Peter Taylor, author of ‘Chill: a Reassessment of Global Warming Theory’, joins Tony and Martin in the studio. – Computer Modellers or Climate Tyrants? Author of ‘Chill’, Peter Taylor, Reassesses Global Warming – Peter also discusses Covid and Gain of Function research. NIH admits US funded gain-of-function in Wuhan – Neil Oliver on ‘fake green’ climate science which has been hijacked to use against the UK population. Green Fascism. – Oxford Council Impose Traffic Zone ‘Climate Lockdown’ Starting 2024 – – Peter points to the power of occultists and Freemasonry around the world who have infiltrated banking, religions and government. – Kevin Beezer, South West Regional Organiser for Communication Workers Union (CWU) on Royal Mail dispute and Ben Watts (CWU Rep) being suspended – Christmas chaos as Royal Mail Bristol deliveries damaged by foxes and rats due to pile up – The UK Rail taboo: ROSCO Rolling Stock Racket without which fares would be half or less – Competition Commission blasts ROSCOs over train leasing costs, RMT exposes £1.2 billion privatised rail rip-off – ITV report on housing association’s not fixing their tenants flats, even though in a dangerous state for health – Anthony Webber exposes all five main parties REFUSING To Answer Questions On Ukraine – Freedom Alliance Calls Ukraine war ‘Deliberately Manufactured By NATO … To Impoverish UK domestic population’ – EXCLUSIVE ITV report on Western secret services grooming on Facebook and recruiting East London schoolgirl Shamima Begum to join ISIS – Tony’s 2016 article about NATO Intelligence recruiting Shamima. – THE REAL JFK FILES RELEASE – Grassy Knoll assassin JAMES FILES THREE HOUR VIMEO VIDEO – James Files, ex 82nd Airborne Division Chicago Mob hit man – RIP David Ray Griffin On Postmodernism, Morality, Pluralism, Eschatology, and Demonic Evil – SAS Murder School Of Erasing The Rule Of Law: UK launches probe into claims its troops killed Afghan civilians – SUPPLEMENT: James Files’ JFK Assassination notes – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
Peter Taylor, author of ‘Chill: a Reassessment of Global Warming Theory’, joins Tony and Martin in the studio. Peter discusses why he thinks the modelling for climate science is wrong, as it doesn’t account for millennial natural changes. Chill: A Reassessment Of Global Warming Theory, Does Climate Change Mean The World Is Cooling, And If So What Should We Do About It? – by Peter Taylor Although the world’s climate has undergone many cyclical changes, the phrase ‘climate change’ has taken on a sinister meaning, implying catastrophe for humanity, ecology and the environment. We are told that we are responsible for this threat, and that we should act immediately to prevent it. But the apparent scientific consensus over the causes and effects of climate change is not what it appears. “Chill” is a critical survey of the subject by a committed environmentalist and scientist. Based on extensive research, it reveals a disturbing collusion of interests responsible for creating a distorted understanding of changes in global climate. Scientific institutions, basing their work on critically flawed computer simulations and models, have gained influence and funding. In return they have allowed themselves to be directed by the needs of politicians and lobbyists for simple answers, slogans and targets. The resulting policy – a 60 percent reduction of greenhouse-gas emissions by 2050 – would have a huge, almost unimaginable, impact upon landscape, community and biodiversity. On the basis of his studies of satellite data, cloud cover, ocean and solar cycles, Peter Taylor concludes that the main driver of recent global warming has been an unprecedented combination of natural events. His investigations indicate that the current threat facing humanity is a period of cooling, as the cycle turns, comparable in severity to the Little Ice Age of 1400-1700 AD. The risks of such cooling are potentially greater than global warming and on a more immediate time scale, with the possibility of failing harvests leaving hundreds of millions vulnerable to famine. Drawing on his experience of energy policy and sustainability, Taylor suggests practical steps that should be taken now. He urges a shift away from mistaken policies that attempt to avert inevitable natural changes, to an adaptation to a climate that may turn significantly cooler.
