Bloody minded council? ‘£20,000 is all it would cost to get Bristol’s homeless off the streets’. ‘Third world Bristol’ in denial? – Corbyn says No Deal Brexit will crash the economy – UK VIPaedophiles, the cover up continues. David Hencke on Elm Guest House and convicted sex offender Harvey Proctor – Turkey, the Kurds and NATO explained by Vanessa Beeley daughter of ex-UK ambassador to Syria
Friday 11th October 2019
At six – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After seven – straight talking and investigative reports
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
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First hour news review: Guests: prospective parliamentary candidate Dawn Westcott from the Brexit Party; Kevin Cahill, author and journalist; Paul Hazelden from Bristol Homeless Forum (Jonathan Lee from Crisis Centre Ministries declined to appear or to give a statement on the three-fold rise in Bristol’s homeless deaths, saying the news story was ‘too raw’) Ben Richie from Bristol Housing Action Movement (BHAM) who do legal support work for squatters; Matthew Montagu-Pollock from Bristol Against Tower Blocks who have been looking at Labour mayor Marvin Rees’ mission to ‘build up’ on parks near Hotwells, the Western Harbour’, Bedminster and elsewhere in the city. Brexit – EU not democratic and too centralised.
Bristol has most homeless deaths outside London – up by a 1/3– what is cause of this? Strong communities on the streets; squatting and legalities, empty buildings; problems with tower blocks; veterans on the streets; A sanitised version of Question Time with Labour mayor Marvin Rees; Facebook live discussion with Marvin – plans for the Western Harbour Development at Hotwells; Bristol Sleep Out – with the homeless – Bristol Homeless Forum; numbers of homeless people much higher than registered; solutions to homeless problem around £20,000 could get all Bristol’s street homeless off the streets. Brexit looms, or does it? Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn says a No Deal Brexit at the end of this month will drive our country off a cliff edge and bring on an economic crash? EU say UK must pay billions even with a no deal Brexit.
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Second hour Investigative reports: Interview with @ David Hencke, freelance journalist, about VIP paedophile scandal and his research into notorious bed and breakfast Elm Guest House in Barnes, South West London, in the 1980s. Elm Guest House’s bisexual owners toleration of gay couples was a cover for child sexual abuse, particularly of young boys from a nearby state children’s home Grafton Lodge Children’s Home in Grafton Close, Barnes, near Richmond, London – Operation Fernbridge and David’s investigations – Chris Fay’s list of people coming and going from Elm Guest House was not ‘definitive’ – but police say Cyril Smith MP was definitely there; Elm Guest House & Richmond Press Cuttings, 1982-present – A Chronology With thanks to the Exaro team and murun buchstansangur at spotlightonabuse
Difficulties for journalists working on VIPaedophile stories; child sex abuse survivor Carl Beech who was recently jailed for perverting the course of justice and why his eighteen year sentence is so long; successes of some non VIP prosecutions drowned out by Beech being ‘discredited’ in court; paedophiles Jimmy Savile and Bishop Peter Ball both had close ties to royal family who are the crown prosecution service responsible for prosecuting crimes – cover up close to the top;
former Tory MP and convicted sex offender Harvey Proctor walks out of a TV interview this week; Why is London Jewish ‘socialite’ and child sex trafficker Ghislane Maxwell still walking the streets? Mysterious death of Carole Kasir who owned Elm Guest House, doctor said at her inquest that she was unlikely to commit suicide; Bisexual Lord and ‘roving’ Lady Mountbatten now also believed to have been ‘sex criminals’ in their time; Kincora boys home scandal in Northern Ireland – information about sexual abuse there still not allowed to be released; how to legally proceed with claims; websites Westminster Confidential at
Bristol’s first Hong Kong protests – Phoenix and Molly, Hong Kong students studying at Bristol University, discuss first protests here, why Hong Kongers are so upset with their treatment by the Chinese authorities and are just fighting for a fair democracy and freedoms China wants to take a way such as through ‘reeducation camps’ and the social credit system which scores individuals electronically by how they behave and can restrict their job prospects and travel rights – Bristol Chinese community organise counter-demonstration waving Chinese flags – follow Bristol_HK on Instagram.
SYRIA: Turkey, the Kurds and NATO explained by daughter of former UK ambassador to Syria Vanessa Beeley – Withdrawal of US troops from Syria: mass media say it’s terrible but is it? US withdrawal from N Syria, explained by @VanessaBeeley: Since Monday we’ve seen vast misreporting of the NE Syria situation – Turkey, a NATO member state, is challenging NATO by attacking U.S proxy forces occupying the region: Kurdish contras & the SDF. Donald Trump answers questions at Wednesday press conference.
Double-missile attack on Iranian oil tanker heading for Syria.
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