Who pays the fact checkers? Judith Brown joins Tony and Martin. She has investigated Fact Checkers around the world and produced a report: Fact Checking the Fact Checkers – – Who funds the fact checkers around the world and what are their political motives. Greyzone – Marianna Spring – Kit Klarenberg – bio of Marianna Spring. The BBC isn’t exposing disinformation. It’s peddling it – Elon Musk – got rid of bot profiles on Twitter. How Fact Checkers worked through Covid narrative. – Oliver Dowden – secret unit to suppress lockdown dissent – Mike Graham and Isabel Oakshot on Talk TV. Oliver Dowden led secret unit to stamp out lockdown dissent during pandemic – National Unin of Journalists (NUJ) withdraw defence of Kit Klarenberg. Fact Check groups have more power than governments? Dogmas and cancel cultures. NUJ throws Kit Klarenberg under the bus after his detention by cops – Lord Matt Ridley on Oliver Dowden’s disinformation unit and IEA lockdown report. The UK is blinding itself to the truth about COVID’s origins – – Global warming and factory farm problems. Did lockdowns work or not? Yemen – peace since Ukraine war. – Better Way Conference, Bath – what Judith felt were highlights of Conference. The Vacine Control Group Initiative at conference – those non vaxxed with Covid jabs as a control group – Shedding of spike protein from Covid jab? Daniel Nouriro at conference – supplement to rid body of vax-induced spike protein? 13 ways that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein causes damage – – BRIBED POLITICIANS 1: BBC QT – cynical King’s Lynn audience member. Labour Party. Liar Politicians: UK Politics Utterly Fraudulent. Corrupted by Finance Capitalism’s devil’s deal with the deep state. – BRIBED POLITICIANS 2: ‘The Hidden Masters of the Universe’ by Ben Chu on Radio 4 about private equity groups. The Hidden Masters of the Universe – BRIBED POLITICIANS 3: Black Rock and Vanguard. Who Really Runs The World? Blackrock & Vanguard, C21 Monopoly, Financial 4th Reich & The Great Reset by Monique Jansen – – BRIBED POLITICIANS 4: ‘Barbarians at the gate’ [FULL VIDEO] 1993 film about hostile takeovers. ‘ Barbarians at the Gate (1993) Fantastic film based on the RJR Nabisco fiasco. – BRIBED POLITICIANS 5: The Corporation’ documentary. C4 News report on Universal Basic Income, a probable Bilderberg subject. – Distraction? Ukraine’s 2014 CIA Coup Plotter Yatsenyuk: ‘Russia busted Khakhovka Dam’ – CIA Coup plotter Yatsenyuk announces Russia blew up the dam! Dam breaking in Ukraine and different theories on how it happened. BBC report on the breaking of Ukraine Dam – – Counter offensive and casualties. Martin Frizzel, Editor of This Morning, gives psychopathic response to question abput ‘toxic culture at ITV. – Toxic ITV culture confirmed by editor Martin Frizzel – Hannah Borno on the aftermath of Bilderberg 2023, Swedish NATO negotiator left off Bilderberg list, gets in anyway Stenström quietly attended last week, – Hail Satan film (2019) The Church of Satan, established in 1966 by chat show circuit celebrity Anton LaVey in San Francisco, California. Human sacrifice? Wrong? Blood drinking? Wrong? Black Mass? Well, sort of right – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
Judith Brown joins Tony and Martin. She has investigated Fact Checkers around the world and produced a report: Fact Checking the Fact Checkers – by Dr Judith Brown (June 2023) Fact Checking the Fact Checkers By Dr. Judith Brown, PhD., M.Sc., M.Sc.Econ.; M.Research (Journalism). Fact checking itself is not new. It is and was a function of the press and broadcasters; journalists check sources and content of stories to ensure that published news stories are realistic, in order to protect the reputation of media outlets. This does not mean that the news is always accurate or unbiased, as story selection, perspective and external and internal influence inevitably alter the way that information and news are presented. In most news outlets there is also an opportunity to comment on news stories, adding a subjective perspective to published or broadcast items. Journalists inevitably have a close relationship with governments and powerful institutions, and they often work in partnership to shape the contents of media output. The advent of social media altered the relationship between power, the media, and the public; Facebook was launched in 2004, followed by Twitter in 2006, and since then social media has continued to grow. This gave the opportunity for citizen journalism – for ordinary people to share with others their uncensored view of world events. The response to the loosening control of information was for the development of a new industry – independent fact checkers. One of the first fact check platforms was Politifact, in USA, in 2007 In UK Full Fact was launched in 2010; fact check platforms began to proliferate throughout the world, such as Africa Check in 2012; and BOOMlive in India in 2016. The Poynter Institute in Florida began to network with these new platforms, and in 2015 launched the International Fact Checking Network (IFCN), by 2016/17 they established a Code of Principles. There are 171 fact checking groups listed as verified signatories in May 2023, of which 41 were first verified in 2017, demonstrating the industry’s growth.