Zero Carbon devotees say: Human fingerprints on climate change rule out natural cycles Human fingerprints on climate change rule out natural cycles What the science says… – Natural cycles cannot be the cause of observed global warming because they don’t fit the observed fingerprints of global warming. Only increasing greenhouse gas concentrations due to human activities fit the observed fingerprints and explain the observed energy imbalance. Climate Myth… – It’s a natural cycle – “Global warming (i.e, the warming since 1977) is over. The minute increase of anthropogenic CO2 in the atmosphere (0.008%) was not the cause of the warmingit was a continuation of natural cycles that occurred over the past 500 years.” (Don Easterbrook) Global warming refers to the long-term warming of global temperature since the 1850s. The cause of global warming has been investigated by many scientists, who have summarized their finding in multiple assessment reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The only plausible mechanism of global warming is a planetary energy imbalance, with our climate system building up heat. This and the observed fingerprints left on global warming confirm the dominant role of human activities. Fossil fuel burning is causing recent global warming – Scientists have identified two factors that drive global climate change: internal variability and external forcings. Internal variability refers to the internal processes moving heat around within the climate system. External forcings cause an energy imbalance – with the planet either building up or losing heat – and can be both natural and human caused. The only plausible mechanism accounting for the long-term temperature increase of global warming is through a buildup of heat in the climate system (Li et al., 2007). Among the various external forcings that can cause the climate system’s energy imbalance, scientists have concluded the main cause of recent global warming is the increase of atmospheric CO2 due to fossil fuel burning. In order to understand how scientists came to the above conclusion, it is important to understand the various drivers of climate changes. Internal variability moves heat around the climate system – Climate change is like the motion of water in a kitchen sink with an inflow from the faucet and an outflow through the drain. The motion consists of both the water sloshing around and the rising and falling of water level. The random sloshing around is what scientists call “internal variability,” while the rising and falling of water level is what scientists call “forced variability”. Internal variability (e.g., ocean cycles such as El Niño South Oscillation, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation) moves heat around to give rise to regional climate change on timescales ranging from annual to millennial timescales. Like the water sloshing around, internal variability doesn’t build up or dissipate the total amount of heat in the climate system. In contrast, external forcings (e.g., 11-year solar cycle and changes in the Earth’s orbit) change the climate by causing a buildup or loss of heat, similar to the change in water level being determined by the difference between the inflow and outflow. The single cause fallacy committed by the natural cycle myth – One climate myth argues that recent global warming is caused by natural cycles rather than human activity. The so-called “natural cycles” in the myth may include climate variation due to internal variability or external forcings. Natural external forcings, such as the 11-year solar cycle and changes in the Earth’s orbit, are part of nature and not influenced by human activities. Other external forcings like greenhouse gases and aerosol concentrations in the atmosphere are significantly influenced by human activities, and thus are excluded from natural cycles.
Peter also discusses Covid and Gain of Function research. NIH admits US funded gain-of-function in Wuhan despite Fauci’s denials Gain-of-Function Research in Wuhan It’s another Fauci flub. The National Institutes of Health has stunningly admitted to funding gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses at China’s Wuhan lab despite Dr. Anthony Fauci repeatedly insisting to Congress that no such thing happened. In a letter to Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) on Wednesday, a top NIH official blamed EcoHealth Alliance the New York City-based nonprofit that has funneled US funds to the Wuhan lab for not being transparent about the work it was doing. NIH’s principal deputy director, Lawrence A. Tabak, wrote in the letter that EcoHealth’s “limited experiment” tested whether “spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model.”
Neil Oliver on ‘fake green’ climate science which has been hijacked to use against the UK population. Green Fascism. Neil Oliver gives his take on the Green Agenda – that’s ‘NOT GREEN’- Neil Oliver: We aren’t allowed the energy available from a century of gas beneath our feet here in Britain – because it’s not Green. But we’re paying top dollar for nine billion cubic litres – twice as much as last year’s order – of gas fracked out of the ground in the US.
Oxfordshire Council to Trial a Climate Lockdown Starting 2024 – First published JoNova; Imagine if your power mad politicians liked Covid Lockdowns so much, they wanted to continue them indefinitely. This is going to be trialled in Oxfordshire in Britain. Oxfordshire County Council Pass Climate Lockdown ‘trial’ to Begin in 2024 – Oxfordshire County Council yesterday approved plans to lock residents into one of six zones to ‘save the planet’ from global warming. The latest stage in the ’15 minute city’ agenda is to place electronic gates on key roads in and out of the city, confining residents to their own neighbourhoods. Under the new scheme if residents want to leave their zone they will need permission from the Council who gets to decide who is worthy of freedom and who isn’t. Under the new scheme residents will be allowed to leave their zone a maximum of 100 days per year, but in order to even gain this every resident will have to register their car details with the council who will then track their movements via smart cameras round the city. Communism will make the weather better. – Oxfordshire County Council, which is run by Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Green Party, secretly decided to divide-up the city of Oxford into six ‘15 minute’ districts in 2021 soon after they were elected to office. None of the councillors declared their intention of imprisoning local residents in their manifestos of course, preferring to make vague claims about how they will ‘improve the environment’ instead. Every resident will be required to register their car with the County Council who will then monitor how many times they leave their district via number plate recognition cameras. And don’t think you can beat the system if you’re a two car household. Those two cars will be counted as one meaning you will have to divide up the journeys between yourselves. 2 cars 50 journeys each; 3 cars 33 journeys each and so on.
Why Is Oxford Imposing ‘Traffic Zones’ on the city? Oxford’s £6.5m ‘traffic filter’ trial approved A £6.5m trial to stop most drivers in Oxford from using busy city routes at peak times has been approved. But Oxfordshire County Council’s six traffic filters look set to be delayed until at least 2024 because of work at Oxford train station. More than 5,700 people gave their views to the council in a consultation and thousands of others expressed concerns in other petitions. The authority’s cabinet is expected to approve the project next week. It could install six number plate recognition cameras across the city for at least six months as part of efforts to “achieve a sustainable transport system”. Just over 1,800 people signed a petition opposing the project over worries it would cause congestion on Botley Road. In documents, council planners said traffic could increase by an average of 10% across a typical weekday on Botley Road, west of the junction with Seacourt Park and Ride. They also admit the traffic filters could “cause some vehicles to divert via the ring road” and “potentially increase” traffic flows on “outer sections of some radial roads”.
