Oliver Tickell, former Editor of The Ecologist, joins Martin and Tony. The state of the world, climate change, rising CO2, but is it really as dangerous to the planet as we’re being told? – Dr Chris Busby on the 1994 Green Committee of 100 protest group back in the day, part of the Green Party. The Ethics of Non-Violent Direct Action – Depleted Uranium ammunition being supplied by UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace from the UK to Ukraine, which will cause permanent cancer and birth defects wherever it is used. – Dr Chris Busby on the assassination of Petra Kelly, head of German Green Party, over her anti nuclear stance. Prof. Ernest Sternglass, who was working closely with her, was convinced she was ‘suicided’ – Afshin Rattans interviews John Perkins, author of ‘Confessions of an Economic Hitman’, on how his book came to be secretly written and printed, and he was threatened. Mafia behind the scenes of government – Tucker Carlson was sacked off Fox News TV – possible reasons for this. Now he’s on Twitter. The fall of the Western Empire. The West vs BRICS. – Privatisation in UK by Thatcher. BBC Question Time – water company problems – should they be nationalised. Cuts to the Environment Agency. Ash Sarkar nails why water privatisation has been a disaster – Dr. John Campbell interviews sacked MP Andrew Bridgen. The role of Monarchy in a democracy. The House of Lords role. Oh dear, YouTube have removed my interview with Dr John Campbell – Be wary of King Charles III’s dangerous ambition to ‘reset’ society in the name of climate change activism – Bilderberg Conference in Lisbon next week. Who are the Bilderberg Group? Peter Manning on his father’s book ‘Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile’. ‘OP JB’ book by Christopher Creighton. – Charlie Skelton, bombing of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline was signed off at Bilderberg 4th Reich? What’s agenda Bilderberg this year? Who’s Jake Sullivan, Man Who – Assembled ‘Dream Team’ to Destroy Nord Stream? – George Ferguson, former Mayor of Bristol, joins Tony and Martin. How to be a good Mayor and run a city well. How Marvin Rees has been as Mayor. – George Monbiot on new Police Bill Public Order Bill – Rishi Sunaks War on Freedom. The coronation arrests are just the start. Police can do what they want to us now – New film about Jeremy Corbyn, ‘Oh Jeremy Corbyn: The Big Lie’, will not be shown at July’s Tolpuddle Martyrs event. Norman Thomas, the maker of the film, on how Labour democracy is dead – Moscow Victory Day – Putin’s speech. Ukraine is a victim of no trust and misunderstanding between The West and Russia. – Media has shaped the view against Russia and Putin. The 2014 Maidan Coup orchestrated by the West with dirty tactics. – NATO’s aims in the Ukraine war: 1. Inflict defeat on Russia [FAILED]; 2. Force a divide between Russia and Europe [SUCCEEDED]; 3. The Subjugation of Europe [SUCCEEDED] – Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan released after his arrest last weekend. – Russian lady Olya on intermixed Ukrainian and Russian blood, how people with family in Russia and Ukraine see the 2014 Maidan coup and subsequent war. A tragedy! – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
MP3 of Friday 12th May 2023 Show [right click to download]…
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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
Oliver Tickell, former Editor of The Ecologist, joins Martin and Tony. The state of the world, climate change, rising CO2, but is it really as dangerous to the planet as we’re being told? The Kyoto Protocol, the world’s first tentative step towards avoiding the threat of climate change, has failed. We urgently need a new course of action. In Kyoto2 the author presents us with a strikingly original new solution. Using a system of finite production rights for greenhouse gases, which would be traded by organisations on a global auction, Kyoto2 seeks to succeed where the original agreement failed. Regulated by an independent body, the funds could be poured back into healing the wounds inflicted by climate change. In his combination of idealism with realistic proposals, Tickell exposes the flaws in current approaches, and envisions a fairer and more effective system. Kyoto2 promises to banish the dejection of the post-Kyoto era, reviving hope that the cure for the crisis facing our planet is still achievable.
