Auditors: Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees Broke His Own Rules Awarding 200+ Contracts Worth £69m Last Year – Here Comes Bristol’s Fascist ‘Clean Air Zone’ Which Taxes The Disabled And Exempts The Super-rich! – Special Guest: Cancelled Sociology Professor David Miller – The Dark, Fascist Connections Of The UK’s Vaccine Minister, Nadhim Zahawi – Mick Lynch for Prime Minister, A Great Speaker As The Labour Party Fail To Oppose The City Of London – Deep State Establishment Manoeuvrings To Control A Post-Boris UK – The Great Decoupling With Russia – Comparable With The Suez Crisis And The Geopolitical Centre Moving From London To Washington, Now To Beijing And Moscow – James Bond’s Cultural Revolution? MI6 Agents Sack UK Professors Who Dare Criticise UK/US Wars – David Miller and other left wing academics targetted by Integrity Initiative – Crooked Prince Charles Cash For Gongs, Gabriel Pogrund investigates, The Big Thing on Times Radio – Georgia Guidestones, ‘America’s Stonehenge’, Which Indicated World Population Should Be Reduced To By 7.5 Billion To 500 Million, Is Blown Up At 4am – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
Boris resigns as PM. PMQs Kier Starmer and Boris Johnson – Boris’s resignation. Auditors point out systematic rule-breaking about Bristol Council finances and practice Bristol City Council broke rules awarding 203 contracts worth £69m last year – External auditors are calling for “urgent action” By Adam Postans, Local democracy reporter 4 JUL 2022 Bristol City Council officers broke the rules on awarding contracts for goods and services more than 200 times to the value of £69million last year, a report reveals. That is more than double the previous 12 months and has prompted external auditors to tell the authority to address the issue “as a matter of urgency” because it could be a sign of “irregularities” and an increased risk of fraud. There were 203 occasions in 2021/22 where re-tendering procedures were not followed correctly, officially called procurement breaches, which equates to 14 per cent of all contracts awarded by the authority – almost one in seven. That compares with 94 breaches to the value of £14million the year before, about 11 per cent of total contracts. The council says an effective and transparent breaches process is in place to detect when regulations are not followed and that more training and a procurement policy, which the organisation does not currently have, will be introduced. Auditor Grant Thornton’s interim value-for-money 2020/21 report, presented to audit committee members, said: “The overall level of breaches in both years is higher than we would expect and the increase and final value in 2021/22 is of some note. “In our experience, high levels of breaches have been associated elsewhere with governance and procurement irregularities and, as such, the issue should be addressed as a matter of urgency.” In a separate report to the committee, the huge rise was highlighted as a “significant governance issue” for the authority. The annual governance statement, a legally-required document alongside its financial statements that explains how the council ensures it is run effectively and makes appropriate decisions in the right way, said: “The number of breaches of the council’s procurement rules during 2021/22 significantly increased from 2020/21. The 2020/21 value-for-money report by the council’s external auditors has recommended urgent action be taken to address the high level of breaches. “When the procurement rules are breached, there is an increased risk that the council enters into a contract which is not best value and/or is not the best way of achieving organisational objectives. Breaches also reduce transparency and fairness of decision making, which can increase the risk of fraud, conflicts of interest and reputational damage.” Finance director Denise Murray told the meeting the high number of instances was “a bit of a surprise to us”. She said: “Procurement breaches come in a number of forms. “You will have breaches in the regulations, which is the legislative framework, and you will have breaches in relation to our procurement rules which cover a range of things. They deal with direct awards, retrospective extensions to orders, so some of this captures forward planning or the need for contracts to be extended in a timely manner in line with the contract.” Grant Thornton recommended that the council should “continue to scrutinise and act to reduce contract breaches” by introducing procurement compliance training and having the figures monitored by audit committee or cabinet, which was not unusual in other authorities but did not happen at the city council. A response in the report by the authority’s management said: “Whilst full compliance can never be guaranteed and ‘under-reporting’ of breaches, in particular, is an inherent possibility, an effective and transparent breaches governance process is in place to detect instances of non-compliance. “Procurement compliance training will be more widely rolled out and actual compliance activity reported quarterly to audit committee via internal audit.” It also accepted a recommendation to introduce a procurement strategy. Bristol City Council was asked to comment further and said its response was in the report. Grant Thornton’s report said: “In order to remain compliant with procurement legislation the council should follow its procurement rules and re-tender in line with current legislation. “If these procedures and legislation are not followed then this is classed as a procurement breach and the council’s procedures require breaches to be formally acknowledged and recorded. An internal audit report on procurement compliance (August 2021) gave an opinion of ‘reasonable’ assurance but recommended further ways to strengthen governance arrangements and reduce breach numbers.”
