Covid Criminal Wellcome Trust boss Jeremy Farrar is new Chief Scientist for WHO. Ian Birrell; World Health Organisation’s appointment of Jeremy Farrar as chief scientist is scandalous – Cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra – on Fox News Tucker Carlson – how research shows the mRNA Covid vaccines can cause heart inflammation, and are more dangerous than Covid itself. – Andrew Bridgen MP BLOCKBUSTER adjournment debate speech on Tuesday 13th December, with full references sheet – Andrew Bridgen MP, Heroic Excavator Of UK Corruption is interviewed by James Delingpole – Andrew Bridgen MP suspended. Andrew Bridgen suspended from Parliament after breaching MPs’ lobbying rules – Sir Laurie Magnus, ex banker, turned National Trust into a business and Historic England, made new Advisor on Ministerial Behaviour. – UK strikes – Rishi is not going to negotiate. Sunak says limiting public sector pay is in the UK’s interests (Dec 23) – 2023 Bilderberg Conference confirmed as scheduled for Lisbon in May/June 2023 – Ordo Ab Chao: Kissinger calls for negotiated peace deal for Ukarine/Russia. Zelensky goes to Congress – Catherine Austin Fitts – US money and weapons to Ukraine – bouncing back for US election fixing? – RIP musical genius Terry Hall of The Specials/Fun Boy Three, who has died of pancreatic cancer, aged 63 R.I.P. with a tribute to him. – Gangsters (Specials 1979), The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum (Fun Boy Three 1981), Our Lips Are Sealed (Fun boy Three 1983) – Bit Chute bank account has been shut down – Dan Dicks, Press for Truth, who started it, has put out an appeal for funding. – Idris Francis on his Army Major Uncle Idris Evans on how a Nazi general claimed in 1946 they would rise again surreptitiously – Irmgard Furchner, a 97 year old former Nazi secretary, is put on trial., yet they let most of the big Nazi criminals off or gave them new identities – Those inconvenient Nazi rallies in Ukraine. Greek MEP, Eva Kaili, accused of accepting money from Qatar. Gender recognition vote in Scotland. – Israel has voted in the most far right Parliament ever. Israel forms its most right-wing government ever as Netanyahu returns – Russian Officials Say Zelensky Visit to DC Shows US Isn’t Interested in Peace While in Washington, Zelensky said he wouldn’t make compromises for peace – Role of Quatuor Coronati London Freemasons lodge 2076 in founding Zionism, Theosophy and Crowle’s ‘Golden Dawn’: – Anton Chaitkin Who We Are, America’s Fight For Universal Progress From Franklin To Kennedy – by Anton Chaitkin (2020) – As Sizewell C nuclear power station in Suffolk is approved we remember the ‘assassination’ of anti-nuclear campaigner Hilda Murrell with Dr. David Halpin, – Falklands war. Mike Harris, finance editor at Veterans Today and, on the NATO gangster empire Drugs flood Europe through the Armed Forces of Ukraine – Three Wise Astrologers, Who Were The Historical Magi? , Zoroastrianism and Kabbalah – David Livingstone, author of ‘Ordo ab Chao’, on Magi, from the nativity in the Bible. – Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on evil graphene and nanotechnology in vaccines, as well as the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset – A Manifesto for the free Peoples of the Earth from Brother Alexis Bugnolo. – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
Jeremy Farrar new Chief Scientist for WHO World Health Organisation’s appointment of Jeremy Farrar as chief scientist is scandalous – The Covid origin debate is now murkier than ever Ian Birrell December 18, 2022 5:27 pm (Updated December 20, 2022 12:40 pm) It is three years since a strange new disease began felling people in a city in central China, sparking the pandemic that has killed possibly 15 million people while causing immense collateral damage. There is still no clarity about whether this disaster was caused by human error, some kind of research mishap, or spilled over from nature. Yet there seems minimal official interest in determining Covid’s origins – let alone in confronting China over its refusal to share data that might help solve this medical mystery – although this hampers our ability to guard against a similar catastrophe. From the start, the world was failed by the World Health Organisation. This UN body – run by a former minister in a repressive Ethiopian regime elected with Beijing’s help – praised China for “protecting the people of the world” despite the dictatorship silencing whistleblowers, declining to share data and delaying to warn about human transmission. The organisation was slow to declare a public health emergency. It kowtowed to China with its ludicrous probe of the origins. And even its retiring chief scientist admits they were sluggish to warn of aerosol transmission, a delay that possibly cost many lives. There are few signs of contrition. Its dismal director-general was handed a second five-year term without opposition. Now the body has appointed Sir Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust research funding behemoth, as next chief scientist. This is a scandalous decision given his central role in trying to seemingly stifle suggestions that Sars-CoV-2 – the coronavirus strain that causes Covid – might not be a natural disease. Science relies on openness. Yet the more that has emerged in emails, freedom of information requests, leaks and books exposing Farrar’s actions, the less confidence we can have in him holding a world-leading scientific role for all his undoubted expertise and political skills. There are two issues in the origins debate (which, like many things, was muddied by Donald Trump during his presidency). The first is the core question of the cause. There is no conclusive evidence for natural “zoonotic” transmission from animals, despite intense searching to find a host creature that might have led a bat virus to cross over into humans. Nor is there hard proof of a lab leak. We have, however, seen a tide of concerns over safety practices, data secrecy and risky research in Wuhan. Properties of the virus also strike many scientists as unusual, notably the “furin cleavage site” that enables more efficient entry into human cells and is not found on similar types of coronavirus. Some respected scientists such as Robert Redfield – a virologist serving as head of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention when the pandemic struck – conclude that “the nature of this virus is not consistent with spillover evolution”. He said last week that Sars-CoV-2 “clearly had to be adapted for human-to-human transmission and I do believe that occurred in a laboratory”, adding that the evidence points to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, China’s first top-level biosafety lab and Asia’s biggest bat coronavirus research unit. Other prominent figures disagree profoundly. This provokes the sort of passionate arguments that drive forward science as experts strive to prove their theories. The second issue smacks of something darker: a bid to cover up any possibility that controversial “gain of function” research to boost infectivity – carried out in Wuhan, aided by Western funding – might lie behind the pandemic. History shows that human error can lead to lethal laboratory accidents. Yet some top scientists, including Farrar, were quick to praise China, said experts knew Covid was not created in a lab, branded such ideas conspiracy theories and insisted “evidence” indicated it had spilled over from nature. Influential papers appeared in science journals to push such arguments. Patsy journalists lapped up their claims uncritically. Gradually, drip by drip, it emerged that Farrar was helping lead a group of experts who colluded to crush suggestions the virus might be linked to research.