Dr Chris Busby on the 1994 Green Committee of 100 protest group back in the day, part of the Green Party. The Ethics of Non-Violent Direct Action – I would like to begin with a question. If you were sailing on the Titanic and were aware of the danger of a fatal collision, that is to say, you knew that the present course and speed were dangerously wrong, how would you react? Would you try to get to see the Captain to explain your fears, your analysis? Or would you position yourself as close as possible to a lifeboat and hope for the best? Or would you, perhaps, act independently and for the greater good (and your own) and slip down to the engine room to disconnect something vital? In 1992 the nuclear power station at Trawsfynydd in North Wales had been closed for a year. The station was over twenty five years old, its planned lifespan, and the welds in the reactor pressure vessel had become neutron embrittled. The proposal was to restart it and run at a higher temperature to help make the welds more ductile. The possibilities for catastrophe were infinite: meltdown would make North Wales uninhabitable and would spread radiation as far as Chernobyl. We knew that there was some pressure brought to bear on the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate. In informal conversations with anti- nuclear activists they had expressed their own misgivings and had looked to the anti-nuclear lobby to provide a back up of public support for what they wanted to do, for safety’s sake, and against the background of government needs to package and sell the nuclear industry without anyone rocking that particular boat. This, then, was one particular Titanic, in 1992. The anti-nuclear groups in Wales had demonstrated in the conventional manner. People had paraded through the streets of nearby and more distant towns, chanting and carrying banners. In spite of an opinion poll which showed 56% of the constituency opposing the restart, the Green Party candidate in the General Election, fought largely on this issue, received derisory levels of support. A decision was made to act directly: all other avenues had been tried. Green Party activists chained the inner electric security gate shut, fastening themselves to it and preventing all traffic movements in and out of the station.
Depleted Uranium ammunition being supplied by UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace from the UK to Ukraine, which will cause permanent cancer and birth defects wherever it is used. The Endless War: Iraq’s Heavy Legacy of Depleted Uranium Warning: This investigation includes graphic images some readers may find disturbing. In a remote and far village, with no paved roads, and mostly mud-brick houses, 16-year-old Ahmed Daoud goes every day to play football with his friends, in a dirt yard near the palm grove on the edge of the impoverished village of Khalil Al-Husseinawi. But the boys stopped playing for several days in April 2003 because of the heavy shelling of tank and anti-aircraft positions by the Iraqi army in the orchard and around the village (south of Diyala province) to hide from US aircrafts. After the shelling stopped, Ahmad and his friends returned to play football, and the view of the damaged tanks was not worrying for them; as long as the planes would not return to the skies of the village; but what the young players did not know was that they were dying in the palm grove, in the burning tanks bombed with depleted uranium, and in the dust they inhale running after the ball. Six months have passed since the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime, during which much has changed in Iraq, as well as in the village of Khalil Al-Husseinawi, where Ahmad lives with his family, while playing in that dirt arena, Ahmed fell to the ground, and this was his last reign with football, which he would never be able to kick and pass to his friends again. After many reviews of private hospitals and doctors’ clinics, Ahmed was found to have lymphoma, in a video we got from a special source in the Diyala Health Department archive, dating back to 2011, Ahmed appeared as his hair has fallen, and the symptoms of the disease appeared as he talks about his health, which is getting worse day by day, stressing that the doctors he consulted directly attributed the cause of cancer to radiation exposure. “Our areas came under American bombardment, and six months later I was diagnosed with this disease, I have left my studies, and we don’t have the money to get treated, I appeal to the government to help us and get me out of Iraq so that I can be treated”. With these few and tiring words, Ahmed documented his testimony and his illness. His mother said: “He was in full health before the American bombing, but after that he showed symptoms of fatigue, his feet began to get numb every now and then. Tumors appeared under his armpit, waist and chest, and he was not diagnosed with cancer early, so we could no longer do anything” Ahmad died in 2011, eight years after being diagnosed with cancer. This video was a sad testimony documenting an urgent appeal to survive, but no one heard, and the government he appealed for to help him, did not lend him a hand, and blocked the only video of him for all these years, before we found it. This story was the beginning of our investigation into the devastating effects of the use of depleted uranium weapons in the 1991 Gulf War, the so-called Desert Storm, the 2003 war that ended with the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime, and the entry of the US-led coalition into Iraq. Another video we got from private sources in the Diyala Health Department, also from the village of Khalil Al-Husseinawi, shows a group of five women with cancer, talking about the circumstances of the injury, where Sana’ Hamad says that two weeks after the bombing of US aircraft went out with other women to the field, thereafter strange symptoms began to appear on them, and when they underwent medical tests found that they had cancer….
