Apologies. All audio files disappeared off radio4All server earlier. Emergency full show link here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UAz-M8pjKji74JO_BGVAVu_SGF-pcZw_ MP3 of Friday 24th February 2023 Show [right click to download]… …(from c. 23:00) – Links to this week’s full interviews, bottom of pageSHOW STARTS …

Joe Banks, freelance journalist and historian, joins Tony and Martin – Plan for tallest building in city’s history is ‘assault on Bristol’ – The tower block plan has ‘grown’ by seven storeys on the drawing board in three months – INSIDE STORY ON PLANNING CORRUPTION: Simon Killane, [see this week’s long interviews] ex Councillor from Malmesbury, on planning in Wiltshire and his Neighbourhood – Mayor Marvin gives his ex boxing club, Empire Fighting Chance, a free 999 year lease, handing over £1.35million of public land to his friends – Chinese run British steel closure. British Steel to cut 260 jobs as it plans to close coke ovens at Scunthorpe – INSIDE STORY ON UK DE-INDUSTRIALISATION AND MINING: Arthur Scargill on how British coal could still be used and not create too much CO2. – TIN MINE CLOSED IN 1980s WHEN US FLOODED THE MARKET COULD MAKE £1 MILLION A MONTH IF ALLOWED TO REOPEN: – Greg Lance Watkins, blogger and Brexiteer, compares the Ukrainian 1932-33 Holdomor and the Irish 1845-52 potato famines – BREXIT MARTIN TONY SHOUTING MATCH 1 OF 2: DCI John Caldwell shot by ‘New IRA’ in Northern Ireland but was it MI5? – Mick Whelan, ASLEF General Secretary, being questioned by MPs who seem to know nothing. – PROFESSOR URGES VOLUNTARY CULL OF ELDERLY: Yale University says mass suicide of older people needed Old people should embrace ‘mass suicide’, – LORDS OF CHAOS LATEST: Traffic chaos as Smart Motorway system fails – Smart motorway network failure renews calls for ‘death trap’ system to be axed – Smart Cities protest, 15 Minute Cities protest in Oxford last Saturday: 12 yr old Jasmine SMASHES greedy, evil Accelerationist Politicians, speaks truth and justice in Oxford. – NORTHERN IRELAND PROTOCOL MARTIN TONY SHOUTING MATCH 2 OF 2: Keir Starmer’s speech – 5 election 2024 pledges – Protocol: Hopes raised for Brexit deal – A.I. wanting to make decisions like a human – Microsoft Bing’s AI chatbot tells reporter it wants to be HUMAN, engineer a deadly pandemic and steal nuclear codes – A.I. used for targetting in Ukraine war – Ukraine is outflanking Russia with ammunition from Big Tech [Times article now taken down] – Sci Fi publisher – A.I. generated pictures overwhelmed them – Sci-fi publisher Clarkesworld halts pitches amid deluge of AI-generated stories – – Putin’s speech Putin’s state of the nation speech: What exactly did he say? President Putin blames the West and Ukraine for the war he ordered a year ago. – British ‘Prime Minister’ Rishi Sunak in Q&A at Munich Security Conference getting the Baltic and the Black Seas mixed up just like Liz Truss did when foreign secretary in 2022 – ‘British Army already fighting in Ukraine and at war with Russia’, ex-UK ambassador to Syria, war through this and economic, cyber and psychological (media) warfare. – Boris Johnson scuppering peace deal between Ukraine and Russia last year. – BBC choose Arkady Ostrovsky, Russia Editor for The Economist, to debut live off the back of Putin’s speech – Frederico Carvalho, Portuguese journalist, on how it was discovered Bilderberg was in Lisbon 17-20 May this year, and how he sees Europe as far apart from the EU – Scott Ritter on how the West doesn’t have enough ammunition to give to Ukraine – Michael Hudson on the massive sacrifice the West has made to ‘help’ Ukraine. The picture for the world this year. – THERE ARE REALLY ONLY TWO RELIGIONS, BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY AND LUCIFERIANISM: David B, from Round Saturn’s Eye, www.rseonline.org on non Christian imagery. – The Revd. Stephen Sizer – Crucified by the Church of England for supporting the Palestinians – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling Read more »

MP3 of Friday 17th February 2023 Show [right click to download]… …(from c. 23:00) – Links to this week’s full interviews, bottom of pageSHOW STARTS AT 17:00 BST – FOR 3 HRS TO c. 20:00 17:00 to 20:00 BST, 12:00-15:00 …

