Bristol votes to reject US style mayor experiment and return to the traditional UK City Council committee system – Republicans win N Ireland Elections – THE PROBATE FRAUD EPIDEMIC: Karen Evans on her experience of allegedly impossible new wills being signed while her father was supposed to be semi-conscious – Russia Warns UK that England could be wiped of the map with a single nuclear strike, or ‘submerged beneath the waves’ by a ‘Tsunami Nuke’ – Freemasonry as the key hiding place for the CIA’s criminal 2014 Ukraine Coup Plot Oligarchs and their Pawns – So, was Hitler’s grandfather Jewish? So what if Zelensky is Jewish? – Profile of Ihor Kolomoyskiy, Organised Crime, TV Network, Nazi Gang Boss, The Privatised Oil Baron, Money Launderer Behind President Zelensky – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

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Part One News Review and Investigative Reports

Gary Hopkins, Independent Councillor in Bristol, joins Tony and Martin.  Bristol Mayoral system to be scrapped in 2024 after yesterday’s vote.  Why wasn’t it a good system?  Mayor Marvin on ITV explaining why he thinks Mayoral system will stay, before vote.  Dan Norris is the Metro Mayor – but what does he actually do?  Other Mayoral systems in England are run differently.  Bristol Mayor position to be scrapped in 2024 after referendum Friday 6 May 2022, The people of Bristol have voted to scrap the mayoral system in the city after the referendum votes were counted early this morning (May 6). The choice was between retaining the mayor or scrapping the position in favour of a committee system with a council leader at the head of City Hall. A total of 94,552 people voted in the referendum, almost 29% of those eligible. 56,113 – votes in favour of committee system 38,439 – votes in favour of mayoral system The current mayor Marvin Rees will continue in the role before stepping down in 2024. He told ITV News: “I think this was a distraction but it was a distraction with major consequences for the city. I really hope that my fears about the committee system are wrong and we’ll see over the coming years.” He rejected the idea the vote was a judgement on his time in office, adding: “It’s always been about the system. The mayoral system offers a broader talent base from which to draw people who could become the leader and it gives Bristolians an opportunity to directly rather than the councillors deciding who that leader will be.”

Cost of living crisis – energy prices.  Inflation.  UK Embassy opens in Kiev STORY LINK**.  Susannah Reid on ITV Good Morning Britain interviews Boris Johnson on people struggling to pay bills Kremlin targets diplomats with bombs.  Foodbanks increasing.  Charlotte Gay on ITV West about Fair Share foodbank provider opening another warehouse in South West.  British government admits inability to help citizens with soaring prices Tuesday, 03 May 2022 The British government has admitted its inability to help people overcome the current cost-of-living crisis, saying it has to be prudent with its spending to avoid getting stuck in the inflationary spiral. In an interview on ITV on Tuesday, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was at pains to confirm that his government could not provide enough support to offset the higher costs immediately. “I accept that those contributions from the taxpayer – because that’s what it is, taxpayers’ money – isn’t going to be enough immediately to help cover everybody’s costs,” Johnson admitted. The British citizens are experiencing the biggest squeeze since the 1950s, with soaring prices and surging inflation targeting the low-income groups across the country. Nearly a quarter of Britons struggling to pay bills, survey reveals Nearly a quarter of people in the UK say they are struggling to pay household bills even before the new hike in regulated energy prices takes effect, an official survey from a leading body reveals. British premier also warned of a “very severe” inflationary risk and said that the government needs to be wary of it.

Sky – difficult night for Tory Party after election results.  Lib Dems take Somerset Council.  Local elections 2022: A ‘tough night’ for the Conservatives as Lib Dems make ‘modest’ gains, but wins symbolic seats Three flagship Conservative Party councils in London have swung to Labour but the situation outside the capital is not quite as positive for the opposition party, despite celebrations from Keir Starmer. Meanwhile, the Lib Dems have hailed ‘real trend gains’. It has been a “tough night” for the Conservative party, after the loss of some key local councils in London to Labour – but the opposition party has seen mixed results outside the capital. The Tories have lost Wandsworth, Margaret Thatcher’s “favourite council”, Westminster and Barnet to Labour. Boris Johnson faces losing his Commons majority if these election results are replicated at a general election, according to a Sky News projection.

