Metrobust before it begins – 911 foreknowledge: Odigo messages and follow the money – Syria: US chemical weapons on the road to Damascus
Friday 9th September 2016
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
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First hour: News review: Buses in Bristol – cuts to First Bus, privatisation of buses; Metrobus in negotiations cannot find any operators; eighteen months of road works and terrible rush hour delays for nothing? Making public transport more efficient – public ownership, history of London Transport, Ken Livingstone’s 1980s Fares Fair with the eventual aim of free public transport – oil industry; government says ‘Brexit means Brexit’, but what does ‘Brexit means Brexit’ mean? Negotiations; PMQs Angus Robertson – to control borders Britain will be leaving single market – summer of waffle about Brexit – immigration, history of EU, trade laws undermine sovereignty; PMQs Thangam Debbonaire – British universities shut out by other EU universities since Brexit – no EU funding, standards in farming, North Korea sovereignty; Keith Vaz MP forced to resign as chair of Home Affairs Select committee over gay rent boy sex tapes – Goddard resigns from child sex abuse inquiry saying couldn’t choose own staff Keith Vaz wanted to get to the bottom of whether Goddard resigned or was sacked and why – do MI5 have compromising files on all senior politicians? Child sex abuse survivors now consider quitting enquiry – and Vaz made sure Corbyn was kept on ballot How Jeremy Corbyn Triumphed At Labour’s National Executive Committee (NEC) Meeting – Chuka Umuna taking over as head of Home Office Select Committee – sex used for blackmail; Berezovsky assassinated by MI5 because was going to release photos of Prince Phillip at sex club? bringing back Grammar Schools – segregating society; Cllr Paul Smith at The Big Housing Conversation – council housing.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: 9/11 : Bush blocking John O’Neill’s FBI investigation into Bin Laden before attack; buildings ‘collapsing’ in an unbelievable way; Bill Cooper describes in July 2001 how CNN interviews Bin Laden when US military says it can’t find him, how ridiculous, warns of a big attack on the United States which will be blamed on Osama Bin Laden; manipulation of public opinion through terrorist attacks – ITV documentary ‘9/11: Truth, Lies and Conspiracies’, on next Tuesday evening at 9pm – Operation Gladio, Operation Northwoods; Colonel Alan Sabrosky, General Ivashov, Major-General Albert Stubblebine III – all think 9/11 a hoax; Manfred Petritsch – financial transactions – put options – before 9/11 attacks – someone knew it was going to happen – CIA Executive Director Buzzy Krongard of Deutsche Bank; Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth; Manfred Petritsch from All Smoke And Mirrors blog discusses German government holding joint cabinet meetings with Israel; London vicar Steven Sizer gagged by Bishop of Guildford for linking to article: ‘9-11/Israel did it, all the proof in the world’ – INSIDE MENWITH HILL – The NSA’s British Base at the Heart of U.S. Targeted Killing – Snowden leaks information about Menwith Hill US base by Ryan Gallagher GHOSTHUNTER (triggered every time a ‘target’ logs onto the internet), GHOSTWOLF (surveillance of internat cafes in ‘target’ regions), MOONPENNY, FORNSAT (sniffing foreign satellites) and OVERHEAD (NATO/NSA/GCHQ satellites sniffing all ground communications) in The Intercept but NOTHING is reported in any London media; Christopher Bollyn discusses Odigo – an instant messaging software designed by Israeli I.T. guru Kobi Alexander who is possibly implicated in the 7/7 London Bombings through his Verint Systems company too – used on 9/11 to stop people going to work; Israelis involved in 9/11?; propaganda about 9/11 today; significance of 9/11 today. Friends of Syria group meet and say Assad regime needs to be toppled: Disgraced former MP Brooks Newmark on BBC Radio 5 Live (whose presenter Peter Allen wrongly described him as an MP and chair of parliament’s all party Syria group) discusses Syria; 2013 Ghouta sarin nerve gas attack by NATO which came through Libya – Seymour Hersh article in London Review of Books about Hillary Clinton and State Department being behind this WMD attack; Newmark discusses Assad as a puppet of Russian president Vladimir Putin; Boris Johnson’s approach; Newmark wants a ‘no fly zone in Syria’ – but that means war with Russia! Former French Foreign Minister says British started the Syrian civil war – Roland Dumas – West armed and funded uprising in Syria. Zbigniew Brzezinski – US did coup in Turkey; Israel strikes back at Syrian army after mortar fire hits Golan Heights; Israel to deploy machine gun-equipped autonomous vehicles along Gaza border.
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