Police investigating hacking of Welsh ‘Propel’ party computers – Russia supplied some 60 to 70% of all EU diesel before the Ukraine war – A Visit From MI5, disguised as farmers? Len Lawrence, former pilot, toxic cabin air class action – ‘Dark Waters’ documentary about toxic effects of Teflon (2019) – Inside the shocking legal guardianship industry In dark Netflix thriller ‘I Care a Lot’ (2020) – Europe’s Easter dilemma: Did Ukraine or NATO Sink Russian Black Sea Flagship RTS Moscova? – Police raid Al Aqsa Mosque Israeli forces storm al-Aqsa Mosque for second time in 48 hours – Jim Keith, author of ‘Mind Control, World Control – Good Friday NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
MP3 of Good Friday 15th April 2022 Show [right click to download]…
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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
Police investigating hacking of Welsh ‘Propel’ party. Election rigging in Wales. Wikileaks Vault 7. Neil McAvoy, from Propel political party, on having his local election database hacked. Update on the stepping up of harassment, why it won’t work and why Propel candidates will get elected and clean up Welsh politics. Our policies summarised in this video also PROPEL ELECTION N POLICIES: frre bus travel in Wales, council senior management restructures to save money, set up Keeping Families Together Agencies, fill all long term empty property, no increase in council tax, scrap LDPs, create food cooperatives to make Wales food independent, social mobility fund, arms length companies to get first time buyers on the property ladder and much more…
Richard Watson’s report for BBC Newsnight on the failings of new intelligence software (NCIS) before the Manchester terror attack. Libyan Islamic Fighting Group working with Western Intelligence to overthrow Gaddafi. Terror attacks steering the TV news narrative in the run-up to supposedly free elections. Police anti-terror IT system was ‘not fit for purpose’ – former officer By Richard Watson BBC Newsnight A key intelligence database used by police to investigate extremists was “not fit for purpose” when introduced in 2014, a former counter-terrorism officer has told the BBC. The officer, who retired in 2018, says the National Common Intelligence Application (NCIA) had serious flaws. Counter Terrorism Policing says “substantial improvements” were made following a significant review after terror attacks in 2017, including at the Manchester Arena. BBC Newsnight has collaborated with BuzzFeed News on a detailed investigation into problems with the IT system, which cost hundreds of millions of pounds and was designed to allow police forces across the UK to share secret intelligence seamlessly. Former detective constable Tony Thorne, who was part of a pilot project in 2013, told the BBC the NCIA was known to be “clunky”, “clumsy” and to produce inconsistent results. During the pilot, Mr Thorne said users sitting side-by-side at computer terminals were watched while they conducted identical searches. When these searches yielded different results Mr Thorne says he was immediately concerned. “They came up with different data – the bio details that were coming back were completely different,” he said. “There was something wrong there.” He told BBC Newsnight the 2013 trial also found that the system allowed data to be destroyed as users could accidentally overwrite it – and that there was no way of monitoring if any information had been altered. Mr Thorne said he tested this by accessing an intelligence file. “I was able to go in and edit it, and it couldn’t be unedited. I said, ‘We shouldn’t be able to do that.'” “To have [intelligence data] in one area is a fantastic thing – it can’t get lost, it backs up,” he continued, “but from the very start the application was just not fit for purpose.”