Northern Ireland – Sinn Fein win.  NI Protocol and Brexit.  What is Bristol’s ‘One City’ plan? DUP to warn Boris Johnson it will stall power-sharing until Christmas Party is seeking urgent meeting with prime minister to urge him to alter Northern Ireland protocol The Democratic Unionist party is to seek an urgent meeting with Boris Johnson to warn him it will stall power-sharing at Stormont until Christmas if the Northern Ireland protocol is not modified. A senior party figure said it will push the responsibility for Stormont back on to the prime minister: “We will say he has a choice: Stormont or the protocol.” The ultimatum came as the UK justice secretary, Dominic Raab, pledged to do “whatever necessary” to alter the protocol, which mandates checks on goods crossing into Northern Ireland from Great Britain. But the DUP’s trust in the Conservative party, which was already at a low ebb, was shattered last week when the Northern Ireland secretary, Brandon Lewis, hinted the government was pulling back from threats to introduce laws to unilaterally disapply parts of the protocol.

THE PROBATE FRAUD EPIDEMIC: Karen Evans on her experience of allegedly impossible new wills being signed while her father was supposed to be semi-conscious, and despite her and her sister being a main beneficiary not being allowed any information whatever about her father’s will.  Probate fraud: warning signs and what to do if you suspect it – Linda Cummins, of Goldsmith Williams, explains how to spot misdeeds in probate and best practice for dealing with them.While the majority of people are naturally upset when a relative or clipboard friend passes away, this is not always the case.Some individuals see it as an opportunity to take advantage of the rightful beneficiaries, as well as the person – perhaps when they were close to death, ­­or soon after death – to commit fraud and help themselves to the assets, personal possessions and cash. To most decent people, this is unconscionable behaviour, but unfortunately, it does go on.According to a recent report by the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP), the cost of probate fraud is predicted to be in the region of £150 million, some £100 million in excess of what was previously estimated. Indeed, one in two professionals consulted said that they have come across fraud in probate cases that they have dealt with.Anyone can commit fraud, from organised criminals to the people who are closest to the deceased and are in the greatest position of trust, such as family, friends, neighbours, carers and professionals. Executors, particularly with the control that they have, could also manipulate figures and help themselves to the estate. Indeed, there was a 30 per cent increase in the breach of fiduciary claims lodged at the chancery division between 2012 and 2013, according to a 2014 ombudsman report.The importance of being on your guard when it comes to fraud can’t be understated, particularly as the relatives involved may be trying to cope with their loss so do not notice something untoward happening since the death.Warning signs of possible probate fraud Factors to look out for:Changes to the will 

Bitchute video of complete show


Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports

Ukraine war – Asovstal.  Ukranian lies – Ghost of Kyiv shooting down six Russian planes.  Russia has nuclear capability to destroy UK with a giant tsunami. Russian media threatens to wipe out UK with 1,600 foot tall ‘nuclear tsunami’ Russian state television host threatens Putin will destroy the UK with a “nuclear tsunami” that will wipe the country off the map. Russian state television threatened to destroy the UK with a “nuclear tsunami” that would wipe the country off the map. On Sunday, Channel One presenter Dmitry Kiselyov used his evening primetime show to boast that Russia’s Poseidon underwater nuclear drone could make Britain into a nuclear wasteland by creating a radioactive ocean tidal wave 1,600 feet high, The Times reported. Kiselyov, who is known as “Putin’s mouthpiece,” alleged that the bomb would “plunge Britain to the ocean’s depths.” His warning was in response to his claim that UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson was allegedly threatening to nuke Russia unilaterally, without NATO. According to the Daily Mail, that the drone can carry a warhead of up to 100 megatons, several thousand times greater than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. He described the weapon as being able to “raise a giant wave, a tsunami, up to 1,640ft high.”

