‘Governments are intentionally misleading us’ on Malaysia plane MH370
Friday 4th April 2014
BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
Listen live http://icecast.commedia.org.uk:8000/commbrist.mp3
First hour: News review with Glenise Morgan, Lib Dem councillor for Henleaze. Royal Mail sell off – a loss of £1.4bn to taxpayers (not £14bn as Tony mistakenly repeats!) – Ed Miliband in PMQs on Royal Mail sell off and – Vince Cable and a ‘gentleman’s agreement’ with 16 city investment companies who then just dump shares on the market taking an instant profit of around £16m; BBC Points West transmit a week of Hargreaves Lansdown advertorials for this £300m annual turnover financial service company based in Bristol. They sell for funds, broker shares and related products. Hargreaves Lansdown’s Tom McPhail’s BBC ‘reports’ have been giving supposedly impartial advice on pensions which they sell. BBC Bristol Head of Centre Lucio Mesquita was invited on to tonight’s show to discuss spending license fee payers money on advertising for Bristol’s biggest financial institution but he did not return emails, voice-mail message or phone calls. Next week we invite Points West’s ‘anonymous’ news editor Neil Bennett. Why don’t Points West have credits for producer, news editor etc. at the end of their show? Are they shy or are they fraternising with the Merchant Venturers and the private ‘city elite’ of financiers & Freemasons? Scotland Yard’s fraud squad investigation of Peter Hargreaves for not investing clients’ money in the shares they wanted; badger cull to new areas shelved; PMQs Jeremy Corbyn MP the impossibly high cost of private rents and he suggests it’s time for rent controls and regulation; PMQs – 25th anniversary of the poll tax – rates; bailiff powers cut; Clifton traders block Bristol city centre complaining about proposed residents parking scheme which will dissuade drivers from shopping in Clifton village; Bristol Mayor, George Ferguson, sells freehold to Bristol docks for £10m after a 150 year lease was sold in 1991 for £36m – George does a duff deal for his dock company Merchant Venturer mates? PMQs Cheltenham MP Martin Horwood asks is National Planning Framework working when it only listens to the money question and ignores 10,000 letters? Unfairness of planning – Unwritten rule of the planning system: “If we can tax it, you can do it”. Marina Morris’s voxpop asking people if they trust the police, which, with a few exceptions they generally do round here.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1zNy-5ESos&w=560&h=315]
Second hour: Interview with Andrew Fisher, former parliamentary researcher and author of ‘Failed Experiment and how to build an economy that works’, which questions the artificial economic ‘consensus’ in politics since the 1970s. He questions our so called recovery since the financial crisis in 2008, and gives his ideas to solutions to our economic problems. Interview with Diana Scrafton who is part of a group TRASHorfield campaigning to stop Sainsbury’s being built on Bristol Rovers’ Memorial Stadium near the top of Gloucester Rd, Bristol, on the old Memorial Ground – which was meant to commemorate the dead of the 1st World war, now to be sold off for a supermarket to keep bankrupt Bristol Rovers going with a dodgy planning permission on a cheap greenfield site. Missing Malaysia 777 MH370: wife of high profile ‘lost passenger’, IBM Executive Philip Wood: ‘Governments are intentionally misleading us’. Interview with Sarah Bajc, wife of IBM Executive Philip Wood that was on missing Malaysian Airways plane MH370. She says all the experts she has spoken to think the plane has been taken. Zigzagging planes and avionics transponders switching off just like during the 9/11 attacks. Tony’s article Malaysia MH370: Who has means & motive to take a plane full of people? Martin Summers discusses other conspiracies relating to planes: Lockerbie; KAL007 over prohibited Russian Military airspace at Sakhalin in 1983 and the Underpants bomber. The motives and possible suspects who may have abducted flight MH370. Ukraine – NATO armed forces chief General Philip Breedlove discusses NATO’s role in Ukraine, and Russian troops on the border of Ukraine. Senate Intelligence Committee report claims CIA ‘covered up use of torture and misled US government about its value’. Interview with Clive Menzies from Occupy London economics working group on his three main answers, and reform of our present failed system – wealth divide, citizens income, 60% of world trade from a small dynasty of families, media control.
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