Who funds the fact checkers around the world and what are their political motives. Greyzone – Marianna Spring – Kit Klarenberg – bio of Marianna Spring. The BBC isn’t exposing disinformation. It’s peddling it Jonathan Cook The state broadcaster says its new Verify service will subject its own journalism to more rigorous fact-checking. But a far less neutral agenda appears to be concealed beneath this lofty aspiration To much fanfare last week, the BBC rolled out its latest public service: BBC Verify. The British state broadcaster promised that a team of dedicated reporters would work on behalf of viewers to counter “the growing threat of disinformation”. On the plus side, the BBC claims it will subject its own journalism to more rigorous fact-checking and data analysis “in the pursuit of truth”. But a far less neutral agenda appears to be concealed beneath this lofty aspiration. Introducing the new service on the BBC Breakfast morning show, “disinformation and social media correspondent” Marianna Spring gave a flavour of what was in store. The BBC’s own, all-too-visible failings appeared far from her thoughts. She drew digital arrows on a screen, creating a sinister network of ties between “far-right figures” with “foreign links” on one side, and a “UK conspiracy movement” and “alternative media” on the other. If anyone assumed Verify would be scrutinising the long track record of the BBC and the rest of the UK’s establishment media in misleading audiences, they look set to be sorely disappointed. Even Spring’s job title connects disinformation specifically to social media rather than to the so-called “legacy media” to which she belongs. – – Ministry of Truth’ It is worth remembering that it was the BBC’s all-too-real Ministry of Information, where George Orwell worked during World War Two, that became the model for the fictional “Ministry of Truth” in his dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. The Ministry of Truth’s slogan ran: “Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” A state broadcaster telling the public that it has special insights into truth – and anyone who disagrees is dangerously promoting “disinformation” – has a long and ugly pedigree. Far from prioritising “independence” as it proclaims, the BBC was originally set up as a vehicle for promoting British establishment interests, as its founder confided in a diary entry in 1926 concerning that year’s General Strike. Lord Reith wrote of the British government: “They know they can trust us not to be really impartial.” In 2009, a former director general of the BBC, Greg Dyke, suggested nothing had changed eight decades on. He argued that BBC news coverage was part of a Westminster “conspiracy” designed to keep a failing British political system from being subjected to “radical change” – a characterisation that was even harder to dismiss after Corbyn became Labour leader six years later. The BBC also appears to have secretly colluded with the British government in its information warfare campaigns abroad.
Elon Musk – got rid of bot profiles on Twitter. How Fact Checkers worked through Covid narrative.