Less than a fortnight after China confirmed human transmission, the Wellcome chief hosted a teleconference at the behest of the American presidential adviser Anthony Fauci. It included the head of the biggest US funding body and Sir Patrick Vallance, the UK’s chief scientific adviser, along with several participants who feared Covid might be tied to research. Suddenly their views shifted from fearing the virus might be manufactured to dismissing such possibilities, despite lack of fresh data or firm evidence. After the discussion, Farrar privately admitted he was still “50:50” on the cause – yet at the same time oversaw and “tidied up” an influential statement in Nature Medicine, stating that the authors “do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible”. Weirdly, his work was not credited. Four days later, he condemned “Wild West” research in Wuhan in an email to Fauci and the head of the big US funding body. Yet he signed – with two Wellcome Trust colleagues – an infamous Lancet statement that condemned “conspiracy theories suggesting that Covid-19 does not have a natural origin”. It was later found to have been covertly organised by British scientist Peter Daszak, a collaborator with Wuhan’s top bat researcher. Other disconcerting inconsistencies and activities have emerged in this unedifying saga. The key in such a process is transparency and to keep an open mind until evidence dictates otherwise. Instead, whatever Covid’s cause, we see glimpses in released emails and redacted documents of something sinister: an attempt by top Western scientists and funding bodies to shut down debate. A report last week by House Republicans claimed US intelligence is also withholding important information from “the American public and the world”. Perhaps we should be glad the Wellcome Trust can start to restore its battered brand. But the WHO is further undermining its credibility by handing such an influential post to a man embroiled in allegations of tarnishing the integrity of science on such an important quest.
Cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra – on Fox News Tucker Carlson – how research shows the mRNA Covid vaccines can cause heart inflammation, and are more dangerous than Covid itself. Until Proven Otherwise – Two Cardiologists Expose Big Pharma – Epoch Times Landmark Interview with Drs. Malhotra and McCullough – Just as Big Tobacco hid the truth for decades as millions died from cigarettes, today Big Pharma has gotten away with murder as the United States’ life expectancy has plummeted from Number 3 in 1960 to Number 46 today. No one can argue this drop, and no amount of censoring, spinning, or propagandizing can alter it. The government may attempt to argue that it is because of smoking and obesity; however, smoking rates have historically been greater in the higher-ranked nations. And obesity is related mainly to the lies we have been told about fat and cholesterol being more harmful than processed foods and sugar. Why would our beloved United States government lie to us? For the same reason they were complicit with Big Tobacco for decades in hiding the truth about cigarette smoking – money – the good old US dollar. Big-monied interests have captured our nation and its regulatory agencies. First, we saw Big Tobacco’s hefty campaign contributions to key politicians. Next, it has been the Food Industry and its millions in persuasion. Finally, and most importantly, it has become Big Pharma and their brethren: The World Economic Forum, that friendly collection of Billionaire-run corporations now so familiar to us – those legendary rags to riches names including Gates, Bezos, Bourla, Bancel, Bloomberg, Zuckerberg, and others. These colossal interests support other monstrous monied pursuits, including profitable – albeit not-so-healthy processed foods, mRNA genetic shots [renamed as “vaccines”], and of course, patented, expensive drugs like statins and chemotherapies – to the exclusion of cheap and effective repurposed drugs. These interests also enjoy controlling the narrative through strategic ownership or influence of various media outlets like the Washington Post, the New York Times, Wikipedia, PBS Newshour, NPR, etc. For example, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation heavily contributed to PBS, while Jeff Bezos purchased the Washington Post. So it is no wonder these sites will attack cheap, repurposed drugs no matter how safe and effective, yet promote expensive patented new drugs, regardless of how dangerous and ineffective. Go against them at your peril. They can make anyone look bad. If you have any questions about that, take a look at websites that no longer exist, and compare them with today’s versions. For this task, I consulted the Wayback Machine, the globalists’ worst enemy, as it can retrieve censored or purged internet pages. Viewing these pages is instructive as it can show patterns of censorship and propaganda. For more on this, feel free to view my book, Ivermectin for Freedom: Truth, Lies, and Marxism, the only one of mine to have been taken down from Amazon but still can be found on Barnes and Noble.
