Nadhim Zahawi and his tax affairs. Baroness Camilla Cavendish on BBC about how the rich feel they are clever not to pay tax. – Dan Needle, the journalist, who investigated Zahawi’s tax affairs Who’s in charge – – Zahawi as Chancellor. Nadhim Zahawi, ex-chairman of ‘Le Cercle’ formerly known as the Pinay Cercle named after a Nazi – Eliot Higgins aka Bellingcat – Eliot’s background and NATO/Soros funding of Bellincat. – David Lammy at Chatham House on what he would do if he was Foreign Secretary. – Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees puts up boaters and businesses Docks Fees and Charges by 2-300% after passing rent caps vote last week – Mayor’s 200-300% Mooring Fees Hike Set To Force Boat-Dwellers Out Of Bristol Harbour – James Perry, from Patriotic Millionaires, on why wealth, not work, shuld be taxed – PMQs asylum seekers coming in on boats. ] 136 children who have stayed in the hotel over the last 18 months have been reported missing. – Albanians held in ‘debt bondage’ at drug farms to pay for Channel crossings NCA says – Ex-detective John Wedger on how Police are taught to lie to not get in to trouble. 2 or 3 cops per week on corruption charges – Ghislaine Maxwell lies from jail, says Andrew photo is a fake’ interviewed by Jeremy Kyle. – Tanks to Ukraine. 321 new (DU equipped?) tanks, that is enough to equip two armoured divisions, Germany, Britain and the USA is sending to Ukraine – Scott Ritter on NATO deploying two Armoured Divisions of Battle Tanks To Ukraine – Pakistan economic crisis. Imran Khan on the BBC about how Pakistan elections should be brought forward. – Nine Palestinians killed by Israel, 7 Israelis killed by Palestinian. Palestinians narrate details of Israeli attacks on Jenin – Organic farmer Mark Purdey (2000) on how ISI ‘Phosmet’ organophosphate pesticide used in UK was most likely culprit for BSE, CJD etc. – PMQs freedom of religion and belief in UK – Isabel von Spruce arrested for praying in an exclusion zone around an abortion clinic. – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

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Part One News Review and Investigative Reports

Nadhim Zahawi and his tax affairs.  Baroness Camilla Cavendish on BBC about how the rich feel they are clever not to pay tax.  Dan Needle, the journalist, who investigated Zahawi’s tax affairs Who’s in charge – civil service or MPs?  PMQs Starmer – The Story Behind the Nadhim Zahawi Scoop The Media Show The story of Nadhim Zahawi’s tax affairs was broken thanks to the work of journalists and investigators. Katie Razzall meets two of them. Also in the programme, why Netflix has bought its first Welsh language crime drama.Guests: Anna Isaac, City Editor, The Guardian, Dan Neidle, Founder, Tax Policy Associates, Presenter: Katie Razzall Producer: Helen Fitzhenry Nadhim Zahawi has shown how the powerful silence their critics – Legal threats against journalists asking legitimate questions are rife. Those in power should be encouraging scrutiny, not stifling it. In one of my first roles as a business journalist it was a rite of passage for a new reporter to be given the phone number of a certain well-known British entrepreneur and told to ask for comment on a story about his company. However innocuous the story, the result would always be the same: angry denial, a torrent of bad language and threats made towards to the caller, their colleagues, their publication and, on at least one occasion, their parents. When the reporter hung up, ashen-faced, it would be to gales of laughter from the rest of the news team. 