Peter points to the power of occultists and Freemasonry around the world who have infiltrated banking, religions and government. REVEALED: Inside the 5 secret societies that REALLY control the world… SOME conspiracy theories are absolutely absurd – but genuine secret societies that exert a mysterious influence on the world have existed for centuries. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you’ve consented to and to improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time. More info Here is’s list of the top five most famous and powerful secret societies who carry out bizarre rituals and conduct their business behind closed doors. 1. Skulls and Bones Founders: Frederick Ellsworth Mather, Phineas Timothy Miller, William Huntington Russell, Alphonso Taft and George Ingersoll Wood Where? Yale University in a building called the ‘Tomb’. Why? The secret society was formed after a dispute between several debating societies at Yale. Famous alleged members: John Kerry, George Bush, and William Taft Feared because: Members, known as Bonesmen, use their bonds of power and influence to make their way up through the rank’s of America’s elite. Most famous conspiracy theories: The group has been blamed for everything from the nuclear bomb to the Kennedy assassination. 2. Illuminati Founders: Adam Weishaupt Where? Germany Why? To create secular societies in Europe. Famous alleged members: Barack Obama, Jay Z, Madonna, and Beyonce Feared because: Rumours say the entertainment and music industry have been infiltrated by Illuminati members who are using the media to brainwash the masses. Most famous conspiracy theories: The group was broken up by the German authorities after the French Revolution, but modern conspiracy theorists assert the group survived and now operates as a sinister shadow government, directing world industry and politics as it sees fit. 3. The Freemasons Founders: Four English Lodges Where? London Why? To teach self-knowledge through participation in a progression of ceremonies. Famous alleged members: George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Winston Churchill, Mozart, Harry Houdini Feared because: The all-male group has six million members across the world which are all powerful members of society. Most famous conspiracy theories: The Freemasons designed the Pyramids, plotted the French Revolution and are keeping the flame alive for the Knights Templar.
Mike Graham’s show on Talk Radio – Jamie Jenkins, statistician, on our present inflation problem and the Bank of England raising interest rates. PMQs Kier Starmer on strikes and NHS. Jeremy Corbyn and The Labour Party. Jamie Jenkins (ex-ONS) Chat with Mark Steyn on the continuation of higher-than-expected deaths across the country. Firstly it is good that some parts of the media are talking about this as many are ignoring what is happening, with almost half a year of deaths above what you would expect. For two years we were told how many deaths within 28 days of a positive Covid test, but this seems to be ignored. We have seen around 13,500 more deaths than we would have expected to see if death rates were the same as pre-pandemic over the past 25 weeks. Over the course of the summer, and partly through early Autumn, two mini waves of Covid and this is contributing to older people dying, as we know the deaths linked to Covid are mainly among older people. Now when you strip out deaths linked to Covid we are still seeing higher-than-expected deaths. What is interesting is that while more people are dying, there are no more people attending A&E than we saw before the pandemic. We also are not seeing more people being admitted for emergency reasons than before the pandemic. If we look at the waiting lists, before the pandemic there were very few people waiting for heart procedures, now we have around 5,000 waiting for a heart procedure. If more people are waiting for heart procedures, and we know from the data that more people are dying than you would expect of heart issues, my concern is are people dying without being seen at all.
Kevin Beezer, South West Regional Organiser for Communication Workers Union (CWU), on Ben Watts (CWU Rep) being suspended, and the latest strikes with post piling up in Bristol. Bristol post workers ‘told to bin leaflets’ due to mail backlog Paid-for marketing material is not being delivered due to Royal Mail’s backlog, it is alleged Postal workers have allegedly been told to bin large amounts of undelivered out-of-date paid-for leaflets while dealing with a backlog. The Bristol Mail Centre often makes no attempt to deliver paid-for marketing campaigns, according to Ben Watts of the Communications Workers Union (CWU). Mr Watts said staff had reported being uncomfortable with the situation. Royal Mail said it took door-to-door mail seriously and often reminded staff all mail was of “equal importance”. Door-to-door mail is a service offered by Royal Mail to businesses, charities and other organisations hoping to reach new customers or donors. They are charged a fee to have a leaflet or letter delivered to every home in a certain post code over a particular time frame. In an open letter to the Bristol Mail Centre’s management this week, Mr Watts said he had received “several complaints” from staff about the treatment of door-to-door mail at the facility. Industrial action and a moratorium on overtime had contributed to the backlog, Communications Workers Union branch secretary Ben Watts said Mr Watts, who is secretary of the Bristol branch of the CMU, alleged that parcels were being prioritised, and leaflets were deemed “out-of-date” if the delivery period the client had specified was missed, they were then thrown away. “I am sure the customers who have paid for (door-to-door mail) will be disgusted,” he said. Mr Watts added: “This hit a real nerve when one of the door-to-door leaflets being binned was a charity asking for donations.” Speaking to BBC West, Mr Watts said: “Maybe the public don’t like it, and the posties don’t like delivering it, but door-to-door mail is a really important source of revenue for Royal Mail.” He added: “Are we letting the companies know we are not delivering the door-to-door mail they’ve paid a substantial amount of money for?”
