Deporting of Afro-Caribbean elders without British passports – Chris Wylie: Colonial Data Thieves & Election Fixers Strategic Communication Labs & Palantir
Good Friday 30th March 2018
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
As of February 2018 the show starts at 6pm, not 5pm. Is this inconvenient? Contact BCfm C.E.O. Pat Hart, and/or Tony
At six – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After seven – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
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Any probs mp3s should be on alternative links below by then
First hour: news review: Justice for Judah – Ras Judah was elderly black man misidentified and tasered by police – anti-police brutality campaign – IPCC taken up case – Nick Gargan case; Nana Kwaku Agyemang (formerly known as Balogun) discusses AfroCaribbean elderly community being sent back when don’t have British passport – young blacks being sent to St. Matthias Referral Centre; Hamilton House is evicting social enterprises, turning some of offices to flats; PMQs local council money cut by almost 50% since 2010; ‘Bankrupt’ Tory council TAKEN OVER by Commissioners after completely running out of money; Melrose’s GKN pledges read like Greg Clark invented them to look bold – no industrial strategy; PMQs GKN hostile takeover – hedge fund scam; PMQs French firm may get passport contract; anti-Coulston campaign – results in last year e.g. Colston Hall name to be changed – Merchant Venturers run Bristol – modern slavery – Edward Colston Countering Colston; PMQs children that were sent overseas and abused should have been compensated; anti-Semitism in Labour Party? – Israel’s crimes.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Northern Syria and Turkey – is Turkey changing sides – how many sides are there?; Trump: US Troops Leaving Syria ‘Very Soon’; France to Send Special Forces to Powder-keg City of Manbij. Russia diplomatic pre-war expulsions by Tories: HM Gov. document ‘The Salisbury Incident’ : list of attacks blamed on Russia and counter explanation of these; Skripal case – Western secret services up to no good – can we trust Porton Down? Former GIGN (French police) officer Paul Barril in March 2016 discussing CIA and MI6 Operation Beluga to destabilise Russia and get rid of Putin: all Putin’s opponents in London; suicide or assassination of Beresovsky – Litvinenko’s book ‘Blowing Up Russia’ – Western intelligence services involved in blowing up Moscow Tower blocks as well as Berezovsky and Putin. Christopher Wylie – former SCL employee: data mining, and getting around electoral law to covertly fund politics; SCL as modern colonialism – how they make their money; Palantir works for CIA and GCHQ; Facebook getting all your details story; Black Cube – people’s lives threatened and people killed – Israeli private intelligence firms. Snowden Docs Show British Spies Used Sex and ‘Dirty Tricks’ – secret British spy unit called the Joint Threat Research and Intelligence Group (JTRIG) – Book about Israeli assassination programme of Shin Bet and Mossad: Rise and Kill First. EMERGENCY RESPONDERS CRIMINALLY PREVENTED FROM DOING THEIR JOBS, SO PEOPLE DIE UNNECESSARILY: Manchester attack: Firefighters did not respond to bombing for two hours because of false alarm over ‘active shooter’. Dr Jacob Cohen discusses the Pike River Mine explosion in New Zealand in 2010 where 29 men died – insurance job. Jacob’s book: Murder at Pike River Mine, 2nd edition – Dean Braxton officially died for two hours – he explains what he saw in the ‘after life’.
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Great show, commentary, questions, taped excerpts, etc Tony and Martin . A belated Happy Easter .
Julius Caesar reminds us that “fortune, whose power is very great in all spheres, but particularly in warfare, often brings about great reversals by a slight tilt of the balance.” 😉
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