Zahawi as Chancellor. Nadhim Zahawi, ex-chairman of ‘Le Cercle’ formerly known as the Pinay Circle named after .  What is Zahawi’s club, Le Cercle, and who are it’s members? MI6 and revolving doors of elite.  CIA Ted Shackley cemented Zahawi’s Pinay Cercle as a key European/US policy centre for politicians and retired NATO intelligence officers. Disruption of Left Wing Governments Le Cercle has also been accused of actively destabilizing governments which opposed a conservative economic agenda, such as Gough Whitlam’s Australian government.[30][31] Cercle member Robert Gascoyne-Cecil chaired the conservative Monday Club to oppose the decolonisation policies of Harold Wilson[32] It prepared a coup against his Labour government.[33] Opposition to Nuclear Disarmament Two Cercle members, Edward Leigh and Julian Lewis started the Coalition for Peace Through Security to try to reverse the rise in popularity of CND. In the US, the American Security Council started the Coalition for Peace Through Strength, which had comparable aims. Promotion of European Integration Le Cercle (like the Bilderberg Group, to which it is often compared) is strongly focused on European integration, going back to the efforts of its early members to bring about a Franco-German rapprochement. The significant presence of Paneuropa-affiliated Opus Dei members and Knights of Malta, together with statements of the Vatican and Otto von Habsburg, suggest an agenda of creating a new “Holy Roman Empire” with borders from the Atlantic to the Black Sea and from the Baltic Sea to North Africa.[citation needed] Interestingly, the latest generation of British Cercle members, whose predecessors were keen on joining the European Union, now seem to want to keep Britain out of the emerging European superstate, perhaps having lost faith they can become a significant force within Europe. Their American associates, however, would like for them to continue the effort of breaking into the Franco-German alliance and possibly to establish a new Anglo-German alliance. “War on Terror” The group’s interest in “counter-terrorism” and arms dealing suggests that it may have been important in devising the “War on Terror” narrative, as does the fact that at least four members of this group (Brian Crozier, Robert Moss, Gerhard Lowenthal, Alun Gwynne Jones) gave presentations at the seminal 1979 Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism. Some of the other speakers were connected to known members and may themselves have attended meetings of Le Cercle. Many members set up “terrorism research” organisations, which sheds new light on the “anti-communist” think tanks they also set up, such as Interdoc. Noting the presence of Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin in the group, Joël van der Reijden remarks that “That’s major news, because Baron de Bonvoisin, besides a key Belgian figure in the Strategy of Tension, is the most key name in the Belgian X-Dossiers.” Covert Military Intervention Following a Nasserite coup in Yemen in September 1962, Julian Amery (later Cercle chairman) met with King Hussein of Jordan and agreed to send Cercle attendee Neil McLean to report on the situation[34] after which Amery met with McLean, David Stirling, Col Brian Franks and UK Prime Minister Alec Douglas-Home to organise an unofficial mercenary operation.[35] Weapons dealing Cercle visitor John Carbaugh worked for GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation, an arms dealing group directly involved in Iran-Contra.[36] Others such as Margaret Carlisle were aides to Iran-Contra insiders. Cercle members Paul Channon and Alan Clark are connected through their involvement in the Arms-to-Iraq affair, also to the later chairman Jonathan Aitken, who himself was involved in the Al-Yamamah arms deal as well, as was another later chairman, Norman Lamont.[37] Nadhmi Auchi is widely reported as having made a lot of money from arms deals to Saddam Hussein, amongst others.[38][39] Other activities Ted Shackley was involved in oil deals after he left the CIA in 1979, facilitated by his close friend and fellow Cercle member, Conrad Gerber and oil smuggler John Deuss. Joël van der Reijden has suggested that Le Cercle was important in the organization of the 9/11 attacks.[40]