Andrew Bridgen MP BLOCKBUSTER adjournment debate speech on Tuesday 13th December, Tory MP, gives a speech about Aseem Malhotra’s findings on the mRNA Covid vaccines, and how ‘wilful blindness’ is endemic in institutions because of vested interests. Following my speech, he says, on vaccine harms in the House of Commons earlier this week hereby a list of supporting scientific references. The list was proactively sent to journalists immediately after my speech. Because of clear and robust data of significant harms and little ongoing benefit. (1) – Erosion of trust in public health and attack on democracy that we will witness in our lifetime. (2) despite widespread circulation and it making international news. (3, and in the Times of India – 4). That disturbing but well-recognised psychological phenomenon is known as Wilful blindness. (5) Since the roll out in the UK of the Biontech/Pfizer mRNA vaccine we have almost half a million yellow card reports of adverse effects from the public. (6) by the public is thought to only represent 10 % of the true rate of serious adverse events occurring in the population. (7). In other words their data revealed one needed to vaccinate 119 people to prevent one infection. (8). The World Health Organisation and the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges have previously made it clear that its an ethical responsibility that medical information is communicated to patients in absolute benefit and risk terms to protect the public from unnecessary anxiety and manipulation. (9) (10) Gigerenzer G. Making sense of health statistics. Bull World Health Organ 2009;87:567. During a 3 month wave of omicron at the beginning of the year reveals one would need to vaccinate 7300 people over the age of 80 to prevent one covid death. (11) Revealed a rate of serious adverse events of 1 per 800 individuals vaccinated. (12). In the past vaccines have been completely withdrawn from use for a much lower incidence of serious harm. For example, the swine flu vaccine was withdrawn in 1976 for causing Guillan Barre syndrome in 1 in 100,000 adults and in 1999 the rotavirus vaccine was withdrawn for causing a form of bowel obstruction in children affecting 1 in 10,000. (13). A 25% increase in heart attack and cardiac arrest calls in 16-39 year olds in Israel associated with the first and second doses of vaccine and not associated with covid infection. (14). Similar findings have been replicated in Florida. (15). In fact in the UK we have an extra 14000 out of hospital cardiac arrests in 2021 compared to 2020 following the vaccine roll out. (16). The MHRA has a huge financial conflict of interest receiving 86% of its funding from the pharmaceutical industry they are supposed to regulate. (17). Similarly another investigation revealed that members of the JCVI has financial links to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation totalling a billion dollars. (18). Do policy makers, the media and the public know that the foundation is heavily invested in pharmaceutical industry stocks? (19). The real scandal is that those with a responsibility to patients and scientific integrity, namely doctors, academic institutions and medical journals collude with industry for financial gain. (20). Through the legal environment (limited liability for shareholders) and the extra-legal environment through opposition fragmentation. (21). Its no surprise that because of so much control by an entity that has been described as Psychopathic in its profit making conduct (22). One analysis suggests the third most common cause of death globally after heart disease and cancer is because of side effects of prescribed medications which were mostly avoidable.(23). Something is rotten in British Medicine and has been for a long time. (24). On separate occasions in the past several years these calls have been supported and covered by the Daily Mail, The Guardian and most recently the I newspaper. (25, Big Pharma Greed Is Killing Tens Of Thousands Of Patients Leading Doctors Warn) (26, There Needs to be a public enquiry into the corrupt healthcare industry) (27, Health experts call for a Chilcot style enquiry into harmful marketing of prescription drugs). A report by the Journal of American Medical Association, studying the effect of the Covid-19 mRNA vaccination on children under 5 years of age, showed one in 200 had one adverse event, which resulted in hospitalisation, and symptoms that lasted longer than 90 days. As the data clearly shows, to anyone who wants to look, the mRNA vaccines are not safe, not effective and not necessary. Comparative Safety of the BNT162b2 Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccine vs Other Approved Vaccines in Children Younger Than 5 Years | Infectious Diseases | JAMA Network Open | JAMA Network (28)
Andrew Bridgen MP, Heroic Excavator Of UK Corruption is interviewed by James Delingpole – Andrew Bridgen MP – on the James Delingpole podcast discusses the BBC censorship of the Covid vaccine dangers as well as what was behind UK Commissioner for Standards Kathryn Stone’s ridiculous corrupt suspension of him from the house of commons for ‘nothing’ – Andrew James Bridgen is a British politician and businessman who has served as the Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire since 2010. Bridgen recently spoke in the vaccine harms debate of Parliament claiming that the Covid vaccine is not safe, this has been followed by criticism from senior doctors calling Bridgen ‘irresponsible.’ Support the Delingpod’s existence by joining James’ Locals:
Andrew Bridgen MP suspended. Andrew Bridgen suspended from Parliament after breaching MPs’ lobbying rules Andrew Bridgen became the first MP to use a new appeal system against decisions by the Standards Committee to challenge his five day suspension. Andrew Bridgen alleges cover up on mRNA vaccines . Andrew Bridgen has failed in his attempt to overturn a 5-day suspension from Parliament and could be in danger of losing almost a month’s pay as an MP if it is enacted today. The Conservative MP for North West Leicestershire received two days suspension for failing to declare that he received a paid trip to Ghana in eight emails to ministers and another three days for writing to the Standards Commissioner Kathryn Stone asking if she had been lobbying to receive a peerage. The outspoken MP, who recently hit the headlines for making a speech in Parliament calling for the suspension of the mRNA covid vaccine amid concerns it could lead to inflamation to arteries to the heart, will now be suspended for five days.
Sir Laurie Magnus, ex banker, National Trust, Historic England, made new Advisor on Ministerial Behaviour. Sir Laurie Magnus: Rishi Sunak appoints veteran banker as ethics chief Rishi Sunak has appointed veteran banker Sir Laurie Magnus as his new adviser on ministerial behaviour. The prime minister has been facing pressure to fill the role, which has been empty since the previous holder quit six months ago. Sir Laurie, who also chairs Historic England, has been appointed to a non-renewable five-year term. He will be responsible for advising Mr Sunak on whether ministers are complying with their conduct rulebook. However, the prime minister will retain the power to decide whether ministers have broken the code, and on any subsequent punishments. Boris Johnson’s ethics adviser Lord Geidt quit in June after conceding Mr Johnson may have himself broken ministerial rules over Partygate. His predecessor, Sir Alex Allan, quit in 2020 after Mr Johnson overruled him over a report into alleged bullying by Home Secretary Priti Patel. Mr Sunak’s predecessor as prime minister Liz Truss signalled during the summer Tory leadership she would not appoint anyone to the role, telling party members “I don’t think you can outsource ethics to an adviser”. But Mr Sunak said filling the role was a priority when he took office in October, promising to restore “integrity, professionalism and accountability at every level”. Who is Sir Laurie Magnus? Worked in financial services for 40 years, and is listed as a senior adviser at investment banking group Evercore Former deputy chairman of the National Trust, he was appointed chairman of Historic England in 2013, then known as English Heritage Sat on the board of the government’s Culture Recovery Fund, set up to help cultural bodies during the Covid pandemic Educated at Eton College and Oxford University, his title of ‘Sir’ is from the baronetcy he inherited from his uncle Awarded a CBE in the late Queen’s 2022 New Year’s Honours list, for services to heritage Dave Penman, the boss of the FDA union representing senior civil servants, said Mr Sunak had missed an opportunity to “reset the relationship” between ministers and officials. “Instead of that, he’s followed exactly the same path as Boris Johnson did. So essentially he’s continuity Johnson when it comes to the ministerial code,” he added. Statues controversy – Historic England, a public body, is responsible for caring for and listing historic buildings and sites. As chairman, Sir Laurie oversaw the body’s response to the toppling of a statue of 17th Century slave trader Edward Colston in Bristol in 2020 – which prompted a debate about the public commemoration of figures linked to the slave trade. Later that year, Sir Laurie told MPs that Historic England’s preference was to keep “contested” statues standing in public places – but to “re-contextualise and reinterpret” them through actions like updated inscriptions and artistic installations.
