Tony’s paperbacks: Traitors Of Arnhem – Siege Of Heaven Reader
During plandemic ‘Lockdown Light’, in November 2020, Tony published three eBooks which had been previously commissioned from him by two publishers but which were never printed. Now they are out in paperback too…
Available either as regular old-school paperbacks on eBay, or pdf eBooks a bit cheaper in the Payhip shop or as donation only watermarked downloads with lo-res pics
‘The Siege of Heaven’ and ‘The Siege of Heaven Reader’ are two books on the same topic of hidden history, secret networks and techniques of power. The former is articles and commentary by Tony from RT and other outlets, including articles RT declined to publish, as well as Tony’s complete historical timeline which details millennia of little known historical events, many relating to faith institutions, which have shaped the world as we know it today. eBook: A collection of articles and timeline, explaining how power really operates – how diabolical secret societies have been controlling humanity’s spiritual, economic and political institutions for millennia (Nov 2020)
The ‘Siege of Heaven Reader’ is a collection of extracts from the Middle Ages until the 21st Century which explain how diabolical secret societies have been controlling humanity’s spiritual, economic and political institutions for the last 500 years – eBook: Biblical interpretation: inner light devotional and social justice anthology – and historical timeline (Nov 2020)
The Traitors Of Arnhem – paperback – is a comprehensive endgame examination of World War Two in which we find Nazis doing deals with the Allies for nine months between D-Day and VE Day. Also the extraordinary secret liaison between Adolf Hitler’s Private Secretary Martin Bormann and his opposite number, Winston Churchill’s private secretary Desmond Morton.
Martin Bormann’s key role in 1932-1945 Nazi genocide of European Jews – and the secret Masonic model for World Domination:
ECKERT shows that at present all secret societies are divided into two parties-the party of direction .and the party of action or war party.
The duty of the Intellectual party, is to plot and to contrive; that of the party of action, is to combine recruit excite to insurrection, and fight.
The members of the war party are always members of the Intellectual Party, but not vice versa. The war party thus know what is being plotted. But the other party, concealed as common Freemasons amongst the simpletons of the lodges, cover both sections from danger.
If the war party succeed, the peace party go forward and seize upon the offices of state and the reins of power. Their men go to the hustings, make speeches that suit, are written up in the press, which, all the world over is under Masonic influence. They are cried up by the adroit managers of mobs. They become the deputies, the ministers, the Talleyrands, the Fouches, the Gambettas, the Ferrys; & of course they make the war party generals, admirals & officers of the army, the navy & the police.
If the war party fails, the intellectual party, who c1ose their lodges during the combat, appear afterwards as partisans, If possible of the conquering party, or if they cannot be that, they silently conspire. They manage to get some friends into power. They agitate.
They, in either case, come to the assistance of the defeated war party. They extenuate the faults, while condemning the heedless rashness of ill-advised, good- natured though too ardent, young men. They cry for mercy. They move the popular compassion. In time, they free the culprits, and thus prepare for new commotions.
Martin Bormann, Hitler’s Executioner – By Volker Koop – Pen and Sword (2020) – Imprint: Frontline Books – ISBN 1473886929
January 1942: Bormann personally organises Wannsee ‘Final Solution’ conference but, aware of genocide controversy, does not attend in person, sends his deputies – From: Chapter 8, Racial Fanaticism – Bormann’s Persecution of Jews – p. 189
As head of the Party Chancellery and Hitler’s confidant, Bormann was also deeply entangled in the mass murder of the Jews. Even if Bormann’s sig nature is not to be found on the killing orders, he was still informed of all preparations for the extermination of the Jewish people and was involved in them. At the Wannsee conference on 20 January 1942, during which the ‘final solution’ was agreed upon, Bormann’s office was represented by the head of department Gerhard Klopfer, for example. As head of the Constitutional Department III in the NSDAP Party Chancellery, Klopfer, whom Bormann personally promoted to secretary of state, was responsible for ‘Racial and Ethnic Matters’, economic policy and the collaboration with the Reich Security Main Office. Nobody would want to claim that Klopfèr took part in the Wannsee conference without close agreement with Bormann!