Dr Chris Busby on the assassination of Petra Kelly, head of German Green Party, over her anti nuclear stance. Prof. Ernest Sternglass, who was working closely with her, was convinced she was ‘suicided’. Unusual deaths of political figures and protestors. Mass media narratives. Time of crisis around the world now. Who Killed Petra Kelly? January 1993 Mark Hertsgaard – The news immediately made headlines around the world, not only because Petra Kelly’s death was so dramatic but also because the life that preceded it was so widely admired. More than anyone, she personified Green consciousness, one of the ascendant social forces of the late 20th century. As a lifelong grass-roots activist, and from 1983 to 1990 as a member of the German parliament, Kelly inspired millions with her rapid-fire indictments against the ecological dangers, social injustices, and spiritual poverty of modern military-industrial civilization. She was a leading figure in the European peace and human-rights campaigns of the 1980s, mass movements that eventually resulted in the reversal of the superpower nuclear-arms race and the collapse of Soviet totalitarianism. In recognition of her enduring historical significance, The Sunday Times of London in 1991 selected Kelly as one of the “One Thousand Makers of the 20th Century,” placing her vita just before that of one of her heroes, John F. Kennedy. Impassioned, determined, selfsacrificing, Petra Kelly was a Mother Teresa with clenched fist: a nonviolent revolutionary striving tirelessly for a future where the meek really would inherit the earth. How did this extraordinary woman end up with a bullet in her brain at age 44? Was it murder? A suicide pact? A political assassination? The continuing sense of shock and confusion was readily apparent at Kelly’s funeral a week later, on October 26. Some 400 family members, friends, and admirers gathered that afternoon at Waldfriedhof, the lovely forest cemetery above the old walled city of Wurzburg, to pay their last respects. The first eulogist was Lev Kopelev, a Russian writer who had gone into exile in Germany in 1968 and been friends with Kelly and Bastian since 1982. Kopelev likened Kelly to Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., and reminded the mourners that death is part of life. But, the Russian thundered, his long gray beard quivering, “I don’t believe it was suicide. They did not leave us by their own free will!” The last person to speak that afternoon was Lukas Beckmann, a tall, hulking blond who was perhaps Kelly’s oldest and closest political ally. Like Kelly, Beckmann had been among the original group of activists who founded the German Green Party in 1980; at the first meeting, he recalled, her voice was “like a bubbling spring and her pen moved across the paper as if in flight.”
Afshin Rattans interviews John Perkins, author of ‘Confessions of an Economic Hitman’, on how his book came to be secretly written and printed, and he was threatened. Mafia behind the scenes of government and a supine press. Journalists can’t get their stories published. John Perkins is an activist and author. As a former chief economist at Boston strategic-consulting firm Chas. T. Main, Perkins says that he was an “economic hit man” for 10 years, helping U.S. intelligence agencies and multinational corporations cajole and blackmail foreign leaders into serving U.S. foreign policy and awarding lucrative contracts to American business. However, after several years struggling internally over the role he was playing in crippling foreign economies, he quit his consulting job. In the 1980s Perkins founded and directed a successful independent energy company, which he subsequently sold. Since then he has been heavily involved with non-profit organizations in Ecuador and around the world. He continues this work today, in addition to his writing. His new book, Confessions of an Economic Hitman, 3rd Edition: China’s EHM Strategy; Ways to Stop the Global Takeover, a follow-up to international best-seller Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, will be released on February 28th, 2023.
We’re back. pic.twitter.com/sG5t9gr60O
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) May 9, 2023
Tucker Carlson was sacked off Fox News TV – possible reasons for this. Now he’s on Twitter. The fall of the Western Empire. The West vs BRICS. Read Tucker Carlson’s Speech Delivered After Last Fox News Show I just want to start by saying that I’m grateful to be here, and I want to tell you why I am here. There are two specific reasons. The first and most immediate is that during this fall’s midterm elections, I got almost every single call wrong. I typically don’t weigh in on races because, you know, what do I know? I don’t actually cover politics. I’m not that interested. But this time … I thought I’ve just got to take some time off and think about why I was so unbelievably wrong. So, I went pheasant hunting. Not that it was the pheasants’ fault, but that is kind of a way to clear your head. And I wound up, because bird hunting really is, again, not good for the birds, but very good for you. And I wound up in South Dakota with Kevin [Roberts], among other people, including a couple of my college roommates. And I was just so impressed by him as a person and really having spent my life in Washington, I can tell you, if you’re not from here, the key question about anybody who runs any institution in Washington is: How false is this person? God sends messages. We can’t immediately translate all of them. So, I can’t tell you what that meant. There clearly is meaning. The point is the man who runs Heritage is not false at all. In fact, my assessment of him was, he’s completely real. He’s an honest person. He means it. He’s not playing a role. And that was so thrilling to me to see that. And by the way, it was confirmed by one of Heritage’s security people who was standing backstage with me……