UK strikes – Rishi is not going to negotiate. Sunak says limiting public sector pay is in the UK’s interests (Dec 23): Prime Minister Rishi Sunak insisted the government is acting in the UK’s interests by refusing to negotiate salary deals with health unions, though he did not rule out the possibility of a one-off payment to end the standoff as nurses and paramedics prepare for more strikes next year. “I want to make sure that we reduce inflation and part of that is being responsible in setting public sector pay,” Sunak told broadcasters on Friday. “The government has acted fairly and reasonably in accepting all the recommendations of the public sector pay review bodies.” When asked if he is considering giving National Health Service workers a one-time pay rise given the public support for their industrial action, he said the government’s door “is always open.” Sunak is under increasing public pressure to back down though many in his ruling Conservative Party support his position as the UK prepares for further disruption in healthcare, transport, postal services and border force over the Christmas break and in the New Year. Ambulance workers and nurses said they will carry out two more days of strikes in January.
2023 Bilderberg Conference confirmed as scheduled for Lisbon in May/June 2023. bilderberg group members meeting 2022 2023 papers leaked steering committee exposed meeting location group organization wikileaks revealed nwo new world order agenda wef world economic forum agenda 21 agenda 2030 wikispooks WHO united nations UN agenda trilateral commission the great reset great reset freemason freemasons freemasonry masonic lodge influence power jesuit jesuits society of jesus vatican club of rome lucis trust group of 30 g20 g30 Rockefeller foundation rothschild rothschilds secret documents leaked exposed revealed update news information net worth discussions top secret atlantic council bnai brith black cube saturn worship exposed conspiracy cult cults satan satanic blackrock
Kissinger calls for negotiated peace deal for Ukarine/Russia. Zelensky goes to Congress – Republicans don’t back him. It’s time for a negotiated peace in Ukraine, Kissinger says The time is approaching for a negotiated peace in Ukraine to reduce the risk of another devastating world war, veteran U.S. diplomat Henry Kissinger said. He warned, however, that dreams of breaking up Russia could unleash nuclear chaos. Kissinger said he had in May proposed a ceasefire under which Russia would withdraw to the front lines before the Feb. 24 invasion but Crimea would be the subject of “negotiation.” A controversial and polarizing political figure, Kissinger inflKissinger served as secretary of state and national security advisor under Republican Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford in the 1970s. Picture Alliance | Picture Alliance | Getty Images The time is approaching for a negotiated peace in Ukraine to reduce the risk of another devastating world war, but dreams of breaking up Russia could unleash nuclear chaos, veteran U.S. diplomat Henry Kissinger said. Kissinger, an architect of the Cold War policy of detente towards the Soviet Union as secretary of state under Republican presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, has met Vladimir Putin multiple times since he first became president in 2000. There is no end in sight to the conflict sparked by Putin’s Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine, which has killed tens of thousands of people and driven millions from their homes. Russia now controls around a fifth of Ukraine. The Kremlin says Kyiv must acknowledge Moscow’s annexation of southern and eastern regions. Ukraine says every Russian soldier must leave its territory, including Crimea, which Russia annexed in 2014. Kyiv applied to join NATO after Moscow announced the annexations in September. “The time is approaching to build on the strategic changes which have already been accomplished and to integrate them into a new structure towards achieving peace through negotiation,” Kissinger wrote in The Spectator magazine. “A peace process should link Ukraine to NATO, however expressed. The alternative of neutrality is no longer meaningful,” Kissinger wrote in the Spectator magazine in an article entitled “How to avoid another world war.” Kissinger said he had in May proposed a ceasefire under which Russia would withdraw to the front lines before the Feb. 24 invasion but Crimea would be the subject of “negotiation.”
Catherine Austin Fitts – US money and weapons to Ukraine – where’s it all ending up? Iran/Contra. US Government in Full Scale Implosion Because of Corruption – Catherine Austin Fitts – Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), says the U.S. government is so fraudulent that it will self-destruct much sooner than later. CAF predicts, “If you look at FTX, my question is how much of the money sent to Ukraine got laundered right back for the (2022 midterm) election? So, to me, Ukraine is not a destination point, it is a through put point. . . . At this point, and I hate to say it, but we are in full scale implosion. The corruption is that bad. That’s why I am telling you what we need is sovereignty. The federal government is not going to deliver. . . . The financial coup has reached a point where if you want sovereignty, the only person who can deliver that is your state governor and your legislature. . . . If you’ve got a great state AG, if you have great legislature, if you have a great governor, you better start supporting them. They are the people that can protect your sovereignty. You need governmental sovereignty if you are going to have individual sovereignty, and you better do it now. You have no time to be entertained by Joe Biden, Trump and Hunter Biden.”
RIP musical genius Terry Hall of The Specials/Fun Boy Three, who has died of pancreatic cancer, aged 63 R.I.P. with a tribute to him. Gangsters (Specials 1979), The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum (Fun Boy Three 1981), Our Lips Are Sealed (Fun boy Three 1983) and Pushing Up The Daisies (The Colourfield 1985). Music industry has become hopelessly commercialised by the bankster-Nazis, who Terry warned of in some of his songs, since the early 1980s. Terry Hall of The Specials dies aged 63 – Abducted aged 12 – The musician was born in 1959 and raised in Coventry, where most of his family worked in the city’s then-booming car industry. But his life took a dark turn when, at the age of 12, he was kidnapped by a teacher. “I was abducted, taken to France and sexually abused for four days,” he told The Spectator in 2019. “And then punched in the face and left on the roadside.” Hall said the incident left him with life-long depression and caused him to drop out of education at the age of 14, after becoming addicted to the Valium he had been prescribed. “I didn’t go to school, I didn’t do anything. I just sat on my bed rocking for eight months.” Music was some form of solace; and Hall joined a local Ska band called The Specials. That period culminated with 1981’s Ghost Town, an hypnotic, menacing song that seemed to predict and then soundtrack that summer’s riots on the streets of London, Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham. The song went to number one, but Hall – who was only 22 – found it hard to bridge the discrepancy between chart fame and the band’s political message. “When we picked up a gold disc for Ghost Town, I felt really bad about it,” he said. “You are being told to celebrate this number one record that is about what is happening, the mess that we are in, and I felt very uncomfortable.” Hall left the band to start Fun Boy Three with Golding and Staple, abandoning ska for a more experimental, skeletal sound. Their debut single The Lunatics (Have Taken Over The Asylum) picked up where Ghost Town left off, and Hall wrote about his childhood abuse on the album track Well Fancy That. But the band found more commercial success by teaming up with the era’s biggest girl group. They duetted with Bananarama on Really Saying Something and a cover of the jazz standard It Ain’t What You Do; while Hall teamed up with Jane Wiedlin of The Go-Gos to write Our Lips Are Sealed, a song that both bands recorded and took into the charts separately.