DESPITE AIR QUALITY IMPROVING – HERE COMES BRISTOL’S FASCIST ‘CLEAN AIR ZONE’ TAX WHICH TAXES THE DISABLED AND EXEMPTS THE SUPER-RICH: Geoff Gollop, Conservative Councillor for Westbury on Trym and Henlease, Deputy Leader of the Conservative Group, and part of the Scrutiny Group – he discusses the Auditors saying certain aspects of Bristol Council spending and practice should be urgently looked at – he also discusses the proposed Clean Air Zone. Clean Air Zone critics in Bristol vow to boycott city centre and go elsewhere Some Bristolians are vowing to boycott the city centre following the announcement of an official start date for the city’s Clean Air Zone. Others have been left with more questions around the rules of these new restrictions – including why some car park entrances have been included in the zone and what it means for residents who already live in the area. Mayor of Bristol Marvin Rees made the announcement on Wednesday (July 6) that the city’s Clean Air Zone, which will charge drivers with certain vehicles a minimum of £9 for driving in or near the city centre, will begin on November 28 this year. He also said that three quarters of vehicles driven around the city centre will not be affected, with only one in three drivers expected to have to pay due to the criteria of vehicles excluded from the zone. In an article by Bristol Live this week, we reported that signs and cameras were already being put up around the city on the edge of the Clean Air Zone (CAZ) as a major public awareness campaign started, with billboard posters up to warn people they could be charged. The article has received almost 80 comments from readers, sharing their concerns, questions and confusion over the new rule changes. Some were desperate for an explanation over the boundary limits of the zone – and why certain car park entrances had been included. One commenter wrote: “No one has yet explained why the zone starts on the Portway before Cumberland basin and why the entrance to Trenchard Street carpark is in the zone. “As far as I can see the only reason is to generate money. Driving from the Portway to the A370 goes nowhere near the city center. The zone is deliberately extended by a few yards to cover the carpark entrance.” While another asked: “Is it true that it also covers the entrance to Cabot Circus car park?” View are map below to see the boundary. Another argument readers made surrounded the topic of what residents who already live in the CAZ would benefit from – one reader said they ‘couldn’t help’ already living in the area and dubbed the idea ‘unfair’. Saetana commented: “People cannot help the fact that they live within the zone – it did not exist when they moved there. “I can see a case for new residents having to pay once the zone starts as they will be aware when they move that they will be living in a CAZ. I do not however believe that existing residents of the CAZ area should have to pay – its just not fair.” A second said: “I live literally on the last street of the zone – my street is the border beyond which the zone ends. So I won’t get any of the health benefits, just the hassle.”
