Megalomaniacs Prince Charles and Klaus Schwab’s WEF meeting starts this weekend. What’s happened to Bilderberg? – Nuclear industry and government cancer risk models shown to underestimated risk of death by roughly 400 times – also roughly 300 million people have died of radiation poisoning from atmospheric nuclear weapon tests and nuclear power stations since the 1960s – WHO Looks To Dominate Global Health Policy, Tauts International Pandemic Treaty – Michael Hudson: World Is Now Dividing In Two Over Ukraine ‘Sanctions’ and the parasitic rentier finance capitalism – three world wars to bring in pantheistic religion planned in 1871 by Albert Pike? NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
MP3 of Friday 20th May 2022 Show [right click to download]…
…(from c. 23:00) – More links to full interviews at bottom of page
SHOW NOW STARTS AT 17:00 = 5pm BST – FOR 3 HRS TO 20:00
Download or click here to Listen live online each week 17:00 to 20:00 BST, 12:00-15:00 EST, 09:00-12:00 PST. 08:00-11:00 NZ Time
– Repeats 11 & 5 AM and PM BST daily on the Sputnik Radio stream alternative live stream – TONY’S BOOKS: – TONY’S CHANNELS: Bitchute – Odysee – 911 Forum – Radio4All – The Land Is Ours – VK – TwitSpace – NSAbook – YouTube: This Show, Peter Borenius & Public Enquiry
EMERGENCY MP3 SHOW LINK [right click to download]
Radio4All mp3 audio files usually available from 23:00 2-4hrs, after TX – we’ll credit you if you rebroadcast. Any probs. mp3s should be on alternative links below by then
Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
Andrew Varney, Lib Dem Councillor for Brislington West, joins Tony and Martin. Lib Dems propping up Tories when they shared power. PMQs delays in processing passports and driving licences – cuts to civil service. PMQs immigration queues – firing civil servants. Migrants to Rwanda – may not work.
PMQs Kier Starmer – vulnerable people at sharp end of cost of living crisis. People living in vans in Bristol. 1300 empty military homes in Wiltshire – Karen Bell ITV report. Real wages declining. PMQs Ian Blackford SNP – latest inflation figures. Huge profits of energy companies – wind fall tax? Publicly owned energy companies in France. Boris on the cost of living crisis. Wiltshire Council leader’s anger at MoD as 1,350 military homes lie empty for years – The leader of Wiltshire Council has described 1,350 empty military homes in the county as a “scandal” as more than 2,000 families wait for social housing. The empty homes, many of which have multiple bedrooms and large gardens, are dotted around civilian communities. The Ministry of Defence rents them from a private company, but council tax records show they have been empty for several years. “I honestly think it’s a scandal,” leader of Wiltshire Council Richard Clewer told ITV News West Country. “Taxpayers are spending money to keep properties empty, and I’m having to see green fields built on when we could be housing people in these empty homes.”
Tony Gosling article on the cost of living crisis for Levellers’ Day 2022: .…Many blame Theresa May’s attempt to float a ‘Dementia Tax’[1] in the 2017 general election for her losing the Tory majority. But Labour went much further in proposals to make more of us landless. Corbyn’s shadow chancellor John McDonnell, with adviser Richard Murphy and others proposed the Lifetime Gifts Tax (LGT) in the pre 2019 general election ‘Land For The Many’ report. Andy Wightman, Marion Shoard, Oli Rodker, Anna Minton, Simon Fairlie and others endorsed this wheeze, despite it raising the number of Brits slated to lose homes on the death of a parent (unless they had substantial savings to pay the tax) from 650k, up to 10 million! Authored by George Monbiot, Guy Shrubsole, Robin Grey and others, ‘Land For The Many’ should have been titled ‘Land From The Many’! In ‘Who Owns Britain’ (Ireland, The World) author and former Sunday Times Rich List land specialist Kevin Cahill explains the British people did a pretty good job post-WWII clawing back land and homes from the historic land rentiers. Individuals now have more land than at any time since the enclosures. Does the ‘to each according to his need’ crew really want to stop us passing family homes on? Driving the poorest half of homeowners back into the landlords’ clutches? Do they really believe HSBC or the Rees-Mogg state should own everything?……
Bristol Energy failure and waste of money. Bristol Mayoral system voted out. Development planning in Bristol. Bristol Council Development Control Committee – plan for Silverthorn Lane on flood plane. PMQs South Warrington Logistics Hub plan on green belt. Bristol region housing masterplan collapses amid huge row – what it means for city’s future – Metro mayor accused of “falsely” claiming South Gloucestershire Council leader “walked out” of talks The Bristol region’s masterplan for homes and jobs over the next 20 years appears dead in the water before it has even been published. West of England metro mayor Dan Norris has told the Government that talks have broken down and agreement is impossible, so all work on the spatial development strategy (SDS) has stopped, blaming South Gloucestershire Council for “walking out” of discussions. He accused the council’s Conservative leader Cllr Toby Savage of “gambling with the green belt” and warned that the area was now at the mercy of unscrupulous developers, who could push through unwanted and unsustainable proposals because no regional blueprint was in place. But Cllr Savage insists he has not walked away from any talks and branded Mr Norris’s claims “false” and a “desperate tactic to get his secretly developed plan approved”. The councillor said his local authority had been “banging on the mayor’s door” for months, demanding to help develop the SDS, but Labour’s Mr Norris had ignored them. It is the latest bust-up in a year-long feud between two of the West of England’s top politicians, and the third time this year that disagreements over the draft housing plan have spilt over into a public row between the pair.