Oliver Dowden – secret unit to suppress lockdown dissent – Mike Graham and Isabel Oakshot on Talk TV. Oliver Dowden led secret unit to stamp out lockdown dissent during pandemic Story by Investigations team, Christopher Hope • Tuesday Mr Dowden, who was culture secretary at the time, directed the CDU to start tackling Covid disinformation in March 2020. The Telegraph disclosed last week the unit flagged discussions about controversial lockdown policies, and criticism of the mass vaccination of children against Covid, including by using artificial intelligence. Documents also show that British citizens, including well-respected scientists and campaigners, had their posts monitored. The Telegraph understands that Michelle Donelan, Mr Dowden’s eventual successor, tried to have the CDU shut down after she took over at the Department for Culture, Media and Sport in September last year. She was uncomfortable that the unit was flagging social media posts by British citizens that were neither disinformation – false information that is spread deliberately – nor misinformation – false information that is inadvertently spread. Ms Donelan – who is currently on maternity leave – raised concerns with officials at a meeting after she took the post. A source said that she thought the unit should be replaced, or stripped back so that it focused “solely on foreign [material] and disinformation”. Ms Donelan will resume responsibility for the unit when she returns from maternity leave in the summer, in her new role as Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology. On Tuesday Government officials scrambled to stem the growing scandal around the CDU. Mr Dowden joined an urgent meeting with staff to discuss the furore and sources insisted that the CDU’s activities were innocuous because they trawled for information on the open web. The Government has previously said that it did not report any of the examples found by the Telegraph to social media companies for removal, and that it does not report posts by MPs and journalists. However, it has “trusted flagger” status with Twitter and Facebook, allowing it to fast-track complaints about content it believes to be in breach of the platforms’ rules. During the pandemic, Mr Dowden and Matt Hancock, the former health secretary, also attended a meeting with technology companies about how to tackle Covid disinformation. MPs raised concerns about the activities of the CDU with Lucy Frazer, the Culture Secretary, in the House of Commons on Tuesday. Clive Efford, the Labour MP, asked Ms Frazer if she had “any dealings” with the unit and whether she could confirm that the Government “engages companies that use artificial intelligence to scour people’s social media accounts”. Ms Frazer replied that the unit had moved to a different department when she was made Culture Secretary earlier this year, at the same time as wider government changes were ordered by Rishi Sunak. She said: “The position is that the Disinformation Unit sits in DeSIT [the Department of Science, Innovation and Technology]. So I have had no dealings.” Ruth Hannant, her permanent secretary, sitting alongside Ms Frazer, added: “As far as I am aware from conversations from people in DeSIT, the unit has never tracked the activity of individuals.”
National Unin of Journalists (NUJ) withdraw defence of Kit Klarenberg. Fact Check groups have more power than governments? Dogmas and cancel cultures. NUJ throws Kit Klarenberg under the bus after his detention by cops – The UK’s National Union of Journalists (NUJ) has withdrawn a statement in support of Grayzone journalist Kit Klarenberg. It came after counter-terrorism police detained him at Luton airport on 17 May. Kit Klarenberg detained at Luton airport The Grayzone is a controversial US-based media outlet which focuses on US and UK foreign policy, from a non-Western perspective. Some people have accused it of pushing propaganda for authoritarian states like Russia and Syria. However, Grayzone would say it is anti-US imperialism. On Klarenberg’s detention, it reported: As soon as journalist Kit Klarenberg landed in his home country of Britain on May 17, 2023, six anonymous plainclothes counter-terror officers detained him. They quickly escorted him to a back room, where they grilled him for over five hours about his reporting for this outlet. They also inquired about his personal opinion on everything from the current British political leadership to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The Canary asked the NUJ for comment. We specifically wanted to know why it had withdrawn its statement in support of Klarenberg. It had not responded at the time of publication. Klarenberg’s situation has echoes of UK cops arresting French publishing manager Ernest Moret in April. He works for left-wing publisher Editions La Fabrique. The Guardian reported at the time that: He was arrested, after six hours of questioning, for alleged obstruction in refusing to disclose the passcodes to his phone and computer. It noted that Moret was: “interrogated for several hours and asked some very disturbing questions”, said the publishers, including about his view on pension reform in France, as well as his opinion on the French government and president Emmanuel Macron. As of 2pm on Monday 5 June, the Guardian had failed to report on police detaining Klarenberg. Moreover, the NUJ statement in support of Moret is still online. So, it seems in the corporate media and the NUJ, there’s one rule for some journalists being harassed by cops, and a different one for others. Of course, as writer RD Hale highlighted in Council Estate Media, there’s a massive problem with this. Hale asked : Hands up everyone who only wants to see journalism the government likes? No one? Okay, then we all see the problem here. Detaining journalists: a slippery slope Of course, the cops detaining Klarenberg is mild compared to how other countries treat their journalists. As Reporters Without Borders (RSF) wrote: At least 1,059 journalists have been murdered in the past ten years, and 387 were arbitrarily detained at the end of 2020, according to RSF. The rate of impunity for crimes of violence against journalists is still around 90%. Threats and hate speech against journalists are flourishing online, as well as disinformation. And women journalists are being targeted both as journalists and as women. Moreover, it’s often non-Western countries where journalists’ lives are most at risk. As UNESCO wrote: Latin America and the Caribbean was the deadliest for journalists in 2022 with 44 killings, over half of all of those killed worldwide. Asia and the Pacific registered 16 killings, while 11 were killed in Eastern Europe.
