. He would never have trained Didier Raoult before the Council of the Order created by Petain, guided by the Elysee, in order to break him psychologically. The methods used by Macron are the methods of a blackmailer, a thug experienced in all villainy. And yet, nobody flinches, presenting his “normal”, “self-evident” conduct. 1.5)-Macron is a rascal. Macron is an impostor. Macron is a gangster, for whom human life has no importance. Mass death too. On the saw with the Covid-19 affair, I will not go back to it. We also saw the summer of 2019, a heat wave: 45 degrees in Paris. In the streets, it was like being in a boiling pool. The elderly and frail were left to fend for themselves. Of course, the figure of a thousand additional deaths given by Buzyn in September was a “fake”. Because during the summer, we learned that the morgues were full. A general rehearsal of the Covid of March 2020. Partygate: Steve Baker – Boris should go.
Julian Assange – Priti Patel to rubber stamp extradition to US – but he can appeal again. Big Brother Watch on the Online Harms Bill. RT not getting so many viewers since it was banned in UK. Julian Assange moves one step closer to US extradition as magistrates issue order leaving it down to Priti Patel to rubber stamp decision – but WikiLeaks founder can STILL appeal – Westminster Magistrates’ Court issued formal order for Assange’s US extradition Home Secretary will now have to rubber stamp WikiLeaks founder’s extradition Assange supporters say they have a month to make representations to Priti Patel It comes after Supreme Court rejected plea to allow him to appeal to High Court But Assange’s legal team also say there are other parts of appeal still to be heard Julian Assange’s extradition to the United States has moved a step closer today after magistrates issued an official extradition order – but supporters say he can still appeal before Priti Patel rubber stamps the decision. After years of legal toing and froing, Westminster Magistrates’ Court formally issued an order to extradite the WikiLeaks founder this morning. During a seven-minute hearing at the court, chief magistrate Paul Goldspring said: ‘In layman’s terms, I am duty bound to send your case to the Secretary of State for a decision.’ It will now be down to Home Secretary Priti Patel to rubber stamp the 50-year-old’s extradition to the US, where he is wanted on espionage charges. However, Assange’s legal team have previously said there are other parts of his appeal that had not yet been heard by the High Court. Meanwhile, supporters say they will have four weeks to submit representations to the Home Secretary following today’s order. Not-for-profit group Reporters Without Borders, who are supporting Assange, have called on Ms Patel to ‘protect journalism and press freedom by refusing extradition’. And they say the Home Secretary has the power to reject the extradition, if she wishes. However refusing the extradition would go against the long-standing extradition agreement between the UK and the US, and could spark a diplomatic crisis between the two countries.
Conspiracy Archive – Will Banyon showing footage David Icke met Jimmy Savile, but he said he hadn’t. The Savile Affair Redux: When David Met Jimmy at Breakfast Time. In amongst the many disturbing revelations in Netflix’s recent two-part documentary series, Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story, keen viewers would also have caught a brief glimpse of the creepy Savile sitting next to a youthful, permed David Icke on the set of the BBC program Breakfast Time. This brief footage cropped up during a segment focusing on Breakfast Time’s anchor Selina Scott who was recalling her uncomfortable encounters with Savile on that program in the 1980s. The reaction of a number of viewers, though, was to focus on the sheer bizarreness of Savile, Icke and the disgraced Frank Bough, all sharing the same couch with Scott (Figure 1). Missing from this bemused commentary was recognition that David Icke had once denied that an encounter like this had ever taken place. Looking beyond the grim humour of the moment, this few seconds of footage refuted one of the pillars of Icke’s claims to being both ignorant of and separated from Savile while at the BBC. One might easily dismiss this revelation as trivial and attribute Icke’s false claim to an unfortunate memory lapse. Perhaps. But why after making that explicit claim in 2012 did Icke avoid making it again? Why hasn’t he written about his encounter with Savile in the same vein as his supposedly supernatural encounters with Jimmy Carter and Edward Heath? Didn’t he feel anything weird when he met with Jimmy Savile on Breakfast Time? But what conclusion should we draw about Icke’s curious omission, including his curious failure to acknowledge this? We could just let it go as an innocent (yet uncorrected and unacknowledged) failure of memory; or we could adopt the same standard Icke applied to Savile over the latter’s apparently false claim in 2008 that he hadn’t visited the notorious Haut de la Garenne children’s home on Jersey.1 According to Icke: “Savile denied any knowledge of ever being at the home, but a picture surfaced of him there to show that he was lying” (Perception Deception, p.288; emphasis added). This sentence could easily be completed in the same way: “Icke denied meeting Savile at the BBC, but pictures have surfaced to show that he was…….” But we cannot be as certain about Icke’s motives for not remembering as he was about Savile’s recollection issues.