Cancelled Bristol University Sociology professor David Miller joins Tony and Martin who will speak next Saturday in London at the No2Nato meeting – Cancelled Labour MP Chris Williamson on the strikes and…. Jeremy Corbyn will not be allowed to stand as a Labour MP but he does not react to the decision by announcing his intentions at next year’s General Election – UCU strikes and failed Neoliberal model of Universities. Do lecturers have any ‘industrial muscle’? James Cussans UCU – Big REACH PLC pay settlement for journalists … to Mesmerise the public? – Pre-Pay meters criminal scandal and Chris O’Shea’s 3.3bn Centrica profits – Sonia Mortimer. – NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is in Turkey but is it about NATO expansion or the earthquake? COULD BOTH BE RELATED (see below)? – War-hungry West’s ‘Security Conference’ kicks off in Munich, 1920s Nazi party HQ – Admiral John Kirby cannot admit that NATO has expanded Eastwards threatening Russia. – Charlie Skelton on Sullivan, Burns, Baker: Bilderberg 2022’s Nord Stream Saboteurs Named By Sy Hersh BALTOPS exercise to plant the mines began the day Bilderberg 2022 ended in Washington. – Nord Stream was an attack on Germany, a supposed ally,all stories about weather balloons and airships are just a distraction from this US government act of war against Germany and Russia. – Russian Airborne officer Andre Konsevich on Scott Ritter Show says Russia is dealing with military corporations and the Western banking system, not individual governmnets. – David Miller: European arms and other industries are being ‘killed off’ by US empire policies. – 350-500k Russian soldiers ready to go on FM Lavrov’s warning for anniversary of Russian invasion of Ukraine. – Retired US Colonel Douglas McGregor says Ukraine is about to be annihilated – Spy balloons and other aerial spy equipment JUST A LONDON MEDIA DIVERSION PSYOP. Colonel Douglas McGregor on anti Russia propaganda. – Nord Stream sabotage mastermind Jake Sullivan would rather be the permanent government. Now a week to the first anniversary of beginning of Ukraine war. – Turkey Earthquake Geoengineered By US says Romanian Senator Diana Ivanovici Sosoaca citing evidence – Voltaire Network – could Turkish/Syrian earthquake be US underground nuke? – 01Feb23 (5 days before ‘earthquake’) Turkey’s Erdogan to Sweden: ‘Don’t even bother’ with NATO bid if Quran-burning is allowed – 03Feb23 [3 days before ‘earthquake’] US/NATO Threatened Turkey Three Days Before Earthquake – ‘Take your dirty hands off of Turkey’, – 03Feb23 [3 days before ‘earthquake’] Turkey is still holding up Sweden, Finland’s NATO membership – US stockpile of chemical weapons in WWII kills THOUSANDS of ALLIED servicemen and civilians – World War II: – Ban using geo- engineering. Evidence 2010 Haiti earthquake was caused by an underground bomb. – Lat week’s glorious ‘media whores megaphone man’ Chris Burns cured his lifelong asthma hay-fever illness just by cutting out dairy products in the summer months. For his asthma, pharmaceuticals didn’t work at all – Mark Purdey – NAZIS INVENTED ORGANOPHOSPHATES? – organo-phosphates causing mad cows disease – Neil Oliver with Sandi AdamsONE WEEK LEFT TO STOP DIGITAL ID CARDS Proposed benefits from the data sharing for individuals and households include…. slavery – Aaron Russo: Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) correctly predicted by Aaron Russo in Reflections and Warnings (2009) – Banking world government and chips in people. Kees van der Pijl, author of ‘States of Emergency’, on gaining control over an unruly world population. – Irish Mail – Ireland must cut livestock by 1/3 ‘Worse than Cromwell’ – Ireland must cut livestock numbers by a third – Charlie Skelton Lisbon Bilderberg 2023 & Bilderberg 2022 Nord Stream War Criminals – Bilderberg Conference coming up Lisbon 17 May 2023 . Other important groups such as Le Circle.WEF, Schwab, Goldman Sachs, Kissinger, security, big media groups. – Palantir’s MetaConstellation – Bilderberger Alex Karp A defence source told The Times: “A digital army is fighting an analogue army. “ – Lavrov, speaking on Thursday 2nd Febrary, says stage 2 of war begins Russia threatens it ‘will gain world’s attention’ on Ukraine invasion anniversary – Ross Patterson, a colleague of Jonathan Grey, on surprising discoveries in the Holy Land:The Lost Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, Noah’s Ark, The Arc of the Covenant, Red Sea Crossing – Shocking! Inside REAL Hell Fire Club Secret Temple (R$E) – Filmed on location at Hell Fire Caves in West Wycombe – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling Read more »

MP3 of Friday 10th February 2023 Show [right click to download]… …(from c. 23:00) – Links to this week’s full interviews, bottom of pageSHOW STARTS AT 17:00 BST – FOR 3 HRS TO c. 20:00 17:00 to 20:00 BST, 12:00-15:00 …