On the destruction of the Jews, Albert Speer remarked in his book The Slave State that primarily Hitler, Goebbels and Bormann, ‘this hatred fuelled motor’, had to be seen as the driving forces. Admittedly, Speer qualified this statement: ‘It has to be presumed that the Reich Security Main Office demanded the murder of all Jews and was supported therein by Bormann on Hitler’s orders.’
February 1939: Bormann issued order all Jews to wear yellow Star of David or be interned and all unemployed Jews arrested and sent to labour camps – Bormann’s Persecution of Jews – pp.191-192
In March 1938 Bormann inquired with the Reich Minister for Finance why the ‘Law for the compensation of damages inflicted on the German Reich by Jews’ had not yet been passed, and demanded: ‘After the lying propaganda of the foreign Jewish press has been continued despite the Führer’s speech in front of the Reichstag, now more drastic measures against the Jews residing here are appropriate, as the Führer expressed in his speech on the occasion of the anniversary of the foundation of the party.
Hermann Goring referred to Bormann in a meeting on 9 November 1938 and said: ‘Gentlemen, today’s meeting is of crucial importance. I have received a letter written to me by the chief of staff of the Deputy Führer, Bormann, on behalf of the Führer, according to which the Jewish question ought now to be consolidated uniformly and has to be solved one way or another.’ And on 4 February 1939 Bormann intensified the crackdown on Jews by ordering:
In order to prevent unemployed Jews becoming a burden to public welfare and so that the German people do not have to provide their means of living, the president of the Reich Institute for employ ment service and unemployment insurance had ordered by decree on 20 December 1938 that these Jews have to be assigned to labour services. I ask you to ensure that the necessary measures can be implemented without a hitch.
Bormann’s name frequently cropped up in the persecution of the Jews. On the inhumane marking of the Jews, Bormann remarked that the German people increasingly realised the machinations of international Jewry one encountered in Britain and Russia:
Therefore the suggestions made for a while to mark the Jews living in the Reich with a badge shall shortly be implemented accord ing to uniform official guidelines; as far as Jews appear in public, they must always wear the Star of David on their clothing. This badge will provide the possibility to monitor the adherence to all regulations which have been issued so far in the Reich or locally to restrict Jewish life. Hereby the numerous proposals recently sent to the Party Chancellery by the regional leaders will find their realisation.
July 1943: Bormann decree Jews of all forms of legal protection – From Chapter 12: Best Man and Executioner, War Crimes and Crimes against humanity – p 273
Bormann was especially involved in the persecutions of Jews, not merely in Germany but also in the incorporated and conquered countries. He took part in the meetings leading to the transfer of 60,000 Jews from Vienna to Poland in collaboration with the SS and the Gestapo. He signed the decree of 31 May 1941 which extended the legal force of the Nuremberg laws to the incorporated eastern territories. In an order of 9 October 1932 he declared that the permanent elimination of the Jews from Greater Germany could no longer be effected by means of emigration, but only by the use of ‘ruthless force’ in the special camps in the east. On 1 July 1943 he signed a decree which deprived Jews of the protection of the courts and placed them under the sole jurisdiction of Himmler’s Gestapo.
By 1944 Hitler’s private secretary Martin Bormann controlled almost all the $1bn+ the Nazis had looted from occupied Europe. Since 2012 Tony Gosling has been investigating evidence that at least from August 1944 ‘final solution’ architect, Reichsleiter Bormann successfully bargained, with Churchill’s private secretary Desmond Morton, to protect him after WWII.
Soldiers and journalists such as Ladisas Farago, Harry Beckhough, Paul Manning, Stewart Steven, Dave Barnby, John Ainsworth-Davis, Laurence de Mello, Carter Hydrick, Dave Emory, Jill Goulding, Mike Sparks and Joseph Farrell have all done valuable research and writing on what may be the ultimate WWII betrayal, masterminded by Winston Churchill’s private secretary Major Desmond Morton.
Tony has produced the following theoretical timeline of Bormann’s rise to power and subsequent rescue and protection by international organised crime, operating at the apex of the British state.
