Anti Child Sexual Abuse Protests Close ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ for Primary School Children In Bristol Libraries – NHS to close Tavistock child gender identity clinic, deemed ‘unsafe for children’ – Hinkley C was supposed to come online as Hinkley B is turned off on Monday but Taishan accident in China means it will be further delayed, probably until 2027 – Hiroshima and Nagasaki Peace Gathering by CND. – The Ongoing Sabotage And Collapse Of Bristol By Marvin The Blairite Mayor And His Property Speculator Chums – Caitlin Johnson – The Phoniest and Most PR Intensive War of All Time – NATO War hero Volodymyr Zelensky ‘forgot’ to tell stunning wife he was running for president – Mark Steyn show, on GB News, ‘Victims Of The Vax’ ie Covid jab. – Dr David Halpin, former Surgeon and David Kelly whistleblower, on how vaccines may interfere with the ability of the bodys cells to replicate. Apoptosis, – Dr Vernon Coleman on the colossal crimes of 4th Reich Killers Pfizer – The Devil’s Duo: Tim Cohen says ‘Antichrist’ Prince Charles and Dr Vladimir Zelenko suggests ‘False Prophet’ Yuval Noah Harari? – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
MP3 of Friday 29th July 2022 Show [right click to download]…
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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
Stella Perrett, cancelled cartoonist from The Morning Star, joins Tony and Martin. A court victory by Harry Miller of Faircop is a huge relief to those of us who ALLEGEDLY have one of these stupid NCHIs on their police record. I was told I had one by the editor of the Morning Star. After FOI and SAR requests, complaints to police chief and PCC and numerous legal letters from the FSU, A&S police STILL refuse to either release information to me, or state that they do NOT hold an NCHI against me. As the Judge said, just the existence of these things has a ” chilling effect” on public discourse, and on freedom of expression. Here is my cartoon, for which I allegedly have an NCHI. Just as with Harry Miller, this was a legitimate journalistic comment, in my role as political cartoonist for a national newspaper, on the proposed reform of the GRA2004 and the risk to women’s safe spaces.
Protestors clash outside a Drag Queen Story Hour for children in Bristol. Antifa vs women’s rights group. Antifa masked protestors. Manipulation of protest movements by police and secret services. One person arrested at Drag Queen Story Time protest – A woman arrested by police as protesters clashed outside a number of Bristol libraries, where a drag queen was reading stories to parents and children, has been released. The woman, who has not been named, was detained by police and put into the back of a police van after an allegation of common assault on a man was made during heated scenes outside a library in Bristol today. The police were in attendance at a succession of libraries across Bristol today, Thursday, July 28, to enable the Drag Queen Story Hour events to take place as part of a summer children’s reading initiative. A number of people from outside of Bristol came to protest outside each library as the storytime tour visited around three libraries across the city during the day – with another three planned tomorrow (Friday). And at each protest, they were met by counter-protesters supporting the initiative and the Drag Queen doing the storytelling inside the libraries. After heated exchanges outside Henleaze Library from around 11am saw the event cancelled, the next slot for the stortelling events was at Hillfields Library, where police again tried to separate that protesters. It was at Hillfields that one of the counter-protesters was arrested. Avon and Somerset police confirmed she was later de-arrested after giving her details to officers on the ground, and the incident she was arrested for will now be investigated. The drag queen, protesters against the drag queen, the counter-protesters supporting the drag queen and the police then all headed to Stockwood Library where there were similar scenes again.