Eliot Higgins aka Bellingcat – Eliot’s background and funding of Bellincat.  James Foley fake video.  PMQs Eliot Higgins sued by Yevgeniy Prigozhin, a Russian Oligarch, for saying he was part of Wagner.  Yevgeny Prigozhin: UK reviews rules after Wagner head sued journalist The Treasury is considering changes to the process that allowed the head of Russia’s Wagner group to get around UK sanctions and sue a UK journalist. Investigative reporter Eliot Higgins faced action by Yevgeny Prigozhin – whose Wagner mercenaries are fighting for Russia in Ukraine – in late 2021. OpenDemocracy reported the UK issued special licences so he could override sanctions and pay his legal fees. The case was dropped when he admitted his ties to the notorious private army. Mr Prigozhin was first sanctioned by the UK in 2020 in a bid to stop anyone doing business with him. But under a UK law defining the Russian sanction regime, provisions allow sanctioned people to cover their “basic needs”, including the ability to apply for a licence to pay for legal fees. Decisions are taken by the Office for Financial Sanctions Implementation, a department in the Treasury which reviews applications by people placed under financial measures. Mr Prigozhin successfully used this route to enlist the help of Discreet Law, a London-based law firm, in order to take action against Mr Higgins, reported Open Democracy, a UK website that focuses on human rights. Treasury minister James Cartlidge told MPs on Wednesday that the guidance for these exemptions was “longstanding” – but said the government “is now considering whether this approach is the right one and if changes can be made”. A Treasury spokesman also said these applications are reviewed by officials with no political involvement – with Mr Cartlidge later telling the Commons “we are not aware of any decision being taken by a minister”. 

David Lammy at Chatham House on what he would do if he was Foreign Secretary.  Labour’s David Lammy promises new UK-EU security pact Labour would forge a new security pact between the UK and the European Union if it wins the next election, the shadow foreign secretary has said. In a speech, David Lammy set out five goals the party said would help Britain “thrive” on the world stage. The proposals involves working more closely with the EU on cyber threats, energy security and organised crime. A Foreign Office spokesman said that its focus was helping countries become resilient against external threats. In an address at the foreign affairs think tank Chatham House, Mr Lammy outlined how the party would reset UK foreign policy and create a “Britain Reconnected”. Labour say their proposals will improve UK prosperity by resolving the Northern Ireland Protocol negotiations, tackling climate change and rebuilding what the shadow foreign secretary described as Britain’s “tarnished” international reputation. Mr Lammy also promised to ease UK-EU friction on food and medical goods, strengthen the recognition of professional standards, and restore co-operation on science and research – with regular summits of the two sides to discuss commons issues. 

Skripal affair. Neil Basu, Special Operations MET.  Special Demonstration Squad.

Marvin at Cabinet in Bristol – Docks Fees and Charges Review – a petition has been got together by boat dwellers.  Mandy Sharman, from Bristol Boaters Community Association (BBCA), explains how boaters were given 5 days to respond to these planned rises in mooring charges.  Ben Ewing with an emotional plee at Cabinet meeting.  Mandy says price rises are too high and boaters would like to know what the money is going towards.  Mayor says he sorry.  Marvin Rees heckled by boaters over harbour fee hike – The mayor of Bristol was heckled in a public meeting after claiming some boat dwellers were “privileged” and “abusing the system”. People living and working in Bristol harbour face huge fee increases from April, with warnings some could be unable to pay and made homeless. Marvin Rees apologised to a packed public gallery in City Hall, during a full council meeting on Tuesday and promised to meet with boaters about the huge fee hike. But the cabinet also agreed to press ahead with the fee hike, and “consult” with people later. The mayor said he could not guarantee that all the people currently living on the boats in the harbour, of which there are at least 100, would be able to get new residential permits. Boaters urged him to pause the fee increase and consult with them on reasonable changes. David Taylor said: “A significant number of households may be made homeless. The mayor’s intentionally divisive language, calling boat dwellers immoral and a privileged few, was upsetting to many of us. “No consultation about these increases has taken place. The operational review of the harbour has not been made public, this means the community cannot see the basis for the increase in charges.” Ben Ewing added: “My wife and I are self-employed electricians, and we’ve worked in and around the harbour for years. I have a roof over my head and I provide for my family. I have been living on my boat for 14 years. “I found out today from the mayor’s website that I’m ‘abusing the system’ and ‘damaging the city’s ability to manage the harbour for all, not for the privileged few’. “Yesterday I was planning for my family’s future; today I’m vulnerable.” Fees boaters must pay include for pontoons, operating ferries, using showers, lifting and swinging bridges, and much more. Many of these fees are set to massively increase from April, well above inflation. The council said the increase will help pay for upgrades to facilities around the harbour, which boaters said were in very poor condition. Another criticism is a lack of transparency about the planned fee hike. The council said harbour fees had not properly been reviewed for 20 years, and it has spent years reviewing what they should be, benchmarking against other harbours, to come out with the new proposed charges. But this review has not been published and many questions remain. Michael Burnell said: “The increase to our running costs is going to have a massive effect, to the point that I’m probably not going to be able to keep my boat any more. That includes taking older generations out on the water to local restaurants and cafes. It’s really disheartening to find out all of this at such a late notice.”