Bitchute video of complete show
Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports
DEEP STATE WANTS LE CERCLE’S MR VAX, SO REMOVES BORIS? David Miller, former Sociology Professor at Bristol University, who was sacked due to ‘anti-Semitism’, joins Tony and Martin. The Dark, Fascist Connections Of The UK’s Vaccine Minister, Nadhim Zahawi Cost of living crisis and sanctions on Russia. Nadhim Zahawi set to become new PM? Nathan Lee, ITV News, doorsteps Nadhim Zahawi. Suella Braverman, a Tory candidate for PM, on ITV Peston show. Judge Him By The Company He Keeps Rain is wet, the Pope is Catholic and politicians lie. Not exactly breaking news. It’s how it is and has been since time immemorial. Boris Johnson seems to have been on a mission to prove the latter over the past 12 to 14 months as he has shown himself up to be a record-breaking, pathological fibber time after time. Lying is almost like an impulsive reaction to him – similar to a sneeze or a nervous twitch. He just can’t help himself. Every time he opens his mouth, it spews deception. So it was no surprise when his newly recruited Vaccine Minister Nadhim Zahawi followed in his footsteps, blatantly lying to all and sundry, when he advised the public that the introduction of vaccine passports or immunity certificates would not be imposed upon the British public. He categorically stated, at the beginning of the year, that these were not on the agenda and that; ‘no one has been given or will be required to have a vaccine passport.’ He even referred to the use of such passports as ‘discriminatory’ and said it was ‘not how we do things in the UK.’ Fast forward a mere four or five months later, and the ‘discriminatory’ passports are perfectly acceptable and exactly ‘how we do things in the UK’, it would seem. Appearing on BBC Breakfast, Zahawi declared that COVID-19 passports would be issued for those who wanted to travel overseas and that they would be ‘operationally possible’ by May 17. So now that it is clear, if we needed any assurances, that the UK Vaccine Minister, Nadhim Zahawi is a liar, what else do we know about him? You would expect, wouldn’t you, a man who is in charge of an operation to inject every man, woman and child in the country with a vaccine to be an upstanding, honourable, ethical individual who places the safety and health of the public before any other interest? You would expect Boris to appoint a person who conducts his affairs with good intentions – the wellness of society being at the forefront of his mind. Only someone with a background of decorum, responsibility and integrity would be fit for this role, right?
Geoffrey Sachs says Covid engineered in a US lab. Is it a plandemic? Biolabs in Ukraine. Extreme sanctions on Russia forcing world into multi polarity with US in decline. Mass propaganda against Russia. Crimes Putin is accused of by West with no real proof. Jeffrey Sachs Presents Evidence of Possible Lab Origin of Covid-19 – An article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences calls for an independent investigation of information held by U.S.-based institutions that could shed light on the origins of Covid. In an article published Thursday, economist Jeffrey Sachs called for an independent investigation of information held by U.S.-based institutions that could shed light on the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic. Writing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Sachs and his co-author, Neil Harrison, a Columbia University professor of molecular pharmacology and therapeutics, said that federal agencies and universities possess evidence that has not been adequately reviewed, including virus databases, biological samples, viral sequences, email communications, and laboratory notebooks. Sachs and Harrison also highlighted a tantalizing scientific detail that may be an indication that SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes Covid-19, originated in a laboratory: a sequence of eight amino acids on a critical part of the virus’s spike protein that is identical to an amino acid sequence found in cells that line human airways. Sachs and Harrison are hardly the first to suggest that SARS-CoV-2 might have been created in a lab. Since its genetic sequence was first published in February 2020, scientists have puzzled over the furin cleavage site, an area on the virus’s spike that allows it to be cleaved by a protein on the membrane of human cells and makes the coronavirus particularly dangerous to people. Once split, the virus releases its genetic material into the cell and reproduces. While attaching to cells and spike cleavage is part of how all coronaviruses work, SARS-CoV-2 is the only one of its class, sarbecoviruses, that can use furin for the cleavage. As with past discussion of a possible lab origin of SARS-CoV-2, this latest theory has already been met with considerable pushback. Even some scientists who are open to the idea that a lab accident could have sparked the pandemic remain unconvinced by the particular trail of evidence laid out by Sachs and Harrison.