A statement from Avon and Somerset police said they had tried to facilitate a peaceful protest and to make sure the event was allowed to take place unhindered. “Police this afternoon detained a woman outside Hillfields Library in connection with an alleged common assault on a man,” the spokesperson said. “The incident happened during a protest and counter-protest about a drag queen touring libraries in Bristol reading a children’s story. “Officers attended to facilitate peaceful protest and enable library staff and visitors, the event organisers and the wider community to go about their lawful business. “The woman was arrested on suspicion of assault after refusing to give officers her details and later de-arrested after confirming her identity to officers. The incident will be recorded and investigated,” he added. Protesters at Drag Queen Story Hour UK at Henleaze Library todaDrag Queen Story Hour UK was set to see drag queen Aida H Dee perform some of her own stories to young children and their parents at half a dozen libraries in Bristol, as part of the Story Hour’s summer tour across the country. The tour began in Reading on Monday, but protesters stormed the event – some with their own children – to protest, which meant police had to get involved and escort the drag queen, who grew up in Bristol, to her next event location while forming a human wall to protect her from assault or any protesters carrying out a ‘citizen’s arrest’. Bristol was one of the first places in the country to host Drag Queen Story Time initiatives for children – with Parson Street School in Bedminster among the first schools in the country to welcome drag queens in to read children’s books to children on World Book Day back in 2017 and 2018, despite some parents’ objections. Bristol City Council issued a statement earlier today supporting the Drag Queen Story Time events, and stating that discrimination and abuse aimed at any community would not be tolerated. Aida H Dee, founder of Drag Queen Story Hour UK, is travelling In the statement, Bristol City Council said: “Drag Queen Story Hour at Bristol Libraries offer children a rich experience in story telling in an interactive way as well as an understanding of different communities. Lessons like this are how we can create a more inclusive society, and educate children about tolerance and difference. “Unfortunately it seems some adults need these lessons too. As well as unacceptable abuse online, some people have decided to go to our library to protest against the session. “We have put security in place and requested a police presence to reduce the risk of threatening behaviour towards the artists involved, our staff, and the parents and children. We will not tolerate any discrimination or abuse aimed at any community and will not stop striving towards creating a more inclusive society, that welcomes difference,” they added. There were more heated scenes on Thursday afternoon as the protesters travelled to Stockwood for the final event. Three more events are planned for tomorrow in Filwood, Henbury and at Junction 3 in Easton. You can find a full list of national dates here.
NHS Tavistock Centre closed – gender alignment for children. History of Tavistock Centre – WW2, eugenics and Nazis. Richie Heron, who was a patient there, on GB News. NHS to close Tavistock child gender identity clinic over safety fears A controversial centre which helped youngsters become transgender is being shut down by the NHS after it was deemed ‘unsafe for children’. Instead, young people who believe that they are trans will now be moved into regional centres which will take a more ‘holistic’ approach to treatment. This will include looking at other mental health or medical issues they may have. Keira Bell, who was prescribed puberty blockers at the centre when she was just 16 years old but later stopped the transition process, welcomed the decision. Now 25, she said: “I’m over the moon. It means many children will be saved from going down that path that I went down. She added: “I thought that that was the way I needed to go (transition) but really I just needed some support… mental health support and some therapy really.” She said medics at the Tavistock moved to prescribe puberty blockers for troubled youngsters far too quickly and instead should have given mental health support first. “We are talking about children here, medicalising children based on the fact that you know they feel a certain way,” she said. She added that children in that position should have been offered mental health support, rather than puberty blockers, in order to get them back to “reality”. “They are messing with children’s lives,” she added. “People at the Tavistock should be ashamed.”
DEFCON ONE: World dangerously close to NUCLEAR WAR – amid threats from Russia, China & North Korea, warns Britain’s top security chief THE world is edging ever closer to a catastrophic nuclear war, amid threats from China, North Korea and Russia, Britain’s top security chief has warned. UK National Security Adviser Sir Stephen Lovegrove sounded the chilling alarm amid fears China and Russia are upgrading their weapons of mass destruction.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki Peace Gathering by CND. NATO. Possibility of nuclear attacks. Hiroshima and Nagasaki Peace Gathering – Bristol – Join Bristol CND to mark the 76th anniversary of the atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945 which led to the death of 280,0000 people, almost all civilians. Peace groups in Bristol will be running a four-day Peace Gathering near the Peace Tree on Castle Park (half-way along the footpath/cycleway overlooking the Harbour/Finzels Reach). All welcome. The gathering starts with a die-in at 8:15am on Friday 6th– to remember the time Hiroshima was bombed. On following days the gathering will start at 10am and finish at about 6pm. In the evenings, weather permitting, there will be lantern lighting, musicians most welcome, plus a pop-up cinema showing peace and anti-war films. There will be information stalls, an open-air art gallery, plus drop-in discussion-workshops on nuclear weapons, nuclear power, militarism, arms trade, refugees, climate-change and the protest movement. There will also be opportunities for protests at military and nuclear-related sites around the Bristol area. Sunday morning will be available for religious and meditative events. Some people also choose to fast over the four days. On Monday 9th there will be a die-in at 11:02 am to remember the time Nagasaki was bombed. This will be followed by a procession to present a Mayors for Peace petition at City Hall.