1944-56: ‘M’ section MI6 agent of influence… and Nazi party treasurer
1871, 15 August – Grand Master of U.S. Scottish Rite Freemasonry and founder of the Klu-Klux-Klan, confederate army Captain Albert Pike allegedly pens a letter to founder of The Mafia and uniter of Italy Guiseppi Mazzini suggesting a plan of ‘Three World Wars’ and revolutions to bring about a world government dominated by secret societies through an enormous final ‘religious war’ in the Middle East. Pike’s First World War is projected to leave Palestine in British hands and a Second World War will allow Zionist influence in London to smooth the creation of a pseudo-Judaic crusader state to dominate Palestine and Jerusalem.
1884 – Quatuor Coronati Masonic lodge established in London which Anton Chaitkin, son of legal council and strategist to the 1930s U.S. Nazi boycott committee Jacob Chaitkin, says became the secret headquarters for Zionist lobbying of the British government.
1900, 17 June – Martin Bormann is born in Wegeleben, a small village near Halberstadt near Germany’s Hartz mountains, to a strict Lutheran family.
1917, May – Eton educated Freemason Desmond Morton is appointed to GHQ, France as one of four Aides de Camp to Sir Douglas Haig, British Commander-in-Chief who usually gave oral orders which Morton and other ADCs then transcribed. When Winston Churchill became Minister of Munitions in July, 1917 he renewed a friendship with Morton joining him on frequent visits to GHQ and the WWI front line.
1919 – Desmond Morton appointed to key Foreign Office job running the Secret Intelligence Service MI6’s Counter-Bolshevism, Section V. Freemason Winston Churchill says he arranged the position for his friend.
1920, 24 February – Formation of the Nazi party, NSDAP, in Munich, Germany by group including Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess, Ernst Rohm, Dietrich Eckart, Anton Drexler, Gottfried Feder, Hans Frank and the Nazi party’s ‘spiritual father’ Alfred Rosenberg.
1922 – Bormann joins Freikorps Rossbach, the military wing of the Deutschvölkische Freiheitspartei (DFP), one of many far right political/military groups fighting Germany’s trades unions and Communists.
1923 – Pan-European Union is formed in Munich. ‘Paneuropa manifesto’ also published by Count Coudenhove-Kalergi. All financed by Max Warburg via Lionel de Rothschild.
1923 – Desmond Morton purchases ‘Earlylands’ a detached house on Main Road in Crockham Hill, Kent.
1923, 31 May – Having risen in the Freikorps after providing land for them to train on, Bormann orders murder of his 63 year old former school teacher Walter Kadow who he suspects of being a communist spy. Prime suspect for the actual murder Rudolf Höss, future commander of Auschwitz concentration camp, was sentenced to ten years in prison. On March 24th, 1924, Bormann was sentenced to one year in prison for ordering the killing, guaranteeing his and Höss’ status as far right martyrs.
1924, April – Having bought Chartwell in September 1922, Winston Churchill spends his first night in the manor house, near Crockham Hill in Kent, 2 miles or 45 minutes walk from Desmond Morton’s Earlylands, down the road.
1924, 10 October – MI6 officer Desmond Morton prepares the ‘Zinoviev Letter’ hoax and publishes it in the Daily Mail. Purporting to be from the Soviet Comintern chairman Grigory Zinoviev to British communists, four days before the general election of October 1924 it successfully damages Ramsay McDonald’s chances of forming a Labour government. Morton’s letter urged UK communists to ‘prepare for military insurrection in working-class areas’ of Britain and for ‘subverting the British army and navy’.
1927, 19 February – Bormann joins Nazi party NSDAP. Membership number 60508
1928 – Bormann is made the Nazi party’s Thüringen region leader nr. Gotha, Coburg & Altenburg.
1931, 18 September – Hitler’s niece, Geli Raubal ‘shoots herself’ at her Munich flat after breaking off what is thought to have been a sexual relationship with uncle Adolf. Martin Bormann is said to have subsequently bribed Munich police detective Heinrich Muller who was investigating her death not to investigate her death. As confidants of Herr Hitler Bormann and Muller are to go on to achieve ‘great things’ in the Nazi party.
1933, 23 March – Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany through use of both street violence and winning the popular vote at a time of mass unemployment and economic chaos.
1933, 1 July – Bormann appointed Stabsleiter, personal assistant to Rudolf Hess.