THE GREAT DECOUPLING WITH RUSSIA – COMPARABLE WITH THE 1956 SUEZ CRISIS AND THE GEOPOLITICAL CENTRE MOVING FROM LONDON TO WASHINGTON, NOW TO BEIJING AND MOSCOW – The company BlackRock, Inc manages $10 trillion dollars in assets, and as such investors tend to place close attention to the views and opinions of chairman and CEO Larry Fink. Here is what he said in his recent letter to shareholders: “the Russian invasion of Ukraine has put an end to the globalization we have experienced over the last three decades… Russia’s aggression in Ukraine and its subsequent decoupling from the global economy is going to prompt companies and governments worldwide to re-evaluate their dependencies and re-analyze their manufacturing and assembly footprints – something that Covid had already spurred many to start doing.”[1] In other words, the spectacle of the last few weeks, and the response by NATO has had far-reaching ramifications beyond the aggression mustered by the United States as they invaded or devastated one country after another for years and years. Globalization is dead! A massive decoupling is taking place! Indeed, the sanctions put in place to hurt Russia are hitting Americans, Canadians and the European communities too as we pull up to the gas station or watch our food prices start to escalate. [2][3] Meanwhile, on Friday, President Biden, flanked by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced an agreement to lower the European Union’s dependence on Vladimir Putin’s oil and gas supplies. According to Biden: “We’re going to have to make sure the families in Europe can get through this winter and the next while we’re building the infrastructure for a diversified, resilient and clean energy future.”[4] So the stakes for the Ukraine literally go far beyond the bullets, bombs and bravery of troops in the Eastern European country. While NATO still won’t engage them on the battlefield (let us hope) the many other financial measures levelled against Russia that are having consequences potentially as devastating as an actual war. With Saudi Arabia now pursuing talks allowing some of it’s oil to be priced in the Chinese currency the Yuan, the dominance of the American dollar as part of the standard for maintaining its power is in jeopardy. As well, 5 nations including Russia itself rejected the United Nations General Assembly vote to immediately end Russia’s military aggression in Ukraine. The 35 nations that abstained did so, in many cases as suspecting that the West incited the conditions that led to the conflict. So Russia is not exactly “isolated.” [5] Is a new divided world part of the New World Order that has been unraveled in front of us? This week’s Global Research News Hour makes an attempt to peek at the future of this gawd awful war!
Henry Kissinger, now 100 years old, has brought a book out called ‘Leadership’. James Docherty interviews Henry Kissinger for BBC World Service – his role in Vietnam war and the Chilean coup – backtracking on his opinion on Ukraine/ Russia war. Kissinger says Ukraine should concede territory to Russia for greater Peace – article. Kissinger on China/Taiwan situation. Integrity Initiative, run by Military Intelligence, targetted Jeremy Corbyn, even though it’s meant to target Russia. Henry Kissinger: Ukraine Should Give Up Territory to Russia to Reach Peace “Negotiations need to begin in the next two months before it creates upheavals and tensions that will not be easily overcome,” he said. “Ideally, the dividing line should be a return to the status quo ante. Pursuing the war beyond that point would not be about the freedom of Ukraine, but a new war against Russia itself.” Former United States Secretary of State and National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger attends the ceremony for the Henry A. Kissinger Prize on January 21, 2020 in Berlin, Germany. Talking at Davos, Kissinger said Ukraine should accept giving up territory to reach a peace agreement with Russia.
David Miller and other left wing academics targetted by Integrity Initiative. James le Mesurier, head of the White Helmets, ‘committed suicide’ but evidence would suggest murder. Narrative Managers in Overdrive After Death of White Helmets Founder – Caitlin Johnstone tackles the lie factory surrounding James Le Mesurier.- By Caitlin Johnstone James Le Mesurier, the founder of the White Helmets, has died. He was found to have plummeted from a height to the street outside his home, and authorities are reportedly calling it a suicide. Le Mesurier has a history with British military intelligence and was fundamentally involved with an extremely shady narrative management operation geared toward manufacturing support for yet another imperialist military intervention in yet another Middle Eastern nation, so obviously any claims of suicide should be taken with a grain of salt no smaller than a Buick. But it is worth noting that according to Middle East Eye, Le Mesuriers wife told police that hed been struggling with psychological issues for which he was taking medications and had previously been hospitalized. Le Mesuriers home was reportedly only accessible by fingerprint and no video footage of anyone besides Le Mesurier and his wife entering or leaving has been found. Establishment narrative managers, for their part, have been floating the possibility that the White Helmets founder was murdered by the Russian government. The Washington Examiner has published an article titled Did Russia kill White Helmets founder James Le Mesurier?, calling to mind Betteridges law of headlines, which states that Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no. The BBCs Mark Urban tweeted out and then deleted a thread (screenshots here) in which he cites an anonymous source who claims to have known Le Mesuriers flat well enough to be sure that its not possible to fall from his balcony, then meaningfully pointing to a black propaganda campaign by Russia and Assad media against Le Mesurier. He apparently didnt consider the possibility of suicide until later, saying he deleted his thread due to new information.