Roy Pumphrey, from Stop Hinkley– everything that could go wrong for Hinkley C, has gone wrong. Hinkley Point B Closure The End of an Error – 27th July 2022 – Hinkley Point B (HPB) may be ending electricity generation on 1st August, but the UK will be left with its legacy of nuclear waste for thousands of years. Hinkley B Nuclear Power Station will be switched off on Monday – but Hinkley C not ready yet. Stop Hinkley press release. Nuclear waste. Energy efficiency. Even after generating waste for 46 years, we are still not sure what will happen to it other than a vague promise that it will be buried underground in a Geological Disposal Facility a site for which has still not been found. After closure, EDF’s first task will be to agree the safety case with the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR), for fuel handling and defueling. This should take around 3 months. Then around 300 fuel channels in each of HPB’s two reactors will have to be emptied and the spent fuel transferred to the cooling pond where it will have to remain for at least 90 days. Once cooled, the spent fuel will be transferred to a transport flask and taken by lorry over 10 miles, along country roads, to the railway siding next to Bridgwater station mainline. There it will be loaded onto a train about 100 metres from Eastover Junior School. Over the next three and a half years, the frequency of these transfers could increase to 3 or 4 flasks per week. Between now and 2026 around 350 spent fuel flasks will travel by train from Bridgwater to Sellafield. Reprocessing at Sellafield has now ended, so the spent fuel will be dumped in a temporary store awaiting the time it can be placed in an underground Geological Disposal Facility (GDF). The location for this and the timescale for building it are still anybody’s guess. When defueling is complete, in 2026 if all goes according to plan, ownership of HPB will transfer to the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA). The NDA will take around 5 or 6 years to prepare the reactors for a period of care and maintenance. Final dismantling is not currently expected to begin until around 2070. The UK Radioactive Waste Inventory as of 1st April 2019 shows a total of 961m3 of low and intermediate level waste stored at HPB, but by around 2117 this is expected to increase to around 14,500m3 with the majority of the waste arising from decommissioning the reactors. The NDA estimates that the total amount of spent AGR fuel which will remain un-reprocessed and require ‘disposal’ will be 4,830 tonnes. We can estimate, roughly, that HPB will be responsible for around one seventh of that, or 690 tonnes. According to the NDA’s 2021 Strategy, the GDF won’t be able to start receiving spent fuel for over 50 years – by 2075. But the NDA isn’t expecting all AGR (and Sizewell B) spent fuel to be buried until 50 years later in 2125 But to get a true picture of the waste generated by HPB, we also need to consider the spent fuel which has previously been reprocessed at Sellafield. This is a process which will have produced solid Intermediate Level Waste and Highly Radioactive Liquid Waste which will have to be constantly cooled and solidified into glass blocks in a process called vitrification. Reprocessing also separates out from the spent fuel weapons-useable plutonium, for which the UK has no use and which will probably have to be processed and then placed in a GDF. According to the NDA, a total of 1,650m3 of High Level Waste will be produced from reprocessing spent fuel from Magnox reactors, like Hinkley Point A, and the AGRs like Hinkley Point B. This will be packaged and in interim storage, hopefully by 2030. The NDA currently expects to place this in a GDF by 2104. An estimated stockpile of 141 tonnes of plutonium should be packaged and in interim storage at Sellafield by 2060. The NDA says this will be re-used or placed in a GDF by 2120. Stop Hinkley Spokesperson Roy Pumfrey said: “Some of these timescales for managing the legacy of waste left over by HPB are truly staggering. EDF’s planned jamboree on Monday (1st August) at HPB conveniently ignores the nuclear waste which has been generated over the past 46 years. Under current plans it will be at least another 100 years before all this dangerous waste is under the ground.” “And the costs are staggering too. EDF’s most recent estimate for decommissioning AGRs like HPB (£23.5bn) suggests it could cost around £3 or £4bn to decommission HPB. The Taxpayer has been asked to top up the decommissioning fund by over £10bn. Past experience suggests these costs will continue rising.” “Monday should not be a day to celebrate the life of HPB. Rather, it’s a day to mourn the production of radioactive waste that is going to have to be carefully and expensively managed and monitored for many generations to come. The good news is – it will be ‘the end of an error’.”