1933, 10 October – Hitler assigns Bormann “Reichsleiter der NSDAP”, highest rank in the Nazi party.
1935 – Bormann is asked to join Hitler’s inner circle. Now present at meetings he accompanies the führer everywhere, acting as Hitler’s unofficial secretary.
1938 – Using forced labour, Martin Bormann completes building of Hitler’s ‘Eagle’s Nest’ retreat complex at Berchtesgarten, Obersalzberg in the Bavarian/Austrian alps. Estate deeds are in Bormann’s personal name.
1941, 10 May – Rudolf Hess is persuaded to fly to Britain on a bogus ‘peace mission’ a few weeks before Germany’s disastrous 22 June ‘Operation Barbarossa’ invasion of the Soviet Union and betrayal of Stalin.
1941, 12 May – Martin Bormann, takes Hess’ job running the Nazi party, controlling promotion and access to the Fuhrer.
1942, 20 January – Bormann organises but does not attend notorious Wannsee Conference. Eichmann, Heydrich, Müller and other top SS officers and doctors agree The ‘Final Solution’ to the Jewish question: extermination.
1942, 19 August – Operation Jubilee. Disastrous Canadian British raid on the French coast at Dieppe. 1,500 Canadian soldiers are killed and wounded as well as 500 British and 500 Germans. A further 2,000 Canadians were captured by the German garrison who seemed to ‘know they were coming’. Instructed by Churchill’s private secretary Desmond Morton, Op JB author John Ainsworth Davis pre-warned the German High command, giving precise details about the raid to establish his double agent cover.
1942, 25 August – King George VI’s brother Prince George, who had been involved in Hess debriefings, is among 15 killed in crash of Short Sunderland W4026 at Eagle’s Rock, Caithness. Cover-up ensued because Prince George’s boyfriend, under intelligence cover, was on board too. According to sole survivor, rear gunner Andrew Jack and his niece, Margaret Harris, Prince George had been drinking but insisted on flying the plane.
1944, Thursday 10 August – Red House Meeting in Strasbourg. Bormann initiates Nazi industrialists’ flight capital programme to ‘bury treasure’ in Switzerland, Argentina etc.. Quiet countermanding of Hitler’s orders begins, eg. scorched earth ‘Nero’ policy reversed, leaving infrastructure intact for Allied advance. Bormann now appears to be secretly cooperating with the Allies.
1944, 17-25 September – Operation Market Garden (A Bridge Too Far). The biggest airborne operation in history, a potentially devastating Allied thrust across the Rhine at Arnhem, to the Ruhr, is betrayed to the Abwehr by Nazi spies Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands’ and agent ‘King Kong’. German demolition of Nijmegen bridge fails and Arnhem is there for the taking at 1900 Sep 24, but British Generals Browning, Horrocks and Montgomery conspire to halt advance for 17 hrs until Arnhem bridge is recaptured by German army. VE Day is delayed by four months, giving Nazis much-needed time to squirrel away war loot, and make Soviets do most of fighting to Berlin.
1944, 10 October – alleged test of German atomic bomb at Ludwigslust, 60 miles East of Hamburg, recorded in Allied intelligence reports which were only declassified in 2017.
1945, 11 January – Ian Fleming flies to Switzerland under diplomatic cover with a letter from Winston Churchill to investigate control of Nazi deposits there. He meets with Swiss finance minister Ernest Nobs in Basel and explains that as a soon-to-be war victor he needs names of Nazi account signatories to help redistribute looted Nazi wealth across Europe after hostilities. Before Fleming returns home Madame Claudine Fouchet of Swiss intelligence takes him to see some of the vast Nazi loot in a vault hidden in the Alps and passes him an envelope containing a simple note: ‘NSDAP 60508’, Nazi Party membership number of Martin Bormann.
1945, Monday 30 April – In Berlin, Adolf Hitler tells Bormann to, “bury everything, you will need it to return to power”, entrusts him with his last will and testament, hands leadership to Admiral Karl Dönitz and commits suicide.