Mandy Sharman, chair of the Bristol Boaters Community Association, said: “How can the cabinet make an informed decision while disregarding the impact these proposals could have on people’s homes? Can you guarantee that the existing boat dwellers in the harbour will be able to get residential licences?” Rachel Evans said: “You haven’t asked anybody in the harbour about how this will affect them. This is what the problem is: there’s been no communication. That’s why everyone is really angry. Which harbour did you look at? Were you comparing like for like? We have no facilities in Bristol, very little.” The harbour fee hike is one part of the council’s plan to charge more for some public services, while also cutting budgets for those same services. The amount the council receives from Westminster has massively fallen since 2010, due to the government’s austerity measures, and the council has few powers to raise its own revenue. Tony Nichols, the harbour master, said: “The current schedule of fees and charges applied are in some cases extremely low when benchmarked against other harbour authorities in the South West. Ani Stafford-Townsend, representing the Central ward, added: “There has been no consultation, no engagement and no equalities impact assessment on what it means for those whose lives depend on the harbour.”

James Perry, from Patriotic  Millionaires, on Talk Radio, how ethical people who have made lots of money in past years, want to pay more tax in to UK for the good of society. Patriotic Millionaires UK is a network of British millionaires, from multiple industries and backgrounds from across the UK, keen to deliver a shared mission: to leverage the voice of wealth to build a more just, stable, and inclusive economy and to accelerate the end of extreme wealth. Our shared vision is a just and inclusive society – in the UK and beyond. This can only be achieved by addressing the destabilizing levels of economic and political inequality; challenging the concentration of wealth and power, nationwide and around the world. Our unique contribution is to use the voice of millionaires to publicly advocate for the end of extreme wealth – calling time on the economic chasm created by growing inequality. We do this because the extreme wealth created by our current economic system is destructive, ineffective, and is eroding trust in democracy. We are an establishment voice with a radical message. We are the canary in the coalmine of a broken system. Our unique role is to publicly utilize the voice of wealth to raise the public profile of this agenda, acting as an ally and a tool to support others campaigning for economic change. 