13 out of 56 French nuclear reactors offline
Mayor Marvin’s climate change speech. Court judgement – UK Net Zero in breach of law, as no details on how targets should be met. ‘Landmark ruling’ sees government’s net-zero strategy ruled ‘unlawful’ Campaigners said the “illegality” of the government’s flagship climate change strategy was “a huge political embarrassment”. A landmark court judgment has ruled the UK government’s net-zero strategy is in breach of the law – as it doesn’t explain how targets will be met. It also finds that parliament and the public were effectively kept in the dark about a shortfall in meeting a key target to cut emissions. The High Court judgment – published amid the Met Office’s first-ever red alert for extreme heat – said the strategy, which sets out plans to decarbonise the economy, does not meet the government’s obligations under the Climate Change Act. The ruling, from Mr Justice Holgate, states Greg Hands, the minister for business, energy and industrial strategy (BEIS), who was responsible for signing off the net-zero strategy, did not have the legally-required information on how carbon budgets would be met. He nevertheless approved the strategy. The legal challenges were brought by Friends of the Earth, ClientEarth, Good Law Project and environmental campaigner Jo Wheatley, and were heard together at the Royal Courts of Justice.
THE ONGOING SABOTAGE AND COLLAPSE OF BRISTOL BY MARVIN THE BLAIRITE MAYOR AND HIS PROPERTY SPECULATOR CHUMS: Bristol Waste bosses have left. Acorn burst in to Living Rent commission in Bristol Council as they weren’t invited. Work stops at landmark Bristol tower block development as builders go bust Bristol Boatyard social housing development in doubt, as developers business collapses. Financial bubbles. Website for Stella’s cartoons
Bitchute video of complete show
Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports
Ukraine war – Boss MI6 Richard Moore says Russians are running out of steam.
Caitlin Johnson – The Phoniest and Most PR Intensive War of All Time. Zelensky and Mrs in Vogue magazine. The Phoniest, Most PR-Intensive War Of All Time – The president and first lady of Ukraine have posed for a romantic photoshoot with Vogue magazine, wherein President Volodymyr Zelensky waxes poetical about his love for his darling wife. Now, I know what youre thinking: how is Zelensky making time for a Vogue photoshoot amidst his busy schedule of PR appearances for other major western institutions? I mean this is after all the same Volodymyr Zelensky who has been so busy making video appearances for the Grammy Awards, the Cannes Film Festival, the World Economic Forum and probably the Bilderberg group as well, and having meetings with celebrities like Ben Stiller, Sean Penn, and Bono and the Edge from U2. Its as busy a PR tour as he could possibly have without having a discussion about the strategic importance of long-range artillery with Elmo on Sesame Street. Oh yeah, and also isnt there like a war or something happening in Ukraine? Youd think hed probably be somewhat busy with that too. Call me crazy, but Im beginning to suspect that there might be a concerted effort to manipulate the way we think about the war in Ukraine. In fact, Id even go so far as to say its the most aggressively perception-managed war weve ever experienced. Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February we have not only been smashed with mass media propaganda unlike anything weve ever seen while Russian media are purged from the airwaves, were also seeing the new media element of unprecedented amounts of online censorship, algorithm-boosted propaganda, and social media trolling. So weve literally never seen this much overall effort put into manipulating the way the public thinks about a war. Which makes sense, given that its a profoundly dangerous proxy war which stands to benefit ordinary people in no way, shape or form. I mean, can you imagine if people were allowed to just think their own thoughts about their governments economic warfare against Russia which is hurting them financially and pushing millions toward starvation with the full awareness and approval of the US government? Or if Americans were allowed to wonder if the billions they are pouring into this proxy conflict could be better spent at home? Or if people started objecting to a needless conflict for geostrategic domination threatening their lives and the lives of everyone they know with the risk of nuclear annihilation? Cant have that. There is a night-and-day difference between wanting to tell people the truth about something and wanting to manipulate their perception of something. There are times when true facts can be used to influence peoples perception one way or the other, but if your agenda is to manipulate perception rather than tell the truth you will necessarily be forced to rely on lies, half-truths, distortion, and lies by omission wherever the truth doesn’t serve that agenda. If they were telling us the truth about this war, they wouldn’t be censoring Russian media. They wouldn’t be censoring online voices who disagree with the official narratives about Ukraine. They wouldn’t be continually blasting us in the face with mass media perception management, and they sure as hell wouldn’t be putting Ukraine’s celebrity-in-chief on the cover of Vogue magazine. We are being manipulated, and we are being deceived. And we are being manipulated and deceived because our perceiving clearly on our own would go against the interests of the empire. They are lying to us because the interests of the people and the interests of the empire are, as usual, squarely at odds.