WEF meeting this weekend, but what’s happened to Bilderberg 2022? Happy City flags in Southmead. Sam Downey in 2017 on Common Purpose and Happy City.
Bitchute video of complete show
Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports
Chris Busby on his ‘Ionising radiation and cancer’ peer reviewed paper. Nuclear industry and government cancer risk models shown to underestimated risk of death by roughly 400 times – also roughly 300 million people have died of radiation poisoning from atmospheric nuclear weapon tests and nuclear power stations since the 1960s – This review presents evidence that the methodology that supports the current radiation risk model for cancer is insecure. As a consequence, the legal limits on internal exposures to certain common radionuclides are incorrect by several orders of magnitude. Because of this, hundreds of millions of people will have developed cancer due to internal exposures from atmospheric testing fallout, nuclear accidents, Depleted Uranium and releases from nuclear sites. There are fatal errors in both the mechanistic and epidemiological bases of the Linear No Threshold (LNT) Absorbed Dose model. The review discusses the history of the model and refers to published studies that clearly demonstrate these errors. It argues that the ways in which the models were constructed were arbitrary, capricious and unscientific.
Sally Beck on James Dellingpole’s podcast – details how Andrew Wakefield became wrongly ‘discredited’ for his brilliant work exposing harmful vaccines. ‘The issue was not about me, Andrew Wakefield, but about how to crush dissent. I scare the establishment because I care and I am diligent. I think they’re terrified because they’ve not done adequate safety studies. I’ve been treated in the standard way in which people who raise these kinds of questions are treated. ‘It’s extremely challenging, but if I fail to stand up to the bullies, the price to be paid is enormous.’ The controversy began when his paper outlining a link between autism and bowel disease – but which didn’t directly blame the MMR vaccine – was published in The Lancet in February 1998. In 2001, he was forced out of his job at London’s Royal Free Hospital over allegations that his research was flawed, and went to work in America. And in 2004, he was accused of secretly being paid by solicitors acting for parents who believed their children had been harmed by the MMR jab. Worse still, the editor of The Lancet said his journal would never have accepted Dr Wakefield’s ‘fatally flawed’ paper if it had known of the alleged conflict of interest. The editor asked the 13 co-authors of the paper to sign a retraction of any ‘interpretation’ of a causal link between MMR and autism, and ten agreed. ‘But we were being asked to retract an interpretation that we hadn’t made,’ explained Dr Wakefield. ‘The interpretation was that the MMR vaccine caused autism. We had never said that, so we couldn’t retract it.’ Only two of Dr Wakefield’s colleagues, Professor John Walker-Smith and Professor Simon Murch, still stand by The Lancet paper. They, too, are being ‘tried’ by the GMC. Dr Wakefield uprooted his wife Carmel and four children from their home in London in 2004 to join him in the US, where he carries on his research today. Meanwhile, a growing body of research from around the world appears to show no evidence of a link between MMR and autism, while the slump in vaccinations in this country has resulted in outbreaks of both measles and mumps, from which at least one child has died. But Dr Wakefield is unrepentant. ‘I’ve never said don’t vaccinate,’ he insisted. ‘I made it clear that children should continue to be protected using single vaccines. It was the Government’s withdrawal of the option of the single-measles vaccine which has led to this problem. Parents who were concerned about MMR safety were given no alternative and that’s the reason these diseases have come back.’ Dr Wakefield’s 1998 paper was not in fact about whether the MMR jab caused autism, but whether a group of healthy children who had been diagnosed with autism were suffering from bowel disease.
