Friday Drivetime
BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling
At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.
First hour: City council ‘slackers’ named: Councillors from whom I’ve had no phone response or who have otherwise expressed no interest in coming on the BCFM Politics Show. Proportion of ‘slackers’ by political party: Conservatives 36% (5/14), LibDems 28% (9/32), Labour 18% (4/22) & Green 0% (0/2). Conservative: Richard Eddy, Bishopsworth; Kevin Quartley, Bishopsworth; James Stevenson, Frome Vale; Alex Pearce, St George East and former banker and Cllr for Stoke Bishop John Goulandris. Lib Dem: Jackie Norman, Brislington West; Bev Knott, Bishopston; Patrich Hassell, Hillfields; Peter Levy, Horfield, Cheryl Anne, Horfield; Sean Emmett, Lockleaze; Sylvia Townsend, Redland; Mark Bailey, Windmill Hill and Alf Havvok also from Windmill Hill. Labour: Jeff Lovell, Filwood; Chris Jackson, Filwood; Barry Clarke, Hengrove and Phil Hanby who represents Hillfields. Britain is not a democracy. Former Lord Chancellor Lord Hailsham said in 1976 it’s an elective dictatorship. Pounds equal power! Libor fraud scandal Barclays bank thieves and fraudsters let off while their employer is fined a trifling £60m by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) + £230m from the US regulator. Chancellor George Osborne makes emergency Commons speech. Iceland jails fraudulent banksters. Nationalise banks. Applications to take children into care reach a new high. Prime Minister threatens to withdraw housing benefit from under 25’s. Julian blames New World Order for our current political crisis, too far gone for reform. VOXPOP: was privatisation of the railways a good idea? Clarence House accounts reveal public funding for Prince Charles increased by 11.8% during 2011/12 and 18% for 2010/11 and with this he employs 8 full-time PR spin doctors. News review with Somerset businessman Julian Parry.
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Second hour: Despite attempts at public reassurance from MI5 Director General Jonathan Evans and Channel 4 News Security Correspondant Simon Israel all is definitely not well at G4S. After last week’s viral interview we have week two of Lee Hazledean’s reports undercover at the London Olympics private security firm G4S. G4S are talking about ‘brand screening’ the spectators despite publicly saying it will not happen. Ian Horseman-Sewell, MD of Global Events, has said they will not brand screen. However during Lee’s training he was specifically told that if someone turned up in say a tee-shirt from a company who wasn’t sponsoring the Olympics then he would need to tell them to take off their tee shirt and turn it inside out, get changed into another or go home and change, as a condition of entry. If they turned the tee-shirt back the right way once inside the venue Lee was told they would be ejected from the Olympics. Lee’s been told that certain people called Internationally Protected People cannot be screened? IPP’s are anybody that LOCOG say they are! Surely everyone should get screened and treated fairly. This directly builds in room for a false flag operation. There is a sinister implication with non-British international firm G4S running the Metropolitan police force which of course is their ultimate aim as the New World Order security outfit of choice. Like the Nazi Gestapo who supplanted the German police in the 1930s. Why have we allowed G4S to increase their contract from £86m to a staggering £284m and they still want more. There has been no proper oversight whatever by our politicians so why not? How do you evacuate the Olympic stadium? How do you evacuate the Olympic park? G4S trainers told Lee about evacuating London but not discussed what the emergency procedures are for evacuating any Stadium in the event of an emergency. It is almost as though they want chaos. Remember Hillsborough Britain’s worst sporting disaster. Lee has had no training to do with how to screen people with physical disabilities. This is the Olympics and Para-Olympics and at no point has G4S, LOCOG or Contemporary International even discussed screening people with disabilities and how not to offend and strip those individuals of their dignity. How do you screen someone in a wheel chair? Lee has had no emergency medical training. The queues are going to be massive and if someone collapses the security officers won’t know what to do. They are relying again on a St John’s ambulance or paramedics hopefully standing right on scene. All security should have at least a first person first aid training which takes just one day.
Bristol Remploy workers Paul Gane and Mark Cambridge, both disabled, explain their situation as part of a viable business here in Bristol which has a full order book. Political hope with the Daily Express and others supporting their fight to keep their jobs. Further details at the websites of GMB and UNITE trade unions.
International situation in Syria getting worse and worse with mysterious attacks taking place this week on Syrian TV station and on the Syrian Justice Ministry. Reports of terrorists infiltrating into Syrian borders rather than these attacks coming from Syrians themselves. Maybe these terrorists are just coming home after fighting abroad 😉 Or more likely NATO’s Al Quaeda legions & Western allies in the Middle East are actually fuelling the civil war.
Confusion Marketing, direct debit mandate abuses and privatisation of utilities discussed. Julian Parry switches to E.ON but gets his first monthly energy bill for nearly £3000!
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Can we expect any more from “Lee Hazledean”. Any information on the veracity of his reports?
Lee Hazledean’ – the whistleblower who exposed how he had infiltrated G4S as an employee and uncovered how security preparations for the Olympics were so poor that they were inviting a terrorist attack, has revealed himself to be Ben Fellows, an acclaimed director who has worked with Stanley Kubrick. Fellows has also appeared in numerous popular television and theatre shows.
Fellows made the decision to reveal his identity, after having gone under a pseudonym for the purposes of radio interviews conducted over the last week, because of fears over his safety.
“With all sincerity I’m now afraid that I might be in physical danger from G4S,” Fellows told Infowars, adding that he feared the mainstream media was about to launch a character assassination campaign. “My only protection is to go public…. I have done nothing wrong and I stand by everything that I have said,” added Fellows.
Fellows also revealed that Andy Davies, Channel 4 News Home Affairs Correspondent, demanded that he retract statements made during a radio interview with BCFM’s Friday Drivetime in which Fellows said of Davies, “I sent him an email, I called, he wasn’t interested and he said there’s a media blackout on this kind of story, that nobody would be interested in running it.”
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