War hero Volodymyr Zelensky ‘forgot’ to tell stunning wife he was running for president Ukrainian President Volodymy Zelenskyy ‘forgot’ to tell his wife he was a candidate for presidency, with first lady Olena Zelenska finding out about the campaign when it was announced on social media Ukrainian President Zelenskyy’s wife Zelenska was reportedly opposed to her husbands presidential campaign (Image: Barcroft Media via Getty Images) Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy “forgot” to tell his stunning out-of-the-spotlight wife that he was running for office. Olena Zelenska, the First Lady of Ukraine, came from a similar career background to Zelenskyy and was a screenwriter before being thrown into public life. The President and First Lady have had to weather the storm of politics together and were provided a morale-boost during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with Zelenska posting an almost 1,000 word letter on her husband’s official website. The letter, addressed “to the global media” was published on International Women’s Day and marks a rare public announcement from the usually reserved Zelenska. First lady Zelenska says her husband ‘"forgot" to tel First lady Zelenska says her husband ‘”forgot” to tell her he was running for the presidency In the letter, Zelenska repeated her husband’s calls for a no-fly zone over Ukraine, writing: “Close the sky, and we will manage the war on the ground ourselves.” She also wrote of the “horrific reality” of life during Russia’s invasion, writing: “Our women and children now live in bomb shelters and basements,” and went on to name three children who had been killed in the Russian attacks, as well as newborns who “have nerver known peace in their lives”. The first lady had spent decades out of the spotlight before the war with Ukraine, with few public appearances in-between, The Week reports. Zelenska lives much of her life out of the spotlight (Image: Future Publishing via Getty Images) One infamous appearance came as she voiced her worries of her husband running for President back in 2019. Speaking to a local television station at the time, Zelenska said she was “‘aggressively opposed’ to the ‘project'”. She said: “This is a very difficult move, it’s not even a project, it’s another direction in life.” Despite her doubts over the move into national politics, Zelenska stood by her husband, although she didn’t learn of his presidential candidacy until it was announced on social media. In an interview with Vogue, Zelenska says she asked her husband “why didn’t you tell me?” to which the Ukrainian President responded “I forgot”.
Mint Press News Ukraine cartoon. Taiwan. CHIPS – US House of Representatives passes $280bn industrial tech policy meant to counter China. House Passes $280 Billion Industrial Policy Bill Meant to Counter China The legislation has already passed through the Senate and now heads to President Biden’s desk On Thursday, the House passed a massive $280 billion spending bill meant to counter China in a vote of 243-187, with no Democrats voting against the legislation and 24 Republicans voting in favor. The bill has already passed through the Senate and now heads to President Biden’s desk. The CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 includes $52.7 billion to subsidize the domestic production of semiconductor chips and $24 billion for tax incentives and other purposes. Biden warns he may attack Iran to scare Tehran away from nuclear weapons President Biden Warns He May Attack Iran Every threat from the United States makes Tehran more likely to build a nuclear bomb. For years U.S. presidents have threatened Iran with war, often mouthing the anodyne “all options are on the table.” Joe Biden is the latest to believe that he can scare Tehran away from developing nuclear weapons. On his recent Mideast trip, characterized by putting Saudi Arabia’s and Israel’s interests first, Biden was slightly more honest. On Israeli TV he declared that he would use force to prevent an Iranian bomb “as a last resort.” He still claimed that he wanted to restore the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or nuclear deal, yet he has badly bungled negotiations over restoring Iranian compliance with the agreement. Indeed, the slow-motion transformation of the Biden administration’s Iran policy into that of the Trump administration highlights the manifold weaknesses of the former. One of the worst, most dramatic failures of the Trump administration was its Iran policy. With great fanfare President Donald Trump killed the JCPOA, imposed a plethora of sanctions, and made a dozen demands which amounted to Tehran’s abandonment of an independent foreign policy. Then Trump waited for the mullahs to come crawling to Washington and surrender.