Bit Chute bank account has been shut down – Dan Dicks, Press for Truth, who started it, has put out an appeal for funding. Recent clampdown on online media. Guy talking about HSBC…. Banking failures and potential crash coming. Is this Theft? BANKS won’t give us our money Two years ago, BitChute became the target of an activist group that attempted to shut us down by pressuring our suppliers. As a result, we lost some server hosting, our office space, and other suppliers. We also lost our bank account with HSBC. A bank account we had held in good standing and without any issues since we launched in 2017. We initially tried to open a new account with a different bank and transfer our money. However, the new bank rejected us just as the funds had reached them. Our money was returned to HSBC, but we could no longer access it, and even today, we still have not retrieved our money from HSBC. In August 2021, after failing to get a resolution through the HSBC complaints process, we requested arbitration through the UK’s banking Ombudsman. We were informed of a long wait due to Covid, which had resulted in many bank-related problems for businesses. It wouldn’t be until November 2022 that our case would be assigned.
Idris Francis on his Army Major Uncle Idris Evans who told his wife, Win, how a Nazi general claimed in 1946 the Nazis would rise again surreptitiously – Nazi general boasted to him in 1946. Nazi General threatened ‘4th Reich By Stealth’ at Nuremberg Trials says Idris Francis. ‘OPJB’ book by Christopher Crighton and ‘Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile’ book by Paul Manning Daily Express article by Stewart Stevens with Ladislas Farago’s picture of an elderly Martin Bormann in Buenos Aires. The general allegedly told Idris Evans: ‘Yes, you have beaten us now for the second time, but the next time we will win, and it will happen so slowly that you won’t know what’s going on until its all over.’ Video: Nazi SS officer on trial at Nuremberg boasts of 4th reich after WWII – Idris Francis
Irmgard Furchner, a 97 year old former Nazi secretary, is put on trial. Irmgard Furchner: Nazi typist guilty of complicity in 10,500 murders The court ordered that pictures of Irmgard Furchner from the trial should be blurred A former secretary who worked for the commander of a Nazi concentration camp has been convicted of complicity in the murders of more than 10,500 people. Irmgard Furchner, 97, was taken on as a teenaged shorthand typist at Stutthof and worked there from 1943 to 1945. Furchner, the first woman to be tried for Nazi crimes in decades, was given a two-year suspended jail term. Although she was a civilian worker, the judge agreed she was fully aware of what was going on at the camp.
Some 65,000 people are thought to have died in horrendous conditions at Stutthof, including Jewish prisoners, non-Jewish Poles and captured Soviet soldiers. Furchner was found guilty of aiding and abetting the murder of 10,505 people and complicity in the attempted murder of five others. As she was only 18 or 19 at the time, she was tried in a special juvenile court. At Stutthof, located near the modern-day Polish city of Gdansk, a variety of methods was used to murder detainees and thousands died in gas chambers there from June 1944. The court at Itzehoe in northern Germany heard from survivors of the camp, some of whom have died during the trial. When the trial began in September 2021, Irmgard Furchner went on the run from her retirement home and was eventually found by police on a street in Hamburg. Stutthof commandant Paul-Werner Hoppe was jailed in 1955 for being an accessory to murder and he was released five years later.
Nazis in Ukraine. Greek MEP, Eva Kaili, accused of accepting money from Qatar. Gender recognition vote in Scotland. Nazis in Ukraine: Seeing through the fog of the information war – According to John-Paul Himka, a quarter of all victims of the Holocaust lived in Ukraine, and Ukrainian ultra-nationalists collaborated with the Nazis in carrying out their horrendous deeds. The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and its armed force, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (Ukrainska povstanska armiiaUPA) participated in this genocidal rampage: “OUN militias were key actors in the anti-Jewish violence of summer 1941; OUN recruited for and infiltrated police formations that provided indispensable manpower for the Germans’ mobile killing units; and in 1943, thousands of these policemen deserted from German service to join the OUN-led nationalist insurgency, during which UPA killed Jews who had managed to survive the major liquidations of 1942.” According to Ian Sayer and Douglas Botting, “the OUN played a significant part in the extermination of the Jews and other ‘undesirables,’ often performing the dirty work of the German Einsatzkommando extermination squads (eg the killing of children), and continuing after the war under American sponsorship.” Indeed, in the postwar era, the U.S. government discreetly integrated an alarming number of Nazi collaborators into a veritable international network of anti-communist fascists. By 1952, John Loftus estimates that there were “hundreds if not thousands of important Nazi collaborators from Byelorussia, the Ukraine, the Baltic states, and the Balkans” who had been brought to the United States (and many more had been operationalized around the world). The US Counter Intelligence Core ran operation Anyface to protect the fascist leader of the OUN–the renowned Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera–from being brought to justice by the Soviets. Bandera’s chief of the national security service (SB), Mykola Lebed, was “the highest ranking Ukrainian Nazi to ever enter the United States.” CIA covert operations chief Frank Wisner admitted in 1951 there were “at least twenty former or active members of the SB of OUN/Bandera in the United States.” The US intelligence services worked closely with several organizations of former Nazi collaborators like these in order to run extensive sabotage, terror and assassination campaigns against the USSR. In 1951, Wisner estimated that “over 35,000 members of the Russian secret police (MVD-MKGB) have been killed by OUN-UPA since the end of the last war.” NATO was deeply involved in this anti-communist war, as demonstrated perhaps most clearly by Operation Gladio. Overseen by the CIA and MI6, NATO established a large secret army of trained militants, many of whom were well established Nazis and fascists. According to the official Italian Senate investigation into Gladio: “It emerges without the shadow of a doubt that elements of the CIA started in the second half of the 1960s a massive operation in order to counter by the use of all means the spreading of groups and movements of the left on a European level.” This included targeted killings and false flag terrorist attacks that were blamed on communists in order to terrify the civilian population into supporting right-wing governments and anti-communist raids.
Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson; Blackrock; Tony on Brexit : Evolution :
Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate With Poems & End Times Prophecy Reports
Israel has voted in the most far right Parliament ever. Israel forms its most right-wing government ever as Netanyahu returns Designated Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he has successfully formed a new coalition to govern Israel. – A new government considered to be the most right-wing in Israel’s history has been announced, returning Benjamin Netanyahu to power. The Designated Prime Minster Netanyahu revealed that he had successfully formed a new coalition in an phone call to President Isaac Herzong. His Likud Party released a brief video clip of the smiling Netanyahu and a recording of the conversation. “I wanted to announce to you that thanks to the amazing public support we received in the elections, I have succeeded in forming a government that will take care of all the citizens of Israel,” Netanyahu said. The move comes after weeks of difficult negotiations with his partners – who still need to finalise power-sharing deals with Netanyahu’s Likud Party. The inbound PM however intends to complete the process “as soon as possible next week.” If successful, he will preside over a coalition dominated by far-right and ultra-Orthodox partners each pushing their own agenda. Dramatic changes could risk alienating parts of the Israeli public and raise the risk of conflict with Palestine – something that would put Israel on a collision course with supporters such as the United States.
West did not allow Zelensky to make a peace deal with Russia before war. Russian Officials Say Zelensky Visit to DC Shows US Isn’t Interested in Peace While in Washington, Zelensky said he wouldn’t make compromises for peace by Dave DeCamp Russian officials on Thursday said that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to Washington DC on Wednesday showed that the US isn’t interested in ending the war in Ukraine. “The talks in Washington showed that neither Ukraine nor the United States seeks peace. They are simply determined to continue fighting,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said. During a joint press conference with President Biden, Zelensky said that he wouldn’t make “compromises” to reach a “just peace.” The Ukrainian leader mentioned a peace proposal he put forward, but it calls for the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Ukrainian territories Moscow has captured, which is a non-starter for talks with Russia. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the new US aid packages for Ukraine will drag out the war. During Zelensky’s visit, the US announced a new $1.85 billion weapons package for Ukraine that includes a Patriot missile system for the first time. The funds are coming from aid that has already been authorized for Ukraine, but Congress is expected to pass a new $45 billion tranche of aid this week. “This is not conducive to a speedy settlement, quite the contrary. And this cannot prevent the Russian Federation from achieving its goals during the special military operation,” Peskov said. The Kremlin spokesman added that there were no signs of a willingness to “listen to Russia’s concerns” during Zelensky’s visit. He said this showed that the US was willing to fight a proxy war against Russia down to “the last Ukrainian.” Anatoly Antonov, Russia’s ambassador to the US, made similar comments about Zelensky’s address to Congress. “What was essentially announced to applause and sarcastic smirks, was the need to continue the proxy war against our country,” he said. Antonov warned that the new US military aid is “leading to an escalation, the consequences of which cannot even be imagined.”
Role of Quatuor Coronati London Freemasons lodge 2076 in founding Zionism, Theosophy and Crowle’s ‘Golden Dawn’: Temple Mount Fanatics Foment a New Thirty Years’ War – This special report was prepared by Salvatore Montagna, Jeffrey Steinberg, Michele Steinberg, Scott Thompson, and Anton Chaitkin. This article appears in the November 3, 2000 issue of Executive Intelligence Review (EIR). This Masonic control is exerted through the Quatuor Coronati “research” lodge of the Grand Mother Lodge of British Freemasonry, headed by the Queen’s first cousin, the Duke of Kent, and run on a day-to-day basis by the Seventh Marquess of Northampton (Spencer “Spenny” Douglas David Compton), a maternal descendant of the Baring family, of British East India Company notoriety….. Lord Northampton is, by his own admission, a practitioner of the Satanic rituals of Aleister Crowley. Indeed, as he explained to an interviewer, Lord Northampton installed one of the world’s leading “scholars” of the Golden Dawn cult, R.A. Gilbert, as the editor-in-chief of Ars Quatuor Coronarum, the theoretical journal of the lodge. Crowley had written an account of his “spiritual progress” in magic and Satanism under the title The Temple of Solomon the King. The Jerusalem Lodge In December 1995, the “Jerusalem” freemasonic lodge was established, adjacent to the Temple Mount, in the Grotto of King Solomon, to work for the rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple. The lodge worked side by side with the on-the-ground networks of Jewish and Christian fundamentalist fanatics, to foment a bloody religious war over the control of the Temple Mount. That such a lodge would be founded shortly after the Israel-Palestine peace breakthroughs at Oslo–and just weeks after the assassination of Israel’s Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, an architect of that peace–is surely no coincidence. The Jerusalem Lodge was founded by the Grand Master of Italian Regular Freemasonry, Giuliano di Bernardo, the right-hand man of Lord Northampton on the Temple Mount project. At the ceremony launching the Jerusalem Lodge, Di Bernardo declared, “The rebuilding of the Temple is at the center of our studies.” In June 1996, Di Bernardo published an Italian edition of his book, Rebuilding the Temple, which was to be published in English by the Quatuor Coronati Lodge…. The role of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge in the Temple Mount plot significantly predates the launching of the Jerusalem Lodge. Dr. Asher Kaufman, a corresponding member of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge, did some of the first post-war archaeological “studies” of the Temple Mount, laying the foundations for the upsurge of Jewish fundamentalist assaults on the site. He was personally dispatched to Jerusalem by the lodge’s Dr. T.E. Allibone, a senior figure in the British Royal Society, and one of Britain’s preeminent nuclear physicists, who served for 30 years as the “Lord of the Manor” of Britain’s most top-secret nuclear weapons laboratory at Aldermaston.