Lord Matt Ridley on Oliver Dowden’s disinformation unit and IEA lockdown report. The UK is blinding itself to the truth about COVID’s origins – Matt Ridley The UK is blinding itself to the truth about COVID’s origins – As a US Senate committee’s full, 300-page report on the origin of covid now makes clear, a whole string of clues now points towards a laboratory accident as the probable cause of the covid pandemic. For example, there is: evidence of a biosafety crisis at the lab in the autumn of 2019; the Chinese authorities’ refusal to share details of early human cases of the disease in November 2019; persistent reports from US intelligence that these early cases includes lab workers; the apparent start of vaccine manufacture in China even before the outbreak was declared; and the astonishingly uncooperative attitude of the Chinese authorities to investigating the origin. Add to these: the failure to find infected animals in markets or on farms; the coincidence of the virus’s closest relatives at the time of the outbreak being inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology; the revelation that that institute brought about 200 kinds of bat coronavirus to Wuhan from a long way away; the risky nature of the research they did to combine the genes of new viruses with existing ones and test them on human cells; the surprising finding that the virus that caused covid has a unique genetic feature that just happens to be of the kind that the institute had been inserting into other viruses; and the blank refusal to share their database of viruses they were working on with the outside world after taking it offline in September 2019. Despite the best efforts of a small group of western virologists who funded or collaborated with that Wuhan laboratory to shut down the debate in the west and label a lab leak a conspiracy theory, the matter will not go away. Yet the British science establishment and the British government, normally so ready to boast of our reputation as a biomedical research hub second only to the United States, has done literally nothing to contribute to this debate. I cannot think of a single significant contribution from our universities and institutes, except the strange role that the Wellcome Trust played in convening a meeting in February 2020 that effectively agreed to mislead the public about the plausibility of a lab leak. With the US government compromised by its having funded the very work in the very lab in Wuhan that is under suspicion, there was a golden opportunity for British scientists and spies to step in as honest brokers and piece together all the evidence. Yet they refused to do so. When I urged the Royal Society at least to debate the matter, they politely declined. When I urged the Academy of Medical Sciences (of which I am a fellow) to investigate, they told me the topic was “too controversial”. Nature, Britain’s and the world’s premier science journal, has confined its reporting to condescending dismissal of all speculation about a lab leak. When I asked a senior scientist to help wake up the science establishment to the biggest enigma science has faced in decades, he said he thought it was vital we do not find out what happened lest it annoy the Chinese government. This is not the stance anybody would take over an accident in an airliner, a chemical plant or a nuclear reactor. Yet unlike such accidents the pandemic killed millions. Of course he is right about the reason for our reticence. The Foreign Office is in permanent kow-tow. Our universities and science journals are dependent directly or indirectly on Chinese funds and infested with people who openly admire authoritarian communism. Senior scientists are worried that admitting a lab leak is plausible would damage the reputation of science. To which I say: not half as much as trying to cover it up.
Global warming and factory farm problems. Did lockdowns work or not? Yemen – peace since Ukraine war.
Better Way Conference, Bath – what Judith felt were highlights of Conference. The Vacine Control Group Initiative at conference – those non vaxxed with Covid jabs as a control group – www.controlgroup.coop. The Control Group Wiki is your platform for Information, Community and Data: The Control Group Cooperative The Covid vaccine study The Health card Technical support portal – account setup, common issues, how to guides Community portal – events, support groups, interviews, social media and chat to the founders Health & Wellbeing portal – products and organisations Research and Data portal – Control Group data, research of interest, recommended reading UK Parliament petition NEW SYSTEM TRANSITION PERIOD We have been redesigning our website, study portal and back-end database to make a more robust system, with better, long-term functionality, flexibility and an improved user experience. Our new look website is up and the back end system will be launched in the next few days. New participants can register to join and existing participants will be migrated to the new system over the next couple of months. Thank you for your patience during this transition period. UK Parliament petition: Debate in Parliament to address the excess mortality in England and Wales A Public Inquiry must be urgently held to discuss the reasons and potential causes behind the excess death rate in England and Wales since the middle of October 2022. The excess deaths are of huge concern to the public and the cause MUST be established. There is concern that these excess deaths are as a result of the Covid 19 vaccines, but Parliament is not addressing this.