Bitchute video of complete show
Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports
Scott Ritter on Ukraine war – the sinking of the Moskva. Scott Ritter on sinking of the Moscova and Russia’s Ukraine Operation Phase II – According to the same NBC News report: “Multiple US officials acknowledged that the US has used information as a weapon even when confidence in the accuracy of the information wasn’t high. Sometimes,” the report noted, “it has used low-confidence intelligence.” The purpose for using intelligence which, to quote NBC News, “wasn’t rock solid”, was to deter Russian actions by keeping Russian President Vladimir Putin “off balance.” So much for the intelligence community’s commitment to the “incontrovertible truth.” It is well known that Ukraine maintains an expansive and capable information warfare capability. Units such as the Ukrainian Intelligence Service’s 72nd Center for Information and Psychological Operations (PSO) have been carrying out a sophisticated propaganda campaign designed to enhance the perception of Ukrainian strength and resolve while denigrating the Russian special military operation underway in Ukraine. Indeed, the 72nd PSO was considered by Russia to be such a threat that the Russian military singled out its headquarters for destruction early on in the conflict. Moreover, it has been reported that, in the aftermath of the February 2014 “Maidan Revolution” in Ukraine, the US intelligence community has initiated and maintained in-depth contacts with their Ukrainian intelligence and security counterparts, a relationship which has only expanded in scope and scale over the course of the preceding eight years. Logic dictates that information operations targeting Russia would be an area of joint interest, and that the US would be assisting Ukraine in this effort following the initiation of the current Russian-Ukrainian conflict on February 24, 2022. Providing declassified intelligence to Ukraine for it to be repackaged and disseminated as anti-Russian propaganda is very much a legitimate use of intelligence information. Moreover, under certain conditions relating to covert political action, US intelligence organizations may use manufactured information to help breathe life and credibility into a false narrative designed to undermine the operations of a designated enemy. Under such conditions, however, the information must not be able to be sourced back to the US and, most importantly, this information should not be disseminated in a manner which would misinform US policymakers. ‘Recession shock coming,’ major US bank warns
Where’s the Line’ BBC ‘debate’ on Ukraine war – but no even slightly pro-Russian perspective on the panel – Jeremy Bowen on Russian way of fighting – Sir Richard Sherriff saying now is time for NATO to take part – Douglas Loof on preparing for WW3 – Jeremy Bowen. Eight weeks ago it still seemed almost unthinkable that Russia would mount a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Since then the reality of the war – and the way it has been waged – has shocked and appalled the world. Mishal Husain and a panel of expert guests ask what it would take for NATO to confront Russia directly over Ukraine. Guests: General Sir Richard Shirreff who served in the Gulf War, Kosovo and Iraq while in the British Army, before becoming NATO’s Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe between 2011 and 2014. Orysia Lutsevych, head of the Ukraine Forum at Chatham House. BBC Middle East Editor Jeremy Bowen, who has been reporting from Ukraine for weeks. And we’re joined from Washington by Douglas Lute, former US Ambassador to NATO.