Boris on the new plan to send illegal migrants to Rwanda. ‘The Rift’ book by Alex Parry. Migrants undercutting wages as with P&O Ferries. Priti Patel on the new plan sending illegal migrants to Rwanda. Organised Crime Bringing In Economic Migrants To Make Money In UK – Mastermind: The evil genius behind the migrant crisis By Alex Perry AND Connie Agius Ermias Ghermay’s clients describe him as about 40, short and stocky. In conversation, he seems uneducated but street-smart: dynamic, plausible and fluent in several languages, including Arabic and Tigrinya, the ancient tongue of northern Ethiopia and Eritrea. “Really smart,” says one Palermo police officer. “He has the capacity to organise an international criminal enterprise that is very complicated – lots of people, lots of contacts, spread everywhere, and moving money and people between them. He’s a professional.” Over the months Ferrara has been tapping Ghermay’s calls, the Ethiopian has given glimpses of his operation in asides and casual boasts. Ghermay, it transpires, has been working as a people smuggler for about a decade. Like many others, he bases himself on the Libyan coast, mostly in the capital, Tripoli or, in the port of Zuwarah to the west. Importantly for EU officials thinking of targeting traffickers’ ships, Ghermay regards the wooden fishing boats or inflatable rafts he buys as disposable; they generally either sink or are confiscated on landing in Sicily. That has encouraged him to seek out the cheapest seaworthy vessels he can – inevitably, they barely float at all. To combat the chances of his clients losing their nerve or finding another boat, Ghermay came up with the idea of renting warehouses in Zuwarah in which he locks thousands for months after first removing their mobile phones. Most people smugglers seem content to be links in a chain. But Ghermay’s phone calls reveal bigger ambitions, and a sprawling network of such sophistication and flexibility as to dampen any expectations of a quick fix. To ensure a steady supply of migrants, he works with those in Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria or Eritrea who run trucks across the Sahara. Simultaneously, he continually establishes fresh relationships with people traffickers further down the line: those in Sicily, operating in migrant centres, or in Rome, Milan or even further afield in Berlin, Paris, Stockholm or London. These contacts – whom Ghermay flatteringly addresses as his “colonels” – perform two main tasks: they send and receive both people and money. The latter Ghermay mostly funnels through international cash transfer agents in Ethiopia, Israel, Switzerland and the US. As part of their service, the colonels also give the migrants a number for the colonel at the next stage of their journey. Communicating mainly by text, the migrants then call the next colonel for more help. The colonels give their clients the latest information on migration routes: refuse to stay in this migration centre because it’s filthy and asylum takes for ever; don’t take the train from Milan – it’s routinely raided by police; don’t try to cross from France to the UK at Calais right now as the border guards are cracking down. Some of Ghermay’s colonels exhibit an entrepreneurial spirit themselves, advertising their services on Facebook and other social media.
Russian diesel imports cancelled. 65% of EU diesel! Since Ukraine war a non US Dollar economic system starting, based on energy. Elvira Nabiullina, head of Russian Central Bank offers resignation but Putin refuses. Russia Central Banker Wanted Out Over Ukraine, Putin Said No – Russia’s highly regarded central bank Governor Elvira Nabiullina sought to resign after Vladimir Putin ordered an invasion of Ukraine, only to be told by the president to stay, according to four people with knowledge of the discussions. Nominated for a new five-year term last week, Nabiullina’s current views couldn’t be learned. She is left to manage the fallout from a war that’s quickly undone much of what’s she’s accomplished in the nine years since she took office. The people said departure now would be seen as a betrayal by the president, with whom she has worked closely for nearly two decades. Nabiullina, 58, hasn’t commented publicly on her reappointment and didn’t respond to a query for this article. The central bank’s press service didn’t respond to a request for comment for this article. After it was published, the press service told Tass that it “doesn’t correspond to reality,” providing no further details. A Kremlin spokesman didn’t reply to a request for comment. Only one senior official has quit over the war: longtime economic reformer Anatoly Chubais stepped down as Putin’s climate envoy this week and left the country, according to people familiar with the situation.
William Engdahl– the great diesel fuel disaster. NATO Sanctions and the Coming Global Diesel Fuel Disaster – Amid the ongoing global inflation crisis, NATO heads of state and mainstream media repeat a mantra that high energy prices are a direct result of Putin’s actions in Ukraine since end of February. The reality is that it is the western sanctions that are responsible. Those sanctions including cutting SWIFT interbank access for key Russian banks and some of the most severe sanctions ever imposed, are hardly having an impact on the military actions in Ukraine. What many overlook is the fact that they are increasingly impacting the economies of the West, especially the EU and USA. A closer look at the state of the global supply of diesel fuel is alarming. But Western sanctions planners at the US Treasury and the EU know fully well what they are doing. And it bodes ill for the world economy. While most of us rarely think about diesel fuel as anything other than a pollutant, in fact it is essential to the entire world economy in a way few energy sources are. The director general of Fuels Europe, part of the European Petroleum Refiners Association, stated recently, there is a clear link between diesel and GDP, because almost everything that goes into and out of a factory goes using diesel. At the end of the first week of Russias military action in Ukraine, with no sanctions yet specific to Russia’s diesel fuel exports, the European diesel price was already at athirty-year high. It had nothing to do with war. It had to do with the draconian global covid lockdowns since March 2020 and the simultaneous dis-investment by Wall Street and global financial firms in oil and gas companies, so-called Green Agenda or ESG. Almost on day one of Russian troop actions in Ukraine, two of the worlds largest oil companies, BP and Shell, both British, stopped deliveries of diesel fuel to Germany claiming fear of supply shortages. Russia supplied some 60 to 70% of all EU diesel before the Ukraine war. Elon Musk offers to buy Twitter as he feels it is being censored too much.