PMQs asylum seekers coming in on boats.  Asylum seeker kids going missing.  Children seeking asylum were ‘kidnapped from Home Office hotels’, investigation claims – Children seeking asylum are being abducted in their dozens from Home Office hotels, an investigation has claimed. The vulnerable children – who are in the UK without parents or carers- are allegedly being kidnapped from the streets outside of the Brighton hotel, a whistleblower who works for Home Office contractor Mitie told The Observer. According to reports, 136 children who have stayed in the hotel over the last 18 months have been reported missing. An Observer investigation revealed that 79 children- which is over half of those missing- remain unaccounted for. “Children are literally being picked up from outside the building, disappearing and not being found. They’re being taken from the street by traffickers,” the whistleblower told the paper. The source also claimed they witnessed similar trafficking occuring in another hotel run by the Home Office in Hythe, Kent and estimated that around 10 per cent of the children have disappeared every week. The children may have been taken as far as Manchester and Scotland, the source suggested. The Home Office had reportedly been warned that asylum-seeking children would be targeted by gangs. Labour’s shadow secretary, Yvette Cooper, said the revelation is “truly appalling and scandalous”. She said:“It is a total dereliction of duty for the Home Office to so badly fail to protect child safety or crack down on the dangerous gangs putting them in terrible risk. Ministers must urgently put new protection arrangements in place.” A Home Office spokesperson said: “Local authorities have a statutory duty to protect all children, regardless of where they go missing from. In the concerning occasion when a child goes missing, they work closely with other local agencies, including the police, to urgently establish their whereabouts and ensure they are safe. ‘Ending the use of hotels for unaccompanied asylum seeking-children is an absolute priority, and we have robust safeguarding procedures in place to ensure all children in our care are as safe and supported as possible as we seek urgent placements with a local authority.” Brighton and Hove city council added: “We have been actively involved when any child is reported missing and have worked with the police and other agencies to try to trace them.” Sussex Police have been contacted for comment.

Albanians held in ‘debt bondage’ at drug farms to pay for Channel crossings NCA says small boats have become a cheaper method of staffing the ‘criminal marketplace’ Albanians crossing the English Channel in small boats are being held in “debt bondage” by criminal gangs and forced to work off the cost of journeys in drug farms, officials have said. The National Crime Agency (NCA) assesses that dinghies have become a cheaper alternative to the clandestine methods of staffing the “criminal marketplace” – like lorries and false documents – dominant in the past. Speaking at a press conference on Tuesday, NCA senior intelligence manager Ged McCann said Albanians arriving in small boats are commonly going into either the informal “grey economy”, particularly construction and car washes, or working for organised criminal groups. “Illegal migration is effectively bringing in the labour force for growing cannabis,” he added. “Some of those being arrested have arrived a matter of days before on small boats.” Mr McCann said Albanian gangs were adapting supply to the demand of the UK’s “buoyant drug market”, particularly for cocaine, and were increasing their dominance in cannabis growing.

John Wedger on how Police are taught to lie to not get in to trouble.  2 or 3 cops per week on corruption charges  – Met officer John Wedger says he was warned he would be silenced and “thrown to the wolves” if his findings ever got out. The Independent Police Complaints Commission is probing a string of cover-up allegations by Detective Constable Wedger. He claims: Police chiefs pulled the plug on his inquiry which revealed scores of sex offenders living on canal barges. A pimp was free to groom teenage girls because a magistrate was an alleged client of one girl. Vice squad officers were ordered not to arrest underage prostitutes. Bosses made threats over his report on a London child prostitution ring involving “someone connected to the music department of the BBC”. DC Wedger said he first saw signs of “back covering” in his role as a CID officer tracking child sex offenders in the early 2000s. He said: “I found a lot of paedophiles were going off the radar. There was a loophole in the law that allowed them to live on canal boats without being on the electoral register.” But after identifying scores of perverts using the canal network, DC Wedger says he was taken off the job. He said a senior officer told him: “I’m hearing your name mentioned in high places. You’re getting too good at this. I’m going to have to shut it down.” DC Wedger said he was transferred to the Met’s clubs and vice unit but he says he was ordered not to bring underage girls into the station. He said: “If you brought a kid in your night was finished.” He added: “I investigated a pimp known as Foxy who sold a 14-year-old girl called Zoe for sex and got her hooked on crack cocaine. “One of Foxy’s clients was a magistrate who used to regularly let her off when she got pulled in by police. There was also someone from the music department of the BBC involved.”

Ghislaine Maxwell interviewed by Jeremy Kyle. 

Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson; Blackrock; Tony on Brexit : Evolution :

Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports

Tanks to Ukraine.  Russia could retaliate – Dave de Camp at .  PMQs more weapons to Ukraine.  Depleted uranium in Ukraine.  Germany arm wrenched in to not taking Russian oil and sending tanks.  How does West see the end game to Ukraine war?  Jen Stoltenberg, NATO Chief, about tanks to Ukraine.  Scott Ritter on Ukraine, interviewed by Klayton Morris.  Reuters – 321 new tanks, that is enough to equip two armoured divisions, Germany, Britain and the USA is sending to Ukraine – White House Refuses to Say If Ukraine Will Get Toxic Depleted Uranium Ammo The White House refused to say if it will provide Ukraine with Bradley Fighting Vehicles equipped with radioactive depleted uranium rounds, ammunition that is linked to cancer and birth defects. Depleted uranium is typically created as a byproduct of producing enriched uranium and is extremely dense, making it an effective material to pierce the armor of tanks. Bradleys can be equipped with depleted uranium ammunition, which is why they are known as “tank killers.” When asked on Wednesday if the Bradleys the US is sending to Ukraine will be equipped with depleted uranium, a senior Biden administration official said, “I’m not going to get into the technical specifics.” The official also declined to answer if the M1 Abrams tanks the US is providing Kyiv will be equipped with a depleted uranium cage. Konstantin Gavrilov, the head of Russia’s delegation in Vienna on arms control, has warned Moscow would view the use of depleted uranium weapons in Ukraine as the use of a “dirty bomb.” Gavrilov claimed that Germany’s Leopard 2 tanks could also be equipped with depleted uranium rounds. “In case such munitions for NATO-made heavy weapons are supplied to Kiev, we will consider that as the use of dirty nuclear bombs against Russia with all the consequences that come with it,” he said, according to the Russian news agency TASS. Cancer and birth defects spiked in Iraq after the Gulf War, during which the US fired an estimated one million depleted uranium rounds. The US also used toxic ammunition in its 2003 invasion, and studies have found that birth defects are more common in areas where depleted uranium was used. Birth defects are still common today in the city of Fallujah.

West to deliver 321 tanks to Ukraine, says diplomat, as North Korea accuses US of ‘crossing the red line’ Western countries will deliver more than 300 tanks to Ukraine, Kyiv’s ambassador to France said Friday. “As of today, numerous countries have officially confirmed their agreement to deliver 321 heavy tanks to Ukraine,” Vadym Omelchenko told French TV station and CNN affiliate BFM television. He did not specify which countries would provide the tanks or provide a breakdown of which models. The figure from Omelchenko comes after the US this week pledged to provide 31 M1 Abrams tanks and Germany agreed to send 14 Leopard 2 A6s. Previously the United Kingdom has pledged 14 Challenger 2 tanks, while Poland has asked for approval from Germany to transfer some of its own German-made Leopard 2s to Ukraine. Omelchenko’s interview came as North Korea accused the United States and its allies of “further crossing the red line” by sending tanks to Ukraine. The US has a “sinister intention to realize its hegemonic aim by further expanding the proxy war for destroying Russia,” said Kim Yo Jong, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, in a statement run by North Korean media on Friday. She accused the US and other Western countries of “wrecking the global peace and the regional security while handing military hardware running into astronomical sums of money over to Ukraine in total disregard of Russia’s concern about security” – and vowed North Koreans would “always stand in the same trench” as the people of Russia. When the tanks will arrive in Ukraine remains unclear. Omelchenko said delivery dates would vary depending on the type of tank and the country of origin, and the timing would be adjusted during the next round of consultations between Ukraine and Western countries.