Russia tests new long range missile Demo in London supporting Ukraine – Unions chanting ‘arm Ukraine’. Russia’s Sarmat and China’s YJ-21: What the missile tests mean – In a public display of force, Russia’s newest heavy long-range missile blasted off on Wednesday from a test silo in Plesetsk, western Russia. Russian media said it flew nearly 6,000km (3,700 miles) before hitting targets in Kamchatka on the other side of the vast country. The Sarmat Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, or ICBM, has been in development for years and is designed to replace the older Soviet legacy S-18 missiles. These ICBMs were meant to fly around the planet showering strategic targets with multiple nuclear weapons in a nuclear war that no one wanted to fight. The Sarmat’s extreme range, some estimate as far as 35,000km (22,000 miles), allows it to fly the long way around to its intended target, bypassing likely radar and missile defence systems, striking its target from an unexpected direction. The huge payload of 10 tonnes means it can carry up to 15 nuclear warheads, each with its own limited manoeuvrability. The payload can be swapped out to include an unknown number of Avangard Hypersonic glide missiles that can travel further and faster, flying in an unpredictable path to spoof missile defences.
George Galloway interviewed Gonzalo Lira who then went missing in Ukraine – the Ukraine secret police SBU have now set him free. Chilean vlogger Gonzalo Lira, who went missing for a week in Kharkov, Ukraine turned up on Friday saying he was fine and thanking everyone for their concern. “I am OK physically, a little rattled,” Lira said during a live podcast on The Duran channel on YouTube. The citizen-journalist said he was picked up by the SBU (Ukraine’s Security Service) on April 15 – the day all contact was lost with him, with many of his followers fearing the worst. Though the somewhat shaken Lira did not provide details, it was apparent he had been held and interrogated by the SBU. “Thank you for your concern…there are others far more deserving than me,” said the 54-year-old, alluding to a number of people in Ukraine who have allegedly vanished. “I am still in Kharkov, and for the time being I cannot leave. The authority here has told me that I cannot leave the city,” he added. Lira said anything posted under his social media accounts after April 15 should be ignored, as “that wasn’t me.” Lira’s YouTube channel has 150,000 subscribers. He is also active on Telegram. The Chilean, who also has US citizenship by birth, has repeatedly criticised the government of President Volodymyr Zelenskiy as well as Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi. He has been described in the media as being pro-Russian and pro-Putin. Before going missing, he had said that some action could be taken against him, such as being kidnapped by the Ukrainian SBU. In Lira’s last tweet on March 26 he posted a number of names of well-known people listed as missing, kidnapped or dead in Ukraine, including Vlodymyr Struk, Denis Kireev, Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich, Nestor Shufrych, Yan Taksyur, Dmitri Djangirov and Elena Berezhnaya. “If you haven’t heard from me in 12 hours, put my name on the list,” Lira said.
Richard Branson: Pour Arms Into Ukraine, Stop Using Oil & Gas: ‘B Team’ IEA BBC Victoria Derbyshire Richard Branson interviewed by Victoria Derbyshire on the BBC, saying arm Ukraine and stop buying Russian oil. Richard Branson says individuals, governments should cap their energy use to help end the war in Ukraine The Virgin Group founder told CNBC Wednesday that individuals, companies and governments need to play their part to reduce reliance on Russian energy. Small personal sacrifices would lower demand, bringing down prices and easing the cost-of-living crisis, he said. Airlines like his own Virgin Atlantic which have been heavily impacted by rising energy costs as they seek to capitalize on post-pandemic travel demand could cut certain unprofitable routes, for example, Branson noted. Virgin Group founder Richard Branson on Wednesday called on individuals and governments to cap their driving speeds and turn down their heating in a bid to reduce reliance on Russian energy and bring about an end to the war in Ukraine. The billionaire entrepreneur told CNBC that small personal sacrifices could reduce demand for Russian power, in turn bringing down prices and easing the cost-of-living crisis. “It’s really important than we get rid of our dependence on Russian oil, gas and coal, and we must do that immediately,” Branson told CNBC’s Rosanna Lockwood. “If we can reduce the West’s dependence on fuel, say by just 10%, that will free up something like three billion barrels of fuel. That will be plenty to make sure that countries like Germany do not have to import anymore,” he said, referring to European countries’ reliance on Russian energy. Russia is a major source of energy for consumers globally. The European Union is particularly dependent, importing 45% of its gas from Russia in 2021, according to the International Energy Agency. However, Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine earlier this year has drawn that reliance into question. As governments have sought to reduce their dependence on Russian energy imports which are seen as funding President Vladimir Putin’s war chest prices have surged higher as global supply struggles to catch up with demand.
Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister, interviewed by India Today – crimes the West has accused Russia of over the years. We are investigating the atrocities of the neo-Nazi battalions of Ukraine and of Ukrainian armed forces. There is a special commission created by the Russian chamber – there is a public organisation which is very experienced. They have been discovering the fakes staged by the so-called White Helmets in Syria, in many other cases. We will not cease our efforts to establish the truth. We are used to the fact that the United States, the United Kingdom, and other Western countries have a very interesting habit: they just throw in news when they believe this news will work ideologically for their benefit, and then, when it comes to the facts, and when more facts are discovered, putting a big question mark on their assertions, they just lose interest. 2007, London. Poisoning of Mr Litvinenko. Huge outcry. The investigation begins, and after a few weeks a public inquiry is announced, which in the UK means that it is secret. Until now, we cannot get the facts about what had happened to Mr Litvinenko. 2014, Malaysian Airlines Boeing. Shot down over Ukraine. We presented a huge amount of facts. We requested that we be part of the investigation – no way. Ukrainians who did not close their skies during the conflict were invited to this investigation group, Russia was not. Malaysia, as the owner of the plane, was invited only five months later after the Australians, the Dutch. They and the Malaysians agreed among themselves that anything coming out of this room must be subject to consensus, meaning that Ukraine, which did not close the skies, had a veto power on this investigation. We could not get the truth on this one as well. 2019, Salisbury poisoning. The people disappeared. The only proof which was made public is “highly likely,” as Theresa May said. The Brits insisted on the expulsion of Russian diplomats by most of the European countries. When I asked my friends, did they provide proof beyond the public statements about “highly likely” it was Russia, they said “no, but they promised to.” I checked one year later, whether this was done, it was not done. And so on, and so forth. 2020. Our opposition blogger Mr Navalny was poisoned. We asked the Germans. We immediately responded to the German request to let him go to the Berlin hospital. Twenty-four hours after the request he was flown to Berlin. We don’t have any confirmation who was flying with him, where did they get the bottle which is the key element in this investigation. When we asked the Germans to show us the formula which they discovered in his blood, they said this is a military secret. It is us who until now insist on the truth about Litvinenko, about the Skripals, about Malaysian Boeing, and about Navalny. The stories that they stage in Ukraine these days are of the same nature.
