Live from Bilderberg 2014 in Copenhagen

Friday 30th May 2014

BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world 
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: news review with Cabot ward Lib Dem councillor Mark Wright: Who was 15th Century Bristol explorer Giovanni Caboto, or John Cabot in English? Vikings and Bristol fishermen may have discovered Newfoundland before he did. EU election results – UKIP, immigration and anti-EU parties, jobs, minimum wage, cost of living crisis; coalition hires debt collectors to get money off poorest – 4.7m cases of overpaid tax credits, work programme dodgy tactics; tax revenues up at £23bn as tax avoidance clamped down on – lots more stashed away; should Nick Clegg resign? EU debate; massive inequality as more than 1m homes in Britain are empty – macro economics, social housing, land value tax, council tax, empty offices; big four accountants – KPMG, Pricewater House Cooper, Deloite, Ernst & Young – criticised for inaccurate audits of the banks particularly up to financial crash; austerity cuts blamed for rise of violence in prisons – legal aid cuts, private prison agenda; Inclusive Capitalism Conference – Prince Charles and his influence.

Second hour: Investigative reports with Charlie Skelton at Bilderberg 2014 in Copenhagen. Charlie Skelton, Journalist, phones in live from the 2014 Bilderberg Conference in Copenhagen.  More military minded participants this year – also intelligence, and technical, data analysis types. Ukraine is probably top of the agenda.  Bilderberg destroying democracy.  Ukraine discussed generally – Last weekend’s Ukrainian presidential election of Poreshenko, fighting in East Ukraine, Leap 20/20, EU deals with US not Russia, NATO Gladio structures.  Bilderberg discussed generally – list of participants includes Marcus Agius, husband to Catherine de Rothschild – oil interests, peak oil, petrodollar system, BRICS.  Chilcot Inquiry letters redacted.  US CIA caught using ‘medical vaccination programme’ to gather intelligence in Pakistan. Despite Snowden’s revelations about criminality the US set up a new intelligence gathering centre at USAF Croughton here in the UK. But Scrutiny of US airbases in Britain is stuck in the 1950s. The US fascist roots of Bilderberg. Austin Texas based presenter/producer of The Secret Truth radio show George Butler interviews Steven Kinzer,  author of ‘The Brothers: John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles’. Interview with author of ‘The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles And Their Secret World War’ by Stephen Kinzer

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