Apologies. All audio files disappeared off radio4All server earlier. Emergency full show link here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UAz-M8pjKji74JO_BGVAVu_SGF-pcZw_ MP3 of Friday 24th February 2023 Show [right click to download]… …(from c. 23:00) – Links to this week’s full interviews, bottom of pageSHOW STARTS …
Joe Banks, freelance journalist and historian, joins Tony and Martin – Plan for tallest building in city’s history is ‘assault on Bristol’ – The tower block plan has ‘grown’ by seven storeys on the drawing board in three months – INSIDE STORY ON PLANNING CORRUPTION: Simon Killane, [see this week’s long interviews] ex Councillor from Malmesbury, on planning in Wiltshire and his Neighbourhood – Mayor Marvin gives his ex boxing club, Empire Fighting Chance, a free 999 year lease, handing over £1.35million of public land to his friends – Chinese run British steel closure. British Steel to cut 260 jobs as it plans to close coke ovens at Scunthorpe – INSIDE STORY ON UK DE-INDUSTRIALISATION AND MINING: Arthur Scargill on how British coal could still be used and not create too much CO2. – TIN MINE CLOSED IN 1980s WHEN US FLOODED THE MARKET COULD MAKE £1 MILLION A MONTH IF ALLOWED TO REOPEN: – Greg Lance Watkins, blogger and Brexiteer, compares the Ukrainian 1932-33 Holdomor and the Irish 1845-52 potato famines – BREXIT MARTIN TONY SHOUTING MATCH 1 OF 2: DCI John Caldwell shot by ‘New IRA’ in Northern Ireland but was it MI5? – Mick Whelan, ASLEF General Secretary, being questioned by MPs who seem to know nothing. – PROFESSOR URGES VOLUNTARY CULL OF ELDERLY: Yale University says mass suicide of older people needed Old people should embrace ‘mass suicide’, – LORDS OF CHAOS LATEST: Traffic chaos as Smart Motorway system fails – Smart motorway network failure renews calls for ‘death trap’ system to be axed – Smart Cities protest, 15 Minute Cities protest in Oxford last Saturday: 12 yr old Jasmine SMASHES greedy, evil Accelerationist Politicians, speaks truth and justice in Oxford. – NORTHERN IRELAND PROTOCOL MARTIN TONY SHOUTING MATCH 2 OF 2: Keir Starmer’s speech – 5 election 2024 pledges – Protocol: Hopes raised for Brexit deal – A.I. wanting to make decisions like a human – Microsoft Bing’s AI chatbot tells reporter it wants to be HUMAN, engineer a deadly pandemic and steal nuclear codes – A.I. used for targetting in Ukraine war – Ukraine is outflanking Russia with ammunition from Big Tech [Times article now taken down] – Sci Fi publisher – A.I. generated pictures overwhelmed them – Sci-fi publisher Clarkesworld halts pitches amid deluge of AI-generated stories – – Putin’s speech Putin’s state of the nation speech: What exactly did he say? President Putin blames the West and Ukraine for the war he ordered a year ago. – British ‘Prime Minister’ Rishi Sunak in Q&A at Munich Security Conference getting the Baltic and the Black Seas mixed up just like Liz Truss did when foreign secretary in 2022 – ‘British Army already fighting in Ukraine and at war with Russia’, ex-UK ambassador to Syria, war through this and economic, cyber and psychological (media) warfare. – Boris Johnson scuppering peace deal between Ukraine and Russia last year. – BBC choose Arkady Ostrovsky, Russia Editor for The Economist, to debut live off the back of Putin’s speech – Frederico Carvalho, Portuguese journalist, on how it was discovered Bilderberg was in Lisbon 17-20 May this year, and how he sees Europe as far apart from the EU – Scott Ritter on how the West doesn’t have enough ammunition to give to Ukraine – Michael Hudson on the massive sacrifice the West has made to ‘help’ Ukraine. The picture for the world this year. – THERE ARE REALLY ONLY TWO RELIGIONS, BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY AND LUCIFERIANISM: David B, from Round Saturn’s Eye, www.rseonline.org on non Christian imagery. – The Revd. Stephen Sizer – Crucified by the Church of England for supporting the Palestinians – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling Read more »