Christmas chaos as Royal Mail Bristol deliveries may be damaged by foxes and rats due to pile up Christmas may be cancelled for some Brits this year as there have been reports that letters and parcels have been left in huge piles outside deports, which has exposed them to local wildlife as well as the current snowy weather. Photographs from the Bristol Mail Centre have shown packages have been left out to be exposed to the elements, and some photographs showed foxes climbing onto the parcels. One Royal Mail worker, who wished to remain anonymous over fears of losing their job, told Bristol Live they had never witnessed a backlog as bad as this before. The worker added they were concerned about members of the public who have been waiting for packages, with “more coming in than going out”. The worker claimed the packages have now attracted rats and other animals such as foxes, and that workers had considered using a tarpaulin to cover the exposed parcels. However, the worker was sceptical of this idea as “it would have to be the biggest tarpaulin in the world as everything has been ruined”.
The UK Train Ownership Racket – Without the taboo Rolling Stock Companies (ROSCOs), who lease the trains to operators, ‘racket’ rail fares could be half what they are today and cut number of car journeys in half! There would also be plenty of money to pay rail staff increases in line with inflation. Steve Hedley, RMT Union, on ROSCOs. PMQs train strikes. RMT conducted an analysis of the company accounts of the ROSCOs since 2012. The ROSCOs all use multi-company group structures so the analysis was conducted using the accounts of the top company based in the UK. In the case of Porterbrook, this was Porterbrook Rail Finance Ltd, until the ownership of the group changed in 2014, whereupon a new group holding company was formed called Porterbrook Holdings 1 Ltd. For Angel trains, the main leasing company is Angel Trains Ltd, but the top accounting company in the UK is Willow Rolling Stock UK Ltd. The top UK company of the Eversholt Group is Eversholt investment Security Ltd. … The dividends which flow out of the ROSCOs are impressive. RMT analysis of dividend payments between 2012 and 2018 show that the ROSCO’s passed on a total of £1.2 billion to their shareholders. To put that in context, these three companies paid dividends worth as much as all the dividend payments TOCs managed across more than 20 franchises over a five year period between 2012 and 2017
Competition Commission blasts ROSCOs over train leasing costs – Competition Commission blasts ROSCOs over train leasing costs A lack of competition in the UKs rolling stock leasing market is driving up rental prices and severely limiting options available to train operators, a preliminary Competition Commission (CC) report has found. The provisional findings published today outlined how a lack of rivalry between the three rolling stock operating companies (ROSCOs) for existing train leasing contracts was inhibiting flexibility and restricting alternative choices for train operating companies (TOCs), despite high competition for first leases of new rolling stock…. A lack of competition in the UK’s rolling stock leasing market is driving up rental prices and severely limiting options available to train operators, a preliminary Competition Commission (CC) report has found. The provisional findings published today outlined how a lack of rivalry between the three rolling stock operating companies (ROSCOs) for existing train leasing contracts was inhibiting flexibility and restricting alternative choices for train operating companies (TOCs), despite high competition for first leases of new rolling stock. Inquiry chair and CC deputy chairman, Diana Guy, said: “There is frequently little or no competition to the existing, incumbent fleet of rolling stock on particular services when franchises are being re-let and new leases for rolling stock must be negotiated. “There are a number of reasons for this but the fundamental problem stems from the lack of alternatives to the incumbent fleets when TOCs are putting together their franchise bids.” At the time of franchise renewal, TOCs review the leasing arrangements for a lower price as the asset depreciates over its lifespan. However, the CC is concerned that a lack of competition is keeping prices higher than the rate at which rolling stock devalues.
RMT exposes £1.2 billion privatised rail rip-off – RMT research has revealed that the private companies responsible for supplying trains to the railways have been paying massive dividends to their shareholders – money that could have funded hundreds of new vehicles – while shuffling money away into overseas companies based in Luxembourg to avoid paying tax. Three rolling stock leasing companies (ROSCOs) paid £1.2 billion in dividends to their shareholders between 2012 and 2018, enough to fund 700 new vehicles, while figures on inter-company lending suggest that this is just the tip of the iceberg. The firm’s own 87 per cent of the rolling stock on Britain’s railways and were formed after the Tories privatised British Rail in 1993 and handed BR’s stock of 11,250 vehicles, assets which had been funded by public investment. When the then Tory PM John Major privatised the railways under EU directive 91/440, travellers were told fares would fall, but the cost of some tickets has risen by 250 per cent in the intervening 26 years. ROSCOs revenues have risen steadily since 2012, from around £800 million in 2012 to around £1 billion in 2017. Department for Transport data also shows the average age of rolling stock has risen since privatisation, from 16 years in the last year before privatisation to almost 20 years in 2017/18.