Mark Steyn show, on GB News, ‘Victims Of The Vax’ ie Covid jab. Wednesday’s Steyn Show was a special edition devoted to a topic Mark has focused on particularly in the last six months – the devastating damage done around the world to millions of hitherto healthy persons by the Covid “vaccines”. Before an audience of those injured and bereaved by Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca, Steyn covered various aspects of a great injustice to entirely blameless citizens. His guests included the very first widows of the vaccine he had on his show some months back, Vikki Spit and Charlotte Wright, and the only MP interested in doing anything about the issue, Sir Christopher Chope. Watch: Victims of the Vax Mark Steyn of GB News talks to victims of the COVID mRNA vaccine. ‘These people are the consequences of one of the worst public policies anywhere on earth, in modern times, and we are going to tell their stories.’Mark Steyn is on of the prominent champions of Vax victims in the UK. He has interviewed many victims to date and is continually raising concerns about the policy of repeated jabs. –
Dr David Halpin, former Surgeon and David Kelly whistleblower, on how vaccines may interfere with the ability of the body’s cells to replicate [see also longer interview on statins and big pharma’s ‘toxic junk’]. Apoptosis, a genetically regulated form of cell death with distinct biochemical and morphological features, plays a relevant physiological and pathological role in the organism, being pivotal in the maintenance of tissue development and homeostasis in the adult as well as in the regulation of immune responses. Infection of SARS-CoV in Vero E6 cells induces extensive apoptosis through a caspase-3 and p3 MAPK–dependent pathway. Using an rAd-mediated expression system, we assessed the apoptotic effect of the major structural proteins of SARS-CoV, including S, S1, S2, E, M and N protein. Typical features of apoptosis such as cell rounding, shrinkage, nuclear condensation, DNA fragmentation and PE-externalisation were only observed in cells transduced with rAd carrying S and S2, but not S1, nor any other structural proteins studied. These data suggest that the over-expression of SARS-CoV S and S2 could induce apoptosis. The present findings seem to be unique within the coronavirus family. In MHV and IBV, over-expression of S protein did not induce observable apoptosis in vitro. On the other hand, the observed in-vitro apoptotic effects of the VSPs of other coronaviruses, such as the E protein of MHV and the N protein of TGEV, were not observed when we overexpressed the SARS-CoV homologues in Vero E6 cells. Interestingly, the E and N protein of SARS-CoV has been reported to induce apoptosis in Jurkat T and COS-1 cells, respectively, under serum depletion conditions.
Vernon Coleman – media hypocrisy and Pfizer crimes.
BIBLICAL FALSE PROPHET? Yuval Noah Harari – hacking humans making them easy to manipulate. “Immature and even dangerous technologies are pressed into service, because the risks of doing nothing are bigger. Entire countries serve as guinea-pigs in large-scale social experiments. In normal times, governments, businesses and educational boards would never agree to conduct such experiments. But these aren’t normal times.” This was Yuval Noah Harari “prediction” published on 20 March 2020, three days before the UK began its first Covid shut down. He went on: “In this time of crisis, we face two particularly important choices. The first is between totalitarian surveillance and citizen empowerment. The second is between nationalist isolation and global solidarity. “In order to stop the epidemic, entire populations need to comply with certain guidelines. There are two main ways of achieving this. One method is for the government to monitor people, and punish those who break the rules. Today, for the first time in human history, technology makes it possible to monitor everyone all the time.”
Radio4All download pages
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#1 – Complete 3hr show – [right click to download]
Full interviews with…
#2 – Mark Steyn: Victims Of The Vax, the government cant keep killing people 00:40:00
#3 – Dr Vernon Coleman: Ready For The Big Kill (Jul22) 00:30:00
#4 – Dr David Halpin vaccine injury apoptosis? 00:45:00

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ here.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
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