1945, Tuesday 1 May – Near Friedrichstrasse Station as Bormann, Fleming, Ainsworth Davis, Günther and Brabenov are creeping from the Berlin Führerbunker toward the rescue commandos, just East of Weidendamm Bridge, Bormann double Günther and Hitler’s doctor Dr Ludwig Stumpfegger are killed by Soviet fire. Bormann pops what may have been a potassium cyanide phial into the dying Günther’s mouth.
1945, 1-11 May – Commander Ian Fleming of Royal Navy Intelligence oversees and John Ainsworth-Davis is operational commander Op JB to ensure Bormann is smuggled out of Berlin by commandos, via the Spree and Havel rivers over ten days. Disembarking on the Elbe near Werben in the Allied sector on 11th May Bormann is handed over to Major Desmond Morton, O.C. ‘M’ section, MI6, which is financed directly by King George VI. Training had taken place on the Chichester canal and at Birdham commando base, near ‘stone frigate’ HMS Northney, Hayling Island, Hants. All is evidenced in detail by John Ainsworth-Davis, aka. Christopher Creighton, in his 1996 book, Op JB. [1]
1945, night of 12/13 May – German submarine U-234 commanded by Lt. Captain Johann Heinrich Fehler is transporting 560kg of precious Nazi enriched Uranium U235, encased in gold, from the Baltic to Japan. Onboard two Japanese naval officers Hideo Tomonaga and Lt. Genzo Shoji are killed or commit suicide shortly before the U-boat alters course and then surrenders to Destroyer USS Sutton (DE771) on 14 May. With a skeleton crew and shadowed by the Sutton, U-234 heads for the US naval base at Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Its deadly cargo, now destined for the Manhattan Project, is secretly offloaded on 18 May 1945. [2]
1945, May – After debriefing, Martin Bormann is allegedly given cover identity of William Robert Hornegold, D.O.B. 1906. Bormann is sole signatory to Nazi bank accounts, mostly in Switzerland, Spain and Argentina, which contain over a billion dollars worth of looted wealth from Nazi occupations in Europe and elsewhere.
1945, 4 August – Commodore Coastal Convoys & Commander, Special Boat Unit, who was responsible for training Op JB commandos at Birdham, Harold Goulding DSO, dies suddenly and unexpectedly at Bangour Hospital, Edinburgh aged 41. Under the care of celebrated neurosurgeon Dr Norman Dodd cause of death is given as ‘subdural haematoma following meningitis’. Family told conflicting stories. Harry’s grand-daughter Jill Goulding publishes account: ‘Churchill’s Most Secret 001’ (2018).
1946, March – Hamburg-based former SS officer known only as ‘Borgolde’ reports that in late March Martin Bormann was brought to Dusseldorf, presumably by the British, to attend a nascent secret ODESSA conference of former party leaders. The object appears to have been to use the former Nazi party leader to lure the ‘SS Resistance’ and ‘Werewolves’ in so they could all be photographed, identified, tracked and a decision could then be made about who would and would not be arrested. Arrests were made in May and into the Summer under British counter-intelligence ‘Operation Lampshade’. [1]
1946, 1 October – Nuremberg trials convict Martin Bormann of war crimes ‘in absentia’ and he is sentenced to death by hanging.
1946 – U.S. Treasury intelligence report states 750 companies are being set up under Bormann’s control all over the world by German industrialists following Aug. 10, 1944 Red House meeting in Strasbourg. The report lists 112 in Spain, 58 in Portugal, 35 in Turkey, 98 in Argentina, 214 in Switzerland, and 233 in other countries.
1947, 29 November – Nelson Rockefeller delivers crucial Latin American votes for the Zionists after heated negotiations with David Ben-Gurion and intelligence chief Reuven Shiloah as the UN recognises the state of Israel. For the Israelis the price is a cast-iron commitment to neither pursue nor publicise any Nazi war criminals, including those then working directly for US Secretary of State Allan Dulles. To quote Rockefeller: “You can have vengeance, or you can have a country, but you cannot have both.” [3]
1952 – Bormann travelling back and forth from Europe to South America, allegedly had identity changed once more, this time to Peter Michael Broderick-Hartley.
1955, 5 April – Publication of Ian Fleming’s ‘Moonraker’ the Bond novel with some of the strongest hints at collaboration between the Transatlantic powers and the Nazis, particularly rocket science. The Eon film, which features industrialist-villain Hugo Drax threatening London with a nuclear missile rather like the real wartime V2 threat from a V2 with a nuclear bomb which had preoccupied Churchill and that Fleming knew about, was released in 1959.