NATO and West stopping nuclear agreements with Russia.  Biden – sending weapons to Ukraine worth $33bn.  Biden – US will continue to produce semi-conductors for weapons.  Diesel, oil and gas from Russia to the West. Biden asks US Congress for $33bn in additional aid to help Ukraine fight Russia for USA. US president says new funds are necessary for Ukraine to continue fighting against ‘brutal’ Russian invasion. Washington, DC – US President Joe Biden is asking Congress for $33bn to support Ukraine, a massive sum that he says will help Ukrainians continue to fight Russia’s “brutal” invasion that is intensifying in the east of the country. Speaking to reporters from the White House on Thursday, Biden said assistance to Ukraine is a “small price to pay” to defeat Russia and reduce the possibility of future conflict. “The cost of this fight, it’s not cheap, but caving to aggression is going to be more costly if we allow it to happen,” he said. “We either back the Ukrainian people as they defend their country or we stand by as the Russians continue their atrocities and aggression in Ukraine.” Biden did not specify the amount of money he is seeking, but earlier on Thursday, senior administration officials said the White House wants $33bn in supplemental funding for Ukraine. Last month, the United States Congress approved $13.6bn in assistance to Kyiv, but the Biden administration has said it already used much of the funds. During the past weeks, Washington has announced large military and government aid packages to Ukraine. 

Profile of Ihor Kolomoyskiy, Organised Crime, TV Network, Nazi Gang Boss, The Privatised Oil Baron, Money Launderer Behind President Zelensky Ihor Kolomoisky, The Ukrainian Oligarch Behind Zelenskys Rise To Fame, Bought a Midwestern Factory as part of one of the world’s largest ever money laundering schemes and let it rot – Politico – Kolomoysky, Ukranian oligarch behind Zelensky’s rise to fame LINK**.  Biden’s son’s involvement in Ukraine.  Vox Magazine – weapons to Asov Battalion and other far right groups in Ukraine could create a monster that can’t be controlled .  In subsequent efforts to seize the operations assets, American prosecutors laid out a theory that much of Kolomoiskys operation was overseen by Laber and Korf, who created a web of entities, usually under some variation of the name Optima, to further launder the misappropriated funds and invest them across multiple states. According to the DOJ, the funds lifted from PrivatBank bounced through a number of shell companies and offshore accounts, before being injected into the Optima network, and from there into assets around the American Midwest. And all of this took place while Kolomoisky now sanctioned by the U.S. for what the State Department calls significant corruption and ongoing efforts to undermine Ukraines democratic processes grew his power and wealth within Ukraine itself, creating a gargantuan private militia and reportedly manipulating elected officials along the way. The details gathered by U.S. and Ukrainian investigators and laid out in DOJ filings and court cases around the world, from Delaware to the UK to Israel, comprise what one analyst said might be the biggest case of money laundering in history.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov saying Hitler may have been part Jewish.  Israel wants apology from Russia over Hitler remark Tel Aviv says Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s words about Jews are a “historical error” Israel wants apology from Russia over Hitler remarkIsrael has summoned the Russian ambassador, after Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov suggested that Adolf Hitler may have had some Jewish blood, and that the “most ardent” anti-Semites are Jews themselves. “Foreign Minister Lavrov’s remarks are both an unforgivable and outrageous statement as well as a terrible historical error,” Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid tweeted on Monday. “Jews did not murder themselves in the Holocaust.

So, was Hitler’s grandfather Jewish? So what if Zelensky is Jewish? The fact does not negate the Nazi elements in Ukraine. I believe that Hitler also had Jewish blood. It means absolutely nothing. The wise Jewish people said that the most ardent antisemites are usually Jews. Every family has its black sheep, as we say. Let’s cut to the chase. The identity of Hitler’s paternal grandfather is unknown, and there is a plausible theory that he was Jewish. This theory in fact stems from Hitler’s own attorney, Hans Frank, who headed the Nazi government in occupied Poland, and who was asked by Hitler himself to investigate the claim in 1930, reportedly after his nephew William Patrick Hitler threatened to expose the claim and blackmail Hitler. All this comes up in Frank’s own 1946 memoir, published seven years after his execution for war crimes at the Nuremberg trials. Hitler’s father Alois Hitler was the illegitimate son of Maria Schicklgruber, and the speculation concerns who Alois’s father was. Hitler’s lawyer Frank claimed to have uncovered evidence in 1930 that Hitler’s paternal grandfather was a Jewish man living in Graz, Austria: that in 1836, Maria became pregnant, at 42, after sex with a 19-year-old member of the Jewish family she was working for. In 2019, the Jerusalem Post published an article on the matter, citing a recent study by Leonard Sax (a Jew by the way), which came out in the Journal of European Studies, and does not provide unequivocal proof one way or the other. I repeat – it’s not proven. But let’s look at the condemnations, and who is voicing them. Let’s start with Israel’s Minister of Communications Yoaz Hendel. He called Lavrov’s comments “delusional”: For historical accuracy: Hitler did not have Jewish blood and what is happening in Ukraine is outrageous… Denigrating the Holocaust is something that I’m not willing to accept and nothing should be compared to the acts of the Nazis. Hendel is an anti-Palestinian demagogue who has engaged in revenge fantasies where Palestinians play the part of the Nazis. Hendel poses as a liberal centrist, but he’s an ultra-nationalist bigot. In a “Rally for Democracy” headed by the war criminal ‘liberal’ Benny Gantz, Hendel simply turned his car back and went home when he heard that a Palestinian lawmaker – Ayman Odeh – would be speaking. Who else is outraged? Dani Dayan, head of Yad Vashem Holocaust museum:

Euro News report on Kolomoyskiy.  Time Magazine documentary – far right and openly Nazi groups in Ukraine. TIME Correspondent, Simon Shuster, travels to Ukraine in the summer of 2019 to investigate white supremacists militias that are recruiting people to join their fight. The snow had just melted on the streets of Kyiv when Shawn Fuller, a U.S. Navy veteran, arrived in the early spring of 2018, his roller suitcase clattering over the pavestones of the Ukrainian capital. On the western edge of town, he found the address that his recruiter had sent him via Facebook, a flophouse with about two dozen beds, each reserved for a foreign fighter. The men Fuller met inside were mostly from Europe, as was his recruiter, a chain-smoking Norwegian named Joachim Furholm, who had been convicted of bank robbery in Norway in 2010. The two of them had met over Facebook and gotten to know each other well, gaming out their plans to get military training and combat experience from one of Ukraine’s militia groups. When they finally rendezvoused, Fuller noticed the swastika tattoo on the middle finger of Furholm’s left hand. It didn’t surprise him; the recruiter had made no secret of his neo-Nazi politics. Within the global network of far-right extremists, he served as a point of contact to the Azov movement, the Ukrainian militant group that has trained and inspired white supremacists from around the world, and which Fuller had come to join.

Scott Ritter – a Nazi is like a diseased animal. 

FREEMASON LODGES ARE WHERE UKRAINE’S CRIMINAL WARMONGERS ARE HIDING – Newham Council and Masons.  Cyberwar talk by Yuval Harrari at Ukraine’s No 1. Freemason and oligarch Victor Pinchuk Foundation.  MARTIN WROTE AN EXCELLENT BOOK TOO. WITH THE SAME TITLE When the House of Commons Affairs Committee recently recommended that police officers, magistrates, judges and crown officers should publicly register their Masonic membership, it was very largely thanks to the ammunition provided by Martin Short’s investigative ‘tour de force’. His ‘Inside the Brotherhood’ carried on the pioneering work begun by Stephen Knight’s explosive account of ‘The Brotherhood’. Approximately half a million men in the British Isles — and another five million around the world — are Freemasons. ‘Inside the Brotherhood’ examines what kind of men join the Craft — and why. It investigates the occult elements in Masonry, whether its rituals should be seen as a religion- and, if so, what god is being worshipped. And, while relying on first-hand evidence wherever possible, the book probes the extent to which Masonic oaths of mutual aid and secrecy have contaminated the fraternity, aroused mounting hostility from churches, politicians and public, and provoked charges of corruption in key areas of British life, including the police force, local government, the City and the secret services. “A judicious investigation, and Short puts forward a devastating case for the prosecution… He produces a persuasive testimony that Freemasonry has become a savage and a disease in jobs in the public service. He cites some fascinating and entirel credible examples of Masonic skulduggery — and of Brother ranged viciously against Brother… It is difficult to dispute Short’s conclusion that disclosure of their Masonic membership by those in positions of power should be made obligatory.” Piers Brendon,’Observer’

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Full Susanna Reid Local Election interview with PM Boris Johnson
Full Karen Evans Probate Fraud By Solicitor and Accountant interview 00:30:00

Tony’s new paperback and eBooks Traitors Of Arnhem, Siege Of Heaven; Siege Of Heaven Reader – all available for donation, or to buy, via
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ here.

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

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