Shedding of spike protein from Covid jab? Daniel Nouriro at conference – supplement to rid body of spike protein 13 ways that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein causes damage – The SARS-CoV-2 virus has four structural proteins. The spike, membrane, envelop, and nucleocapsid proteins. The spike protein protrudes from the middle of the coronavirus and attaches to the ACE2 receptor of cells to start the process of cell entry, replication, and infection. The two major parts of the spike protein are the S1 and S2 subunit. The S1 has the receptor-binding domain. For easier reading, this review starts with what happens after the COVID jabs, soluble spike proteins, and what it takes to have a normal blood vessel. Then I will enumerate how the spike protein damages the body. What happens after the COVID shots? COVID vaccination aims to produce an immune response against the spike protein in the form of neutralizing antibodies so that in future SARS-CoV-2 exposures, COVID-19 will be prevented. The injected messenger RNA provides instructions to the cells on making the spike proteins. Once the spike protein is produced, it migrates to the outside of the cell to be anchored on the cells’ outer surface, where the immune system will recognize it and develop an immune response to it. (antibodies, T cells, B cells). Soluble spike proteins Ideally, the whole spike protein should stay attached to the outside of the cells. Sometimes incomplete spike proteins are produced in the form of spike peptides. As shown below, they are also presented to the immune system by cells outside the surface with an anchoring protein called the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC).
BRIBED POLITICIANS 1: BBC QT – cynical King’s Lynn audience member. Labour Party. Liar Politicians: UK Politics Utterly Fraudulent. Corrupted by Finance Capitalism’s devil’s deal with the deep state. – Expressed by BBCQT Kings Lynne audience member ‘The only man who’s entered parliament with honest intentions was Guy Fawkes’ ‘You Couldn’t Run A Whelk Stall’: BBC Question Time Audience Member Blasts Politicians – A BBC Question Time audience member has let rip at Britain’s political class – claiming it is so “incompetent” the two main parties “couldn’t run a whelk stall”. This week’s show, which came from King’s Lynn in Norfolk, came against the backdrop of more partygate revelations, a backlash to Boris Johnson’s resignation honours list and tensions over the Covid-19 public inquiry. Meanwhile, a poll this week showed the Labour Party is on track to win a landslide 140-seat majority at the next election. One question – what could the Tories could do to turn around their fortunes and win at the general election next year – prompted a diatribe from one member of the audience, who appeared dissatisfied with the way the country is being run regardless of who is charge. He said: “We’ve heard it all before from both of you, from both parties. You’re absolutely incompetent. Those that are not incompetent and corrupt. “I have no idea why any of us bothered to vote for any of you. You couldn’t run a whelk stall, let alone the country. Either of you. “And all you can do is bat off each other and not make any sense whatsoever. Stay behind afterwards. Both of you. Have a word from me, I’ll give you some home truths.“ He added: “I’m sick to death of you. The only person who went in parliament with good intentions was Guy Fawkes.” Both Conservative Lee Rowley and Labour’s Jonathan Ashworth – on the panel – agreed to meet the man afterwards to discuss his concerns. He claimed the recent local elections was the first time he has not voted. Related…
Man in audience to Rowley and Ashworth, "Both parties are incompetent. And those who are not incompetent are corrupt. Stay behind afterwards, both of you, have a word with me. I'll give you some home truths." #BBCQT – follow for more pic.twitter.com/J8LnilkjAp
— Farrukh (@implausibleblog) June 8, 2023
BRIBED POLITICIANS 2: ‘The Hidden Masters of the Universe’ by Ben Chu on Radio 4 about private equity groups. The Hidden Masters of the Universe You’ve heard of bankers. You’re perhaps vaguely aware of hedge funds. But private equity? Maybe not. Yet private equity is all around you – from health clinics and supermarkets, to football clubs and the music industry. It might well be housing your granny. Who are these hidden masters of the universe? Private equity describes wealthy investors pooling their money to buy and manage companies that are not listed on, or that they remove from, the public stock markets. To advocates, private equity means better run companies, higher profits and more jobs. To detractors, it’s deplorable secret asset stripping that makes fortunes for the financiers, but which often leads to mass sackings, excessive debt, hollowed out companies and, ultimately, corporate collapse. In this documentary, Ben Chu, economics editor of BBC Newsnight, will introduce you to a burgeoning – but also, by turns, glamorous, mysterious and controversial – hub of 21st century capitalism. One that, whether you know it yet or not, is shaping the world around us. With contributions from: Adrian Axtell, of the Community Union Ludovic Phalippou, professor of Financial Economics at Saïd Business School Jon Moulton, founder of the private equity firm Better Capital Steven Kaplan, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business Dan Rasmussen, former associate at the private equity firm Brain Capital, and founder of the hedge fund Verdad Advisers Christine Corlet Walker, research fellow at the Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity, University of Surrey Terry Wright, healthcare worker at a UK care home