Frank Sturgis, CIA, being interviewed by Bill O’Reilly in 1977, on the JFK assassination. Alan Francovich on Alternative Views in 1980s, on how the CIA cancel assassinations to cover themselves – but they actually go ahead. James Files, former Mafia hitman who shot JFK, on how CIA cancelled JFK assassination at last minute – but not from the main man they took orders from. James Files, on his transformation to become a Christian and away from hate, in prison. Sturgis claims CIA ‘got rid’ of Nixon – DALLAS (UPI) Watergate burglar Frank Sturgis claims the CIA used the break-in at Democratic Headquarters to “get rid” of Richard Nixon because Nixon was getting interested in CIA files about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Sturgis made the charge in interview filmed in Miami and broadcast Wednesday by Dallas’ WFAA-TV. “Several times the President asked then CIA Director Richard Helms for the file to the Kennedy assassination but Helms refused to give it to him; refused a direct order from President,” Sturgis said. Sturgis said he felt Nixon may have been close to shedding new light on the Kennedy assassination, which was why he wanted the file. He said the CIA was involved in the planning execution of the Watergate burglary. I believe Nixon would uncovered the true facts in assassination of President Kennedy and that would have taken off the heat in Watergate. Because Nixon wanted files, the CIA felts they had to get rid of him.” Sturgis also was asked if Nixon ever was in danger. “Yes, absolutely,” Sturgis said. “Nixon was lucky he wasn’t killed assinated President Kennedy.” In the interview, Sturgis said he believed “Deep Throat” a major source for Washington Post reporters Carl Berstein and Bob Woodward was Robert Bennett, then a partner in a CIA-front public relations firm in Washington and now employed by the late Howard Hughes ‘Summa Corp. Sturgis said Bennett on orders from Helms was fed information by Alexander Haig, Nixon’s chief of staff; Alexander Butterfield, who disclosed the existence of Nixon’s taping system; and Watergate conspirator Howard Hunt. He also said the CIA feared Nixon because it felt he was too powerful and too easily influenced on foreign affairs by special interest groups. Sturgis, a Cuban-born resident of Miami and a former CIA operative, served part of a 1-4 year sentence for his role in the Watergate break-in.
JFK assassin and Grassy Knoll Chicago Mob JFK shooter James Files says he was visited twice in Stateville Prison by Jesus Christ who re awoke the spirit to follow God within him. An “anonymous FBI source”, later identified as Zack Shelton, has been reported by some researchers as having told Joe West, a private investigator in Houston, in the early 1990s about an inmate in an Illinois penitentiary who might have information about the Kennedy assassination. On August 17, 1992, West interviewed Files at Stateville Correctional Center in Crest Hill, Illinois. After West’s death in 1993, his family requested that his friend, Houston television producer Bob Vernon, take over the records concerning the story.Vernon is the owner of a bullet casing with teeth marks on it, even though it was not found until 1987.However, the bullet casing’s markings (head stamp) indicate it was manufactured before the year 1972 so it could have belonged to James Files.
Market Garden documents up for auction WWII: OPERATION “MARKET GARDEN” ARNHEM 17th-25th SEPTEMBER 1944. Lieutenant William Albert Peter Grose (Known as W.A.P Grose), 1st British Airborne Division: 11th Parachute Battalion, A Company No.2 Platoon, Part of The 4th Parachute Brigade (Nicknamed “The Red Devils”) flew from Saltby in one of the 33 C-47’s as part of Operation Market Garden landing outside Arnhem on 18th September. The battalion was gradually worn down withdrawing through the city and casualties mounted. A move to gain some high ground to the north was discovered and the battalion was caught in the open and decimated, with only around 150 men left. One of the casualties being the commanding officer Lieutenant Colonel George Lea. The second in command Major Richard Lonsdale now took command of the battalion and the remnants of the 1st, 3rd Parachute and 2nd South Staffords battalions. Forming them into an ad hoc force which became known as Lonsdale Force.
They were withdrawn to Oosterbeek where the division was forming a defensive perimeter, digging in on the south eastern side with their right flank on the river. Lonsdale addressed the men before the Germans arrived; “You know as well as I do there are a lot of bloody Germans coming at us. Well, all we can do is to stay here and hang on in the hope that somebody catches us up. We must fight for our lives and stick together. We’ve fought the Germans before in North Africa, Sicily, Italy. They weren’t good enough for us then, and they’re bloody well not good enough for us now. They’re up against the finest soldiers in the world. An hour from now you will take up defensive positions north of the road outside. Make certain you dig in well and that your weapons and ammo are in good order. We are getting short of ammo, so when you shoot you shoot to kill. Good luck to you all”. The Battalion sustained very heavy casualties, 571 men from his Battalion went in & he was one of only 72 who made it out across the Rhine on 26th Sept 1944.