Pakistan economic crisis.  Imran Khan on the BBC about how Pakistan elections should be brought forward. Pakistan faces monumental crisis as economy tumbles Following the State Bank’s removal of a cap on Pakistan’s foreign currency exchange rate, the steep drop in the value of the rupee is bound to add to an already high rate of inflation. The change came shortly after the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) raised its interest rate to 17 per cent as it sought to battle inflation hovering around 30 percent, The News reported. Amid a rapidly tumbling economy, the writing on the wall for Pakistan’s future is clear – that the country faces another monumental crisis in its history. In a sharp departure from Finance Minister Ishaq Dar’s publicly repeated claims of keeping domestic fuel prices unchanged, Pakistanis must now brace for a hike in petrol and diesel prices in the coming days, The News reported. As petroleum products are imported in Pakistan, the rupee’s devaluation must force not just a jump in domestic fuel prices, the resultant inflation is bound to hit a range of consumers from owners of private transport to public transport such as trucks and buses. Besides, a jump in the price of diesel will inevitably add to the cost of production in agriculture and industry. Eventually, though not of direct consequence to ordinary consumers, airlines are likely to raise the cost of domestic and international rupee denominated airfares. Meanwhile, the official rant of placing the guilt of Pakistan’s present day economic troubles upon the last government is neither true nor productive. Dar came to the job in his latest tenure, promising to oversee the appreciation of rupee to a rate of 200 rupee to a US dollar. And the ultimate outcome in today’s forex market is nothing but a massive departure from that ambition, The News reported. 

Nine Palestinians killed by Israel, 7 Israelis killed by Palestinian.  Chinese new base in Guam.  Palestinians narrate details of Israeli attacks on Jenin Zahida Al-Solmi, an eyewitness of Thursday’s Israeli attack, told Anadolu that “at exactly seven o’clock (0600GMT), we noticed that there was a Special Force that arrived at the camp through a dairy transport refrigerator vehicle, and surrounded a house.” “The Israeli Forces opened fire on the house and fired several missiles,” she added. The woman, who stood in shock in front of her house after it was completely destroyed, said “the medical staff recovered four bodies from inside the house after the withdrawal of the Israeli Forces.” Other eyewitnesses told Anadolu that they saw an Israeli military bulldozer run over a Palestinian vehicle, in cold blood, with an injured person inside. Targeting medical personnel “The Israeli Army targeted medical personnel and prevented ambulances from entering the camp during the operation,” Palestinian Health Minister, Mai Al-Kaila, said in a statement. She said the Occupation Forces stormed Jenin Governmental Hospital, and deliberately fired tear gas canisters at the paediatric department in the hospital, causing children to suffocate. Massacre Deputy Governor of Jenin, Kamal Abu Al-Rub, accused the Israeli authorities of committing a massacre in the Jenin camp. “What happened in Jenin is the largest invasion since 2002, an official massacre,” he told Anadolu. “The scene is similar to the devastation left by the Israeli massacres in 1948, during the Nakba,” he added. The Nakba Day is marked by the Palestinian people on 15 May of every year to remember the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes and areas in 1948 after the founding of Israel. He pointed out that the Israeli authorities are seeking to eliminate the Palestinian Resistance in Jenin. “Humans, property, and even children were not spared,” he added. “The forces deliberately kill. They shoot indiscriminately.” Palestinian presidency condemns The spokesman for the Palestinian Presidency, Nabil Abu Rudeineh, said: “Israel is committing its crimes against our people in light of the impotence and silence of the international community,” according to the official Palestine TV. “The international silence is what encourages the Occupation to commit more massacres, it continues to disregard the lives of our people, and tamper with security and stability through its policy of escalation,” he added. “Our people are steadfast and will not give up Jerusalem and the sanctities, regardless of the crimes and massacres committed by the Occupying Forces,” the spokesman noted. Abu Rudeineh called on the international community to take urgent action to protect the Palestinian people.

Organic farmer Mark Purdey (2000) on how ISI ‘Phosmet’ organophosphate pesticide used in UK was most likely culprit for BSE, CJD etc. 