1956, 29 April – As Soviet premiere Khrushchev prepares to visit Britain with an unprecedented security entourage, Prime minister Anthony Eden orders fugitive Martin Bormann, however financially useful he is, out of the UK.
1958, 15 February – According to Paraguayan police papers released in 1998, Martin Bormann is said to have died of stomach cancer and been buried in an unmarked grave in Ita, near Asuncion, Paraguay.
1960, 20 May – Adolf Eichmann is abducted by Mossad officers in Buenos Aires under leadership of Isser Harel and flown to Israel for trial. Paul Manning has revealed the Bormann crime network promptly told Prime Minster David Ben-Gurion and Mossad chief Isser Harel, that finance for Israel will end if any further ‘4th Reich’ Nazi war criminals are pursued.[4]
1964, 12 August – Death of H.M. Naval Intelligence Commander, Op JB Commanding Officer and Bond author Ian Fleming, aged 56.
1972, 25 November – Daily Express publishes front page lead ‘Martin Bormann Alive’ based on work of Express reporter Stewart Steven and Ladislas Farago’s South American intelligence documents.
1972, 7 December – Construction workers uncover two bodies near Freidrichstrasse station in West Berlin. Dental records of one allegedly match Bormann’s.
1973, 1 January – Publication of ‘The Bormann Brotherhood, A New Investigation of the Escape & Survival of Nazi War Criminals’ by former navy pilot, Canadian TV documentary producer and author of ‘A Man Called Intrepid’, William Stevenson. Bormann’s activities in Paraguay tracked, top Nazis now active in NATO identified.
1975, 1 May – Hungarian investigative journalist and alleged CIA agent Ladislas Farago says he has met Bormann in Argentina and publishes ‘Aftermath, Martin Bormann and the Fourth Reich’. Farago also alleges he has uncovered an organised crime network which includes well-known ‘missing’ Nazi war criminals such as Heinrich Müller, known about, but not pursued by, NATO intelligence services.
1981, 8 September – Former CBS wartime radio journalist Paul Manning publishes ‘Martin Bormann, Nazi In Exile’ where he details Bormann activities in South America creating 750 ‘4th Reich business mafia’ companies into which laundered Nazi loot is injected. Former SS officers and international Nazi sympathisers are given seats on these boards. Unscrupulous Zionists are recruited as senior board members in these companies to camouflage the ‘Bormann Network’s Nazi origins.
1989 – Major Desmond Morton’s replacement as commander of ‘M’ section MI6, Susan Kemp, tells John Ainsworth-Davis this is the year Bormann (more likely another doppelganger) died and was buried in Reigate cemetery.
1995, December – Reports in News of the World and Mail on Sunday that one of Martin Bormann’s many sons is living in Wray Common Road, Reigate. Diligent journalists have allegedly stood the story up with documentary evidence. Shortly after publication ‘Martin Bormann’s son’ is arrested on drugs charges. Whilst on remand he is reported to have committed suicide by hanging in his cell. Whether this ‘Bormann’s son’ really died and was buried, or there was a mock funeral and he got a new identity, is unknown.
1996, Sunday 1 September – Publication of ‘Op JB, The Last Great Secret Of The Second World War’ by John Ainsworth-Davis under the pen name Christopher Creighton because he is worried about being prosecuted under the Official Secrets Act. It details the top secret operation masterminded by Ian Fleming and Churchill’s private secretary Major Desmond Morton for commandos to rescue Bormann from Berlin, via canals, at the end of World War Two. The story is endorsed by letters from WWII Royal Navy intelligence commander turned author, Ian Fleming and Winston Churchill. Another endorsement later emerges by Lord Mountbatten of Burma.
1998, Monday 4 May – German and Swiss scientists say DNA tests on the ‘Bormann skull’ dug up in central Berlin is conclusive proof that Bormann died there in the final days of WWII. However the skull has eight dental fillings more than his WWII records indicate and red clay on the skull is found in Ita, Paraguay but not Berlin.