A Visit From MI5, disguised as farmers? Len Lawrence, former pilot, on how he started a class action against airline manufacturers for the toxic air in cabins effecting crews, and was accused of having mental health issues, when he had neurological issues, and his rights were taken away. Len Lawrence on realising the Court of Protection certificate deeming him incapable was invalid. Poisoned at work, misdiagnosed, drugged and his assets stripped from him – the true story of pilot, Len Lawrence The case of Len Lawrence was a very different one. Len had no conditions requiring treatment. He was a fully fit and experienced pilot who had been working for British Aerospace since 1989 when he experienced and recorded his first ‘fume event’ – the presence in a plane’s onboard air system of toxins. In the most serious cases, these toxins are organophosphates identical to those responsible for deaths and brain damage among agricultural workers. On the 29th of November 1991, just as his aircraft reached take-off speed, the flight deck filled with hot acrid fumes that were so dense it was impossible to see the instruments and controls and impossible to breathe. Both Len and his captain were blinded by the fumes as, their eyes and skin burning, their aircraft began to ascend at over 160 mph. Only willpower and long experience enabled the captain to feel his way among the array of instruments for the ‘dump valve’ control, which would evacuate the tainted air from the system.
‘Dark Waters’ documentary about toxic effects of Teflon (2019). A tenacious attorney uncovers a dark secret that connects a growing number of unexplained deaths to one of the world’s largest corporations. While trying to expose the truth, he soon finds himself risking his future, his family and his own life. In Dark Waters, Ruffalo portrays the real-life corporate lawyer Robert Bilott, who in 1998 became an environmental crusader. That year, while visiting his grandmother in West Virgina, Bilott, who represented large chemical companies at his firm in Cincinnati, was approached by a local farmer Wilbur Tennant. Following the deaths of 190 of his cattle, Tennant was convinced that his land was being contaminated. The farmer’s land, it turned out, had been contaminated by chemical giant DuPont. As Bilott started to uncover the truth, he became the townspeople’s defender. The film follows his two-decade-long fight for justice and depicts how far DuPont went to protect itself. Bilott represented the farmer and eventually filed a class action suit on behalf of 70,000 people who lived near DuPont’s chemical plant and whose drinking water had been contaminated with perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). For decades, DuPont created the toxic chemical for use in Teflon, the nonstick coating commonly used in pots and pans. (Teflon has been made without PFOA since 2013.) PFOA is one of a class of chemicals called polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, exposure to PFAS can have serious health effects on humans, including decreased fertility, immune system disruptions and increased risk for certain cancers. According to the American Cancer Society, these include testicular, kidney and thyroid cancers. In 2017, Bilott won a $671 million settlement on behalf of more than 3,500 plaintiffs who claimed to have contracted diseases such as kidney and testicular cancer from DuPont’s decision to contaminate their drinking water with these chemicals despite allegedly knowing about their toxicity. But Bilott’s fight isn’t over, reports Time. Last year, he filed a new lawsuit against companies including DuPont-associated manufacturer Chemours. The case is seeking class action status and was first brought on behalf of Kevin Hardwick, a 40-year firefighting veteran who used fire-suppressions foams and firefighting equipment that contained PFAS. “If we can’t get where we need to go to protect people through our regulatory channels, through our legislative process, then unfortunately what we have left is our legal process,” Bilott said. “If that’s what it takes to get people the information they need and to protect people, we’re willing to do it.”