High Court case on 5G defended by Michael Mansfield. 5G and military use. – Russian oil tankers can’t be insured as their oil price too low – ‘Murdered For Her Bed’. Dr. Vernon Coleman on the NHS’s misuse of Midazolam and Morphine to ‘murder’ patients – Investigative journalist Mark Steyn from GB News forced to resign after bos says he can’t fight complaints but mist pay Ofcom fines – ‘Chris’ at Southwark Crown Court getting very cross about Covid vaccines and ‘media whores’ – Tony Benn lecture – The Media and the Political Process. How much is biased or spun, and how much did we never get to hear about at all? – Ex MP Jarad O’Mara jailed for fraud for 4 yrs after he took £24,000 for his cocaine habit. – Keir Starmer in Bristol this week saying Labour Mayor Marvin shouldn’t be on a picket line. – Tony Benn MP: How Margaret Thatcher destroyed British society through Privatisation & Debt Slavery – Would you live in these flats? Mayor’s ‘flagship’ housing project begins to slip intop the river Avon – Jonathan Moses, from Right to Roam, on his skill sharing course on your rights to roam. – Hardcore winter occupiers at the Stonehenge Protest Camp: Goldie from Save Stonehenge Heritage Action Protest Camp – – National security bill will have ‘chilling effect’ on investigative journalism in UK Guy Black, deputy chair of Telegraph newspapers, says – Roger Waters pushes for a ceasefire in Ukrainian/Russian war, and peace talks. – At PMQs Labour’s Starmer demands the defeat of Putin in Ukraine. – Seymour Hersh article – US did bombing of Russian Nord Stream II pipeline – Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines were sabotaged by bomb blasts on September 26 2022 – Ukraine relying on US intelligence on where to send it’s missiles. German tanks and now fighter jets to Ukraine? – ‘Clapped out.’ British Army is not a proper fighting force now, after it’s equipment sent to Ukraine – – US senators want military aid to Ukraine to end. Ukraine Fatigue Resolution. Rep. Matt Gaetz Leads – Zelenskyy’s speech in Westminster. Scott Ritter on war in Ukraine – Scott Ritter show with top Russian ex-special forces academic Andrey Klincevich, asks When will Russian offensive begin– Russia warns it will ‘gain world’s attention’ on first anniversary of Ukraine war – Murdered Anti-Nuclear Campaigner Hilda Murrell was a WWII MI6 Bletchley Park team supervisor – Col. ‘Mozart’ Milburn, who has been training Zelenskyy’s forces, says Ukraine is a f-upped society – New Years Eve firework displays using drones to purvey pro AI propaganda. Signs the Beast? – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling Read more »

MP3 of Friday 3rd February 2023 Show [right click to download]… …(from c. 23:00) – Links to this week’s full interviews, bottom of pageSHOW STARTS AT 17:00 BST – FOR 3 HRS TO c. 20:00 17:00 to 20:00 BST, 12:00-15:00 …

Amy Rowe, ex Pharmacist, and Justin Thomas from PCS, join Tony and Martin. – Mark Serwotka on why people are striking. Nick Whelan on the strikes and how the Government aren’t listening. – UK Labour Party leader Kier Starmer at WEF Davos, on why he prefers Davos to Westminster. – School strikes. Anne Lemon on school strikes and why state education is so important. – Thousands attend protest march in Bristol on ‘walkout Wednesday’ – Government ignoring £trillions in taxable offshore wealth – Interest rates raised to 4% to keep inflation down. Think-tanks hit out at ‘misguided’ rise in rates during cost of living crisis – Increasing mooring fees 200% in Bristol Harbour – George Ferguson says there was no consultation. – What it’s like living on a boat in Bristol as new harbour fees set to be introduced – – Green Party win Hotwells and Harbourside by election. Green Party becomes largest on council – Together Declaration’ event in Bath, opposing the new 15 minute city plan – Sharon Davies, famous swimmer, – Karen Churchill, from Action Against 5G, on a court case they are bringing next week, how 5G effects your health – Scottish Gender Recognition Act – BBC Question Time – Ella Whelan, journalist and author, says you can’t change reality. – PMQs Kim Johnson says Israel has a fascist government. Israel’s new finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, has described himself as a “fascist homophobe”. – Bethlehem: vengeful Israeli settlers on the rampage – Israel defying international law. Palestine: – Blinken cancels peace talk visit to China after ‘weather balloon’ spotted over US. – Troy Kennedy Martin, writer for the BBC in the 70s and 80s, on how it was getting harder to get anything interesting through – Brigade 77 – article by whistleblower in The Mail- Peter Hitchins on Talk Radio. – William Ramsey, author of ‘Global Death Cult: The Order of Nine Angles, Atomwaffen and the Slaughter of the Innocents’, – Several articles about the Satanic far-right ‘Armageddonists’, Nick Land and their murderous ‘Order of Nine Angles’ terror cells. – Accelerationism, amphetamine philosophy, and the Death Trip – This is a story about dangerous ideas but it’s mainly about Nicholas Land. – Accelerationism or Satanic Armageddonists? Nick Land’s Dark Enlightenment with Iain Davis – Nicola Bulley, Wyre River Disappearance While Walking Dog. Lancashire police perversely ‘do not suspect foul play’ – 1996 article about Nick Land and Sadie Plant’s CCRU by Sociology Professor at Leeds Metropolitan University, Mike Peters – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling Read more »