2010 – Churchill research fellow, former deputy head of Reigate Priory primary school, Grace Filby, gives her ‘Churchill’s Secret Reigate’ talks. Local contacts tell Grace there was a ‘Bormann doppelganger’, who could be produced if the Russians accused the British government of hiding the real Bormann in Reigate. Her presentation examines a WWII bunker under Reigate Hill built secretly in 1941. S.E. Regional Command was General Montgomery’s 21st Army Group headquarters, originally for the defence of Britain in the event of a Nazi invasion but was used by him until 1944. Grace explains British leaders lived under tight but subtle guard in large detached houses at the top of Underhill Park Road, cunningly modified for defence, and with access to ‘Monty’s Hideout’ bunker complex. Winston Churchill was billeted at ‘Broadleaze’ and Montgomery at ‘Underbeeches’.
2015, 18 March – Grace Filby attends Buckingham Palace and meets the queen. Grace dies in the winter of 2015/16, three weeks after being diagnosed with cancer.
2015, March – Archaeologists from the University of Buenos Aires unearth a 1940s built ‘Nazi refuge’ in, Teyu Cuare Misiones, by the Paraguay/Uruguay/Brazil border, in Argentina. Locals say Bormann had lived there, ten minutes drive from Paraguay.
Comments, criticism or anything to add?
If you have anything to add do please call me, Tony Gosling, 07786 952037, 11:00 – 19:00 Mon to Thu or send me an SMS text, whenever suits. I also have further extracts/articles detailing this story which I will post to you for a £10.00, cheque/PO.
Email me at or post at Tony Gosling, PRSC Arts Centre, 17-25 Jamaica Street, BRISTOL, BS2 8JP. I acknowledge receipt on request.
‘From South America, where payment must be made with subtlety, the Bormann organisation has made a substantial contribution. It has drawn many of the brightest Jewish businessmen into a participatory role in the development of many of its corporations, and many of these Jews share their prosperity most generously with Israel. If their proposals are sound, they are even provided with a specially dispensed venture capital fund. I spoke with one Jewish businessmen in Hartford, Connecticut. He had arrived there quite unknown several years before our conversation, but with Bormann money as his leverage. Today he is more than a millionaire, a quiet leader in the community with a certain share of his profits earmarked as always for his venture capital benefactors. This has taken place in many other instances across America and demonstrates how Bormann’s people operate in the contemporary commercial world, in contrast to the fanciful nonsense with which Nazis are described in so much ‘literature.’
So much emphasis is placed on select Jewish participation in Bormann companies that when Adolf Eichmann was seized and taken to Tel Aviv to stand trial, it produced a shock wave in the Jewish and German communities of Buenos Aires. Jewish leaders informed the Israeli authorities in no uncertain terms that this must never happen again because a repetition would permanently rupture relations with the Germans of Latin America, as well as with the Bormann organization, and cut off the flow of Jewish money to Israel. It never happened again, and the pursuit of Bormann quieted down at the request of these Jewish leaders. He is residing in an Argentinian safe haven, protected by the most efficient German infrastructure in history as well as by all those whose prosperity depends on his well-being.’
Why this stuff still matters
Was the Nazi reign of terror a test-bed, or model, for a future authoritarian, technocratic regime which would ignite ‘perpetual war’ for its own political purposes? George Orwell predicted as much immediately after WWII.
All is needed is a financial crash, as we saw in 1929, and several years of joblessness and other economic hardship, to create the right conditions for a ‘strong man’ or ‘man god’ as Hitler was referred to, to rise to absolute power. Indeed economic disaster would arguably be like a ‘red carpet’ for the next Hitler.
One can imagine a much softer toned, benevolent seeming dictator who articulates the wishes of ordinary people which have for so long been deliberately suppressed by him and his elite colleagues. If we understand links between the Nazis and international organised crime, that may help prevent the emergence of a future totalitarian state.
‘It has been said that, as a young man, Winston Churchill was a member of the Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt. In view of his tirelessly inquiring mind, it would not be very surprising if that were so.’ Dennis Wheatley, The Devil & All His Works, Hutchinson (1971)
[1] p155-6, The Last Nazis, SS Werewolf Guerrilla Resistance in Europe 1944-1947 by Perry Biddiscombe