‘I Care a Lot’ documentary on Netflix about Legal Guardians for those rights have been taken away. inside the shocking legal guardianship industry In dark Netflix thriller I Care a Lot, a predatory court appointed guardian wreaks havoc, a story that’s far closer to reality than one would expect “My mother: I should be able to see her whenever I want,” a man pleads to a judge at the start of the splashy new Netflix movie I Care a Lot. “She doesn’t need to be in a care facility, she doesn’t need a court appointed guardian. She has a loving son to take care of her. I just don’t understand how the court can entrust my mother to this stranger.” Increasingly anguished as an icy Marla Grayson, played by Rosamund Pike, looks on, he pleads: “Miss Grayson forced my mother into the home when she made it very clear that she didn’t want to go and now she’s auctioned off my mother’s house, her car, her personal belongings and she uses the proceeds to pay herself. And now Miss Grayson’s barred me from seeing my mother at all. It’s a goddam nightmare. She’s kidnapped my mother!” The film is fiction but the story all too familiar to thousands of Americans whose elderly parents have been entrapped by little scrutinised guardianship programmes. Many speak of a sense of helplessness in the face of system rife with the abuse, neglect and profit-driven exploitation of vulnerable people. The opening scene of I Care a Lot, for example, would strike a chord with Doug Franks. When he and his brother Charles could not agree where their 89-year-old mother Ernestine should live, the dispute led a judge to appoint a guardianship company to take over her care. It was the beginning of a four-year nightmare. Franks, whose visits to her were restricted to just a few hours at a time, recalls: “They would go out and buy meals like a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken for my mom. She needed to have a heart healthy diet and she wasn’t on one, so she was on food that was actually causing her demise sooner than it should have.”
Bitchute video of complete show
Part Two – Covid Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports
South Front piece about Moscova boat being sunk, the mass surrender in Mariupol of Ukrainian Marines, and Ukrainian Army stopping civilians fleeing war zone. West wants to send Naval forces into Black Sea but Turkey says no. Azovstal Fortress in Mariupol. NATO in Mariupol. Excuses For World War III And Milestones Of Ukrainian Conflict – The 49 day of the conflict started with reports that on the night of April 13-14, the flagship of the Russian Black Sea fleet, the cruiser Moscow, was seriously damaged or sank. Russian state media quoted the Defense Ministry as saying that the cruiser had detonated ammunition as result of fire. The crew was evacuated. Other sources reported that Moskva was attacked by missiles from the coastline between Odessa and Nikolayev. The missiles struck the port side, causing the ship to roll heavily. The buoyancy of the cruiser was made difficult by the sea weather conditions. As a result of all the cumulative factors, according to preliminary information, the cruiser may have sank. A ship of this class in the Black Sea conditions could have been successfully attacked either by a complex of anti-ship systems, including both missiles and aircrafts, or by a submarine. There is a strong possibility that NATO military was directly involved in the attack. This also became a suitable diversion from the events taking place in Mariupol. On 12 and 13 April, over 1,300 Ukrainian soldiers and officers voluntarily surrendered to Russian captivity or were forced to do so under the threat of extermination there. This is an unprecedented number of soldiers and officers of the warring armies that surrendered since World War II.
Brit, Aiden Aslan, fighting for Ukrainians in Mariupol, gives his testimony when captured by Russians. Bucha massacre done by Ukrainians. Mint Press News – Telegram channel of Nazis in Bucha. Leaked post – stop militarisation of Ukraine says Russia. How Zelenskyy got into power. Stories that haven’t made the Western press. Good websites: The Saker – Moon of Alabama. Testimony Reveals Zelensky’s Secret Police Plot to ‘Liquidate’ Opposition Figure Anatoly Shariy Accounts from the Ukrainian SBU’s torture prison reveal Zelensky’s plot to assassinate exiled opposition figure and leading journalist Anatoly Shariy. Israel Lobby’s Efforts to Cancel Antiwar Rapper Lowkey Backfire Following Global Pushback MintCast host Mnar Adley speaks to Lowkey about the extraordinary outpouring of global support he has received, why his activism and relentless campaigning for a free Palestine made him a target, and the growing success of the BDS movement worldwide.
How Zionism is fuelling a religious war over al-Aqsa Mosque
Police raid Al Aqsa Mosque Israeli forces storm al-Aqsa Mosque for second time in 48 hours – Dozens of officers assault and trap Muslim worshippers in prayer halls while heavily protected settlers roam the mosque’s courtyard Israeli forces stormed al-Aqsa Mosque early on Sunday, assaulting and blockading Muslim worshippers inside prayer halls while clearing the way for Israeli settlers to enter the occupied East Jerusalem holy site. At around 7am local time, hundreds of special forces entered the mosque’s courtyard and began striking Palestinians observing Ramadan with batons in a bid to force them out. There were also reports of stun grenades being deployed. In the silver-domed Qibli prayer hall, Israeli forces fired teargas at worshippers and blocked them indoors for almost four hours. Dozens of people were trapped inside and were not able to evacuate those who sustained minor injuries. The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said its medics were also prevented from entering the mosque to provide first aid. People trapped inside the Qibli hall pleaded for help using loudspeakers, urging Palestinians to come and protect the mosque. Israeli forces reportedly tried to access the audio room afterwards to cut off the sound system, which was later repaired by the mosque’s volunteers. Inside the Dome of the Rock hall at the centre of the mosque’s complex, female worshippers were also blocked in and not allowed to leave in a similar manner.