Three El Alamein maps – Three large Market Garden aerial photos – 40 pages of ‘Top Secret’ Market Garden Battle Orders – 94 6×6″ aerial photo reconnaissance Market Garden pix – Unique Market Garden Paras presentation book with letters from Churchill etc – Dagger, medals, red beret with badge and more – We are privileged to offer for sale this extensive group relating to Operation “Market Garden” Arnhem including the medals of Lieutenant Grose with Malaya & Palestine Clasps + 8th Army clasp, together with his badged paratroopers beret, Fairbairn Sykes commando knife, scabbard & badges, together with his numerous quantity of allocated Top Secret Documents including the codewords for Operation Market Garden dated 13th/15th Sept 1944 + Large quantity of original detailed & dated Ariel reconnaissance photographs (94 in total) taken by 541 Squadron from their Spitfires on 6th September 1944 for the operation including a large scale photograph of the road bridge at Arnhem , target of the 1st Airborne Division & annotated photographs with positions of gliders, strategic positions etc, extensively detailed Maps with annotations, further Hand drawn maps, other maps, amusing related cartoon drawings signed Pag, together with a Battalion Crested Book with letters from Winston Churchill, Eisenhower, Battalion Photographs etc.
Radio4All download pages
BCfm audio file – [right click to download]
1. Complete 4hr show – [right click to download] – 03:00:15
Full interviews with… [right click to download]
2. Scott Ritter: Moscova sinking, Ukraine Phase II – 00:30:00
3. Sergey Lavrov: East/West Trust, India Today – 01:00:00
4. BBC ‘Where’s The Line’ for NATO to join Ukraine war? – 00:30:00
5. Richard Branson: Ukraine More Arms, UK Less Enegy The B Team – 00:07:00
6. Eric Simon: French Elections Yellow Vests Infiltrated by Govt Antifa Agents – 00:45:00
7. Mark Steyn ‘Triple Jabbed’ three times more likely to die – 00:15:00

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ here.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
I came across this 2019 RAND corporation study ‘Extending Russia,
Competing from Advantageous Ground.’ 354 pages.
A look at the index gives a good idea of the gist of the study.
Economic Measures
Recent Russian Economic Performance
Measure 1: Hinder Petroleum Exports
Measure 2: Reduce Natural Gas Exports and Hinder Pipeline Expansions
Measure 3: Impose Sanctions
Measure 4: Enhance Russian Brain Drain
Geopolitical Measures
Measure 1: Provide Lethal Aid to Ukraine
Measure 2: Increase Support to the Syrian Rebels
Measure 3: Promote Regime Change in Belarus
Measure 4: Exploit Tensions in the South Caucasus
Measure 5: Reduce Russian Influence in Central Asia
Measure 6: Challenge Russian Presence in Moldova
Ideological and Informational Measures
5.1 Pathways for Influence Operations
5.2 Current Status of Russian Regime Legitimacy
5.3 Russian Domestic Environment
5.4 Policy Measures to Diminish Domestic and Foreign Support for the Russian Regime
Air and Space Measures
Measure 1: Change Air and Space Force Posture and Operations
Measure 2: Increase Aerospace Research and Development
Measure 3: Increase Air and Missile Components of the Nuclear Triad
Maritime Measures
Measure 1: Increase U.S. and Allied Naval Force Posture and Presence
Measure 2: Increase Naval Research and Development Efforts
Measure 3: Shift Nuclear Posture Toward SSBNs
Measure 4: Check the Black Sea Buildup
Land and Multidomain Measures
Measure 1: Increase U.S. and NATO Land Forces in Europe
Measure 2: Increase NATO Exercises in Europe
Measure 3: Withdraw from the INF Treaty
Measure 4: Invest in New Capabilities to Manipulate Russian Risk Perceptions”