Privatisation in UK by Thatcher. BBC Question Time – water company problems – should they be nationalised. Cuts to the Environment Agency. Ash Sarkar nails why water privatisation has been a disaster on BBC Question Time Private companies’ disastrous handling of our water system has been rising up the agenda in recent months. From leaky infrastructure to sewage polluting rivers and seas, the performance of the private water companies has come under increasing levels of scrutiny. The issue was discussed in depth on the latest episode of BBC Question Time, broadcast from the Sussex town of Bexhill. Defenders of the private water companies were few and far between on the show. But while some panellists and audience members called for tighter regulation of these companies, Novara Media’s Ash Sarkar took things a step further. She made the case that the private water companies should be brought into public ownership. Speaking on the panel, Sarkar said: “Privatised water companies paid out £1.4bn in shareholder dividends last year […] and 20% of your water bill is going towards shareholder profits and managing the debt for those privatised companies.” She then asked the audience: “Does that seem like a good use of your money?” The answer was a resounding no. “Do you feel you’re getting good value for your money?” Again the answer came back loud and clear as ‘no’. And finally, she asked: “Would you rather that money was going into fixing the infrastructure?” That question got a positive response. Following this, Sarkar went on to explain why privatisation of the water system is fundamentally flawed. She told the audience: “While these companies remain in private hands, there’s no incentive for them to do it. There is simply no incentive. “So Southern Water is mostly owned by an Australian investment firm and is partially owned by the American mega bank JP Morgan. So your water bills are going towards making foreign corporations rich, and because they are so fabulously rich, they can just eat up whatever fine the government decides to levy them with. “And while it would be very satisfying to see some of these CEOs in jail – and I would love it personally – what I fear is that the incentive hasn’t gone away, which is you under invest in the infrastructure, you let it crumble, because – you know – you don’t live there, you live in Manhattan or somewhere gorgeous. You don’t have to worry about the sea in Bexhill. And instead the incentive is to extract money from the system that could go towards fixing infrastructure, and you put it towards shareholder dividends.” She then went on to say that the solution to the problems facing the water system is to take the industry into public ownership. She said: “It makes financial sense at this point to bring this industry back into state control so that all of the money can go towards fixing the problems.”
Dr. John Campbell interviews sacked MP Andrew Bridgen. The role of Monarchy in a democracy. The House of Lords role. Oh dear, YouTube have removed my interview with Dr John Campbell @Johnincarlisle thankfully it is on Rumble, so you can watch it there. Many thanks to Dr John Campbell — a great and respected expert in the field of vaccines and immunology, and a true ally in our fight for justice for the injured and bereaved. It really did seem like he changed his mind. Maybe I’m not a great judge of character but he never came across as doing annoying other than reading papers and educating based on the information he could get. Oh dear, YouTube have removed my interview with Dr John Campbell @Johnincarlisle hankfully it is on Rumble, so you can watch it there. Many thanks to Dr John Campbell — a great and respected expert in the field of vaccines and immunology, and a true ally in our fight for justice for the injured and bereaved. It really did seem like he changed his mind. Maybe I’m not a great judge of character but he never came across as doing annoying other than reading papers and educating based on the information he could get.- Many thanks to Dr John Campbell — a great and respected expert in the field of vaccines and immunology, and a true ally in our fight for justice for the injured and bereaved.
Be wary of King Charles III’s dangerous ambition to ‘reset’ society in the name of climate change activism – King Charles explains why we need a Great Reset and some kind of martial law to fix climate change so life on earth ia not destroyed by pollution. Efforts to fix the ecological crisis curtailed since Ukraine war. The ‘Great Reset’ initiative, which was launched by the now-King Charles himself in June 2020, seeks to change society into a worrying form of neo-feudalism. One big question about King Charles III’s accession to the throne is whether he will finally put aside his politicking on climate change. While he was Prince of Wales, the King largely ignored the convention that royals must remain apolitical. He did, however, intimate in his speech following the late Queen Elizabeth’s passing that as King, he would put aside his advocacy. Opposition Leader Peter Dutton and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese have differing views on this. “[As] the King, he will have a responsibility to dispense his duties fairly as the Queen did… I think as the Queen conducted her business, he is there now as an impartial person,” Mr Dutton said on the ABC’s Insiders on Sunday. The Prime Minister disagreed, saying it would be “appropriate” for King Charles to remain outspoken: “Dealing with the challenge of climate change shouldn’t be seen as a political issue, it should be seen as an issue that is about humanity and about our very quality of life and survival as a world.”