Zionism founding role of ‘Jack The Ripper’ era Met Police Commissioner Sir Charles Warren: Temple Mount Fanatics Foment a New Thirty Years’ War – This special report was prepared by Salvatore Montagna, Jeffrey Steinberg, Michele Steinberg, Scott Thompson, and Anton Chaitkin. This article appears in the November 3, 2000 issue of Executive Intelligence Review (EIR). British imperial occult designs on Jerusalem and the Temple Mount first surfaced prominently in 1865, with the founding of the Palestine Exploration Fund, under British royal sponsorship, and the first archaeological expeditions to the Holy Land. Prince Edward Albert, the son of Queen Victoria who would succeed her as King Edward VII, had visited Jerusalem in 1862, and put his imprimatur on the launching of the Palestine Exploration Fund immediately thereafter. Prince Edward Albert, known as the “Prince of the Isles,” was a dominant figure in Britain’s imperial designs of the late Nineteenth Century, and Jerusalem and the Holy Land was one of his personal priorities. The first excavation of the holy sites in Jerusalem, centered on the Temple Mount, was carried out by the Palestine Exploration Fund, under the direction of Gen. Sir Charles Warren, during 1867-70. This expedition launched the British Freemasonic “Temple Mount project.” In 1884, Warren was one of only nine Freemasons who founded the Quatuor Coronati Lodge, and he became its first head. Within occult Judaism, the pivotal religious figure in this British-sponsored saga was Rav Abraham Isaac Kook. According to Kook’s autobiography, in pre-World War I London, he was an intimate collaborator of Jabotinsky, recruiting and raising funds for Jabotinsky’s Jewish Legion, which fought the Ottoman Turks on behalf of the British Empire. After the British Mandate was established over Palestine, Rabbi Kook was appointed by London to serve as Palestine’s Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi, a post he held until his death in 1935. Rabbi Kook revived Jewish mysticism, the teaching of the Cabbala, and the prophesies relating to the Third Temple…..
Anton Chaitkin Who We Are, America’s Fight For Universal Progress From Franklin To Kennedy – by Anton Chaitkin (2020) – A half century ago, the Anglo-American Establishment reversed the policies that made America rich, powerful, and humane. They erased our former way of thinking from public memory. They took away from us our original national mission: gaining scientific control over nature to uplift mankind. They falsely inserted their own goal – power for the few over the many – into our history, so that no remedy from our real heritage seemed possible. This explosive book by the masterful investigative historian, Anton Chaitkin, restores that stolen American legacy. The secret to modern history, is that all the great breakthroughs in technology were deliberate projects for the improvement of humanity. Chaitkin takes you behind the scenes, to see the two sides struggling to control American policy: nationalist statesmen and industrial innovators, versus the British empire, Wall Street and the southern slaveowners. We see startling details: Benjamin Franklin guides his friends in England who develop the steam engine, canals and steelmaking — and discover bio-chemical laws of nature. Lord Shelburne’s British Intelligence system acts to prevent other countries from acquiring the new technical powers, by fake insurrections and the “free trade” dogma. Franklin and his close allies guide America’s revolt against the empire, write the Constitution, and strategize for a strong industrial nation-state. Thomas Jefferson betrays his ideals, joins the enemy Shelburne apparatus, defends southern slavery and British interests, and sabotages Alexander Hamilton’s founding development program. The British turn the French Revolution to anarchy and mass bloodshed — the first documented account of that regime-change intervention. America’s founding program is blocked, until a new generation of nationalist leaders fight the British again and start industrialization. Acting as a team in government and the military, an idealistic core group builds U.S. canals, coal and iron industries, and railroads . They bring on modern times, and actively aid other countries’ industrial progress — all this against the violent opposition of the Anglo-American imperial interest.
As Sizewell C nuclear power station in Suffolk is approved we remember the ‘assassination’ of anti-nuclear campaigner Hilda Murrell with Dr. David Halpin, former Surgeon and her Naval Intelligence officer nephew, Robert Green. Robert wrote ‘A Thorn In Their Side’ about Hilda’s murder and he explains how he knows she was indeed murdered. A Thorn in Their Side is Robert Green’s extraordinary pursuit of the truth about how and why his aunt Hilda Murrell, a noted English rose grower, met a violent and bizarre death. In 1984, at the age of 78, Hilda Murrell was found brutally murdered in the Shropshire countryside. She had just gained approval to testify on the unsolved problems of radioactive waste at the first British planning inquiry into a new nuclear power plant. The police theory that a lone, panicking burglar robbed and abducted Hilda in her own car for petty cash erupted into a sensational political conspiracy involving PM Margaret Thatcher’s plans for British nuclear energy and the controversial sinking of the Argentine cruiser General Belgrano in the 1982 Falklands War. The West Mercia Police, accused of initial negligence, a bungled investigation and ignoring key evidence, took until 2005 to secure the conviction of Andrew George as Hilda’s unlikely murderer – in 1984 he was a 16-year-old truant from a local foster home who could not drive. The case has spawned numerous books, plays and TV programmes as it became one of the most baffling British murders of the 20th century. Now Robert Green exposes the implausibility of the police theory; how key witnesses were leant on to change statements, and information suggesting political motives was dismissed. He has also uncovered explosive new evidence that George should have been acquitted. As the current British government presses to replace nuclear power plants and weapons, despite the nuclear catastrophe in Japan, this deeply disturbing saga about a distinguished British woman and law-abiding patriot is powerfully topical.
Falklands war. Mike Harris, finance editor at Veterans Today and, on the NATO gangster empire Drugs flood Europe through the Armed Forces of Ukraine According to the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), the volume of drug consumption in EU countries has increased markedly this year. And this is despite the fact that in Europe, as a result of the activities of law enforcement agencies, hundreds of illegal drug laboratories are being liquidated, and more than 150 people have been arrested in the recent period alone. The EMCDDA estimates that around 83.4 million people aged 15 to 64 in the EU, or 29% of the population, use drugs today, with more men than women. Although cannabis remains the most popular substance, ahead of cocaine, MDMA and amphetamines, it has been noted that the range of available substances for drug addicts is expanding due to synthetic drugs. Speaking about the increase in drug use, numerous experts and politicians have more than once linked this issue with several reasons, among which one of the most significant was the rise in immigration to the European Union. However, if in 2021 this situation pointed to the worsening crisis in Afghanistan and the need to prepare for the influx of migrants and drugs from this country, then in recent months there have been indications pointing to the influx of Ukrainian citizens, amongst whom there are various criminal structures of this country. Moreover, it is no longer a secret that the deterioration of the criminal situation in Europe has been largely due to the resale through the black market of all kinds of weapons coming to Ukraine from the United States and other NATO member states in large quantities, as well as other types of so-called “military assistance” of the West for the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). The belief that it is possible to fight not only with weapons, but also with drugs has long been entrenched in the minds of American and British military leaders. Back in the nineteenth century, this idea was actively “implemented” in China during the two opium wars, when over a hundred million Chinese died from drug overdoses and the country itself was cut out of world politics for more than a hundred years. However, back then Great Britain became extremely rich….
