Friday Drivetime

BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling


At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris

APOLOGIES: due to another BCfm ‘listen again’ error & BT Internet service failure there was no internet stream or listen facility – NOW ON THIS PAGE (BELOW)

For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page

First hour: News review with the newly elected Labour Councillor for St George East Steve Pearce. Ministers refuse to agree to cuts so Chancellor George Osborne still needs to tackle £8bn black hole after treasury agrees 10% spending cuts with seven Government departments. Voxpop on Mervyn King’s request that we ‘stop bashing the bankers’. Also former Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney is about to start his new job as Bank of England Governor. He’s a Bilderberg group member so have people heard of Bilderberg and do they think he’ll be any better at the job? Revolving Doors: Failed former HMRC boss David Hartnett given job at one of the ‘Big Four’ auditing firms Deloitte. But could the job be considered as bribery for agreeing several dubious ‘over lunch’ sweetheart deals with Goldman Sachs, Vodafone etc. letting them off paying millions of pounds in tax? Questions for KPMG over audit of troubled Co-op Bank after accountancy firm failed to spot impending financial turbulence. BBC lose legal takedown attempt against my YouTube video of this show a month ago which criticised BBC Radio Bristol for using KPMG to deliver their ‘Business News’. That 7:30am Breakfast show slot has now been renamed ‘Money Matters’ but the point remains why would BBC managers or listeners trust KPMG? Bristol police stop EDL ‘Help For Heroes fundraiser’ march in St. George heading for Muslim parts of Bristol last Saturday night naming those arrested, pleading guilty and those chargedRevealed: The true size of the British jobs gap. The Resolution Foundation has performed an analysis of the total adult employment rate – which reflects the increase in the size of the population and the growth of the available workforce – and found that there remains a “jobs gap” of 930,000. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation finds one-third of Britons are too poor to ‘join in with society’ Many on lowest incomes cannot buy consumer goods, visit the cinema or go on holiday. Ailing Great Western rail franchisee & Bristol bus operator First Group’s chairman Martin Gilbert leaves as the struggling transport group tapped investors for £615m to cut a massive £2bn debt and share price falls 30% as profits slump.
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Second hour: South West Regional Secretary of the Fire Brigades’ Union (FBU), Phil Jordan, warns there is no way to sugar coat it, people will die in fires if proposed Coalition government cuts are implemented. He is a Gloucestershire fire-fighter and explains that even a few seconds extra getting to a fire can mean it spreads, making it impossible to tackle, or forcing terrible choices between saving lives and getting at the heart of the fire; Steve Timmins joins us from ‘Protect Our NHS’, he was at this week’s People’s Assembly against austerity meeting at the Malcolm X Centre in Bristol on Wednesday evening, He explains what the health lobby and Coalition government are doing to the NHS and looks forward to a National Assembly on Saturday 22nd June. Drones… Barack Obama makes a bad ‘joke’ to the Washington Press pack about killing his critics with a Predator Drone, ‘You won’t see it coming.’ he says. Just like the world’s first ballistic missile, the Nazi V2 in World War II (see above), no one killed by a V2 saw or heard it coming either. Chris Cole from Drone wars UK spoke in Frome this week, two US universities found drones kill only one ‘terror suspect’ for every fifty innocent civilians, tremendous profits are being made though out of drone murders by UK, US and Israeli firms, also by Lockheed Martin who sell their £50,000 each Hellfire assassination missiles to the US, UK & Israeli military; EU and William Hague agree to allow arms to be supplied to the Syrian terrorist networks. A security operation in Homs reveals Mossad, CIA and Blackwater are involved in the military violence in this part of Syria. President Assad of Syria does not want to end up murdered like Colonel Gaddafi so has threatened to attack Israel if the Israelis strike Syria again. Vladimir Putin keeps US Secretary of State  John Kerry waiting for three hours because Kerry refuses to discuss the global collapse in the bee population. Bilderberg 2013 in Watford linked to Middle Eastern wars, Bilderberg conference takes place in Watford next week but was chaired for first 20 years by former SS Officer Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands; many too believe Bilderberg is linked with a post-war secret ‘Fourth Reich’ financial power network, set up by Hitler’s deputy Martin Bormann, which uses killer corporations like Nazis used Panzer Divisions to take over markets, countries and territory. As spelled out in Paul Manning’s book ‘Martin Bormann, Nazi In Exile’ which is available free online as a PDF file or as a hardback book for over £150.
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