Follow David Miller on Twitter at ‘tracking_power’, or at, or donate to to support him in his industrial tribunal. VIDEO: How UK’s intelligence services target dissident academics Max Blumenthal·July 5, 2022 – Dissident antiwar UK academics Piers Robinson and David Miller describe being targeted by the British intelligence services through media proxies and infiltrators. They examine The Grayzone’s revelations of journalist Paul Mason’s collusion with a top intelligence officer to destroy the careers of “rogue academics” like them. The editor-in-chief of The Grayzone, Max Blumenthal is an award-winning journalist and the author of several books, including best-selling Republican Gomorrah, Goliath, The Fifty One Day War, and The Management of Savagery. He has produced print articles for an array of publications, many video reports, and several documentaries, including Killing Gaza. Blumenthal founded The Grayzone in 2015 to shine a journalistic light on America’s state of perpetual war and its dangerous domestic repercussions.
Zionist attacks on academics – Steven Salaita was offered a tenured post at the University of Illinois in late 2013 and was scheduled to take it up in August 2014. However, in July 2014, Salaita posted many tweets critical of the Zionist killing spree in Gaza in which over 2,000 people died. A cherry-picked selection of these were brought to the attention of the University by the press and Zionist groups. The first attacks came from William Jacobson a law professor at Cornell University who works closely with Zionist groups such as the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA). Within days the Zionist Champaign-Urbana Jewish Federation, which states that among its purposes is supporting the development of the Israeli regime, had joined the attack. Rapidly the university became the focus of a mass Zionist campaign and it received hundreds of letters from university alumni, students, parents of students, and members of Champaign-Urbana’s pro-Israel community as well as pressure from several large and small donors threatening to remove funding in the future. Emails that Illinois Chancellor Phyllis Wise exchanged on the case, which were later published, though heavily redacted, reportedly show that she was more concerned about a donor who is on the board of the Jewish Federation and Hillel, two Zionist organizations than she was about the views of academic officials who report to her.’ Hillel is the campus organization claiming to represent Jewish students, but which is in fact formally Zionist. Of course, accusations of anti-Semitism were bandied about by the Zionists. But Salaita is not in the least bit racist against Jews. In the end, because of this, they had to find something else to sack him for. Salaita explained: If there’s no serious moral or political argument in response to criticism of Israel, then condemn the speaker for various failures of tone and appropriateness. A word becomes more relevant than an array of war crimes. Salaita later won a court case against the university, which also found that Chancellor Phyllis Wise was involved in tampering with evidence in the case by trying to conceal email messages and she immediately resigned. A settlement was reached in November 2015 which awarded Salaita $600,000 and an additional $275,000 to cover his legal expenses. He did not, however, get his job back. What does the case tell us about the wider climate? First, as Salaita himself unflinchingly put it: Zionist smear campaigns aim to make you destitute. Despite subsequent job offers also withdrawn he was unable to secure another job at a university and he now drives a school bus in Washington DC. He remains, however, an active critic of Zionism. Salaita has published a guide on how to handle a Zionist defamation campaign. His Twitter followers have gone from about 2,000 before his sacking to 10,000 in late 2014, rocketing up to more than 55,000 today. He has published several books since the incident in Illinois, and his spirit remains strong.