PMQs SNP Stephen Flynn. PMQs Wales has £3m fund for people who can’t afford their bills. PMQs protection for people who can’t pay their rent. PMQs temporary ban on evictions over Christmas. ITV report on housing association’s not fixing their tenants flats, even though in a dangerous state for health. Tenants feel ‘forgotten and neglected’ as landlords face unprecedented number of complaints In an exclusive report ITV News Investigations Correspondent Daniel Hewitt reveals that housing associations and councils have received an ‘unprecedented increase’ in the number of complaints made by tenants in the past year The number of tenants complaining about their housing association or council has risen dramatically in the last 12 months, ITV News has learned. Complaints to the Housing Ombudsman increased from 10,015 to 16,289 between April 2021 and March 2022, a rise of 63%. Data shared with ITV News shows L&Q (1,202) were the most complained about housing association, followed by Clarion (749) and Peabody Trust (537). Peabody experienced the biggest jump in the number of complaints year-on-year, with a 123% increase. Analysis of case numbers by ITV News shows the Ombudsman is now dealing with twice the number of complaints about social landlords than in 2019, when it received 7,769. In a statement, Housing Ombudsman Richard Blakeway said: “We have faced an unprecedented increase in complaints over the last year. “Increased awareness of our role, media coverage on the quality of some social housing together with the challenges faced by social housing landlords with the cost of living crisis and ageing homes have all contributed to this.
Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson; Blackrock; Tony on Brexit : Evolution :
Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports
Anthony Webber exposes Tories, Labour, LibDem, Green and Reform Candidates All REFUSING To Answer Questions On Ukraine, Freedom Alliance Calls It ‘Deliberately Manufactured By NATO … To Impoverish Own Populations’ – except one!‘The Ukraine war is a conflict deliberately manufactured by the NATO allies for the purpose of creating an inflationary crisis which will further impoverish their own populations. Destitute people are more willing to submit to state control and control is very much the sole objective of the globalist parasites and their captured governments in the UK and elsewhere.’ I do not underestimate the very real suffering that is occurring in Eastern Ukraine and the autonomous regions. Unfortunately, the British media cannot be relied upon to accurately or impartially report on the conflict. Ideally MPs from all parties would be able to see through the propaganda and pressure the UK government to bring this needless conflict to an end. But relying on existing MPs to act with anything approaching integrity, independence and intelligence is an absurd fantasy. I support the concept of asking the British people via a referendum whether our nation should adopt a neutral position in the conflict. Unfortunately, the deliberate bias within the UK media would heavily distort the result of any such referendum.” Christina Glancy, Freedom Alliance Party candidate: My comments- and those of Freedom Alliance All the main parties including reform and the SDP 1. Emily Carter-Kandola, Conservative Party, 2. Andrew Western, Labour Party, 3. Anna Fryer, Liberal Democratic Party, 4. Daniel Jerrome, Green Party, 5. Paul Swansborough, Reform Party and 6. Julien Yvon, Social Democratic Party all failed to reply to the Ukraine question after being sent it three times. Ukraine/ Russia war. Anthony Webber asked candidates in Stretford and Urmston by election their views on Ukraine war – only Freedom Alliance Party candidate, Christina Glancy, answered saying ‘Ukraine War was deliberately manufactured by NATO’. PMQs support for Ukraine.
EXCLUSIVE ITV report on Western secret services grooming on Facebook and recruiting East London schoolgirl Shamima Begum to join ISIS. Ex-Canadian spy calls for Shamima Begum’s UK return after spy agency ‘cover up’ New questions are now being asked about how Shamima Begum got to Syria, as Rohit Kachroo reports A former Canadian intelligence officer has called for Shamima Begum to be returned to the UK because of what she claims were failures and a cover up involving the spy agency she once worked for. Huda Mukbil, who used to be a senior officer at the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, says her former colleagues broke their own rules because the smuggler who brought Ms Begum and two school friends into Syria was also working as a covert source for the agency at the same time. Next week the latest step in Ms Begum’s battle to have her British citizenship reinstated is expected to come to court. The 23-year-old was stripped of her British citizenship in February 2019 when the Home Secretary judged her to be a threat to national security. But Ms Begum’s lawyers are likely to argue that she should have her nationality reinstated because she was a victim of trafficking who was smuggled in by double agent Mohammed al-Rashed. “I think it’s important to repatriate her to the UK as well as making sure that she has the support”, said Ms Mukbil, who has assessed the evidence of the role played by al-Rashed while he was under Canadian direction. “It’s a traumatic experience to be exploited in this way, unfortunately, by a Canadian source and to be trafficked and exploited by Isis fighters” she told ITV News. “I’m not here to change anyone’s view on her but I think serious consideration needs to be given to her age when she was trafficked.” Huda Mukbil says Shamima Begum has gone through a “traumatic experience” and should be allowed to return to the UK.