Are Fins and Swedes about to join NATO? John Sawers – from MI6 chief at Bilderberg straight on to the Board of BP – oil companies leaving Russia.
Will Ukraine war lead to a nuclear exchange? More dangerous now than 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. James Files, who assassinated JFK, explains Bay Of Pigs co-ordinator Frank Sturgis told him not to worry about nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, it was all a theatre to save face for pulling US nuclear missiles out of Turkey with the NATO-zone public. Maddox incident. Doors singer Jim Morrison’s father playing role in starting Vietnam War. Davis Attlee Phillips, CIA Officer controller for Lee Harvey Oswald and James Files, in Frankovitch film ‘On Company Business’ (1980), on the ethical dilemmas of the CIA. The world is in a very precarious situation at the moment and there is a greater risk of nuclear war now than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis almost sixty years ago. Putin is in control of the largest and most modern nuclear arsenal in the world. He controls approximately 6,000 nuclear weapons—enough to end life on this planet several times over. He has been brandishing nuclear threats since the invasion began. Even before the invasion, he staged a demonstration of Russian nuclear missiles in Belarus. He has now put his nuclear forces on high alert. We don’t know if he is simply copying Richard Nixon’s madman thesis or he has actually gone mad. But no one wants to test him to find out. So Biden has been acted responsibly to avert a direct military confrontation between the U.S. and Russia. He has repeated over and over again that no U.S. troops will be sent to fight in Ukraine. He has made clear that the U.S. will impose sanctions on Russia and send weapons and supplies to the Ukrainians, but he seeks no military confrontations. He even canceled the upcoming planned missile test so as not to raise tensions. The thing about nuclear deterrence is that it works well until the one time it doesn’t work and then there will be no one left to tell the warmongers they were wrong. Averting nuclear war must be the highest priority. Ending the current war comes in a close second.
John Loftus on the Dulles brothers supporting the Nazis during WWII and after the war using the CIA to further similar goals, and Edward VIII abdicating because he was a fanatical Nazi agent as was his Nazi agent mistress Wallace Simpson. A hugely controversial work that exposes a series of scandals from Oliver North to the British royal family, The Secret War Against the Jews reveals as much about political corruption inside Western intelligence as it does about Israel. Using thousands of previously top-secret documents and interviews with hundreds of current and former spies, Loftus and Aarons, both veteran investigators, Nazi-hunters, and authors, present a compelling narrative. The authors demonstrate that numerous Western countries, especially the United States and Great Britain, have conducted repeated and willful spying missions on Palestine and later Israel over many decades. While on the surface these two countries and others profess to be ardent allies of Israel, they work, in fact, through their intelligence services to betray Israel’s secrets to the Arabs. Their motive: oil and multinational profits, which must be attained at any price through international covert policies.
Jim Keith, author of ‘Mind Control, World Control’, who died prematurely in 2002, on MK Ultra, the Tavistock Institute, and the history of mind control. Mind Control is a little known and a highly controversial topic today. Veteran author and investigator Jim Keith uncovers a surprising amount of information on the technology, experimentation and implementation of Mind Control technology. Various chapters in this shocking book are on early CIA experiments such as Project Artichoke and Project RHIC-EDOM, the methodology and technology of implants, Mind Control Assassins and Couriers, various famous “Mind Control victims such as Sirhan Sirhan and Candy Jones. Also featured in this book are chapters on how Mind Control technology may be linked to some UFO activity and UFO abductions.
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Full interviews
Len Lawrence: Judicial Fraud & Cabin Air Poisoning 00:45_00
Neil McEvoy: Welsh elections hacked 00:20:00
Jim Keith: Mind Control World Control 01:00:00

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ here.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
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