Friday Drivetime
BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling
At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page
First hour: news review with Communist Party of Britain member from Somerset Ken Keable and 17 Trades Unions support the ‘People’s Charter’ and the People’s Assembly Against Austerity this coming June. Daily Worker and Morning star newspapers. Religion and politics. Current strength of Russian Communist party. 1956 Hungarian uprising and 1968 Czechoslovakian invasions crushed by force. Also is the Communist party electable? Lack of demand in the economy, Libor style oil and gas price fixing. Former ‘partner in crime’ of Vladimir Putin, Russian Oligarch Boris Berezovsky, is found dead at his Berkshire home a month before he was due to testify at the inquest of Alexander Litvinenko. Motives for MI6 and the Russians for killing him. Michael Meacher MP’s budget speech on Monday evening where he says the budget is designed to dismantle the welfare state, there is no macro-economic strategy. Tory London mayor Boris Johnson interviewed by Eddie Mair for the Andrew Marr show tackled on his character and called ‘a nasty piece of work’ Boris disputes this. Ken Clarke’s Secret Courts bill passes the House of Lords which is the first time in 800 years to undermine Habeus Corpus, that means those held unlawfully in custody can be released. Bilderberger and Minister Without Portfolio Ken Clarke accused of misleading parliament saying the secret courts bill was no threat to Habeus Corpus. Cyprus banking colapse – Faisal Islam describes Mario Monti’s plane full of 10bn Euros flying in from Frankfurt to Larneka and G4S distributing the cash.
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Second hour: investigative reports. Interview with lawyer & former Scotland Yard Fraud Squad detective for 12 years Rowan Boswell-Davies who submitted evidence of widespread organised crime in the City of London under US, EU, Australian and British definitions of Organised Crime to the Parliamentary Banking Commission chaired by Andrew Tyrie. This evidence was initially ‘lost’ by the Commission and after Rowan contacted Mr Tyrie they found it again. They have suggested the evidence might have to be ‘redacted’, or blanked out, so Rowan has published it in full for the public to view online. Mr Boswell-Davies believes that unless the authorities institute a series of criminal trials and convictions of ‘blue blood’ City bankers, the ‘Princes of the City’, will continue to defraud the nation, loot and bring about an eventual collapse of the national economy and the pound. He has identified the ‘Blue Arrow’ trial as the most important city fraud case where the message went out that it was ‘open season’ for city fraudsters, that they would never again be prosecuted. This trial had rattled the ‘self-regulating’ City criminal club and they then knocked back the police and went back to a tame, pre Sir Robert Mark, system of ‘light touch’ regulation by their friends. Rowan explains who should be arrested and put on trial, as well as why and how to do it. TWO EURODOLLAR COLLAPSE SCENARIOS: We then explore, following the Cyprus crisis, two scenarios of a Euro/dollar collapse, one positive where the government get a grip on the crisis and one negative where they don’t. 1. The trigger for the crash, 2. the almost instantaneous crash itself, 3. a few days later the crucial point where the government do, or do not, get a grip on the crisis and act decisively providing cash and food, 4. a few weeks later, 5 a few months later and 6. they cannot say they didn’t know because we have just told them 😉 Jesse Ventura’s ‘Death Ray’ show in his Conspiracy Theory series in the US. Bristol activist Tom Woodhead arrested and beaten up by the Israeli police then deported for peacefully demonstrating. Blindfolded and believes he was subjected to a mock execution.
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