The Three Wise Men, Zoroastrianism and Kabbalah – David Livingstone, author of ‘Ordo ab Chao’, on the history and mythology of the three wise man, Magi, from the nativity in the Bible. Rebecca Holt on theories of the three wise men. David Livingstone on a centuries long Satanic conspiracy . – The Dying-God – Franz Cumont (1868 – 1947), Belgian scholar known for founding the modern study of Mithraism – Understanding the cult of the ancient Chaldean Magi of Babylon, the purported priests of Zoroastrianism, is essential to understanding the development of cults and philosophies of the Hellenistic Age, and therefore, the subsequent history of Western occultism, including Freemasonry and ultimately the New Age movement. However, numerous scholars have disputed the extent of the influence of the Magi on in the ancient world, as Zoroastrianism clearly exercised a very limited impact. The puzzle was resolved by Franz Cumont, one of the greatest scholars of the last century, whose research may have failed to have made an impression for the fact that his most important work, Les Mages Hellénisés (“The Hellenized Magi”), remains untranslated into English. Cumont’s key finding was that the Magi were not orthodox Zoroastrians, but heretics whom he renamed Magusseans, who corrupted their original faith with the Babylonian magic. What Cumont did not note however, is that the sixth century BC, the period during which the heretical Magian cult was developed in Babylon, was the same period and city where the Jews were held there in Exile and developed the Kabbalah. And while conventional scholars dispute their role, it has been openely acknowledged by secret societies who regard them as the source of their teachings. Though largely anachronistic, Morals and Dogma, by former Civil War General Albert Pike (1809 – 1891), Grand Master of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, provided an explanation of the origins of occult history with a level of precision and detail not seen among mainstream scholars, noting that the Illuminati, like their predecessors the Templars, Rosicrucians and Freemasons, were all inheritors of the ancient tradition of the Kabbalah by way of the Magi:
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano speaks to Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics International (MD4CE International), highlighting graphene and nanotechnology in vaccines, as well as the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset. Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano on the war for the world – From his presentation to Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics International earlier this week. Read it all, but here is a shocking excerpt – “… Just in the past few days, at the G-20 Bali summit, Klaus Schwab instructed heads of government – almost all coming from the Young Global Leaders for Tomorrow program of the World Economic Forum – about the future steps to be taken in view of establishing a world government. The president of a very powerful private organization with enormous economic means exercises undue power over world governments, obtaining their obedience from political leaders who have no popular mandate to subject their nations to the delusions of power of the elite: this fact is of unprecedented gravity. Klaus Schwab said: “In the fourth industrial revolution the winners will take it all, so if you are a World Economic Forum first mover, you are the winners” (here). These very serious statements have two implications: the first is that “the winners will take it all” and will be “winners” – it is not clear in what capacity and with whose permission. The second is that those who do not adapt to this “fourth industrial revolution” will find themselves ousted and will lose – they will lose everything, including their freedom. In short, Klaus Schwab is threatening the heads of government of the twenty most industrialized nations in the world to carry out the programmatic points of the Great Reset in their nations. This goes far beyond the pandemic: it is a global coup d’état, against which it is essential that people rise up and that the still healthy organs of states start an international juridical process. The threat is imminent and serious, since the World Economic Forum is capable of carrying out its subversive project and those who govern nations have all become either enslaved or blackmailed by this international mafia…”
A Manifesto for the free Peoples of the Earth from Brother Alexis Bugnolo. (Oct. 3, 2022) – FROM ROME is an electronic journal for Catholics who want to know what is really going on in the Church. We are the quintessential un-controlled journalistic Apostolate, with no ties to anyone in the Sacred Hierarchy to tell us what to print and what not to print. We believe every Catholic has the right to know the truth, and that the truth about what is going on and who our pastors really are is the the right of every Catholic. We uphold, profess and sustain the eternal Faith of Jesus Christ which has been handed down by the Apostles, defended by the Fathers, preached by the Saints and taught by the perennial Magisterium of the Church. That includes upholding the Laws of the Church. Hence, we profess allegiance and obedience to the only true Vicar of Jesus Christ, on Earth, Pope Benedict XVI. FromRome.Info is an electronic journal published in the United States of America, and is thus subject to U.S. laws regarding freedom of speech and intellectual property. If you have a question or complaint, leave a comment below. FromRome.Info is run as an apostolate of the Ordo Militaris Catholicus, an international Association of Catholics dedicated to the defense of Christendom. The editor of FromRome.Info is Br. Alexis Flavian Bugnolo, a dual citizen of the United States and Italy, currently resident at Rome. President of the Italian non profit, the Scholasticum, which is dedicated to reviving the Scholastic method of investigation and analysis. A Franciscan hermit who observes the Rule of St Francis by private vows with tacit permission of Pope Benedict XVI and written permission of the Congregation for Religious in 2006. Currently also President of the US Corporation, Ordo Militaris Inc., which is dedicated to helping persecuted Christians. Former member of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate.
Radio4All download pages
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1 – Complete 3hr show – [right click to download]
Full interviews with…
#2 – David Livingstone Three Wise Men Christmas Satanic Occult History – 01:15:00
#3 – Brother Alexis Bugnolo New Demonic Feudalism A Manifesto for the free Peoples of the Earth (03Oct22) – 00:07:00
#4 – Archbishop Carlo Maria Vicano Christmas(ish) message on WEF 00:21:00
#5 – Andrew Bridgen MP speech on mRNA in UK Parliament debate – 00:20:00
#6 – Andrew Bridgen MP on James Dellingpole Dellingpodcast Dec22 – 01:00:00
#7 – Dr David Halpin on Hilda Murrell, Green Fascistm & hypothermia – 00:30:00
#8 – Mike Harris Veterans Today: Hacking Microchips, Financial Crash &How US Made Ukraine War (20Dec22) – 01:15:00
#9 – Catherine Austin Fitts-US Government in Full Scale Corruption Implosion – 01:00:00
#10 – Idris Francis SS General threatens secret EU 4th Reich at Nuremberg plus many other anti-EU anecdotes – 00:30:00

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ here.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
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