Tony’s 2016 article about NATO Intelligence recruiting Shamima. Did Canadian taxpayers foot Islamic State’s recruitment bill? The horrifying case of Kadiza Sultana: are Western intelligence services spying on or aiding jihadist terrorists? Tony Gosling writes: Two days of national press coverage were given in August 2016 to the death of London schoolgirl Kadiza Sultana (pictured above), 16, who had travelled to Syria with two friends, reportedly to fight for the Islamic State (IS) group. Labour MP for Bethnal Green and Bow, Rushanara Ali, told BBC Radio 4’s flagship “Today” programme on 12 August that Sultana’s case must prompt a full review of the British government’s anti-radicalisation strategy, called “Prevent”. The allegation in all of the London media coverage of Kadiza and her two friends, Shamima Begum, 15, and Amira Abase, 15, was that the schoolgirls chose to travel to Syria of their own free will after becoming radicalised online. Not a single London journalist, though, asked the burning question: Who got her to Syria? There is no excuse in the internet age for not putting two and two together here because there are several reports from March 2015 quoting a Turkish police report on Syrian national Muhammad al-Rasheed, who says he met the girls after their flight from London Gatwick airport to Istanbul and took them to the Syrian border. He was subsequently arrested by Turkish police and gave them a full statement about who he had been smuggling and, more importantly, who he had been working for.
THE REAL JFK FILES RELEASE – JAMES FILES THREE HOUR VIMEO VIDEO – James Files, ex 82nd Airborne Division Chicago Mob hit man paid to assassinate JFK, explains how he did it with the collusion of the CIA and top people at the FBI. Mob hitman James Files claims once again he was the man responsible for President John F. Kennedy’s assassination – and that Lee Harvey Oswald never fired a single shot James Files claims in the documentary I Killed JFK that he was the man who killed President John F. Kennedy Files says he was standing on the grassy knoll in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963 and fired the shot that killed Pres. Kennedy He also claims that Lee Harvey Oswald never fired a single shot, and that his boss Charles ‘Chuckie’ Nicoletti was in the book depository A former mob hitman is coming forward once again to say that he is the man who killed President John F. Kennedy. James Files says that he was the man on the grassy knoll back on November 22, 1963, and that he fired the bullet into Pres. Kennedy’s head that ultimately killed him. He says the other shot that hit Pres. Kennedy came from his boss, Charles ‘Chuckie’ Nicoletti, who was hiding out in the book depository, the same place Lee Harvey Oswald is believed to have been at the time of the shooting. Files also says that Oswald, who was charged, but then shot dead before he could be tried or convicted in the killing, never filed a single shot. He described what happened in a new documentary that aired on Newsmax TV, I Killed JFK. He says he chose the grassy knoll so he could pretend to be a worker at a nearby rail yard, and come and go without being noticed. Then, as Pres. Kennedy’s motorcade approached, he sprung into action. ‘I was aiming at his right eye. When I pulled the trigger it was almost like looking from six feet away through the scope,’ he explains. ‘As I squeezed his head moved forward. I missed and got it right along the temple, right behind the eye. I squeezed off my round. I hit him and blew his head backward. I fired one shot and one shot only.’ He then walked off with no one noticing, not even the two police officers he claims were standing 25 feet away. He did however leave a trinket, biting down on the shell casing that came from his gun. The documentary claims that casing matches one a young boy and his father found buried in the knoll over 20 years later. At least one former FBI agent, Zack Shelton, believes Files story, including the location from which he shot Pres. Kennedy. ‘I have tried to verify Files’ story. A lot of that story I have been able to verify,’ says Shleton. Five government investigations since the assassination have determined it was Oswald who shot Pres. Kennedy. Files, who has told this story many times before, including in a 2010 interview with Playboy, is currently serving a 50 years sentence following a 1991 conviction for the attempted murder of two police officers during a roadside shootout.
RIP David Ray Griffin …. Seizing an Alternative Conference David Ray Griffin: “An Introduction to Process Theology” Process Theology: On Postmodernism, Morality, Pluralism, Eschatology, and Demonic Evil Why process theology? Why now? In these eight essays, David Ray Griffin not only illuminates key ideas of process theology but offers compelling arguments for their importance in addressing the urgent issues of our time. Available for the first time in one place, these essays are the summation of a life’s work, including Griffin’s carefully developed arguments for the rejection of supernaturalism and divine omnipotence, and in favor of religious pluralism, panentheism, and the “neo-classical” theism of Charles Hartshorne. Always relevant, Griffin draws a direct line from a society’s theology to its ideology, which in the U.S. includes the denial of climate change, the logic of war, and the loss of a moral center. – – Griffin’s Process Theology applies the philosophical theism of Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947) and Charles Hartshorne (1897-2000) to topics in Christian theology. Griffin understands process theology to be “a natural theology in the sense of a philosophical theology, developing positions that can in principle be accepted by members of many religious traditions,” though it has historically been explained in Christian terms (2). Practical minded readers will be interested in Griffin’s use of somewhat abstract philosophical doctrines on the very concrete problems of our world. Griffin’s process theology offers a way to affirm multiple religions without watering down each religion’s distinctive truth claims (Chapter 4). Process theology offers a vision of why climate change remains an existential threat despite God’s will for a safer planet (Chapter 6). Process theology offers a naturalistic account of the demonic as entrenched patterns of influence that oppose God’s will toward freedom and flourishing (Chapter 7). Process theology, Griffin argues, offers conceptual remedies for these and other social ills.