The end of the Kissinger interview – who was coming to meet him after James Naughtie? Full interview is below and on the BBC World Service website. US’s China strategy a path to confrontation, Beijing warns – Henry Kissinger says the risk of conflict is growing as technology advances The US strategy towards China has pushed the two powers into confrontation, threatening turmoil for other nations, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi warned on Tuesday. Wang said the US must choose the right course in its relations with China by abandoning its cold war mentality and managing differences between the two countries. Addressing an online seminar looking at the role of former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger in improving China-US ties, Wang accused Washington of disrupting peace in the Taiwan Strait, and for deciding the two countries were rivals. “The current atmosphere of China-US relations is very abnormal, and the extreme anxiety of the US is completely unnecessary,” the Chinese foreign ministry quoted Wang as saying. “If the US blindly defines China-US relations in terms of great power competition and takes a ‘you lose, I win’ approach to policy, it will only push China and the US into confrontation and conflict, and push the world into division and turmoil.
Matt Chorley on Times Radio, with ‘The Big Thing’ – [SUNDAY TIMES ARTICLE] – Prince Charles and taking cash for Peerages – Royal sleaze – Lord Brownlow bailing out rich and famous types 04 Jul 2022 Matt Chorley: Big Thing – Prince Charles Matt speaks to Gabriel Pogrund about his investigations. Crooked Prince Charles Cash For Gongs, Gabriel Pogrund investigates The Big Thing Times Radio 04Jul22 – Prince Charles honoured tycoon Lord Brownlow who bailed out his eco-village – Heir to the throne ignored aide’s advice against close ties with Tory peer The inquiry by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator has confirmed for the first time that it is investigating Brownlow’s decision to buy up unwanted properties at Knockroon. “We can confirm that the work of Havisham Group [Brownlow’s company] and property transactions relating to the Knockroon development in Ayrshire forms part of our overall investigation, work on which is ongoing,” a spokesman said. In September 2013, months after he started bailing out Knockroon, Brownlow hosted his 50th birthday party at Dumfries House, which is only partially open to the public through 60-minute paid tours during the summer. Some of the house is available for private hire, but only when the prince is not using the premises. It is unclear whether Brownlow paid for the use of the estate and, if so, whether he was charged at the normal commercial rate. There were performances by Dynamo, the celebrity magician, Alfie Boe, the prominent English tenor, and Cirque du Soleil acrobatic fire-dancers.
Georgia Guide Stones blown up – probably by conspiracy theorists who think they’re a New World Order plot. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. Guide reproduction wisely improving fitness and diversity. Unite humanity with a living new language. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. Guide reproduction wisely improving fitness and diversity. Unite humanity with a living new language. Rule passion faith tradition and all things with tempered reason. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court. Avoid petty laws and useless officials. Balance personal rights with social duties. Prize truth beauty love seeking harmony with the infinite. Be not a cancer on the Earth Leave room for nature Leave room for nature.
Vladimir Zelenko, Trump’s former Doctor, RIP, interviewed by Anne Vardistile, saying Covid is a weapon of mass murder. In March 2020, Dr. Zelenko’s team was one of the first in the country to successfully treat thousands of Covid-19 patients in the prehospital setting. While battling recurrent and metastatic sarcoma, recovering from open-heart surgery, and undergoing aggressive chemotherapy, Dr. Zelenko developed his now-famous “Zelenko Protocol,” which has saved lives all around the world. In December 2020, Zelenko with co-authors published an article on a retrospective case study of outpatient treatment with zinc, low-dose hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, which indicated a significant reduction in the incidence of hospitalization of COVID-19 patients that had been treated with the protocol, 2.8% treated compared with 15.4% untreated. Zelenko was also a courageous advocate and defender of fundamental principles of medicine. He persevered against unrelenting defamation of character from the media, and threats against his person. Dr. Zelenko was an observant orthodox Jew, and was married with 8 children, and has authored two books called Metamorphosis and Essence to Essence.
Radio4All download pages
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#1 – Complete 3hr show – [right click to download]
Full interviews with…
#2 – Boris Johnson resignation speech Thu07Jul22 00:06:00
#3 – Gabriel Pogrund investigates Prince Charles: Dumfries House, cash for honours, suitcases of cash, The Big Thing on Times Radio 00:30:00
#4 – Henry Kissinger hints on BBC_WS WWIII will begin in Taiwan as cover for main Middle East war on God 01:00:00

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ here.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
Boris, Biden & his tentacles NATO are arming Ukraine to death