Bilderberg Conference in Lisbon next week. Who are the Bilderberg Group? Peter Manning on his father’s book ‘Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile’. ‘OP JB’ book by Christopher Creighton. DID THE WORLD EVER REALLY KNOW MARTIN BORMANN? A man of indescribably vast power and the sole trustee of Hitler’s secrets after May 1, 1945, in the Berlin bunker, Bormann continues to be the most controversial, perplexing figure of our times. There are those who wish him dead and continue to claim he is; for were he to emerge, it would embarrass the governments that assisted in his escape, the industrial and financial leaders who benefited from his acumen and transferred their capital to neutral nations in the closing days of World War II, and the businessmen of four continents who profited from the 750 corporations he established through- out the world as depositories of money, patents, bearer bonds, and shares in blue chip industries of the United States and Europe. There are also those who know he is not dead, and I am among those who hold this belief. When I penetrated the silence cloaking this story, after countless interviews and labori- ous research in German and American archives for revealing documents of World War II, I knew that the Bormann saga of flight capital and his escape to South America was really true. It had been covered up by an unparalleled manipulation of pub- lic opinion and the media. The closer I got to the truth, the more quiet attention I received from the forces surrounding and protecting Martin Bormann, and also from those who had a direct interest in halting my investigation. Over the period of years it took to research this book, I was the object of diligent observation by squads of Gestapo agents dispatched from South America by General “Gestapo” Mueller, who directs all securi- ty matters for Martin Bormann, Nazi in exile, and his organization, the most remarkable business group anywhere in the secret world of today. Mueller’s interest in me, an American journalist, confirmed the truth of my many interviews and my ongoing investigation: Bormann is alive, they don’t want waves, so they have been willing to expend immense time and money in tracking me and my progress.
#Charlie Skelton on how it seems that the bombing of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline was signed off at Bilderberg. Is there a 4th Reich? What’s on agenda of Bilderberg this year? Who’s Jake Sullivan, the Man Who Reportedly Assembled ‘Dream Team’ to Destroy Nord Stream? National Security Adviser to President Biden Jake Sullivan played a prominent role in plotting the September 26, 2022, sabotage against the Russo-European Nord Stream pipelines, Pulitzer-prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh has revealed. So, who is Jake Sullivan: “the cat’s meow,” “once-in-a-generation intellect,” or a reckless hawk? “I have great respect for Hersh and his reporting and believe that Sullivan could certainly have been instrumental in pushing for and carrying out this deceitful campaign that likely has inflicted monumental damage on citizens worldwide while also sapping America’s remaining national prestige,” Wall Street analyst and investigative journalist Charles Ortel told Sputnik. In December 2021, Jake Sullivan, acting with Joe Biden’s blessing, convened men and women from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, and the State and Treasury Departments to come up with a plan on how to destruct Nord Stream 1 and 2 designed to pump Russian natural gas to Europe, according to Seymour Hersh’s recent bombshell. In early 2022, the CIA told Sullivan that they knew how to blow up the pipelines. The group decided to keep the risky plot on a hush. The US Congress wasn’t informed. The US military and intelligence operatives did their best to conceal Washington’s role in the sabotage. As per the investigative journalist, the team had concerns about the legality of the plot and was well aware that it could quickly morph into a foreign policy nightmare. After the pipelines had been destroyed, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and, later, Undersecretary for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland openly praised the development. “When any crime is committed, the immediate question to ask when seeking suspects is ‘to whose benefit?’ Not only did it benefit the US, US officials made comments before and after the pipeline’s destruction virtually confirming their role and the benefits derived,” Brian Berletic, geopolitical analyst and former US marine, told Sputnik. For his part, Jake Sullivan stated laconically on September 27, 2022, that the US was supporting efforts to investigate the “apparent sabotage” and “will continue [it’s] work to safeguard Europe’s energy security.” “Hersh’s reporting on the Nord Stream bombing is completely convincing and I know for a fact that he has reliable sources, mostly in the intelligence community, but I would rather regard Sullivan as the implementer of the attack on the pipeline by virtue of his position rather than the driving force behind it,” Philip Giraldi, former CIA station chief, now an executive director of the Council for the National Interest, told Sputnik. “To be sure, Joe Biden would have had to promote and endorse the project.”
Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit | Evolution | We are in a war between God, and Lucifer | Armageddonists I have known: George Monbiot | Nick Land
Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Accelerationism Round-Up, With End Times Prophecy Reports
George Ferguson, former Mayor of Bristol, joins Tony and Martin. How to be a good Mayor and run a city well. How Marvin Rees has been as Mayor. The Bristol Clean Air Zone. HULL, THE PLAYFUL CAROLEAN CITY – An essay written as one of many for the Royal Fine Arts Commission’s coronation publication on planning and design – As we enter the era of Charles III, the best gift for our children would be greater freedom to play, not in civic playgrounds but within and beyond their communities. Let’s liberate our city streets and spaces for those who have had so much exploration and opportunity stolen from them. The city, never perfect, used to be our playground, and must become so again. We have, throughout the Elizabethan years, slowly filled our streets with vehicles and emptied them of fun. The pushback has started with small offerings, but it seems that the short-term election cycle inhibits politicians from doing what is necessary when faced with the fury of the car lobby. It is not good enough to condemn our children to spaces left over after planning. For transformative change we need to see our towns and cities from the viewpoint of the child, as advocated by the anarchist architect Colin Ward in his 1977 book, The Child in the City. For the sake of their physical and mental health, we should put children at the heart of our urban policymaking, planning with them and for them. Encouraging starts have been made in Bristol, where residential streets have been made safe for children to play in and high streets freed on Sundays for strolling, sitting, dancing and playing. Temporary initiatives like this allow all to experience the pleasure of traffic-free environments are easily replicable. As architects, we tend to think in terms of what we can add to spaces to make them more playable, but often the greater need is to remove obstacles. Simply getting rid of the majority of vehicles from city streets and spaces opens them up to a multitude of other uses. For children to play freely they first need to be safe to roam, and to feel safe when doing so. Over the past half-century we have let the car dominate while our Dutch and Danish colleagues have prioritised walking and cycling, creating civilized streets fit for all. As Colin Ward put it, ‘a city that is really concerned with the needs of the young will make the whole environment accessible to them’. While we should strive to make our villages, towns and cities more beautiful, while we should protect our historic buildings, spaces and skylines, we must do so in a way that makes them more welcoming.
George Monbiot on new Police Bill Public Order Bill – Rishi Sunaks War on Freedom. The coronation arrests are just the start. Police can do what they want to us now by George Monbiot – Draconian new powers allow the police to shut down every form of effective protest. It’s a green light for even greater abuses- The more unequal a society becomes, the more oppressive its laws must be. This, I think, explains new acts that would not be out of place in a police state. So vague and broad are the powers granted to the police under last year’s Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act and this year’s Public Order Act that it is no longer clear where their abuse begins and ends. At two o’clock on the morning of the coronation, the Metropolitan police, using the Police Act, arrested three people in Soho for carrying rape alarms. The police claimed they were acting on intelligence that rape alarms might be used to frighten the horses that would later be parading elsewhere. The people they arrested were volunteers working for Westminster city council as “Night Stars”, helping to stop the sexual harassment of women. They give rape alarms to women who might need them. The alarms are funded by the Home Office. Night Stars volunteers wear pink tabards emblazoned with the logo of their partner organisation … the Metropolitan police. Yet the three volunteers who were arrested were cuffed for three hours and held for 14 before being released on bail.
New film about Jeremy Corbyn, ‘Oh Jeremy Corbyn: The Big Lie’, will not be shown at July’s Tolpuddle Martyrs event. Norman Thomas, the maker of the film, on how Labour democracy is dead. Criticism of a hard core Zionist agenda often called anti Semitic. Peter Lazenby Radical films pulled from Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival – A PROGRAMME of radical films planned for the Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival in July has been cancelled because festival organisers would not allow the showing of a film about the persecution of former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. The film, Oh Jeremy Corbyn The Big Lie, has been shown at more than 100 cinemas and other venues in Britain. It was one of a programme of radical films due to be shown at the Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival on the weekend of July 14, 15 and 16. The film’s producer, Norman Thomas, said South West region TUC, which organises the festival, claimed to have received threats of “severe disruption” if the film is screened and has decided it should not be shown. As a result of the decision, organisers of the film screenings have called off the whole programme on principle. Mr Thomas dismissed the threat of disruption as “utter nonsense” and said it was “just an excuse for blatant censorship” by South West TUC. He said: “The film simply provides a view of the Labour Party that the festival organisers don’t want shown. “The film tells a story that the present Labour Party hierarchy wants suppressed at all costs. “I believe TUC South West is guilty of an utterly unfair and unjust act which is a stain on the labour movement.” The film is narrated by Alexei Sayle and has contributions from film-maker Ken Loach who has been expelled from the Labour Party.