BRIBED POLITICIANS 3: Black Rock and Vanguard. Who Really Runs The World? Blackrock & Vanguard, C21 Monopoly, Financial 4th Reich & The Great Reset by Monique Jansen – Vrouwen voor Vrijheid – BLACKROCK & VANGUARD – These institutional investors are mainly investment firms banks and insurance companies. In turn, they, themselves are owned by shareholders and the most surprising thing is that they own each other’s stocks Together, they form an immense network comparable to a pyramid. The smaller investors are owned by larger investors. Those are owned by even bigger investors. The visible top of this pyramid shows only two companies whose names we have often seen by now. They are Vanguard and BlackRock. The power of these two companies is beyond your imagination. Not only do they own a large part of the stocks of nearly all big companies but also the stocks of the investors in those companies. This gives them a complete monopoly. A Bloomberg report states that both these companies in the year 2028, together will have investments in the amount of 20 trillion dollars. That means that they will own almost anything Bloomberg calls BlackRock “The fourth branch of government”, because it’s the only private agency that closely works with the central banks. BlackRock lends money to the central bank but it’s also the advisor. It also develops the software the central bank uses. Many BlackRock employees were in the White House with Bush and Obama. Its CEO, Larry Fink can count on a warm welcome from leaders and politicians. Not so strange, if you know that he is the front man of the ruling company. But Larry Fink does not pull the strings, himself. BlackRock, itself is also owned by shareholders. Who are those shareholders? We come to a strange conclusion. The biggest shareholder is Vanguard. But now he gets murky. Vanguard is a private company and we cannot see who the shareholders are. The elite who own Vanguard apparently do not like being in the spotlight but of course they cannot hide from who is willing to dig. Reports from Oxfam and Bloomberg say that 1% of the world, together owns more money than the other 99%. Even worse, Oxfam says that 82% of all earned money in 2017 went to this 1%.
BRIBED POLITICIANS 4: ‘Barbarians at the gate’ [FULL VIDEO] 1993 film about hostile takeovers. ‘ Barbarians at the Gate (1993) Fantastic film based on the RJR Nabisco fiasco. James Garner is excellent as F. Ross Johnson, as is Jonathan Pryce as Henry Kravis! Excellent battle of greed in the corporate world. The battle for the control of RJR Nabisco in the Autumn of 1988, which became the largest and most dramatic corporate takeover in American history, sent shock-waves through the international business world and became a symbol of the greed, excess and egotism of the eighties. Barbarians at the Gate recounts this two-month battle with breathtaking pace and flair, and transports back to the Wall Street empire before it crumbled, through the boardroom doors, into the midnight meetings, the betrayals, the deal makers and publicity flaks, into a world where – as Nabisco CEO Ross Johnson put it – ‘a few million dollars are lost in the sands of time’. Twenty years on, the world is once again recovering from a period of financial extravagance and irresponsibility. This revised edition brings the ultimate business thriller up to date for a new generation of readers. An incredible read that reminds us of the worst excesses of the 1980s. It charts the unimaginable progress of a a food brands company who merge with a bakery and then with a tobacco company who also have a number of food brands. They attempt a management buy out but the Wall St vultures soon start to circle. The excesses are incredible and the voices of the few good men are drowned out. It was the biggest takeover of its day and I’m not sure all of its lessons have been learned. A gripping story, well written – the cast list at the front is essential as so many people were involved in this epic narrative. I think I would have appreciated knowing just what each company was there for – I guess American readers would know which ones were banks, law firms etc but I had to figure it out as I went. An outstanding read for anyone interested in business