SAS Murder School Of Erasing The Rule Of Law: UK launches probe into claims its troops killed Afghan civilians The United Kingdom has launched an independent inquiry into allegations of unlawful killings by its soldiers in Afghanistan more than a decade ago, the country’s defence ministry announced on Thursday. The statutory inquiry headed by senior judge Charles Haddon-Cave will start early next year. It will probe the alleged wrongdoing by commandos in the elite Special Air Service (SAS) corps spanning a period from mid-2010 to mid-2013. The SAS corps were accused of killing dozens of Afghans in suspicious circumstances, but the military chain of command concealed concerns, the BBC claimed in a report earlier this year. Unarmed Afghan men were routinely shot dead “in cold blood” by SAS troops during night-time raids, and weapons were planted on them to justify the crimes, the broadcaster reported following its own four-year probe. It will also scrutinise the “adequacy” of the response of the Ministry of Defence (MoD) to the concerns raised about soldiers’ conduct and “assess what lessons can be learned”, the ministry said in a statement. “If there are further lessons to learn it is right that we consider those fully to ensure all allegations are handled appropriately and in equal measure,” Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said in a statement. Wallace said the MoD had made “a number of changes” in recent years to deal with serious allegations of wrongdoing, including the creation of a Defence Serious Crime Unit. The BBC’s Panorama programme investigation identified 54 people shot dead in suspicious circumstances by one SAS unit during a six-month tour of Helmand province in southern Afghanistan from November 2010 to May 2011. Senior officers including General Mark Carleton-Smith, who headed UK Special Forces at the time, were aware of concerns within the SAS about the operations but failed to report them to military police, it said.
Radio4All download pages
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#1 – Complete 3hr show – [right click to download]
Full interviews with…
#2 – Anthony Webber’s Ukraine question to by-election candidates 00:25:00
#3 – Neil Oliver gives his take on the Green Agenda thats NOT GREEN 00:12:00
#4 – RIP David Ray Griffin An Introduction to Process Theology 01:35:00
#5 – CIA’s Grassy Knoll JFK Assassin Chicago Mob Hit-Man James Files 01:45:00
SUPPLEMENT: James Files’ JFK Assassination notes
On 22nd November, 1963, James Files claims he drove to Fort Worth where he met Johnny Roselli, Jack Ruby and Jim Brading. At the meeting Ruby handed Rosselli an envelope that contained Secret Service identifications and an updated motorcade route map of Dallas. Files and Nicoletti went to Dealey Plaza at about 10 a.m. It was agreed that Files would use his Remington Fireball gun from behind the fence on the Grassy Knoll and that Nicoletti would position himself in the Dal-Tex Building. Files believes that Nicoletti’s bullets hit both John F. Kennedy and Texas governor John Connally. However, Files claimed that his bullet that hit Kennedy in the head. Apparently Files was given $30,000 for his role in the assassination. Files continued to work for Charlie Nicoletti until he was murdered on 29th March, 1977. Files was arrested on 5th August, 1991 and charged with attempting to kill a policeman called David Ostertag. He was sentenced to 30 years in prison and was released from Stateville Prison in Illinois. In 1994 Files told his story to Joe West. After the death of West the project was taken over by Bob Vernon. The story was eventually appeared in a video The Murder of JFK: Confession of an Assassin (1996). A book on the subject, Files on JFK: Interviews with Confessed Assassin James E. Files (2008).
David Phillips (CIA controller)
David Atlee Phillips (October 31, 1922 - July 7, 1988) (Maurice Bishop) was a Central Intelligence Agency officer for 25 years, one of a handful of people to receive the Career Intelligence Medal. He rose to become the CIA’s chief of all operations in the Western hemisphere. In 1975 he founded the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO), an alumni association comprising intelligence officers from all services.
Charles Nicoletti
Charlie (Chuck) Nicoletti was a leading figure in the Mafia in Chicago. He worked under Tony Accardo and Sam Giancana and got the reputation as an effective contract killer. He was also involved in the CIA plots to overthrow Fidel Castro in Cuba. On 29th March, 1977, Charles Nicoletti was murdered in Chicago. He had been shot three times in the back of the head. George De Mohrenschildt died the same day. Both men were due to appear before the Select House Committee on Assassinations where they were to be asked about their involvement in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Johnny Roselli
John Roselli (Filippo Sacco) first became involved in crime when he worked for Al Capone in the 1920s. By the end of the Second World War Roselli had emerged as a senior crime boss in Las Vegas with close links to Meyer Lansky. In 1947 the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) identified him as a leading figure in the Mafia and a close associate of Santos Trafficante. In March I960, President Dwight Eisenhower of the United States approved a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) plan to overthrow Fidel Castro. The plan involved a budget of $13 million to train ‘a paramilitary force outside Cuba for guerrilla action.’ The strategy was organised by Richard Bissell and Richard Helms. Sidney Gottlieb of the CIA Technical Services Division was asked to come up with proposals that would undermine Castro’s popularity with the Cuban people. Plans included a scheme to spray a television studio in which he was about to appear with an hallucinogenic drug and contaminating his shoes with thallium which they believed would cause the hair in his beard to fall out.