PMQs freedom of religion and belief in UK – Isabel von Spruce arrested for praying in an exclusion zone around an abortion clinic.  Isabel Vaughan-Spruce arrest in Birmingham: DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson challenges Rishi Sunak on abortion clinic exclusion zones He was speaking after his party hosted a pro-life campaigner at Westminster who was arrested for praying silently inside a protest exclusion zone at a Birmingham abortion clinic. Last month pro-life activist Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, 45, was arrested and charged with four counts of breaching an exclusion zone outside the abortion clinic at Kings Norton. She is due to appear in court on 2 February. Birmingham City Council introduced the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) at the clinic to ensure “people visiting and working there have clear access without fear of confrontation”. Her arrest, which was caught on video, saw a policeman ask her: “Are you praying?” to which she replied: “I might be praying in my head”. She then declined to go voluntarily to the police station to answer questions and was placed under arrest. Speaking afterwards she said: “Nobody should ever be subject to harassment. But what I did was the furthest thing from harmful – I was exercising my freedom of thought, my freedom of religion, inside the privacy of my own mind. Nobody should be criminalised for thinking and for praying, in a public space in the UK.” Today in the House of Commons, DUP Leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP asked Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to review such laws and ensure that England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are “beacons of religious freedom” across the world. He added: “She [Vaughan-Spruce] was questioned by police about her thoughts – not her spoken or written words. This is unacceptable. This is not about abortion. This is about religious freedom in the United Kingdom in 2023. “I trust our Prime Minister would agree that no one should be arrested because of their thoughts or prayers and our constabularies across the UK should be allowed to focus on tackling real crime instead of being required to police our thoughts.” Mr Sunak replied that the matters were under discussion in Parliament. “Of course we believe in freedom of religion, belief and expression in this country, but we are also balancing that with the rights of women to seek legal and safe abortions,” he replied. That is currently being discussed in this Parliament.” These issues are always matters of a free vote in Parliament, he added. Last year the NI Assembly voted to bring similar buffer zones into Northern Ireland, which will come into force once given Royal Assent. DUP MP Carla Lockhart, who campaigns against abortion, hosted Ms Vaughan-Spruce on a visit to Parliament on Tuesday. “In Northern Ireland, the potential impact of our legislation is startling when you consider the consequences of GB legislation,” the MP said. “We are now firmly in the realm where ‘thought crimes’ like prayer are a policing priority.” But former leader of the NI Green Party, Claire Bailey, said such buffer zones are an essential part of healthcare. She spearheaded the NI Assembly bill which will make it a criminal offence to protest inside 150m buffer zones around abortion clinics across NI. “In my opinion, there is a deliberate campaign of harassment and intimidation happening outside healthcare facilities to prevent people from safely accessing essential health care, and in my opinion, that needs to stop,” she said. Asked if she felt protestors in Northern Ireland may likewise be arrested if they engage in silent prayer inside a buffer zone, she said: “That is for the police to determine, whether they are preventing a protected person within a buffer zone from safely accessing health care. ” The PSNI will have the power to move anyone along who breaches the law, she said, with offenders facing fines of up to £500.

Radio4All download pages
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#1 – Complete 3hr 30min show – [right click to download]
Full interviews with…
#2 – Scott Ritter on NATO supplying Ukraine with two armoured divisions of Leopard Abrams Challenger battle tanks Clayton Morris 00:10:00
#3 – Ghislaine Maxwell from prison Jeremy Kyle 23Jan23 00:20:00
#4 – Wealth Is Untaxed Work Taxed Too Much James Perry Patriotic Millionaires 00:10:00
#5 – Story Behind The Nadhim Zahawi Scoop Dan Needle Anna Isaac Katie Razzle 00:20:00
#6 – David Lammy at Chatham House RIIA Jan23 What is Labour’s foreign policy 01:10:00
#7 – Council Meeting Social Cleansing Jan 2023 Mooring Fees Hike Bristol Boaters Community Association 00:20:00


Tony’s new paperback and eBooks Traitors Of Arnhem, Siege Of Heaven; Siege Of Heaven Reader – all available for donation, or to buy, via
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ here.

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

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