Why wouldn’t UK’s lying Home Secretary Amber Rudd resign? Senior anti-racism campaigner, Marc Wadsworth, expelled from Labour party. Syria lies: BBC World Service caught out by Vanessa Beeley
Friday 27th April 2018
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
At six – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After seven – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
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First hour: news review: with Metro Mayor Tim Bowles and Green leader Eleanor Combley: Lloyd Roberts from Save Redland Library joins us to discuss. Only 1% responded to the libraries consultation, Westbury and Henleaze Tory people who have plenty of money and spare time responded to keep their own library open. There are schemes which could be use to save seventeen libraries. Surely Marvin should close Tory ward libraries. Fears Government-funded report into library cuts will be ‘buried’ by Bristol City Council. What is going on with the city’s library service? Bristol mayor Marvin Rees’ office says he’s ‘too busy’ to come on the show. But we know he isn’t because the last time he was booked to come in, then changed his mind at the last minute, he was sitting just outside the studio in the Community Centre waiting to meet some Labour councillors. Eleanor suggests Marvin may simply be avoiding the close questioning he’ll get here. What is a Metro Mayor – annual budget is £30 million for infrastructure like rail and housing, Tim’s job is vague but seems to be to lure foreign investors into the region – job losses on the horizon at GKN and Airbus – too much ‘feudal power’ in a mayor – EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Labour anti-racism activist Marc Wadsworth expelled from the Labour party for alleged antisemitism, founder of Labour Party Black Sections, former chair of the joint unions chapel at Thames Television – accused by Labour MP Ruth Smeeth of ‘using an antisemitic trope’ by saying “I saw that the Telegraph handed a copy of a press release to Ruth Smeeth MP, so you can see who’s working hand in hand”. (Did Marc mean the Labour MP was working with a right wing newspaper, or was he alleging she was part of an a Jewish conspiracy?) Ms Smeeth branded the comments “vile conspiracy theories about Jewish people”. VIDEO OF THE EXCHANGE AT A LABOUR PARTY PRESS CONFERENCE – doesn’t the Tory party discriminate against poor people? A city councillor of a minority ethnic background was arrested after going to his local police station to report a crime because officers were searching for a suspect who “looked like” him. Amber Rudd resisted calls to resign as Home Secretary as she faced accusations she misled Parliament. A leaked memo suggested Ms Rudd was aware of Home Office targets for immigration removals – just a day after she told MPs she had not agree to specific targets. Ms Rudd had initially told MPs investigating the Windrush scandal that there were no immigration removal targets. She then said she was not aware of them.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: this week the BBC World Service transmitted its ‘Trending’ programme ‘Who’s Pushing Syria Conspiracies?’ Journalist Vanessa Beeley – she recommends 21st Century Wire; UK Column; Sharmine Narwani; Eva Bartlett; Professor Tim Anderson; Professor Piers Robinson – Professor Piers Robinson – new academic project monitoring propaganda; Robert Fisk – was approached by the BBC who implied in the programme that she had refused to be interviewed for the programme, which she hadn’t. Neither was the ‘objective source’ on social media and Syria’ Scott Lucas. Scott has links to ‘Mayday Rescue’ and Deemar Muttar which is an intermediate used by James Le Mesurier to funnel British Government money to think tanks and Ahrar al–Sham, also known as Harakat Ahrar al–Sham al-Islamiyya, or the Islamic Movement of the Free Men of the Levant. Elizabeth Cassin’s BBC World Service programme: Who’s Pushing Syria Conspiracies? ‘Trending’. There’s a disinformation war over the conflict in Syria. With reporting on the ground increasingly difficult, who can you trust to bring you the truth? Not the BBC World Service that’s for sure. BBC’s HARDtalk interviews | Fares Shehabi, Syrian MP for Aleppo – Patrick Clawson, member of the globalist-controlled think-tank and neo-con influenced Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) speaking at the Washington Institute about ‘crisis initiation, false flag attacks and getting a war started between the United States and Iran. It would be best if somebody else started the war. ‘We are in the game of using covert means againt the Iranians. We could get nastier on that’. Now is the time that a small provocation could lead to a full-blown war. And Patrick Clawson, Director of Research at Washington Institute Of Near East Policy (WINEP), has suggested that someone should fabricate that small provocation. James Le Mesurier carries about him the inescapable whiff of Britain’s history of dirty wars, waged in Kenya, Aden, Ireland, Iraq, Libya, in other words wherever London’s imperialist foot has tread around the world. A product of Britain’s prestigious Royal Military Academy of officer training at Sandhurst, he served in various UK military/NATO military deployments over the past three decades, specifically Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq and Lebanon. French Police Use Tear Gas, Water Cannons against Thousands of Eco-Activism Protesters. In Pictures: The muddy and bloody battle in the fields of western France. Anna Politkovskaya was the journalist who had published three different articles on how SOMEONE was testing Polonium on Chechen children. Gee! Where have we seen THAT scenario before? Anna’s articles were published in the Novaya Gazeta in 2006 and she was killed October of that same year. After Anna’s lawyer Stanislav Markelov was murdered in 2009 followed by the murder of one of her key informants in Chechnya Natalia Estemirova the same year, there was a retrial in Anna’s case which went to the Supreme Court. Chechen president Ramzan Kadyrov stirred up a public disgust when he said about Anna’s informant Natalia Estemirova on Radio Liberty “She was a woman…who had never possessed any honor, dignity or conscience.” The prosecution cornered Dmitry Pavliutchenkov a former policeman who in turn confessed Lom-Ali Gaitukayev was who negotiated the contract killing and behind him he suspected Boris Berezovsky. Russia’s chief prosecutor, Yuri Chaika, announced yesterday that 10 people had been arrested in connection with the murder of Anna Politkovskaya which he blamed on a Chechen mafia boss and rogue elements in Russia’s security services. But he hinted that the real mastermind behind the plot to kill the campaigning journalist was a Russian citizen living abroad who had arranged the murder to discredit the Kremlin and Vladimir Putin, the Russian president. Asked whether he meant the exiled oligarch Boris Berezovsky, Mr Chaika refused to answer but smiled. “The person who ordered the [Politkovskaya] killing is abroad,” he said, adding that the journalist’s murder was a “provocation” plotted by “forces interested in destabilising the country, changing its constitutional order, and stoking a crisis”. These mysterious forces, he said, also wanted “a return to the old system where money and oligarchs ruled” and were interested in “discrediting the national leadership”. Last night Mr Berezovsky denied any involvement in the murder. Yesterday Mr Chaika said: “A native of Chechnya, the leader of a Moscow organised criminal ring specialised in contract killings was behind this.” But he also revealed that serving members of Russia’s federal security service (FSB), the successor to the KGB, had a hand in her killing. They had worked with officers in Russia’s interior ministry and police, he said. All had now been sacked. In the weeks before her killing five law enforcement officers trailed Politkovskaya, collecting evidence about her movements. They then passed them to her assassin, Mr Chaika said. The revelation is startling given that the FSB was headed by Mr Putin before he became president in 2000. But Mr Chaika ruled out the possibility that the FSB or the interior ministry had arranged Politkovskaya’s death. “I exclude this absolutely. Every family has a black sheep,” he said
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