BRIBED POLITICIANS 5: The Corporation’ documentary. C4 News report on Universal Basic Income, a probable Bilderberg subject. Since the late 18th century American legal decision which the business corporation organizational model is a individual, it has become a dominant force around the globe. Documentary that looks at the concept of the corporation throughout recent history up to its present-day dominance.. This picture takes an in-depth psychological examination of this organization model through various case studies. The study demonstrates is that in the its behaviour, this sort of”person” typically acts like a dangerously destructive psychopath without conscience. We see the hazard this psychopath has for our future and our world, but a individuals who have intelligence, courage and determination can do to prevent it. Released: 2003-09-10 Genre: Documentary Casts: Jane Akre, Ray Anderson, Maude Barlow, Chris Barrett, Michael Moore Duration: 145 min Country: Canada Production: Big Picture Media Corporation
Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on: Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | We are in a war between God, and Lucifer | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8)
Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Accelerationism Round-Up, With End Times Prophecy Reports
Dam breaking in Ukraine and different theories on how it happened. BBC Verify: though the Khakhovka dam story broke on Tuesday 6th June, a much smaller breach in the dam last Thursday (1st June) which appears to have developed as masonry was swept away over the weekend, went unreported. Voloshin, MH17, shot himself. BBC interview former Ukraine President Yatsenyuk about Ukraine war. BBC report on the breaking of Ukraine Dam – Russia’s to blame.
Hannah Borno gives an update on the aftermath of Bilderberg – stories in the headlines that were discussed at Bilderberg, but Bilderberg not mentioned. Swedish NATO negotiator left off Bilderberg list, gets in anyway Stenström quietly attended the conference of transatlantic business and political elites last week, though Bilderberg denies he participated in its actual meeting. By JOSH FRIEDMAN LISBON, Portugal – Artificial intelligence topped the key topics list for the 69th Bilderberg meeting, held last week in Lisbon, Portugal, and the biggest names in the emerging high-tech industry were in attendance at the posh Pestana Palace Lisboa in the Portuguese capital. While present and past CEOs of Open AI, Microsoft, Google and Google DeepMind drew the attention of some United States media, the transatlantic gathering also shaped up quietly, as it has in years past, as an informal NATO summit. Jens Stoltenberg, the head of NATO, attended last week’s Bilderberg Meeting, as did the prime ministers of three of the alliance’s member countries. An ex-prime minister of a country trying to join the alliance, Sweden, also participated in the meeting, and she may or may not have come with a plus-one. In true Bilderberg fashion, Sweden’s chief negotiator for NATO membership attended the gathering of European and North American elites in Lisbon, yet he did not appear on the participants’ list. The only explanation provided thus far for what Oscar Stenström could have been doing inside the fortified Pestana Palace came in the form of a Bilderberg Press Service reply to a CalCoastNews inquiry. “As you can surely imagine, the total number of people in the hotel exceeds the number of participants,” Bilderberg’s press office stated in an email. “There are some accompanying staff members, and they do not participate in the meeting or part of it.” Stenström works as an ambassador for NATO negotiations for the Swedish Prime Minister’s Office. Formally, he is not a member of the staff of any of the listed Bilderberg participants. However, Stenström did accompany one participant on a walk Saturday afternoon in Lisbon. That individual is Stenström’s former boss, ex-Swedish prime minister and current opposition leader, Magdalena Andersson. CalCoastNews spotted Andersson on a walk outside the Pestana Palace and attempted to pose questions to her about Sweden’s NATO bid and what she was doing at the Bilderberg Meeting. Unbeknown that Andersson was sharing an afternoon stroll with Sweden’s top NATO negotiator, CalCoastNews asked the opposition leader whether she had any conversations with alliance chief Stoltenberg and whether Sweden’s effort to join the defense pact had been discussed at the Bilderberg Meeting. Neither Andersson, nor Stenström, addressed the questions. “We’re having a chat,” Andersson said. After a few minutes, the former prime minister and Sweden’s chief NATO negotiator walked past a security checkpoint and returned to the Pestana Palace, ending their afternoon walk abruptly. During the previous Bilderberg Meeting, held June 2 through 5, 2022 in Washington, D.C., Stoltenberg met with Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin. Stoltenberg and Marin discussed Finland’s and Sweden’s NATO membership bids, as well as Turkey’s objections to them, the NATO chief stated in a tweet. Though Stoltenberg made no mention of Bilderberg, his tweet contained a photo of him standing with Marin at the hotel in Washington D.C., where the secretive conference was taking place.
