Crooked Carillion boss takes charge of safety at Hinkley C nuclear power site – Kingpin Moshe Harel: Israeli organ harvesting mastermind arrested in Cyprus – Abu Hamza’s MI5 codename ‘Damson Berry’
Friday 19th January 2018
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
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official BCC homeless hate sign spotted in Trenchard Street car park
First hour: news review: HELP! Popular BCfm politics show moved out of 5pm drivetime slot! You can contact station manager Pat Hart here – Is Marvin Rees a Mayor or Chief Exec of Bristol Council? People or profit first? Cuts in Bristol – half Bristol’s public toilets being closed this week; Bristol Council notice in Trenchard St car park – about begging and homeless – St.Mungo’s Bristol homeless charity have problems with hard drugs, theft of possessions and threats of violence homelessness; Carillion collapse: Five urgent questions the Government must answer – Carillion collapse: The key personnel at the firm: Richard Howson; Keith Cochrane; Philip Green; Alison Horner; Zafar Khan; Emma Mercer; Baroness Sally Morgan of Huyton; Andrew Dougal; Justin Read – Carillion was only sustained by new government contracts, involved in Southmead and Swindon hospitals, PFIs, corruption; PMQs Corbyn – Carillion auditor KPMG faces scrutiny for approving books months before collapse – Carillion part of a broken system of privatisation of public services – way of not putting gov. expenditure on books, financial bubble, could Carillion bring down the economy? orchestrated run on Pound, Nathan Rothschild deception at the Battle of Waterloo makes money to Rothschilds; Q. Where is the criminal idiot Richard Howson, responsible for the Carillion debacle? A. Director of a firm in charge of inspections at Hinkley Point C nuclear power station; Government reassures over supplier Interserve – who is too big to fail or jail? Bristol litter police tried to fine a non-smoker for dropping cigarette butt on Gloucester Road; Bristol City Council accused of turning litter police on its own staff – Bristol budget aims to get £100,000 a year from ‘litter police’ fines; Bristol ‘litter police’ say they can issue fines on ANY land ‘open to air’ after trespass accusation – Officer workers in Temple Quay said the enforcement officers did not have the required permission before issuing fines; BBC Question Time – Andy Burnham, Margo James, and audience member discuss cuts to NHS – Tories deliberately under-funding NHS to privatise it – Jeremy Hunt’s book ‘Direct Democracy’ argues to denationalise NHS; PMQs Wales devolution to be scrapped after Brexit; PMQs Tories plastic waste plan – Greenwash: Boyan Slat’s The Ocean Cleanup group, Bilderberg influence?
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Israeli mastermind Moshe Harel organ harvesting scandal, Pristina, Kosovo and Tel-Aviv; According to court documents, the clinic often paid young, poor Turkish men for one of their kidneys, paying them upwards of $10,000. Clients seeking organ transplants — from Israel, Germany and Canada, among other places — might pay as much as $150,000 for the operation. “Medicus was one of a constellation of clinics operated by Sonmez, Harel and others,” Jonathan Ratel, the lead prosecutor, said in 2013. “We found clinics in Azerbaijan and other places and we believe there may be one in South Africa. This was a cruel harvest of the poor,” Ratel added. Lebanon secret services hacking smart phones – why pick on Lebanon? Lebanon in firing line for regime change; Finsbury Park Mosque hate preacher who the Queen wanted arrested and deported, Abu Hamza, MI5 code name ‘Damson Berry’, says he was tipped off about 9/11 FOUR DAYS before attacks – he and Haroon Aswat were working for British state intelligence all along – West backing Islamic terrorists; The Intercept: Facebook says it is deleting accounts at the direction of the U.S. and Israeli governments – increase in censorship in lead up to WWIII?, fake news agenda and propaganda; David Icke Facebook page restored six days after it was unpublished – six days in which they ignored us until now. Facebook called it ‘an error’. I’m sure everyone will believe them; China’s Official Military Newspaper Warns: “War Is Not Far” – North Korea; Brexit-hit pound helps UK boat and yacht industry notch highest revenue since financial crisis; 2017 a record year for the oligarchy. Number of billionaires jumped 13% to 2,043 from 1,810 last year, first time ever Forbes pinned down more than 2,000 ten-figure-fortunes. Their total net worth rose by 18% to $7.67 trillion, also a record; At least 13,000 hero soldiers left HOMELESS after leaving the military – and almost all have PTSD; PMQs Northern Ireland not having a government for a year. Was divide and rule Troubles a live firing EXERCISE? – Kincora and psychological warfare ……Colin Wallis discusses this 20 years ago – Clockwork Orange: sucessful plan to get rid of Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson. Unaccountable Policing around the shadow of Grenfell Tower – British inquiries not fair. Sean Stone on RT America interviews Paul Williams about the Gulen Movement in Turkey and CIA involvement – Gladio 2 and Sybil Edmonds. BBC House of Saud, a Family at War documentary series – is it still propaganda?
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