George Bush junior gaffe this week – saying Iraq instead of Ukraine. RT – information warfare – Ukraine news reporting inaccurately. Azov Battalion and Nazi symbols.
Michael Hudson, author, on the world dividing in to two parts, and the US wanting the world to follow it’s financial model. The decline of the West is not necessary or historically inevitable. It is the result of choosing policies dictated by its rentier interests. … The threat posed to society by rentier interests is the great challenge of every nation today: whether its government can restrict the dynamics of finance capitalism and prevent an oligarchy from dominating the state and enriching itself by imposing austerity on labor and industry. So far, the West has not risen to this challenge.” “There are essentially two types of society: mixed economies with public checks and balances, and oligarchies that dismantle and privatize the state, taking over its monetary and credit system, the land and basic infrastructure to enrich themselves but choking the economy, not helping it grow.” The Destiny of Civilization is based on a lecture series on finance capitalism and the New Cold War that Michael Hudson presented for the Global University for Sustainability. It presents an overview of Michael’s unique geo-political perspective: analysis which integrates economics, history, politics, archaeology and psychology.
South African pastor Walter J Veith on the 15 Aug 1871 US confederate power centraliser Albert Pike letter to Italian power centraliser Guiseppi Mazzini – Albert Pike and Pike’s supposed ‘great plan’ towards Satan being in charge.
Radio4All download pages
[right click to download]
1 – Complete 3hr show – [right click to download]
Full interviews with…
2 – Michael Hudson New Book: Finance Capitalism, Industrial Capitalism, or Socialism 01:20:00
3 – Neil Oliver: This pandemic treaty is the greatest power grab in our lifetime 00:08:00
4 – Stella_Moris: The CIA Plot To Kill My Husband Julian Assange Double Down News 00:12:00
5 – RTs Maria Finoshina Details Western Media Lies On Ukraine War 00:07:00
6 – Sam Downie: Bristol Happy City Censored Show Common Purpose Dialect 28Jun2017 00:30:00
7 – Dr Chris Busby, Ionising Radiation and Cancer, Failure Of The Risk Model and Hinkley C Ponzi Scheme 00:50:00

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ here.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
I love your show and listen to it every week as it contains all the news relevant to my interests. Please forgive me if I have my usual complaint of your crashing into the middle of Martin’s answers!
Last week I linked to the show in my newsletter and specifically to Scott Ritter’s talk. However, though the links are there in the list of interviews, it doesn’t have the speakers names so one has to listen to all of them to find the right one.
love Tracy xxxxxxxxx
Hi Tony & Martin . I’ve tried every way to download you have available on this weeks May 20, 2022 show page & can’t . Even when im redirected to Radio4All , The red circle with the white arrow within says 134 downloads . When i click right or left on it all i get is ” 404 Not Found
nginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu) ” . Never had this problem before .. I’d be grateful for a reply with some suggestions . Its 12:30 am May 21, 2022, Eastern Daylight Savings Time usa
I have been engrossed with the coverage of this Russia Ukraine War . The whole US & Western media is just pushing anti Russian & anti ethnic Russians in the Donbas propaganda . I have found a few people and networks who have been doing some fair and balanced reportage . I want to sent you & Martin some links via email . I don’t want to post them here on comments
Hi Tony,
I have sent a direct message, but thought I should post this here too as I’m also having problems downloading this week’s show file. As you know, I cannot air it on Radio Q Camberley unless I can download the file. In that event, I will air last week’s.
Unable to listen have tried 100 times ,best show on the internet ,with Richie Allen ,is it a conspiracy …..
Thanks everyone for flagging up the serious problems at Radio 4 All this week. The downloads were working fine until some time on Saturday when all the mp3s seem to have disappeared, seemingly permanently. Other programmes disappered too but have now come back. OOur show has not and been belatedly reuploaded here
There was a similar problem last week which lasted just a few hours. David and Tim at R4All looking into it as they rolled out new site architecture about three weeks ago.
In the meantime alternative version of the show is available at bitchute and Odysee.
Whatever’s going on I think they’ll get on top of it Any further problems do please email me and include timings – if possible your IP address.
If this is hacking its not the Russians or Chinese, you can count on that!