Tony Accardo
Born April 26, 1906, in Chicago, Illinois, to a shoemaker and his wife, Antonino Leonardo Accardo dropped out of grade school and quickly dedicated himself to a life of organized crime. Accardo came to infamy as a hitman for Al Capone who allegedly participated in the Valentine’s Day Massacre. Never convicted of his crimes, Accardo denied any ties to the mob until his death in 1992.
Frank Sturgis
Sturgis was involved in gunrunning to Cuba. On 30th July, 1958, Sturgis was arrested for illegal possession of arms. However, he was released without charge. There is some evidence that in 1959 Sturgis had contact with Lewis McWillie, the manager of the Tropicana Casino.
Theodore (Ted) Shackley
Shackley, whose nickname was the ‘Blond Ghost’ (because he hated to be photographed) became involved in CIA’s Black Operations. This involved a policy that was later to become known as Executive Action (a plan to remove unfriendly foreign leaders from power). This included a coup d’etat that overthrew the Guatemalan government of Jacobo Arbenz in 1954 after he introduced land reforms and nationalized the United Fruit Company.
Sam Giancana
Salvatore ‘Mooney Sam’ Giancana, better known as Sam Giancana, was a Sicilian American mobster, notable for being boss of the Chicago Outfit from 1957-1966 (see book ‘Double Cross’). In 1960 Giancana was involved in talks with Allen W. Dulles, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), about the possibility of murdering Fidel Castro. It is claimed that during the 1960 presidential election Giancana used his influence in Illinois to help John F. Kennedy defeat Richard Nixon. The two men, at that time, shared the same girlfriend, Judith Campbell Exner. After becoming president John F. Kennedy appointed his brother, Robert Kennedy, as U.S. Attorney General. The two men worked closely together on a wide variety of issues including the attempt to tackle organized crime. One of their prime targets was to get Giancana arrested. On 22nd November, 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated. Rumours began to circulate that Giancana and other gang bosses such as Santos Trafficante, Carlos Marcello, and Johnny Roselli, were involved in the crime.

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ here.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
China builds coal powered generating stations while the UK decommissions them. Unless it is for the steel industry of course.
Great to hear a discussion around actually using less electricity on a current affairs programme.
EDF has told City AM that it has secured 14 years of funding for the UK nuclear plant under construction at Hinkley Point C (HPC) in case of the risk of further delays. EDF has agreed updates to its original contract-for-difference (CfD) signed with the Uk government in 2016. The updated CfD ensures EDF’s funding will continue even if Hinkley Point does not start operating until 2036 as planned.
However, EDF confirmed that the project is still on course for completion in 2027, following an approximately two-year delay due to the pandemic and supply chain disruptions. Nevertheless, the project is also roughly 45% over budget with the original projected cost of GBP18bn ($22bn) having now risen to GBP26bn. (50% more than the original budget from 2016)
For comparison the build of the Sizewell B PWR took 6 years from first permanent structural concrete to fuel load. The CEGB planned to construct a fleet of 10 NPSs to the same design for a total budget of £20 billion. Privitisation of the electricity supply industry scuppered those plans and so we have the chaos of present times.
It is all very mysterious. I wrote to the LCCC recently, asking them when they were going to publish properly indexed prices for AR4 in their CFD Register. They told me this will not happen until March when all the indexed prices are updated for inflation again. I wrote back pointing out that in the mean time they should flag the AR4 prices as not being indexed, as they were in no way comparable with earlier CFD indexed prices, with only the 2012 money strike price being reported. I also asked whether they were going to update the Hinklet Point record in view of the renegotiations. It is currently included at £113.83/MWh on the basis that the strike price of £89.50/MWh in 2012 money will apply, which was contingent on Sizewell C going ahead under the original plans: since those are altered, perhaps the higher strike price of £92.50/MWh applies, or even a different price altogether.
I did note that LCCC were reported as saying that the revised contract gave EdF an incentive to get the plant running as soon as possible. Perhaps they meant that they have until 2036 to enjoy higher market prices?
Hello all,
My friend and I have been talking about this for some weeks now yet main stream media are either dragging their feet or have some reason for not reporting the lack of prescribed drugs around the country, e.g. penicillin.
What with the lack of choice regarding food, the expense of keeping warm, the general cost of living compared to the majority of people’s income, we are left thinking there maybe a hidden adjenda here.
Oh and why is that war munger not suing for peace ?
It would help to hear any thoughts around any of these troubling issues.
You guys make a good combo. Thanks for keeping up the good fight (well, y’know this part of it).
Not the most urgent thing, but, if you have chance, please let us know the tunes you play (I’ve wondered a few times … the out-tro track was great).