Why go nuclear? 2560MWe tidal power station in Severn estuary would cost about half as much to build create 1000s of jobs

Friday 28th October 2016

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: News review: Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP); Severn Barrage projects; as Labour gets fined over election expenses, the Tories election fraud scandal is being ignored; media firms forced to pay Gordon Anglesea £375k in libel damages tell of ‘bitter sweet’ moment he was convicted as paedophile – one of his victims who was not believed had committed suicide: Private Eye editor Ian Hislop says: ‘I can’t help thinking of the witnesses who came forward to assist our case at the time, one of whom later committed suicide telling his wife that he never got over ‘not being believed’ Gordon Anglesea was a Freemason. In 1976 Anglesea joined a masonic lodge in Colwyn Bay. In 1982 he became a member of Wrexham’s Berwyn lodge. He left in 1984 to join a new Wrexham lodge called Pegasus becoming its Master in 1990. Daily Mirror article; Bristol Metrobus scheme costs spiral = extra £13m – bad traffic in Bristol, public transport in Bristol;  homeless children up by 60% since the Conservatives came to power – 2/3 homelessness involve children, right to buy reducing council housing, high immigration;  UK public finances worsen, adding to Hammond’s headache; PMQs Corbyn – Brexit – when is PM going to have a plan?; low morale in 56% of Avon and Somerset Police – overworked, cuts, Volunteering? What are we paying Council Tax for? PMQs Christopher Chope – Dorset to merge councils discussed by Christopher Chope MP at PMQs and legal challenge as West Somerset council prepares to merge with Taunton Dean borough council – electoral register and boundaries;  a speeding driver is caught and fined every 12 minutes in Bristol area;  PMQs – Owen Thompson – ‘the jungle’ in Calais being dismantled; PMQs – Luciana Berger – mental health.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: cost of Hinkley C nuclear versus tidal power; Bristol Channel tidal vs nuclear power cost calculations: MeyGen Pentland tidal power scheme: cost £1.6bn, 384MWe = 400 turbines at £4m (0.96MWe) eachHinkley C EPR (PWR) nuclear reactor: cost £37bn = 2560MWe. Bristol Channel tidal power scheme, approximate cost £10.7bn: 2560MWe = 2,667 turbines at £4m (0.96MWe) each. Paul Mobbs, former engineer and environmental journalist, looking at the choices between nuclear and tidal energy around the Bristol Channel and Severn estuary discusses alternative energies and power output, viability, finance costs and how economic ideologies of governments need to change before progress in these areas can really be made: the Severn estuary, along with the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia Canada share the world’s greatest tidal range at 50 feet or 15 meters the tide goes in and out, up and down twice a day; the Bay of Fundy Canadians are installing new tidal schemes there after successful past schemes; the Scottish tidal MeyGen tidal energy scheme that has just started; viability, energy output, and costs of a Severn barrage system as compared to Hinkley C nuclear power; the Atlantis, MeyGen, Pentland tidal power scheme in Scotland which will have 61 turbines; Paul’s calculations: Hinkley will generate 2560MWe on average, 0.96MWe on average is what each tidal turbine delivers. So to generate the equivalent power of £37bn cost Hinkley C we’d need 2,667 tidal turbinesPaul calculates if each tidal energy turbine costs less than c. £7m each, they could generate the same power cheaper than the planned Hinkley C nuclear power station; the tidal turbine generators apparently cost about £7.5m for four making tidal power around a quarter the cost of nuclear? Other estimates suggest the cost per turbine of large tidal schemes is around £4m per turbine, which is still around half the cost of Hinkley C nuclear power station. Fracking – banned in Ireland and Germany; ideology of constant growth; energy consumption only cut in recessions;  where are we heading with climate change? – the tipping point and ‘Armageddon’; supremacy of oil – manipulated – peak oil, Saudis selling large stake in state oil company, energy used to obtain difficult to get oil; zero-carbon power plant – carbon capture by Carbon Clean Solutions – although how much coal left? How Israel became the global hub for surveillance technologyLinux open source technology, drones and Israelis; Paul Mobbs’ website www.fraw.org.uk/mei; his book ‘Energy Beyond Oil’.  ‘VAXXED’, a 2016 documentary about the link between the Merck Inc. manufactured Measels Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism, the film was banned and had to be pulled from this year’s Tribeca Film Festival run by Robert de Niro – in this clip Dr Andrew Wakefield discusses the huge modern epidemic we have with autism, the US Centre for Disease Control (CDC) cover-up and some clear links to the vaccine. Asma al Assad, wife of Bashar al Assad, President of Syria, discusses why she hasn’t left Syria despite the civil war and reminds us of Western media propaganda/bias.
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[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KrpK0rbl9w]

2 Comments on “Why go nuclear? 2560MWe tidal power station in Severn estuary would cost about half as much to build create 1000s of jobs

  1. Is Martin Summers ok ? I really do miss him off the show. You two are one of the finest host and commentator team I’ve ever listened to. If one of you is missing imho it is like half a show(the full two hours). Is there a management, legal or health problem for Martin ? Tony or Martin please email me and tell me what is going on. I am willing to do my little bit (i’m on disability and low income but i’ll do my best with email appeals. I’m a 20th century guy but willing to learn twitter and other social media) to have Marin on the show again. I don’t believe I’m alone in missing Martin on the Politics Show.

    be grateful for a response


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