Moscow Victory Day – Putin’s speech. Ukraine is a victim of no trust and misunderstanding between The West and Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday at Moscow’s Red Square Victory Day parade that the world was at a “turning point” and claimed a “war” had been unleashed against Russia. He vowed victory and said Russia’s future “rests on” its soldiers fighting in Ukraine. The traditional Soviet-style event celebrating Moscow’s victory over the Nazis took place amid security fears, 15 months into Russia’s Ukraine offensive. In Victory Day Speech, Putin Says Russia’s ‘Future’ Depends on Troops in Ukraine Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a combative speech Tuesday attacking the West and claiming that Russia’s future depended on the outcome of the war in Ukraine as he attended a slimmed-down military parade on Red Square to mark Victory Day. “Civilization again finds itself at a decisive, critical moment. A real war has again been launched against our motherland,” Putin told the assembled soldiers and guests. “We are proud of the participants of the Special Military Operation and everyone fighting on the frontline,” he said, using the Kremlin’s preferred term for Russia’s war in Ukraine. “There is nothing more important now than your military work. Today, the security of our country depends on you. The future of our statehood and our people depends on you.” While the military parade passed off without incident, Russia’s celebrations to mark the 78th anniversary of the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazism have been muted because of heightened security concerns following a drone attack on the Kremlin last week and intense fighting in Ukraine ahead of an imminent counter-offensive by Kyiv’s forces. The Kremlin has traditionally used Victory Day a national holiday for bombastic events that promote patriotic unity and showcase the country’s military might. But military parades have been canceled in over 20 Russian cities this year and not a single Immortal Regiment march held in memory of those killed in World War II and usually attended by millions will take place.
Media has shaped the view against Russia and Putin. The 2014 Maidan Coup orchestrated by the West with dirty tactics. The court case in Kyiv about the Maidan coup. It’s not Russia that’s pushed Ukraine to the brink of war – The attempt to lever Kiev into the western camp by ousting an elected leader made conflict certain. It could be a threat to us all – The threat of war in Ukraine is growing. As the unelected government in Kiev declares itself unable to control the rebellion in the country’s east, John Kerry brands Russia a rogue state. The US and the European Union step up sanctions against the Kremlin, accusing it of destabilising Ukraine. The White House is reported to be set on a new cold war policy with the aim of turning Russia into a “pariah state”. That might be more explicable if what is going on in eastern Ukraine now were not the mirror image of what took place in Kiev a couple of months ago. Then, it was armed protesters in Maidan Square seizing government buildings and demanding a change of government and constitution. US and European leaders championed the “masked militants” and denounced the elected government for its crackdown, just as they now back the unelected government’s use of force against rebels occupying police stations and town halls in cities such as Slavyansk and Donetsk. “America is with you,” Senator John McCain told demonstrators then, standing shoulder to shoulder with the leader of the far-right Svoboda party as the US ambassador haggled with the state department over who would make up the new Ukrainian government. When the Ukrainian president was replaced by a US-selected administration, in an entirely unconstitutional takeover, politicians such as William Hague brazenly misled parliament about the legality of what had taken place: the imposition of a pro-western government on Russia’s most neuralgic and politically divided neighbour.
NATO’s aims in the Ukraine war: 1. Inflict defeat on Russia [FAILED]; 2. Force a divide between Russia and Europe [SUCCEEDED]; 3. The Subjugation of Europe [SUCCEEDED] Military Situation In Donbass On May 13, 2023 (Map Update) Russian artillery struck the AFU positions near Ivanivske; Russian artillery struck the AFU positions near Avdeevka; Russian artillery struck the AFU positions near Ugledar; The Russian Army destroyed an ammo depot of the AFU near Avdeevka; The AFU advanced in the north of Bakhmut and pushed back the Russian Army from the Chasov Yar-Bakhmut road; Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in the western parts of Bakhmut city; Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in Mariinka; Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue near Ugledar; Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue near Pervomaiske; Up to 75 Ukrainian servicemen, 3 armored vehicles, 3 pickups were destroyed by Russian artillery on Krasniy-Liman front, according to the Russian MOD; Up to 900 Ukrainian servicemen, 7 motor vehicles, 30 armored vehicles, 2 howitzers were destroyed by Russian artillery on Donetsk front, according to the Russian MOD; Up to 110 Ukrainian servicemen, 2 motor vehicles, a Gvozdika artillery system were destroyed by Russian artillery in South Donetsk and Zaporozhye region, according to the Russian MOD.
Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan released after his arrest last weekend. Pakistan ex-PM Imran Khan returns home after arrest and riots – Defiant Pakistan ex-PM Imran Khan calls for more protests – – Pakistan’s former prime minister Imran Khan on Saturday called for supporters to hold nationwide neighbourhood protests, days after clashes between his followers and security forces triggered by his arrest. – The one-time cricket superstar — who has been tied up in dozens of legal cases since being ousted from power in April last year — was freed on bail on Friday after his detention was declared unlawful by the Supreme Court. Enraged by the arrest, supporters set fire to government buildings, blocked roads and damaged property belonging to the military, which they blame for Khan’s downfall. “Freedom does not come easily. You have to snatch it. You have to sacrifice for it,” he said in an address broadcast on YouTube. He called for his supporters to hold protests “at the end of your streets and villages” across the country on Sunday, and announced a return to campaigning on Wednesday for immediate elections. For months, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader has waged a campaign of defiance against the military. His arrest on Tuesday came just hours after he was rebuked for claiming senior officials were involved in an assassination attempt against him last year. – – – – – -Former prime minister Imran Khan after his court appearance spoke to media where he mentioned that he was taken from court like a ‘terrorist’, and mentioned that he said that he was beaten with sticks in the head. He also distanced from the brutal clashes, saying how can he ordered party workers to hit streets while being in police custody. He however told his followers to protest peacefully and refrain from vandalism.
Russian lady Olya on intermixed Ukrainian and Russian blood, how people with family in Russia and Ukraine see the 2014 Maidan coup and subsequent war. A tragedy! Let’s Talk About (The) War, Stroud Freedom Group discuss the Ukraine War @ Centre for Science & Arts. First, our group uses a variety of names for different actions, enabling us to avoid the old patriarchal politics of ownership and control, and allowing us all the freedom to pursue our initiatives without top-down control. In the spirit of bottom-up responsibility-taking, we therefore ask those joining our movement to create new names for actions or campaigns that they initiate. Moreover, no single-issue, identity- or party-politics is either pushed or brought into our actions. The over-arching motivation underpinning all our actions and work is for the full restoration of liberties, freedoms and rights. Our group does not organise publicly linked actions with other pressure groups or established political parties; this is to avoid shared names and mantras which can obscure and mystify far more than they reveal. In our meetings we try to avoid, and we actively sideline, the old party-political paradigm and associated Machiavellian power-games (one reason why we might not be popular in certain establishment circles, we suspect). We therefore welcome everyone to work with us, regardless of previous political labels, affiliations or work. In all our activities we will always work to maintain free speech, freedom of thought and expression, and to accept that we are a coalition of very different people from every kind of class, and occupational and minority background. We place respect for difference at the heart of our work, and to this end, there is no toleration of bullying, verbal or physical abuse, hate speech or intimidation towards other attendees at meetings or amongst those working with us. With basic human rights and freedoms currently under unprecedented and sustained attack and curtailment, it is essential that citizens actively stand up for and defend those freedoms – and especially when they are being eroded under highly questionable pretexts. To date we have found that a considerable number of local citizens share our concerns – and are actually greatly relieved when they discover that it’s not just them questioning recent developments, and that there are others who retain an open, critically inquiring mind about recent events, rather than unquestioningly believing whatever mainstream narrative we are being fed.
Radio4All download pages
[right click to download]
#1 – Complete 3hr 30min show – [right click to download]
Full interviews with…
#2 – Andrew Bridgen MP interview by Dr John Campbell removed by YouTube 00:30:00
#3 – Norman Thomas SWTUC Tolpuddle ban Oh Jeremy Corbyn The Big Lie (2023) 00:30:00
#4 – Dr Chris Busby on 1994 Green Committee of 100 Petra Kelly pesticides and 1995 St Georges Hill action 00:20:00
#5 – Russian President Putin delivers Victory Day address to nation from the Red Square (2023) 00:10:00

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only by station manager Pat Hart, ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020. Bristol Community FM (BCfm) charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. Now on Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down and pro-Covid jab mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ himself, here.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
Now he’s King, it’s maybe time to remind ourselves of some of Charlie’s climate predictions!
Deadly Drax.
The USA chops down healthy trees to turn into wood pellets. During this process poor people who live near the plant are being systematically poisoned. All in order to provide the UK with biomass. Which is then shipped across the Atlantic in oil powered tankers. This process is deemed ‘green’ enough to burn in our biggest power station to generate ever more in demand electricity. Drax – a power station built on top of a coal field and a pack of lies.
“The Biggest ‘Renewable’ Power Plant in the UK Burns Wood Processed in Poor, Black Communities in the US | Novara Media” https://novaramedia.com/2023/05/10/the-biggest-renewable-power-plant-in-the-uk-burns-wood-processed-in-poor-black-communities-in-the-us/