Klaus Kopf on how he was advised not to do a paper on Bilderberg at University. US Republicans think Russia should be given Ukraine territory for Peace. Chinese spy base in Cuba. 1:00 – interview with Klaus Kopf, Hamburg-based Political Scientist, who has studied Bilderberg from 1995 – he wasn’t allowed to do a thesis on Bilderberg and was told by Director of the ‘Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy‘ (IFSH) at the University of Hamburg Prof. Dieter Lutz (1994-2003), who had just spoken to his predecessor as institute director and 1971 Bilderberg attendee Egon Bahr (1984-1994): ‘You naive, blue-eyed ass-hole. Do you really think U.S. presidents are voted in? Where do you live?’ Klaus replied, “Is that where we are?” Lutz confirmed, “Yes, that’s where we are.” 4:40 – What Kaethe Koch, the private secretary to Frankfurter Allegemeine Zeitung newspaper founder and lawyer Dr. Rudolf Mueller told him about who invited Mueller to the first Bilderberg meeting in late May 1954. It was Catholic Cardinal of Cologne Josef Frings and Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV) internal secret service president, Otto John. 10:35 – Deutsche Bank chairman Alfred Herrhausen advocated forgiving third world debt at Dusseldorf German bankers gathering 1988 and at 1989 Bilderberg meeting then he was ‘assassinated by the Red Army Faction’ (RAF), but one can doubt ‘leftists’ were the real killers. World debt and Brexit, German participants at Bilderberg, ‘The Precariat’, 80-140 attendees at Bilderberg from NATO countries.
Hail Satan film (2019) Satanist guy ….. Everything you know about Satanism is wrong. At least that’s what a new documentary about the Satanic Temple could be about to prove. Despite the similarity of the name, the Temple is different to The Church of Satan, established in 1966 by chat show circuit celebrity Anton LaVey in San Francisco, California. Human sacrifice? Wrong? Blood drinking? Wrong? Black Mass? Well, sort of right. The Temple was founded in 2013 with a mission statement “to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense and justice, and be directed by the human conscience to undertake noble pursuits guided by the individual will”. Hail Satan? directed by US film-maker Penny Lane, follows the Temple’s attempts to curtail what they see as the encroachment of Christianity on US life through its growing political influence. That creeping theocracy results in a monument to the Ten Commandments being offered pride of place at the Oklahoma State Capitol building in Oklahoma City. The Temple’s response is to ask for a space for their own statue of the Satanic deity Baphomet in a bid to restore some kind of cosmic religious balance, all the while preaching a doctrine in support of social justice and human rights. “We want people to evaluate the United States being a Christian nation,” the Temple’s spokesman Lucien Greaves says in the film’s trailer. “It’s not”. “I had heard about the Satanic Temple when they were doing their campaign in Oklahoma,” says Lane.
Radio4All download pages
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#1 – Complete 3hr 30min show – [right click to download]
Full interviews with…
#2 – Hannah Borno Bilderberg Debrief 2023 00:25:00
#3 – Klaus Kopf Bilderberg Exposed in Dresden 2 Bilderberg Decide On Peace And War 1954 Vatican invite 00:11:00
#4 – Ben Chu Private Equity The Hidden Masters of the Universe 00:30:00
#5 – Isabel Oakshott from London criminals to militarised AI 00:18:00
#6 – Lord Matt Ridley on the mega spin BS batallions 00:08:00
#7 – Better Way Conf Deanie Badrea Vaccine Control Group 00:08:00
#8 – Better Way Conf Anne Gwynnet Oxfordshire anti solar farms campaign 00:09:00
#9 – Better Way Conf Daniele Nuaro Zero Spike Augumented NEC 00:07:00
#10 – The Corporation documentary (2003) 02:25:00
#11 – Hail Satan documentary (2019) 01:25:00

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only by station manager Pat Hart, ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020. Bristol Community FM (BCfm) charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. Now on Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down and pro-Covid jab mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ himself, here.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
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